Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: roo_ster on January 19, 2007, 04:46:01 AM

Title: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: roo_ster on January 19, 2007, 04:46:01 AM

Yesterday, Nathaniel Abraham was a convicted murderer. Today he greets the morning a free man celebrating his 21st birthday -- with a furnished Bay City apartment paid for by Michigan taxpayers.

Abraham -- a felon released Thursday -- is being given free services through a Foster Care Demonstration Project. The pilot program is designed to help Wayne County foster care children who are phased out of the system at age 18 but still need the support of the state.

After a jury convicted Abraham of second-degree murder, Judge Eugene Arthur Moore rejected any adult punishment and sentenced the young killer to eight years of juvenile detention with a mandated release at age 21.

During those years, Abraham earned his GED and began college classes but continued to struggle with anger management and bucking authority figures.
"Anger management" and "anger issues" are the refuge of self-absorbed bungholes and sociopaths.  Anything to shift responsibility.

Abraham, who arrived at Oakland Circuit Court on Thursday wearing a black fur coat, ivory fedora hat and ivory and hot-pink pinstriped suit with matching pink tie and shoes, left through a back door of the courthouse.
'Cause he wanted to be inconspicuous.

Yet another case of, "You can't make this sh!t up."
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: thumbody on January 19, 2007, 06:11:19 AM
Ain't it great!
My daughters school has cut about 10 teaching positions this year because the state has cut funding,Yet MY tax dollars must go to pay for a MURDERER to go to college. And to pay his rent and food.
But we must feel sorry for him because  (Whiny ass Geoffrey Fieger voice\)"He's just a little boooyyy"(whiny ass Geoffrey Fieger voice /)
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: Sindawe on January 19, 2007, 06:30:21 AM
Providing support and assistance as he transitions from a life in confinement to a life of relative freedom I can understand, but NOT for a full college education.  And by the Gods, could'nt they have taught him a little fashion sense while he was confined?

Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 19, 2007, 06:35:54 AM
He killed someone he didn't like, he got away with it, he's convinced society to pay for his living expenses and give him a college education, he dressed like a clown gets his picture in the papers...

Admit it.  This dude is smarter than we are.
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: thumbody on January 19, 2007, 06:43:02 AM
This dude is smarter than we are.
About 13 yrs ago a coworker was very upset because he was paying for his daughters tuition while her boyfriend had all his tuition payed to help rehabilitate him after he was convicted of selling marijuana.
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: cosine on January 19, 2007, 07:24:31 AM
He killed someone he didn't like, he got away with it, he's convinced society to pay for his living expenses and give him a college education, he dressed like a clown gets his picture in the papers...

Admit it.  This dude is smarter than we are.

Still, it's hard not to get riled up when some less-than-deserving entity is milking the system for all it's worth while others do all the hard work and still won't get it as good as he got it.
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 19, 2007, 11:08:23 AM
What's wrong with wearing the suit?  Pink isn't my thing but there's nothing intrinsically wrong with a 4 button DB.  Blue and black are not the only colors out there.  As for the hat, I happen to wear fedora's daily.  Again, not cream with pink, but if you are gonna wear a suit you might as well finish it off with a bit of class.

I know he was going "pimp style" but tone it down just a bit and at least he was properly dressed.

If he paid for it himself, so be it.  As far as the free services, the travesty will be if the apartment assistance goes beyond the security deposit and first month's rent.  As for college, if this yahoo ends up going back to prison the taxpayers will be out more than the cost of state school tuition.

Aren't we the folks who say once you've paid your debt you should be back to square one?  A couple grand in housing assistance isn't out of bounds for someone who needs time to find a job.

I'm not in favor of it all, wouldn't tolerate it in my fair city, but how does what he's getting compare to the other post-release programs they do?
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: CAnnoneer on January 19, 2007, 02:53:12 PM
One of the ways liberals use our money to feel better about themselves...

Anyhow, that pinkopimp will either take advantage of the opportunity and make something out of himself, or he will end up in jail again. My money is on the latter.
Title: Re: State Pays Convicted Murderer's Housing, College Expenses
Post by: Standing Wolf on January 19, 2007, 03:45:45 PM
He'll be back in prison before long.