Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: makattak on August 28, 2018, 11:24:15 AM

Title: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 28, 2018, 11:24:15 AM

Yet another Catholic adoption agency has been forced to close its doors because the state requires they place children under their protection with gay couples.

SHOCKING, UNEXPECTED developments in the grinding of those damned backwards "religious" things under the heel of "tolerance".

Oh, the children? Well, who cares. We have HERETICS to oppress!

NOTE: It's interesting that the homosexuals are taking the Catholic church down from within and without.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: lupinus on August 28, 2018, 12:08:51 PM
So you mean they have to comply with state rules like everyone else? Shocking

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 28, 2018, 12:11:47 PM
Not to mention their blatant discrimination against placing children for adoption with a single male or single female.  If you want to extend that logic, than if one parent dies, the children should be removed from the home.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 28, 2018, 01:21:45 PM
Not to mention their blatant discrimination against placing children for adoption with a single male or single female.  If you want to extend that logic, than if one parent dies, the children should be removed from the home.

Yes, if you follow your twisted and unintelligible strawman version of that logic, you should remove children from their birth parent because the other died.

Can you, perhaps, spot a difference between REMOVING a child from a less than optimal situation and PLACING a child in a less than optimal situation?

So you mean they have to comply with state rules like everyone else? Shocking

Such irony. It's funny how that wasn't the cry from the libertines about gay marriage.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 28, 2018, 01:26:18 PM
Yes, if you follow your twisted and unintelligible strawman version of that logic, you should remove children from their birth parent because the other died.

Can you, perhaps, spot a difference between REMOVING a child from a less than optimal situation and PLACING a child in a less than optimal situation?

Such irony. It's funny how that wasn't the cry from the libertines about gay marriage.

Stop making sense, makattak. You're offending the SJWs.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 28, 2018, 01:45:13 PM
I, for one, recognize that it might be possible to have teh gey marridge without using it to go after the normies. But going after the normies is the purpose of the exercise.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 28, 2018, 02:16:26 PM
Yes, if you follow your twisted and unintelligible strawman version of that logic, you should remove children from their birth parent because the other died.

Can you, perhaps, spot a difference between REMOVING a child from a less than optimal situation and PLACING a child in a less than optimal situation?

Such irony. It's funny how that wasn't the cry from the libertines about gay marriage.

So are you saying that a single parent, heterosexual to boot, is not a suitable adoptive parent?
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 28, 2018, 02:27:07 PM
So are you saying that a single parent, heterosexual to boot, is not a suitable adoptive parent?

I believe I used the term "less than optimal".

But, yes. Every effort to find a child an adoptive mother and father ought to be exhausted before moving to less than optimal choices.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Fitz on August 28, 2018, 04:21:39 PM
So are you saying that a single parent, heterosexual to boot, is not a suitable adoptive parent?

statistically, yes.

Being the child of a single parent is directly correlated to worse outcomes. Better than what they came from, sure. But again, they want to place children in homes that have the highest chance of success.

There's not a lot of data on outcomes from same sex couple parents yet, at least not near as much as for heterosexual... but being the child of a single parent is linked to a whole bunch of bad.

IMHO (and there are studies about it), lack of a father figure is one of the chief problems with the urban black community
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 28, 2018, 06:39:14 PM

Being the child of a single parent is directly correlated to worse outcomes. Better than what they came from, sure. But again, they want to place children in homes that have the highest chance of success.

My immediate thought was, "Then why allow adoptions by same sex couples?" But I see that you cleverly anticipated that exact question:

Quote from: Fitz
There's not a lot of data on outcomes from same sex couple parents yet, at least not near as much as for heterosexual... but being the child of a single parent is linked to a whole bunch of bad.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Fitz on August 28, 2018, 06:41:05 PM
My immediate thought was, "Then why allow adoptions by same sex couples?" But I see that you cleverly anticipated that exact question:

To be clear. I don’t know about same sex couples. My inclination given what we have seen from sensationalist news stories is negative. But I don’t opine on it because I don’t know that there’s enough data on it
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Strings on August 29, 2018, 09:46:37 PM
Unfortunately, most of what we hear about same sex couples and kids are the lunatic fringe
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 29, 2018, 10:02:45 PM
Unfortunately, most of what we hear about same sex couples and kids are the lunatic fringe

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: De Selby on August 30, 2018, 07:58:49 AM

Yet another Catholic adoption agency has been forced to close its doors because the state requires they place children under their protection with gay couples.

SHOCKING, UNEXPECTED developments in the grinding of those damned backwards "religious" things under the heel of "tolerance".

Oh, the children? Well, who cares. We have HERETICS to oppress!

NOTE: It's interesting that the homosexuals are taking the Catholic church down from within and without.

So they’d rather stop helping children than comply with anti discrimination laws??? Got it - keeping up discrimination against gays is more important than helping kids to these people
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Ron on August 30, 2018, 08:41:23 AM
Is there a dearth of normal couples looking to adopt that we are forced to turn over children to individuals with disordered sexuality?

We know what is best for children and putting their needs aside and handing them over to homosexuals in the name of “fairness” is insane.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Scout26 on August 30, 2018, 09:02:33 AM
So they’d rather stop helping children than comply with anti discrimination laws??? Got it - keeping up discrimination against gays is more important than helping kids to these people

Try "deeply held religious beliefs" instead.  There are other agencies that gay couples could work with.l   But no, they insist that not only must we accept their lifestyle, but that we must approve it.   
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 30, 2018, 09:11:03 AM
So they’d rather stop helping children than comply with anti discrimination laws??? Got it - keeping up discrimination against gays is more important than helping kids to these people

Yes. If they don't keep those gays down no one else will!

Or, you could also not set up a strawman and realize that it is a matter of deeply held conviction: not engaging in the sin of harming those children.

Not helping them is less bad than harming them.

But you don't really care about the children, either. What's important is to rub it in the faces of those nasty breeders that the squares have lost and the state will be using their powers to force them to bow the knee. (See how it works?)

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 30, 2018, 10:52:32 AM
As to Ron's comment above, working in the healthcare field, I can say that there is a shortage of healthy Caucasian children to adopt.  Over the years, we have been contacted many times by (usually) affluent Caucasian couples or single women who want to know if any of our pregnant patients want to give up their baby for adoption and can we put them in touch for that purpose.  Between effective birth control, abortion and women choosing to keep and raise the child on their own, this has really impacted the adoptable infant supply in the USA.  This is why people are doing round after round of expensive IVF attempts, hiring pregnancy surrogates to carry a baby, and looking beyond healthy Caucasian infants as adoption candidates.   The adoption business is pretty competitive now.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 30, 2018, 11:15:42 AM
So are you saying that a single parent, heterosexual to boot, is not a suitable adoptive parent?

Certainly not if heterosexual. Homosexual would be A-okay, though, because we can't discriminate against the LBGTXYZ community.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Scout26 on August 30, 2018, 11:16:31 AM
As to Ron's comment above, working in the healthcare field, I can say that there is a shortage of healthy Caucasian children to adopt.  Over the years, we have been contacted many times by (usually) affluent Caucasian couples or single women who want to know if any of our pregnant patients want to give up their baby for adoption and can we put them in touch for that purpose.  Between effective birth control, abortion and women choosing to keep and raise the child on their own, this has really impacted the adoptable infant supply in the USA.  This is why people are doing round after round of expensive IVF attempts, hiring pregnancy surrogates to carry a baby, and looking beyond healthy Caucasian infants as adoption candidates.   The adoption business is pretty competitive now.

*cough* Russia meeting, Trump Tower *cough*...
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 30, 2018, 11:18:56 AM
So they’d rather stop helping children than comply with anti discrimination laws??? Got it - keeping up discrimination against gays is more important than helping kids to these people

Apparently you don't actually "get it," because the issue isn't not complying with anti-discrimination laws, the issue is choosing not to be forced into becoming a party to something that runs contrary to their religious beliefs.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Fitz on August 30, 2018, 01:16:25 PM
Apparently you don't actually "get it," because the issue isn't not complying with anti-discrimination laws, the issue is choosing not to be forced into becoming a party to something that runs contrary to their religious beliefs.

 Peoples beliefs don’t matter, unless of course your beliefs include all manner of perversion, in which case they are sacred .

I, for one, am getting sick and tired of the gay community and their agenda

And it hasn’t slipped my notice that the slippery slope argument from a decade ago is reaching fruition

 There are legions of needy children from non-religious agencies that desperately need placement. The fact that this is even a discussion sickens me, and tells me it has nothing to do with what the children need and everything to do with cramming yet another agenda down the throats of people of faith

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: brimic on August 30, 2018, 01:32:07 PM
. The fact that this is even a discussion sickens me, and tells me it has nothing to do with what the children need and everything to do with cramming yet another agenda down the throats of people of faith

Bingo. Its not enough to liberalize marriage/adoption laws, it must be taken steps further to bring social and legal retribution against all of those who don't willfully support the agenda.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 30, 2018, 01:54:14 PM
Bingo. Its not enough to liberalize marriage/adoption laws, it must be taken steps further to bring social and legal retribution against all of those who don't willfully support the agenda.

"We’re going to punish the wicked." Mr. Gill said his effort to block religious-freedom bills in Southern states has already paid off. Last year, the Gill Foundation rallied more than 100 corporations, including Coca-Cola, Google and Marriott, behind a front group called Georgia Prospers. Threatening to pull business out of the state, the coalition successfully lobbied Republican Gov. Nathan Deal into vetoing a Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 30, 2018, 01:58:40 PM
So they’d rather stop helping children than comply with anti discrimination laws??? Got it - keeping up discrimination against gays is more important than helping kids to these people

Yeah, cause adoption agencies aren't supposed to be picking and choosing who gets the kids. That would just be weird.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 30, 2018, 02:40:03 PM

Apparently the number of actual adoptions is not changing as a result of the religious agencies adopting policies against gay adoptive parents.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 30, 2018, 04:18:59 PM
I wonder what they have to say about international adoptions. When my late wife and I adopted her granddaughter from her native country, as an international adoption it was subject to a Hague convention on international adoptions. One of the requirements if the child is other than an infant (my daughter was fifteen when we adopted her) was that the adoptive parents must agree to raise the child in his/her religion. The parents don't have to be of that religion, but they're not allowed to adopt a child and then wean/brainwash the kid away from their existing religion. Since arguably 95 percent or more of kids from South America are Roman Catholic, and the RC church doesn't endorse homosexuality, that means that irrespective of whether or not the adoption services agency is church-affiliated (we used Catholic Charities), adoption of a Roman Catholic child by a same sex couple shouldn't be allowed under the Hague convention anyway.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 30, 2018, 04:31:20 PM

Apparently the number of actual adoptions is not changing as a result of the religious agencies adopting policies against gay adoptive parents.

Are you suggesting these agencies used to place kids with homosexual couples, but no longer do? Or do you mean they put a formal policy in place, when they previously didn't need to?
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 30, 2018, 05:33:39 PM

Apparently the number of actual adoptions is not changing as a result of the religious agencies adopting policies against gay adoptive parents.

From the article:

“In general, any barriers to adoption are likely to decrease numbers of homes for kids in need,” Bartholet added in an email. “But, of course, it’s possible that religious agencies would shut down rather than put their religious principles aside.”

Yes, Ms. Bartholet, it is very possible.

When my wife and I adopted, there were no U.S. adoption services agencies accredited in the child's native country, and no adoption services agencies in her country that were accredited in the U.S. That meant that a majority of the things an adoption services agency would normally handle ... we had to do ourselves. The U.S. has an office of some agency (I don't remember what department they fall under) that handles just international adoptions under the Hague convention. I got to be on a first name basis with Meredith, the person assigned to our case, and my wife and I both got to be on a first name basis with the person in the U.S. consulate in the native country, because we were doing all the heavy lifting. They duly processed the documents, but I was the one who had to read all the regulations and be sure we did everything ... and in the proper sequence.

The process took so long that our original home study report actually expired, and shortly before the adoption was to be finalized we had to get it renewed. So I called up the adoption social worker at Catholic Charities and asked to have the home study renewed. And she told us that she couldn't do it. Her branch of Catholic Charities had stopped handling adoptions! Too many rules, and they couldn't keep up with the changes so they dropped out. In the end, since her license as a social worker was still valid, we were able to have her update the report, and then I had to schlep it to an office of Catholic Charities in another diocese a couple of hours away that hadn't quit handling adoptions yet, and have their head of adoption social workers countersign it so that it came from an accredited agency.

It's definitely hurting adoptions, and that has to be hurting kids. I don't know where someone in my area would go today to adopt.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: KD5NRH on August 30, 2018, 09:31:29 PM
Every effort to find a child an adoptive mother and father ought to be exhausted before moving to less than optimal choices.

This; it's long been proven that the ideal environment for a child includes both male and female role models, in a healthy relationship with each other.  Honestly, I'd expect a single heterosexual parent to be a better choice than a homosexual couple, because (assuming said parent is relatively normal psychologically) that is more likely to evolve into the ideal situation when said parent enters into a new long-term relationship.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Firethorn on August 30, 2018, 09:59:14 PM
This; it's long been proven that the ideal environment for a child includes both male and female role models, in a healthy relationship with each other.  Honestly, I'd expect a single heterosexual parent to be a better choice than a homosexual couple, because (assuming said parent is relatively normal psychologically) that is more likely to evolve into the ideal situation when said parent enters into a new long-term relationship.

Statistics and actual studies don't support your premise though.  

Single parenting is highly prevalent in some areas, and many have never had a long-term relationship to begin with.  A new long-term relationship isn't really in the cards for them.

Meanwhile, in studies that have looked at it, same-sex couples are able to raise kids with equal success(educational attainment, staying out of jail/prison, etc...) for their economic cohort as mixed-sex couples, at least within error margins.  Single parents are very much outside those error margins.

Having a home with at least two adults in it is the primary indicator of success for kids.

Though yes, from what I have read, lesbian couples will often shop around quite carefully for a male role model for their kids, especially if they have a boy.  Remember, most kids raised by homosexual couples are still going to be straight, and the gay couples are usually far more understanding of this than straight couples are of a gay child.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 30, 2018, 10:01:56 PM

I am sure that many people here will challenge the authenticity of this data, being from the ACLU and academia, but if you have any cites to the peer-reviewed literature showing adverse effects to children solely from being raised or adopted by gay parents, I would like to see the citations to educate myself better on the matter. Or is that based on your religious, secular or parenting experience or beliefs, you simply feel that gay people should be barred from having children?

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 30, 2018, 10:46:05 PM

I am sure that many people here will challenge the authenticity of this data, being from the ACLU and academia, but if you have any cites to the peer-reviewed literature showing adverse effects to children solely from being raised or adopted by gay parents, I would like to see the citations to educate myself better on the matter.

Do you believe peer-reviewed journals, or the social sciences generally, are the sort of level playing field that would publish such peer-reviewed studies?

Or is that based on your religious, secular or parenting experience or beliefs, you simply feel that gay people should be barred from having children?

I don't see how adoption agencies have the power to forbid anyone from having children, adopting them elsewhere, etc.

Keep in mind, you're misunderstanding the issue in much the same way that most people misunderstand the same-sex marriage controversy. That is, you're saying that people are shutting out homosexuals from having children, when in reality, they have chosen to avoid the very thing that would give them a child of their own. In the same way, of course, it was claimed that our laws withheld marriage from people that in reality chose to avoid the very thing [a heterosexual relationship] on which marriage is based.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 30, 2018, 11:14:07 PM

Keep in mind, you're misunderstanding the issue in much the same way that most people misunderstand the same-sex marriage controversy. That is, you're saying that people are shutting out homosexuals from having children, when in reality, they have chosen to avoid the very thing that would give them a child of their own. In the same way, of course, it was claimed that our laws withheld marriage from people that in reality chose to avoid the very thing [a heterosexual relationship] on which marriage is based.

And that goes to the heart of the issue, upon which we will have to agree to disagree: your belief is that homosexuality is a choice and as such, you believe gay people can choose to change their orientation. Their refusal to do so is a sin in the eyes of most conservative Christians.  Based upon my review of the peer-reviewed literature, my belief is the growing scientific consensus in recent decades is that for most, orientation is primarily driven by biology and genetics and is not a choice under their control.

And yes, I think the biological and social sciences are quite capable of producing reputable peer-reviewed literature.  It will be interesting to see where the literature goes in future years. 
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Fitz on August 30, 2018, 11:32:09 PM
Never mind
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: De Selby on August 30, 2018, 11:40:23 PM
Do you believe peer-reviewed journals, or the social sciences generally, are the sort of level playing field that would publish such peer-reviewed studies?

I don't see how adoption agencies have the power to forbid anyone from having children, adopting them elsewhere, etc.

Keep in mind, you're misunderstanding the issue in much the same way that most people misunderstand the same-sex marriage controversy. That is, you're saying that people are shutting out homosexuals from having children, when in reality, they have chosen to avoid the very thing that would give them a child of their own. In the same way, of course, it was claimed that our laws withheld marriage from people that in reality chose to avoid the very thing [a heterosexual relationship] on which marriage is based.

You’re making this out to be a law of nature when it’s a choice by the adoption agency that’s in issue here.

You are not required to discriminate against people because of who they have sex with. You’re choosing to discriminate because it fits your idea of a religious command.

It should be obvious beyond words why as a society we would expect our government not to make laws on the basis of your religious beliefs about whose sexual choices should be disfavoured.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: De Selby on August 30, 2018, 11:43:18 PM
And that goes to the heart of the issue, upon which we will have to agree to disagree: your belief is that homosexuality is a choice and as such, you believe gay people can choose to change their orientation. Their refusal to do so is a sin in the eyes of most conservative Christians.  Based upon my review of the peer-reviewed literature, my belief is the growing scientific consensus in recent decades is that for most, orientation is primarily driven by biology and genetics and is not a choice under their control.

And yes, I think the biological and social sciences are quite capable of producing reputable peer-reviewed literature.  It will be interesting to see where the literature goes in future years. 

Noting of course that even if it is a choice, the idea that choosing to have a sex same relationship should open one up to discrimination is itself a religious concept that secular laws should not accept without reason.

 Being gay isn’t okay or not okay because it’s a choice or not a choice. It’s okay because we live in a free society where choices that do not harm others should never form the basis of sanctions.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Scout26 on August 31, 2018, 12:05:10 AM
This much like the Colorado baker issue.

If you are a gay (or whatever other letter of the alphabet) couple, then you are perfectly welcome to go directly through the State Dept of Children and Family Services (or whatever their title is in your state), or one of the non-religious entities that work in foster care/adoption.  As I posted elsewhere, I worked with a secular agency and a religious agency when I was a foster parent looking to adopt.

Do you go into halal butcher shops and ask for a pound of bacon ?  And if not, then you have your answer as to why religious entities should not be forced to give up their 1A rights to be an adoption agency. 
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 31, 2018, 12:11:31 AM
And that goes to the heart of the issue, upon which we will have to agree to disagree: your belief is that homosexuality is a choice and as such, you believe gay people can choose to change their orientation. Their refusal to do so is a sin in the eyes of most conservative Christians.  Based upon my review of the peer-reviewed literature, my belief is the growing scientific consensus in recent decades is that for most, orientation is primarily driven by biology and genetics and is not a choice under their control.

And yes, I think the biological and social sciences are quite capable of producing reputable peer-reviewed literature.  It will be interesting to see where the literature goes in future years.  

Actually, no. I said nothing about them choosing to be attracted to the same sex. I was specifically talking about homosexuals who want children, but choose not to have children of their own. And those who claim they want marriage, but reject the heterosexual relationship that is necessary to marriage.

For millennia, there have been homosexuals that chose to (or were pressured to) marry, and beget children. Most homosexuals in the Western world today, it would seem, choose not to to marry (unless it is same-sex ersatz marriage). I have always believed that choosing to avoid heterosexual arrangements is their right. But then, many of them claim a right to the things they've chosen to do without. That's the point at which reasonable people should stop supporting them.

And yes, I think the biological and social sciences are quite capable of producing reputable peer-reviewed literature.  

You're answering a question I did not ask.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 31, 2018, 12:46:33 AM

You’re making this out to be a law of nature when it’s a choice by the adoption agency that’s in issue here.

Actually, that's not true. I thought it would be clear that when I said "they have chosen to avoid the very thing that would give them a child of their own," I meant they refused to have children either by natural, sexual reproduction, or by surrogacy, a sperm donor, etc.
You are not required to discriminate against people because of who they have sex with. You’re choosing to discriminate because it fits your idea of a religious command.

You're using the word "discriminate" for shock value. In reality, you and I both believe adoption agencies must use their best judgment to screen out ("discriminate against") family situations that would not be good for the child. If you want to argue that homosexual households are not harmful for children, you are free to do so. That would be more productive than just insulting well-meaning people, who care for children in a way you disagree with.

It should be obvious beyond words why as a society we would expect our government not to make laws on the basis of your religious beliefs about whose sexual choices should be disfavoured.

I am capable of knowing for myself where to draw the line between religion vis-a-vis liberal government.

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Perd Hapley on August 31, 2018, 12:56:03 AM
And that goes to the heart of the issue, upon which we will have to agree to disagree: your belief is that homosexuality is a choice and as such, you believe gay people can choose to change their orientation. Their refusal to do so is a sin in the eyes of most conservative Christians.  Based upon my review of the peer-reviewed literature, my belief is the growing scientific consensus in recent decades is that for most, orientation is primarily driven by biology and genetics and is not a choice under their control.

As a Christian, I believe that we are incapable of resisting sin, without God's help, which He freely gives to all who ask. So, no, I don't believe that a homosexual can necessarily choose not to be one. But, yes I believe that with God's help, a homosexual can be freed from the sin of homosexual lust, just as you or I can be freed from the sin of heterosexual lust.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 31, 2018, 02:45:18 AM
Try "deeply held religious beliefs" instead.  There are other agencies that gay couples could work with.l   But no, they insist that not only must we accept their lifestyle, but that we must approve it.   

Bake the damned cake orphans!
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Ron on August 31, 2018, 08:22:32 AM
Ignore the data of thousands of years of history where children were raised in heterosexual family groups with a father and mother and instead cite “peer reviewed” literature that uses statistics.

Statistics aren’t reality.

Peer review is institutional peer pressure that is probably responsible for the replication crises in social science.

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 31, 2018, 09:13:20 AM

I am sure that many people here will challenge the authenticity of this data, being from the ACLU and academia, but if you have any cites to the peer-reviewed literature showing adverse effects to children solely from being raised or adopted by gay parents, I would like to see the citations to educate myself better on the matter. Or is that based on your religious, secular or parenting experience or beliefs, you simply feel that gay people should be barred from having children?

From your own link:

critics of the LGB parenting research object to the small, non-random sampling methods known as “convenience sampling” that researchers in the field often use to gather their data.

many of the sample sizes were small, and some studies lacked a control group

So, small, non-random samples of homosexual couples affirmed the studys' authors' priors.

How shocking.

Oh, and this one is great:

Another study drew on nationally representative, longitudinal data using a sampling pool of over 20,000 children, of which 158 lived in a same-sex parent household. Controlling for family disruptions, those children showed no significant differences from their peers in school outcomes.

It was a study of over 20,000 children!!!! (where 158 were in same-sex households.) And they were not different! (once we controlled for "family disruptions")

Wait... "family disruptions"? Are those things that are evenly distributed or might that be an important issue, as well? (This nebulous "family disruptions.")

Additionally, the actions of Brown  ( inconvenient facts to the narrative makes me seriously doubt academia is trustworthy in any "sensitive" matter like this.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 31, 2018, 09:35:30 AM
Actually, no. I said nothing about them choosing to be attracted to the same sex. I was specifically talking about homosexuals who want children, but choose not to have children of their own. And those who claim they want marriage, but reject the heterosexual relationship that is necessary to marriage.

For millennia, there have been homosexuals that chose to (or were pressured to) marry, and beget children. Most homosexuals in the Western world today, it would seem, choose not to to marry (unless it is same-sex ersatz marriage). I have always believed that choosing to avoid heterosexual arrangements is their right. But then, many of them claim a right to the things they've chosen to do without. That's the point at which reasonable people should stop supporting them.

Well said. The only part you didn't state explicitly is that, rather than enter marriage for the purpose of having children, they have been attempting to redefine what "marriage" is. Which calls to mind the story about Abe Lincoln and the dog's tail ...
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: MillCreek on August 31, 2018, 10:05:28 AM
So Mak, where are your citations supporting your case?  With your commitment to overcoming facts inconvenient to the narrative, I would have thought you would have some. Surely the Family Research Council has something.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 31, 2018, 10:39:31 AM
So Mak, where are your citations supporting your case?  With your commitment to overcoming facts inconvenient to the narrative, I would have thought you would have some. Surely the Family Research Council has something.

I could bring such things to the debate, but you would dismiss them as quickly as you just dismissed my objections.

And I'm not overcoming facts. I'm criticizing poor statistical analysis.

I don't think there is any data available and I very much doubt there ever will be, given that any data found to contradict the narrative will be attacked and suppressed.

Further, I'm fairly certain that only someone hostile to the idea of gays adopting could be trusted to find that data. Which, of course, would make his data suspect.

I am more than certain if researchers sympathetic to gay adoptions found data that indicates it may be harmful to the children, they would not publish it.

So, unless you can find me researchers hostile to gay adoptions that find it to be beneficial (or "not harmful"), I have no reason to believe your data. Unless I can find researchers sympathetic to gay adoptions who find it is harmful, you won't accept mine.

We live in times where even research is suspect.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: DittoHead on August 31, 2018, 11:22:20 AM
unless you can find me researchers hostile to gay adoptions that find it to be beneficial (or "not harmful"), I have no reason to believe your data.
I don't think this was intended as a joke, but I sure got a laugh out of it.  [popcorn]
We've certainly entered the age of alternative facts and ‘Truth isn’t truth’.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 31, 2018, 11:32:34 AM
I don't think this was intended as a joke, but I sure got a laugh out of it.  [popcorn]
We've certainly entered the age of alternative facts and ‘Truth isn’t truth’.

Actually, it was a matter of individuals finding data that goes against their pre-conceived notions.

If you get a glowing report from Ford about the new F-150, how much stock to you place in the information?
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Ron on August 31, 2018, 11:51:39 AM
The science of human reproduction and which sex is best equipped for various roles in provisioning and child rearing isn’t really ambiguous.

Exceptions can be pointed out of course and it can be pointed out that they are in fact, exceptions.

Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: DittoHead on August 31, 2018, 12:03:15 PM
Actually, it was a matter of individuals finding data that goes against their pre-conceived notions.

It's an absurd standard. Do you only believe pro-gun statistics if they come from gun grabbers?
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: Strings on August 31, 2018, 12:49:33 PM
IIRC, one of the most touted (by pro gun folks) studies ever done, was started to prove an anti stance. I just can't remember of it was Kleck or Lott...

Personally, I don't think "gay" or "straight" should be considered. Know far too many gay folks I'd trust with my child, fortune, and honor. And just as many straights that I would assume needed to be shot if I saw them near a child
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: makattak on August 31, 2018, 02:24:09 PM
It's an absurd standard. Do you only believe pro-gun statistics if they come from gun grabbers?

Ah, I see. I was not being clear.

Of course I am going to accept the data from someone like the NRA or FRC. Those who are opposed to them will not, though.

I was inartfully try to say that the strongest case is made by those who are out to disprove something finding it to be true. (Or vice-versa.)

And, that too much "research" today is politicized, making it suspect. And, yes, we are starting to get "Republican" facts and "Democrat" facts.

For example, the much cited research that "Immigrants are actually more law abiding than citizens!" which the left likes to tout.

When you dig into the study, it, of course, conflated both legal and illegal immigrants AND it compared them only to citizens of the same ethnic background.

So, what the study said is that native-born hispanics (and Asians and Africans and Europeans)are less law abiding than foreign born ones. Of course, many of these demographics (the ones that make up the majority of immigration) have higher rates of criminality than the national average, but that would mess up the narrative, so we'll make the "IMMIGRANTS ARE MORE LAW ABIDING!" the headline.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: cordex on August 31, 2018, 02:30:19 PM
Personally, I don't think "gay" or "straight" should be considered. Know far too many gay folks I'd trust with my child, fortune, and honor. And just as many straights that I would assume needed to be shot if I saw them near a child
I agree that there are other, more important factors at play.

The most significant issue I see with a gay couple raising a child was intimated by Ron earlier.  Namely that fathers and mothers serve very different, but equally important roles in raising children, and it is not a trivial thing to provide for the missing role.  That isn't to say it is insurmountable, but it definitely isn't an easy or natural thing.

If I were deciding for my own children in the event of my wife and I both dying, I would not entirely rule out a homosexual couple that was otherwise well suited to the task, but it would not be my first choice.  Same with a single person.  The only thing that would possibly weight in favor of a homosexual couple or single person would be a strong, established relationship between my kid and the potential parent(s).

That's not because I don't like gay people or single people, but because I really, really care about my kids, and I want the very best outcome for them.
Title: Re: Gay Marriage hurts the most vulnerable
Post by: freakazoid on September 01, 2018, 12:18:31 AM

For example, the much cited research that "Immigrants are actually more law abiding than citizens!" which the left likes to tout.

When you dig into the study, it, of course, conflated both legal and illegal immigrants AND it compared them only to citizens of the same ethnic background.

So, what the study said is that native-born hispanics (and Asians and Africans and Europeans)are less law abiding than foreign born ones. Of course, many of these demographics (the ones that make up the majority of immigration) have higher rates of criminality than the national average, but that would mess up the narrative, so we'll make the "IMMIGRANTS ARE MORE LAW ABIDING!" the headline.

Is there a good article on this?