Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ben on June 25, 2018, 11:36:59 AM

Title: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Ben on June 25, 2018, 11:36:59 AM
Maxine Waters is calling for the public (AKA "the mob") to harass all Trump Administration personnel. This happened over the weekend. I would have expected something to come up regarding some type of censure regarding this. Calls for her resignation would not be out of order. Yet I have heard of no steps (other than griping and "condemnation") from any of her colleagues in congress.

This is the kind of thing that will lead to another Scalise type shooting. If someone on Trump's staff ends up getting killed, bringing some degree of manslaughter charges against Waters would not be out of bounds, IMHO.

Again, imagine if it were the previous administration this was done to. For that matter, and I could be wrong, but I don't think there were these type of mob situations with the Tea Party were there? Lois Lerner is the only one who comes to mind being harassed in this way by conservatives.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 25, 2018, 12:33:54 PM
This is getting really ugly really fast.

I'm not liking it.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: brimic on June 25, 2018, 12:36:22 PM
Imagine how ugly it is in other universes where Hillary got elected.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 25, 2018, 12:43:19 PM
Imagine how ugly it is in other universes where Hillary got elected.

That's not ugly .... just depressing. :O
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 25, 2018, 01:25:21 PM
Remember when a Missouri state legislator hoped for a presidential assassination? Yeah, she got censured, but she's still in office.

I don't object to what Waters was calling for, actually, but "the mob" should pick better targets - pro-abortion legislators, for example.

Shaming and shunning are non-coercive. They're not big-government solutions. It's the market at work.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: dogmush on June 25, 2018, 01:32:42 PM
The scene on The Mall after the Midterms:
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: HankB on June 25, 2018, 01:33:14 PM
Not to Godwin this thread . . . but it sure seems as if Ms. Waters is calling for the same type of harassment that Hitler's brownshirts directed against the nazi party's political opponents early on, before Hitler actually became der Fuehrer.

Didn't Mussolini's Fascist goons do much the same?
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: RoadKingLarry on June 25, 2018, 01:34:55 PM
I fear that someday they will get the actions they are calling for. I don't think it will go the way they imagine it will.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Ben on June 25, 2018, 01:35:59 PM
Shaming and shunning are non-coercive. They're not big-government solutions. It's the market at work.

I have to disagree with this.  I guess shunning is fine. You don't have to like people with different views or even talk with them. Mobbing people and yelling at them when they are out and about on their daily business, especially when it is "off the clock" personal time, is unacceptable. How about when they're out with their kids? Is it okay to have shrieking SJWs yelling at and scaring kids too?

Plus what Waters and others are doing is fanning the flames in such a way that there will be some people who interpret this stuff as "physically attack" or "Throw rocks through house windows". Or potentially worse.

Recall we have had discussions here pretty much affirming that if, for instance, your car is surrounded by nutjobs (such as BLM riots), you can probably consider your well-being in jeopardy and use your car to defend yourself. I f we consider that type of a behavior a threat to us, it should be for politicians as well, regardless of their politics. No one should be subjected to threatening behavior that impedes their ability to do something as innocuous as going to the store for a gallon of milk.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 25, 2018, 02:29:59 PM
Remember when a Missouri state legislator hoped for a presidential assassination? Yeah, she got censured, but she's still in office.

I don't object to what Waters was calling for, actually, but "the mob" should pick better targets - pro-abortion legislators, for example.

Shaming and shunning are non-coercive.  
They're not big-government solutions. It's the market at work.

Wrong ....  seriously wrong.   OK, shunning is one thing, but shaming is a lousy vicious action.  As a prior poster alluded to, it is Naziesque in its design. 
And I fear a dangerous portend of the future.
Violent nonsense tends to escalate .... and this type of political  stuff especially so, In my opinion.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: makattak on June 25, 2018, 03:32:13 PM
I fear that someday they will get the actions they are calling for. I don't think it will go the way they imagine it will.

They already have. And it stopped the rhetoric for about a week, right until it appeared Steve Scalise was going to pull through.

And then it was back to calling all Republicans racist* Nazi homophobic monsters.

*(Oh, sorry, its White Supremacist now, because they've turned the "RACIST" cry into a joke.)
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Ben on June 25, 2018, 05:31:59 PM
Now a decapitated, burned animal has been left on the doorstep of a Homeland Security official in DC. Seems like "overzealousness" is already starting.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 25, 2018, 06:15:55 PM
Wrong ....  seriously wrong.   OK, shunning is one thing, but shaming is a lousy vicious action.  As a prior poster alluded to, it is Naziesque in its design. 
And I fear a dangerous portend of the future.
Violent nonsense tends to escalate .... and this type of political  stuff especially so, In my opinion.

What do you think shaming means?

As I've pointed out here before, the Patriot movement of the 1770s used tactics that included violent assault and property damage. You might keep that in mind, when making your Nazi comparisons.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 25, 2018, 06:18:16 PM
I have to disagree with this.  I guess shunning is fine. You don't have to like people with different views or even talk with them. Mobbing people and yelling at them when they are out and about on their daily business, especially when it is "off the clock" personal time, is unacceptable. How about when they're out with their kids? Is it okay to have shrieking SJWs yelling at and scaring kids too?

Plus what Waters and others are doing is fanning the flames in such a way that there will be some people who interpret this stuff as "physically attack" or "Throw rocks through house windows". Or potentially worse.

Recall we have had discussions here pretty much affirming that if, for instance, your car is surrounded by nutjobs (such as BLM riots), you can probably consider your well-being in jeopardy and use your car to defend yourself. I f we consider that type of a behavior a threat to us, it should be for politicians as well, regardless of their politics. No one should be subjected to threatening behavior that impedes their ability to do something as innocuous as going to the store for a gallon of milk.

I didn't say, and I don't think Waters said, that children should be involved. But, the death toll from abortion in this country is in the tens of millions. How far is too far, in protesting and shaming the people in charge?
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: French G. on June 25, 2018, 07:12:35 PM
Maxine is nuts and IBTL.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 25, 2018, 07:40:51 PM
What do you think shaming means?

As I've pointed out here before, the Patriot movement of the 1770s used tactics that included violent assault and property damage. You might keep that in mind, when making your Nazi comparisons.

I've already heard people on talk-radio call in shows explaining exactly how they would react to such  shaming tactics.

The Colonists in the late 18th century were resisting a British tyranny.   It seems to me they employed a few more violent tactics in resisting King George .... like waging a violent war against the largest Army  in the world at the time.
Tossing a bit of tea in Boston Harbor was amateur hour by comparison.

And the violent street thugs in Germany, the fights between Communist and Socialist (and Antifasciste Aktion --yea they were there too)  also brought Das Dritte Reich and Hitler to power and thus WW2 and Europe's near destruction.  
I'd really prefer not see a repeat of either in this country.  Wars tend to be destructive. ;)
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 25, 2018, 08:40:08 PM
I've already heard people on talk-radio call in shows explaining exactly how they would react to such shaming tactics.

What shaming tactics do you mean? What do you think shaming is?

What I'm thinking is that, ideally, public figures who promote truly egregious policies would be recognized wherever they go, and would be confronted, peacefully. They would also find that no one wants to associate with them. It is a peaceful, non-governmental means for the public to participate in public policy.

The Colonists in the late 18th century were resisting a British tyranny.   It seems to me they employed a few more violent tactics in resisting King George .... like waging a violent war against the largest Army  in the world at the time.
Tossing a bit of tea in Boston Harbor was amateur hour by comparison.

And the violent street thugs in Germany, the fights between Communist and Socialist (and Antifasciste Aktion --yea they were there too)  also brought Das Dritte Reich and Hitler to power and thus WW2 and Europe's near destruction.  
I'd really prefer not see a repeat of either in this country.  Wars tend to be destructive. ;)

Blah, blah. The point I was making is that various forms of protest or "shaming" are not at all limited to Nazis, or other evil regimes.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: p12 on June 25, 2018, 10:26:34 PM
This *expletive deleted*it is not going to end well. Drudge headlines if real are looking pretty bleak.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Boomhauer on June 25, 2018, 10:39:48 PM
Speaking of drudge if you scrolled down...California is looking to create a Ministry of Truth aka a “Fake News Advisory Group”

They want a civil war pretty bad
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 25, 2018, 10:55:58 PM
In case anyone gets the wrong idea, I am not proposing or defending anything illegal here. If you interpret my comments in that way, then you misunderstand me.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 25, 2018, 11:46:53 PM
What shaming tactics do you mean? What do you think shaming is?

What I'm thinking is that, ideally, public figures who promote truly egregious policies would be recognized wherever they go, and would be confronted, peacefully. They would also find that no one wants to associate with them. It is a peaceful, non-governmental means for the public to participate in public policy.

Blah, blah. The point I was making is that various forms of protest or "shaming" are not at all limited to Nazis, or other evil regimes.

Yea blah blah.  I was trying to make a point.  If I knew you already had one on the top of your head,  I would   saved my effort. 
Yea ----SNARK!   But if you don't get how things like what we're discussing can lead to violence then it's well deserved.   
Just what "public policies"  do you really believe justify the kind of idiot virtue signaling that the owner of the Red Hen Restaurant brought to bear against Sarah Huckabee?   
Do you really think Maxine Waters' diatribes urging protests against govt. employees can't lead to violence?
That's  a lot more than "shaming"  in my humble opinion -- which is crass and disgusting enough as it is.

I'd like to know what egregious policies you believe are in force by the government now.   Sure, the policy of separating parents and children was wrong,  but it's been reversed.   The people whining loudest about it were silent when Obama actually separated far more families than the Trump Administration did,  thus exposing the great hypocrisy behind this.

As for participating in public policy,  we call that VOTING.  You are also free to send letters to your senators and representatives,  and some actually stoop to public forums .... especially as elections draw near.
And one can also run for office oneself.

This shaming stuff is vicious fascist bullcr@p  and  no one ought condone it.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 26, 2018, 02:22:01 AM

Yea blah blah.  I was trying to make a point.  If I knew you already had one on the top of your head,  I would   saved my effort. 
Yea ----SNARK!   But if you don't get how things like what we're discussing can lead to violence then it's well deserved.   

I'm not talking about anything that encourages or incites violence.

Just what "public policies"  do you really believe justify the kind of idiot virtue signaling that the owner of the Red Hen Restaurant brought to bear against Sarah Huckabee? 

For the record, I'm opposed to idiot virtue signaling. And idiots.

Do you really think Maxine Waters' diatribes urging protests against govt. employees can't lead to violence?

Maxine Waters is of the pro-violence party, so yes. That's why I said they aim at the wrong targets. They promote violence against children, and frustrate efforts to combat violence.

That's  a lot more than "shaming"  in my humble opinion -- which is crass and disgusting enough as it is.

You still won't explain what you mean by that. If it's just someone shouting, "Shame on you, you should be ashamed," then what is your problem with it? Is it crass and disgusting to call out public officials for bringing shame to their office? Why?

I'd like to know what egregious policies you believe are in force by the government now. 
I've already mentioned one in this thread. And we give tax money to the people that carry it out.

As for participating in public policy,  we call that VOTING.  You are also free to send letters to your senators and representatives,  and some actually stoop to public forums .... especially as elections draw near.
And one can also run for office oneself.

Public protest is also a legitimate form of politicking. Have you heard of it?

This shaming stuff is vicious fascist bullcr@p  and  no one ought condone it.
Calm down, and read a history book.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: HankB on June 26, 2018, 09:51:41 AM
I wonder how Maxine Waters would react to being heckled every time she showed up at a restaurant . . . or department store . . . or supermarket . . . or movie theater . . .
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: makattak on June 26, 2018, 09:53:14 AM
I wonder how Maxine Waters would react to being heckled every time she showed up at a restaurant . . . or department store . . . or supermarket . . . or movie theater . . .

She'd cry racism.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 26, 2018, 10:24:36 AM
I'm not talking about anything that encourages or incites violence.

For the record, I'm opposed to idiot virtue signaling. And idiots.

Maxine Waters is of the pro-violence party, so yes. That's why I said they aim at the wrong targets. They promote violence against children, and frustrate efforts to combat violence.

You still won't explain what you mean by that. If it's just someone shouting, "Shame on you, you should be ashamed," then what is your problem with it? Is it crass and disgusting to call out public officials for bringing shame to their office? Why?

I've already mentioned one in this thread. And we give tax money to the people that carry it out.

Public protest is also a legitimate form of politicking. Have you heard of it?

 Calm down, and read a history book.

1.  I have read plenty of history books.  Your sanctimonious attitude is noted.
2.  What happened in the restaurant against Sarah Huckabee was not "public protest" --- an activity that I am very aware of,  and support if it's peaceful.  The restaurant thing WAS NOT PEACEFUL and was, atleast, "disturbing the peace."
3.  Shaming is what was done in that restaurant.  I have a serious disconnect with your inference Ms.  Huckabee "brought shame to her office",  or anyone else.    Disagreeing with govt policy, or agenda does not equate to "bringing shame."  If that is your intent then your position is absurd.  
I  would suggest that such a charge be equated to committing criminal acts,  or other acts of malfeasance in office.  As an example, President Clinton and his actions with Monica,  his intern.   That, I would agree, brings "shame" to the Oval office.

You may not be talking about anything that encourages violence.
I was.
The problem as I see it is I think this "shaming" stuff  seriously risks violence.   It doesn't seem to me you believe that,  or if you do,  you haven't been sufficiently clear.  There's a lot going on out there which doesn't involve Maxine Waters,  such as a Florida office holder being spat on. That's disgusting,  and it also can be prosecuted as assault.
I'm glad you've got Ms. Waters categorized correctly,  but there much more to this than her obsessive compulsive disorders.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: K Frame on June 26, 2018, 10:25:04 AM
She'd cry racism.

Of course she would. Just as she claimed that opposition to Obama's plans was simple racism, nothing more.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: RocketMan on June 26, 2018, 01:50:14 PM
Congresswoman Maxine Waters starring in "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdumb".

I wish I could claim credit for the above.  Saw it in a cartoon gif on another site.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 26, 2018, 06:24:55 PM
1.  I have read plenty of history books.  

Were those the books about Nazi restaurant owners asking members of the rival party to leave? Or as it's known to history - the Holocaust.

2.  What happened in the restaurant against Sarah Huckabee was not "public protest" --- an activity that I am very aware of,  and support if it's peaceful.  The restaurant thing WAS NOT PEACEFUL and was, atleast, "disturbing the peace."

I'm not sure what you're talking about, unless it's the still-unconfirmed hearsay from Mike Huckabee. Sarah Sanders' and the restaurant's owner both said the Press Sec. was asked to leave, and did so without incident.

And I've already disavowed illegal activity, so...

3.  Shaming is what was done in that restaurant.

And as far as we know, it was legal, peaceful, and within the business owner's rights.

I have a serious disconnect with your inference Ms.  Huckabee "brought shame to her office",  or anyone else.    Disagreeing with govt policy, or agenda does not equate to "bringing shame."  If that is your intent then your position is absurd.  

You'll be glad to know that none of that is my position. I don't think Sanders has anything to be ashamed of, and of course the outrage over the border issues is misplaced.

I  would suggest that such a charge be equated to committing criminal acts,  or other acts of malfeasance in office.  As an example, President Clinton and his actions with Monica,  his intern.   That, I would agree, brings "shame" to the Oval office.

I was thinking more along the lines of politicians who refuse to stop the murder of unborn children. Which, incidentally, seems more Nazi-like to me, than anything Maxine Waters said, or anything the Red Hen lady did.

You may not be talking about anything that encourages violence.
I was.
The problem as I see it is I think this "shaming" stuff  seriously risks violence.   It doesn't seem to me you believe that,  or if you do,  you haven't been sufficiently clear.  There's a lot going on out there which doesn't involve Maxine Waters,  such as a Florida office holder being spat on. That's disgusting,  and it also can be prosecuted as assault.
I'm glad you've got Ms. Waters categorized correctly,  but there much more to this than her obsessive compulsive disorders.

Marching in the streets, a la Ferguson, can also turn violent. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his followers also marched in the streets, yet without violence (other than the violence unleashed upon them). Or, compare the "Disrupt J20" gathering to a Tea Party event. It's almost as if, if your goals are peaceful, your conduct tends to be peaceful.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 26, 2018, 07:11:50 PM

The restaurant owner asked Sarah Sanders to leave.    She did.  I never said any laws or rights were violated.   What YOU ARE LEAVING OUT is the much reported fact that the restaurant owner followed her out to another nearby restaurant,  called a bunch of ...apparently .... friends,  who showed up and started the very loud disruption some call "shaming."

The rest of your points I shall not address save that they seem pretty reasonable within their limited context.

*  If you are serious about books about Hitler/The Third Reich  there are two  I can suggest, first,  and I presume you know this,  is THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH.  It's pretty well known, and nothing more need be said
The  other is titled  ADOLF HITLER THE PSYCHOPATHIC GOD.  THE author,  Robert (?) Waite,  provides an interesting and insightful psychological profile of Hitler,  along with a brief background on German History to provide some context.
Also of some interest is HITLERLAND, Andrew Nagorski,  drawn from reflections of Americans who lived in Germany during the mid to late 1920s through the 1930s.

Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 26, 2018, 07:45:51 PM
Gawd almighty you can be an ass.

If I jumped up and down, and called people Nazis for no good reason, would that be better?

The restaurant owner asked Sarah Sanders to leave.    She did.  I never said any laws or rights were violated.
You explicitly said it. You said it was not peaceful, and was "disturbing the peace." Or were you unaware that disturbance of the peace is a crime?

  What YOU ARE LEAVING OUT is the much reported fact that the restaurant owner followed her out to another nearby restaurant,  called a bunch of ...apparently .... friends,  who showed up and started the very loud disruption some call "shaming."

No, I did not leave it out. That's what I referred to as the "still-unconfirmed hearsay from Mike Huckabee." As far as I know, the only evidence we have that the family was followed by anyone is that Mike Huckabee, who was not there, says the family told him so. So it could have happened. It may not have. It might have been the restaurant owner. It may not have been.

Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 26, 2018, 11:04:59 PM
The disturbing the peace happened outside.  Actually Sarah Huckabee had left and only her companions went to a nearby *   restaurant,  then the owner of the first restaurant started a group that disrupted Sarahs friends at the second restaurant.  This has been reported by several sources and is no longer a rumor ....if it ever was one.
Just because it was initially reported by Mike Huckabee (not generally noted for rumor mongering)  doesn't show it is only, merely,  a rumor.

*This part of the sentence has been edited to make more sense as is,  not to alter meaning.  My tablet's spell check function has become demented and has done some truly bizarre things recently.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 27, 2018, 01:06:32 AM
The disturbing the peace happened outside.  Actually Sarah Huckabee had left and only her companions went to a se on restaurant,  then the owner of the first restaurant started a group that disrupted Sarahs friends at the second restaurant.  This has been reported by several sources and is no longer a rumor ....if it ever was one.
Just because it was initially reported by Mike Huckabee (not generally noted for rumor mongering)  doesn't show it is only, merely,  a rumor.

I didn't say it was a rumor, or that Huckabee was intentionally spreading false information. It's hearsay, because he was not there at the time.

Every source I've found for this is relying solely on Mike Huckabee.

Update: John Roberts, of Fox News, has reported it. Unfortunately, I still don't know if he has a source other than Mr. Huckabee.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 27, 2018, 01:46:56 AM

Maybe she took a second vote of her employees, and they voted for her to stalk them.

Democracy in action.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: MechAg94 on June 27, 2018, 09:52:55 AM
There was another Trump admin official who was shouted at by a group in a restaurant recently also.  I believe that was the group that included an admin staffer.  I have no issue if they wanted to protest outside, I thought going inside to private property to do the protesting was crossing a line. 

I believe it was a Bush administration guy some years back that had union people protesting outside his house.  I recall a mob of union officials broke down the door of the home of another official who was not home.  His teenage kid was home. 
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 27, 2018, 10:36:59 AM

I didn't say it was a rumor, or that Huckabee was intentionally spreading false information. It's hearsay, because he was not there at the time.

Every source I've found for this is relying solely on Mike Huckabee.

Update: John Roberts, of Fox News, has reported it. Unfortunately, I still don't know if he has a source other than Mr. Huckabee.

I may be wrong on this,  but it seems to me that the owner of the Red Barn actually stated in an interview that she actually did pretty much exactly what Mr. Huckabee said she'D done.
That Mr. Huckabee stated what he was told doesn't make it "hearsay,"  a legal term relating to how testimonial evidence may be introduced into a court record.   
It does mean that a good reporter ought to vet it, and to atleast try to find a secondary and possibly tertiary confirming source.  Or at the least,  attribute it to the individual making the claim with a caveat about how it was obtained.

I will say I choose to believe Mr.  Huckabee,  until actual proof that he is either wrong,  or has lied about this.  I do not always agree with his politics,  but I do consider him an honorable person.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 27, 2018, 11:21:35 AM

I may be wrong on this,  but it seems to me that the owner of the Red Barn actually stated in an interview that she actually did pretty much exactly what Mr. Huckabee said she'D done.
That Mr. Huckabee stated what he was told doesn't make it "hearsay,"  a legal term relating to how testimonial evidence may be introduced into a court record.   
It does mean that a good reporter ought to vet it, and to atleast try to find a secondary and possibly tertiary confirming source.  Or at the least,  attribute it to the individual making the claim with a caveat about how it was obtained.

I will say I choose to believe Mr.  Huckabee,  until actual proof that he is either wrong,  or has lied about this.  I do not always agree with his politics,  but I do consider him an honorable person.

I'm not insulting Huckabee, or questioning his integrity. It's no slight to him to say that his account is hearsay, because it meets the (non-legal) definition. The simple fact is that, having the information second-hand, he may have misunderstood something.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 27, 2018, 11:28:05 AM
I'm not insulting Huckabee, or questioning his integrity. It's no slight to him to say that his account is hearsay, because it meets the (non-legal) definition. The simple fact is that, having the information second-hand, he may have misunderstood something.

Ok....but please note I did  say that good reporters ought to get confirmation when possible. 

I consider "hearsay" to be a legal term, because courts in general do not accept it as it might be, as you say, misunderstood interpretation,  but as an individual,  I choose my own criteria to determine if I believe someone or not.  I'm not a court, or a lawyer,  or a judge. 
I am just a tad picky.   Maybe prickly as well. ;)
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Ben on June 27, 2018, 01:37:27 PM
A good point by Ari Fleischer:

After 9/11, Bin Ladin called for the killing of Americans and Jews. I asked the Secret Service if I needed to be concerned. They told me not to worry about it. Imagine how nutty and real the threats against Sarah must be for USSS to take this step. People have lost their minds.

If the Secret Service is recommending a protection detail, the "shaming" is already escalating in a dangerous manner.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: KD5NRH on June 27, 2018, 02:22:36 PM
What do you think shaming means?

Well, what Democrats define as "shaming," reasonable people define as "accurately and honestly describing."

To name a few examples, "fat shaming," "welfare shaming," "immigration status shaming," etc.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 27, 2018, 02:47:34 PM
A good point by Ari Fleischer:

If the Secret Service is recommending a protection detail, the "shaming" is already escalating in a dangerous manner.

With the SCOTUS decisions this week, and Kennedy retiring, I suspect this will get worse. Good thing the Congressional baseball game is already over.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Angel Eyes on June 27, 2018, 06:56:32 PM
Looks like it is getting worse:

The man, identified as Laurence Wayne Key, called the congressman’s Washington office, telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.”
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: just Warren on June 27, 2018, 07:06:38 PM
Don’t try to find me because you won’t.

Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: freakazoid on June 27, 2018, 08:13:20 PM
Don’t try to find me because you won’t.

Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 27, 2018, 08:39:43 PM
Looks like it is getting worse:

I believe that happened last week.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: p12 on June 27, 2018, 10:20:52 PM
Can’t find the article but a protester was arrested for throwing chicken poop onto the red hen building.

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Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: RoadKingLarry on June 27, 2018, 11:26:18 PM
False flag
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 27, 2018, 11:32:57 PM

That Mr. Huckabee stated what he was told doesn't make it "hearsay,"  a legal term relating to how testimonial evidence may be introduced into a court record.   

Well, actually ... yes, it does. In fact, it's effectively the definition of "hearsay."
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 28, 2018, 12:12:42 PM
Well, actually ... yes, it does. In fact, it's effectively the definition of "hearsay."

Ok, Perry Mason, you win. :-* 

My point remains .... hearsay,  dearsay,  whatever... until Huckabee is demonstrated to be wrong,  I choose to believe what he said. 

So sue me.  =D
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 28, 2018, 01:26:19 PM
Ok, Perry Mason, you win. :-* 

My point remains .... hearsay,  dearsay,  whatever... until Huckabee is demonstrated to be wrong,  I choose to believe what he said. 

So sue me.  =D

If it hasn't been confirmed by now, and the news cycle has moved on to other things, I wonder if it ever will be.

Also, no news on whether it's ever opened its doors, since the protest.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: makattak on June 28, 2018, 01:40:12 PM

If it hasn't been confirmed by now, and the news cycle has moved on to other things, I wonder if it ever will be.

Also, no news on whether it's ever opened its doors, since the protest.

According to local reporting, the restaurant is closed until July 5th.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 28, 2018, 06:59:20 PM

If it hasn't been confirmed by now, and the news cycle has moved on to other things, I wonder if it ever will be.

Also, no news on whether it's ever opened its doors, since the protest.

Nah .... it's going to be forgotten.  GONE GONE GONE GONE...
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 29, 2018, 09:35:50 AM
"Push back" is a very vague term. Do death threats count?
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: TommyGunn on June 29, 2018, 11:06:37 AM
I'd say yes .... but I can think of stronger, more precise terms. 

The STUPID ... it is contagious.
Title: Re: Maxine Waters Calls For Harassment of All Trump Personnel
Post by: Sindawe on June 29, 2018, 08:23:35 PM
Can’t find the article but a protester was arrested for throwing chicken poop onto the red hen building.

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Ya know, if we as a nation can contain the vehemence of our ire at each other to just flinging flinging poo at each other, that would be an acceptable outcome to all this.

But that would be asking too much of the pink hat wearing crowd.