Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: French G. on August 11, 2018, 11:49:27 PM

Title: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: French G. on August 11, 2018, 11:49:27 PM
Title shamelessly lifted from some Facebook $hitposter. :D

Well, no real huge news but I had to swing through central Charlottesville to go visit my daughter before she heads out on another adventure. On the way in I saw evidence of massive police presence, just kinda skirted the affected area. So, I just couldn't help myself, on the way back I had to sightsee. Sadly my phone was toast, no camera.

-Virginia, your tax dollars, you have none. State police helo was orbiting from five when I hit town and still there at ten when I left. I assume at least three were deployed local. Armored trucks, massive police presence, public works vehicles parked to block streets, just about a military occupation.

-Police action seemed to match what I had heard on the news, keep vehicles and squishys separate. Lots of barrier fences to that effect. I made two laps, south end of the mall, all the way up and then back down a very empty Market St. I asked, cops had no problem with pedestrian traffic on an otherwise cordoned street. At the time I was the only one for two blocks. Dropped in a local wine store, only customer, shot the breeze, owners cheerfully sold me a big glass bottle of Porter after the cops had worked so hard to make a huge projectile free zone which we were inside. :D

- I saw nothing too exciting the first pass, win of the night goes to local watering hole Miller's that was semi open. Sign out front:
Prohibited Items
   Hand Signs
 Now to be fair, maybe they have had some catapult issues, or some drunk said they'd get medevial and did, but it was funny. Also to note, from a field guide standpoint it takes a careful observer to discern antifa from your run of the mill charlottesvillian downtown mall dwellers. So, it looked normal. Returned to my secret parking spot, went into another reliable watering hole of South African persuasion, left a tip more than the beer because the place was dead and then decided to go back since I had seen what I think were police escorted protesters being moved by school bus. Put my handy Porter bottle in the car and went back to Market St.

This time was more entertaining, earlier I had walked past Lee Park(offensive wrong name trigger warning!) And it was empty save the multiple barrier layers and two hundred cops. I didn't go up to Lee Park, came in a block down at the corner of antifa and tard. I think there was Nazis in the park and the police deployed in the street blocking further progress of I'd say about five hundred progressives. It was a sad march, they stood in the street near McGuffy art center and shouted for a few minutes and then started marching back down the hill. Going my way back to parking, so I was in the herd for a little. I saw very few minorities, a lot of Students Against White Supremacy shirts worn by white kids and a dizzying array of hair color and body modifications. They think they have won because the have a town that is not too far off their loonies they think are political positions.

Oh, and they have won, you defeated evil capitalists, because on a warm summer Saturday night with the college kids back in town and many of the parents too(with really good credit cards) many of the businesses downtown were shuttered and the ones that weren't were ghost towns. You blocked up Emmet St at Barracks Road for awhile and I hope no one's family members died in an ambulance while trying to get down the main route to the hospital. You put the cops out, put air crews in the air to the inherent risk of giving the bird to gravity, the same activity that killed their colleagues last year. Who knows what real police emergencies got poorly responded to because every cop in the state was in one spot.

Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: French G. on August 12, 2018, 12:34:43 AM (

Interesting, I saw no police checking bags. I think the stuff went that way early in the day, by sunset the cops were still there but foot traffic was not controlled. Also I think the protest left the mall and then came back which is what I was there for. I ditched my knife so I wouldn't lose it to a cop, but my get out of jail free card says I can carry two guns doh! Basically, it is impossible to secure even a small area, the dirty hippies went places in a two mile radius.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 12, 2018, 02:45:44 AM
This can't be an accurate report. You left out the part about the evil, Nazi, white supremacist rednecks overrunning the police and massacring the sweet, innocent, child-like antifas.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: Fly320s on August 12, 2018, 05:46:49 AM
This can't be an accurate report. You left out the part about the evil, Nazi, white supremacist rednecks overrunning the police and massacring the sweet, innocent, child-like antifas.

That fact is inherently understood.  Water is wet, the sun rises in the east, and the evil, Nazi, white supremacist rednecks overrunning the police and massacring the sweet, innocent, child-like antifas.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: Ron on August 12, 2018, 08:19:49 AM
Is this the right wing rally being run by the former Occupy Wall Street leftist Jason Kessler?

Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: MillCreek on August 12, 2018, 11:54:30 AM
So you are saying that I could have walked down the street in public with my trebuchet?
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: 230RN on August 12, 2018, 03:10:05 PM
Sure.  It's an open-trebuchet State, so why not?  Most of the restrictions refer to powder, gas, or spring-operated devices like pellet guns or BB guns or 1911s. Nobody said nuthin' about gravity-powered stuff.

Just don't put it in your pocket.

A "trebuchet" of note:  (1:18, see 0:44 and following)

A model of another gravity-operated device:

Terry runs and hides.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: French G. on August 12, 2018, 03:18:46 PM
Is this the right wing rally being run by the former Occupy Wall Street leftist Jason Kessler?

No, he went to DC. There might have been no Nazis at all and the cops blocked the protesters just to protect Bobby Lee's ghost. He was well protected.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 12, 2018, 05:06:29 PM
Shitposter wants credit where credit is due.  :P

Things got tense last night. I've posted the video but I think Fecesbook is hiding it. Another sort of local shitposter found a video of protesters getting physical with a cop. Had him down on the ground and everything. Looks like no arrests and absolutely nothing on the local news about it.
The arrests being reported include a NC black guy who got caught twice sneaking into the restricted area, a local activist that I respect who demonstrated a massive hole in the so called security measures (yeah, so if you can't bring in the restricted items, you can always just buy them at the CVS  ;/ ) and a drunk, whom I'm guessing had nothing to do with anything going on and is just one of the downtown malls resident bums.

As far as I can tell, they wanted a real fight but they were too chicken *expletive deleted*it to really start one, especially since they're opposition was more of the freedom of speech "go home you stupid kids" types (and not many of them, really) rather than the Nazi's they were looking for.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 12, 2018, 05:08:36 PM
oh... and the marchers last night got lost trying to get to the statues... Which was kind of funny.  :rofl:
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 12, 2018, 06:09:56 PM
I'm watching the stuff from today (I woke up late)...

The stupid continues.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: French G. on August 13, 2018, 12:03:38 AM
They do it again and I think we need to set up a trump 2020 campaign table. There was certainly no chance of containment, fun how I was able to step right into the mess.

Sick and tired of the "peaceful protestor" line. As Liz noted, just scared. They were peaceful because I have never seen so many cops in one place.

Really think we need a couple thousand people there on a kill Nazis, kill antifa platform. Free beer for everyone else.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: makattak on August 13, 2018, 08:34:40 AM
It's nice to see the police trying to prevent injuries/deaths this year, instead of trying to precipitate them, as they did last year.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 13, 2018, 11:05:01 AM
It's nice to see the police trying to prevent injuries/deaths this year, instead of trying to precipitate them, as they did last year.

Even if they did it only to avoid more bad press, not because they wanted to, like, do their jobs.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: French G. on August 13, 2018, 11:18:58 AM
Even if they did it only to avoid more bad press, not because they wanted to, like, do their jobs.
Yeah, with the one cop that got jumped there should have been a massive swarm of cops beating the idiots. So your two main forces in the cop faction are Cville and VA State Police. One is commanded by a city council that elects communists and black racists, the other by Governor Ralph Northham who probably wishes he was marching with the tard infantry. There will be no definitive "and don't come back next year" response.
Title: Re: Unite the retards rally.
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on August 13, 2018, 04:31:15 PM
Even if they did it only to avoid more bad press, not because they wanted to, like, do their jobs.

Most of them wanted to do their jobs last year. They were under orders to not do their jobs. Trust me, from what I heard, they were NOT happy campers.

I doubt they're all that chipper this year either, but my source for such intel has passed away.