Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: cosine on January 30, 2007, 11:16:09 AM

Title: Beard or no beard?
Post by: cosine on January 30, 2007, 11:16:09 AM
With the plethora of pictures being posted lately, I'm starting to feel like Hunter Rose and I are the only male members who are clean-shaven. Fistful has a goatee, carebear has a goatee, Ezekiel and Monkeyleg likewise, you can tell that Bogie has at least a moustache...

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: doczinn on January 30, 2007, 11:18:04 AM
Nothin' here.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Twycross on January 30, 2007, 11:18:19 AM
Count me among the beardless.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: El Tejon on January 30, 2007, 11:18:50 AM
I will not suffer a monkeybutt!!! police

Take a bath, shave your face and floss your teeth--you'll get more chicks. angel
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 11:20:52 AM
I have a moustache.

Mtnbkr is clean shaven.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 30, 2007, 11:29:16 AM
Clean shaven now, but I used to grow a beard during the winter months.  I've never had a goatee or any such thing.

I absolutely hate shaving, but I'm too hot natured to wear a beard year round.  I shave about every other day now.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 11:34:36 AM
[Visual]I used to grow a beard during the winter months.[/Visual]

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 30, 2007, 11:36:24 AM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: charby on January 30, 2007, 11:37:08 AM
Full beard here, sort of trimmed. Wife hates it, I like it because I can be lazy in the AM.

Normally I have just a El T Monkey Butt moniker which Mrs Charby likes. I usually grow my beard out in early Oct for hunting season, but just kept mine on a little longer this winter. I have a bird hunt in two weeks and probably shave it off shortly after it.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Eleven Mike on January 30, 2007, 11:38:30 AM
Take a bath, shave your face and floss your teeth--you'll get more chicks. angel

Some people look better with facial hair. 

I've heard many times that people are less likely to trust a bearded man.  Can anyone shed some light on that?  What about Jesus and everyone else in the Old and New Testaments?  What about Santa Claus, Abe Lincoln and about half the "trust-worthy" public figures from the later nineteenth century?  Is this just a relic of some post-war ethos that demands everyone be clean-cut and wear a hat, coat and tie?
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 30, 2007, 11:40:11 AM
It's just jealousy from all the low-testosterone types who can't grow a decent beard.  grin
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 30, 2007, 11:43:06 AM
Wish I could grow a beard and handlebar moustache.  Unfortunately my beard grows here and here and here, and what actually does come in is bright red and curly.  Well, what's not grey and curly is bright red and curly.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Sindawe on January 30, 2007, 11:50:34 AM
It's just jealousy from all the low-testosterone types who can't grow a decent beard.
Yeppers, a fact I realized when mine really started coming in at 15.

Growing a beard now, since I've not had one for the past 14 years due to work restrictions then (OHSA related) and only sported either the monkey-butt, Jamie Hyneman style walrus moustache or a long Fu Manchu.  If I don't like the beard, its back to the monkey-butt and maybe shave the head since the hair there is going away on its own. *SOB*
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Furious Styles on January 30, 2007, 11:52:12 AM
If there's hair to be grown, I have it, in abundance, except for my temples. There, it's begun its retreat.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: wingnutx on January 30, 2007, 11:53:41 AM
I'm clean shaven.

I'm not actually capable of growing a beard.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 30, 2007, 11:55:45 AM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.
It's kinda funny when she grabs hold of his.  Smiley

Quote from: Eleven Mike
Some people look better with facial hair.
Very true.  A friend of mine who has a "weak chin" looks silly without a beard.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 30, 2007, 12:06:05 PM
Carebear, nobody ever said my goatee was "decent." It's actually pretty cheesey.

I grew mine back in 1994, when my hair loss was becoming more apparent. For whatever reason, I'd gone over a week without shaving, and my wife commented that it looked nice. Then she said, "a lot of guys who lose their hair grow beards." So, I did.

Funny thing is, she now hates it, and says it makes me look older.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2007, 12:07:28 PM
A friend of mine who has a "weak chin" looks silly without a beard.
That's not a nice thing to say.  Now go apologize to Mike Irwin.   cool
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Twycross on January 30, 2007, 12:10:45 PM
I'm clean shaven.

I'm not actually capable of growing a beard.

I have to admit that that's where I am too. Just hoping that will change in the future.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: stevelyn on January 30, 2007, 12:40:07 PM
No beard. Can't grow one. Keep the scraggly stuff shaved.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: TMM on January 30, 2007, 12:52:54 PM
i'm 16, so nothing much yet, just here and there.

i plan on a soul patch or goatee[yea, looks aweful on bald guys but i think it would match my looks personality, etc] later if it happens to look good on me.

i'm old fashioned, and i bet i'll be using a straight razor - from what i've seen with the 2-bladers we have here, they don't offer a very close shave, leaving a scratchy scruff, no matter what technique i use [going up, going down, one big stroke, little short overlapping movements, etc].

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 30, 2007, 01:03:02 PM
Beard.  The stuff grows too thick and too quickly to keep it cleanly shaved.  "Five o'clock shadow" my left arse cheek.  My shadow shows up at noon or earlier, like it or not.  My stubble could teach the UPS guy a thing or two about timely arrivals.

So I have full beard.  If you can beat 'em, join 'em.  I try to keep it neatly trimmed, so that I don't look like a mangy unkempt oaf.  That's the plan anyways.  I'm not so sure it's a success.

All of you folks who can't grow a beard, count your blessings.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 30, 2007, 01:22:34 PM
beardless, but I only shave 2-3 times a week
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 30, 2007, 01:24:17 PM
beardless, but I only shave 2-3 times a week
I hate people like you...

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2007, 01:24:27 PM
beardless, but I only shave 2-3 times a week

I was like that in my early twenties, which coincided with active-duty service.  Thank God. 
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 30, 2007, 01:33:15 PM
"My shadow shows up at noon or earlier, like it or not.  My stubble could teach the UPS guy a thing or two about timely arrivals."

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I only shave a few times a week, but that's because I work from home. Don't have to leave the house very often.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Car Knocker on January 30, 2007, 01:34:20 PM
What about Jesus and everyone else in the Old and New Testaments? 
Is there any documentation that actually describes Jesus as having a beard or is this just extrapolated from the Jewish Law of the day?
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on January 30, 2007, 01:47:29 PM
What about Jesus and everyone else in the Old and New Testaments?
Is there any documentation that actually describes Jesus as having a beard or is this just extrapolated from the Jewish Law of the day?
Of course Jesus had a beard.  Go watch Mel Gibson's movie.  You'll see.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2007, 02:03:23 PM
Is there any documentation that actually describes Jesus as having a beard or is this just extrapolated from the Jewish Law of the day?

I think the point was that Jesus is usually thought of as a bearded man.  I believe beards were nearly universal in that culture.  Also there is a prophecy in the Psalms, I think, that speaks of his beard being plucked as a form of humiliation. 
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 30, 2007, 02:55:32 PM
beardless, but I only shave 2-3 times a week
I hate people like you...


Oh, its not that I get scruffed out....its just that since I got out of the Corps in '97 I haven't had an employer that expected one to be shaven if not growing a beard, nor did I have to do any kind of public image thing.....
You probably still hate me though

As a matter of fact, almost all my fishing or mountain bike pics I'm scruffy

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: wmenorr67 on January 30, 2007, 03:18:13 PM
Clean shaven due to regulations.  When not on active duty such as I am now or on a drill weekend I go anywhere from a few days to all month between drill not shaving.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 30, 2007, 03:21:43 PM
Well isn't that a cute little fish.

I think I've used baits larger than that. Smiley

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 30, 2007, 03:25:11 PM

As have I....the thing about that fish that makes it special was that it was caught above 9000', is native, and I'd hiked about 4 or 5 miles above 8,000 to get to that lake.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 30, 2007, 03:35:43 PM
Walk in the park compared with what you have to do to go smallie fishing around here. 

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 03:36:14 PM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.

Earth to Carebear...

She's used my mustache for that very thing.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 03:38:32 PM
A friend of mine who has a "weak chin" looks silly without a beard.
That's not a nice thing to say.  Now go apologize to Mike Irwin.   cool

I've got a lot of things.

But a weak chin isn't one of them.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Tallpine on January 30, 2007, 03:42:47 PM
full beard since 1976 Wink

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 03:47:43 PM
You ought to have that Dan Hagerty "Grizzly Adams" look going on by now, then...
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 30, 2007, 03:54:20 PM
I hate you because you only pick on animals that are much smaller than you. 



beardless, but I only shave 2-3 times a week
I hate people like you...


Oh, its not that I get scruffed out....its just that since I got out of the Corps in '97 I haven't had an employer that expected one to be shaven if not growing a beard, nor did I have to do any kind of public image thing.....
You probably still hate me though

As a matter of fact, almost all my fishing or mountain bike pics I'm scruffy

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 30, 2007, 03:55:46 PM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.

Earth to Carebear...

She's used my mustache for that very thing.

Earth to Mike Irwin... I knew that.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: K Frame on January 30, 2007, 03:59:32 PM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.

Earth to Carebear...

She's used my mustache for that very thing.

Earth to Mike Irwin... I knew that.

Then your point was..........

Oh wait, I know. You didn't have one!
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Lee on January 30, 2007, 04:01:06 PM
No facial hair.  I always used to nervously finger my mustache, and I always was coming down with the viral illness dejour.  I look younger and feel better without it.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: roo_ster on January 30, 2007, 04:01:28 PM
The only days I have not shaved are those when I was on deployment or training and could not manage it and when I have been too sick to get out of bed.

My wife likes me clean shaven.

I do, however, come from a line of men who could grow some serious cookie-dusters.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2007, 04:32:28 PM
full beard since 1976

Shucks, Grandpa, you're beard's as old as I am.   smiley
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: CAnnoneer on January 30, 2007, 04:51:31 PM
As an undergrad, I used to have a huge thick bushy beard like Darwin/Maxwell/Castro. Then I realized I scared some people with it, while others were jealous 'cause they could not grow one themselves. I shaved it in gradschool, for professional reasons. Nowadays, cleanly shaven both for professional reasons and to avoid pricking my lady. "Ouch, your face is sharp! Please shave for me!" It is also important in bed, as you might guess...
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Matthew Carberry on January 30, 2007, 06:29:43 PM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.

Earth to Carebear...

She's used my mustache for that very thing.

Earth to Mike Irwin... I knew that.

Then your point was..........

Oh wait, I know. You didn't have one!

Earth to Mike Irwin... I didn't actually know that, I was setting you up to give a line from Zoolander
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Northwoods on January 30, 2007, 06:39:52 PM
Mustache here, and rather bushy at that.  SWMBO's been agitating for it's removal for about 6 years now.  She did succeed in getting me to shave the goatee and soul patch just before our wedding.  She should count her blessings she got that much.

I typically shave Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on January 30, 2007, 06:57:55 PM
Regarding Jesus, I think the scripture mentions them plucking his beard out during the crucifixion.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Mabs2 on January 30, 2007, 08:16:07 PM
I absolutely hate facial hair.
I love having a bald face, but the day or two after, especially if I shave off my stache the stubble irritates me pretty badly.  I can't shave again because my entire face will bleed and hurt very badly.  I can't grow it out because it's itchy, uncomfortable, and I just plain don't like it.
It's a vicious, horribly cycle.
I'm stuck waiting three or so days between electric shaves.
Plus I look like a freaking girl with zero facial hair.
It makes me want to kick puppies.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Eleven Mike on January 30, 2007, 08:21:34 PM
Irwin's just scared the princess would use a beard for Tarzan practice.

Earth to Carebear...

She's used my mustache for that very thing.

Earth to Mike Irwin... I knew that.

Then your point was..........

Oh wait, I know. You didn't have one!

Earth to Mike Irwin... I didn't actually know that, I was setting you up to give a line from Zoolander

Uh-uh, Matt, I think you DIDN'T have a point, cause you said, "I knew that" as if you DIDN'T know it was a joke!"

Where did I put my Wham album? 
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Car Knocker on January 30, 2007, 08:29:46 PM

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Strings on January 30, 2007, 09:22:02 PM
>she now hates it, and says it makes me look older.<

And Dick, you do NOT need any help looking older... :neener:
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 30, 2007, 09:50:59 PM
Thanks, Bill (Hunter Rose). I really needed that. Sad

The subject of male facial hair is weird. In the country music world, beards are fairly common. In pop/rock music, beards are less popular. You'd have to go back to the early 1970's to find facial hair being a factor in a band or singer's popularity. It was a phase that came and went. A female friend of ours referred to them as "buffalo men," and she didn't mean to be praiseful.

If you look at the most popular singers of the last few decades, nearly all were  clean-shaven. With the exception of the ocassional mustache in the 1940's, most popular male actors have been clean-shaven as well.

I was watching a snippet of "The Godfather" for the 2000th time tonight, and my wife walked in about the time that Sonny (James Caan) was seen wearing just a t-shirt, and all of the hair on his arms and back was visible.

"Eeeeewww," she said, for the 2000th time.

I think that guys worry more about appearing to be macho than women do.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: 280plus on January 31, 2007, 01:34:43 AM
"See my beard, ain't it wierd, don't be sceered, it's just my beard..."

I was bearded from right after boot camp until I REALLY needed a job about 8 years later, they said they'd hire me but I'd have to get rid of the beard. So I shaved it off and then didn't bother to show up for the first day of work.  grin

Clean shaven since, up to and including today, well, after I shave today.  cheesy
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: BryanP on January 31, 2007, 01:59:20 AM
My wife likes facial hair, so the beard stays.  I think I look better with it anyway.

A friend of mine has had a beard for as long as I've known him.  I've seen him without it once.  He shaved his big bushy beard once on a whim.  He took one look in the mirror and said "Yep, I knew there was a reason I grew this beard."  He walked in the room and a bunch of us took one look and said "Grow it back.  You look like the love child of Captain Kangaroo and Drew Carrey."
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 31, 2007, 02:06:06 AM
"See my beard, ain't it wierd, don't be sceered, it's just my beard..."
George Carlin, right?  "Spare hair is fair". Smiley

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: 280plus on January 31, 2007, 02:17:27 AM

The only other part I remember is:

"Lenin had a beard, Uncle Willy had whiskers."

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 31, 2007, 02:22:18 AM
More important was how he said that line.  The lenin part was spoken in a sinister voice, while the Uncle part was said with a lighthearted lilt. 

I haven't heard that routine in 17 years, btw.  Odd the things you remember...

It's frightening that I have memories older than Cosine Wink

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: 280plus on January 31, 2007, 02:31:16 AM
Tell me about it, I got a pair of sneakers older than cosine.  laugh
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Mabs2 on January 31, 2007, 06:17:31 AM

Considered it.
Too poor atm. Cheesy
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Ezekiel on January 31, 2007, 07:49:33 AM
What I have on my face is ALL that I can grow: placement, thickness and  -- until/unless it greys up -- colour never vary.  (American Indians have very little hair, besides ye olde noggin.)

I guess I've looked like this [goatee] since around 1993, save for a few shaves here or there.

With a Kangol cap, cigar and turtleneck under a blazer, I appear totally beatnik.  With earrings, a leather jacket and the same cap (backwards), I look way Shaft.  In the photo used on this site, I just look constipated.  Sad
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Strings on January 31, 2007, 09:11:16 AM
Chris, I'm willing to bet most here have shorts older than Cosine. I KNOW a large portion of my wardrobe is older...

 And Dick, just remember: I'll eventually be as old as you are now (and you'll just be that much older)... :neener:

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on January 31, 2007, 09:18:10 AM
Aside from my 5:00 Shawdow at about 10:30AM on....nothing here....
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: mtnbkr on January 31, 2007, 09:38:02 AM
Quote from: Hunter "nice legs" Rose
Chris, I'm willing to bet most here have shorts older than Cosine
Not me.  18 years ago, I was much smaller than I am now.  3 years ago, I was much larger.  Nothing I wear today is older than 5-6yrs.

Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: cosine on January 31, 2007, 01:13:24 PM
Chris, I'm willing to bet most here have shorts older than Cosine.

Hey!! I am going to be 19 in two weeks, you know!  Tongue
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Strings on January 31, 2007, 01:38:36 PM
>Hey!! I am going to be 19 in two weeks, you know!<

Yep... and I have shorts that are older than you...

 Not our fault you're a young punk... Tongue
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Monkeyleg on January 31, 2007, 01:47:21 PM
19? 19???!!!!

Man, when I was 19, the VietNam war was still raging, Nixon had just been elected a year prior, I had a dial telephone, 45 rpm singles were still being sold, the 8-track tape player had just come out, and there were--gasp--no personal computers. Just big mainframes with a whopping 64K of RAM.

As for shaving, when I was 19 or so, my brother, who was a plastics engineer, had an idea for a plastic, disposable razor. Nothing like it on the market at that time.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: 280plus on January 31, 2007, 04:09:07 PM
I remember when Sesame Street was this new and exciting educational show just for little kids. I was about 13 IIRC.   shocked
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: bedlamite on January 31, 2007, 04:59:10 PM
>Hey!! I am going to be 19 in two weeks, you know!<

Yep... and I have shorts that are older than you...

 Not our fault you're a young punk... Tongue

Apparently they last longer when you wear skirts. Tongue
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Tallpine on January 31, 2007, 05:00:46 PM
Shucks, Grandpa, you're beard's as old as I am.

You durn tootin' - you young whippersnapper!  grin
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Balog on January 31, 2007, 05:14:18 PM
I had fairly big sideburns from ~13 until I went to bootcamp. A fairly scruffy goatee came and went a few times. As soon as I'm out it's all coming back, and I may try for a full beard.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 31, 2007, 05:15:45 PM
With earrings, a leather jacket and the same cap (backwards), I look way Shaft.
You wish.  Tongue  I have a natural goatee as well, but it comes in red.
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: crt360 on January 31, 2007, 06:40:07 PM
I'm without beard.  I've grown one, done the monkeybutt look, and even had Jesus hair (or maybe disciple hair, it was more Warren Haynes looking).  I now have normal hair and shave my face every morning before I head off to work.  I can grow a beard almost instantly, so I don't really take as much pride in having one.  When I get the call to replace Billy Gibbons, I might grow it out again.  cool
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Strings on January 31, 2007, 07:01:45 PM
Skip, you just wish you had the balls to wear a kilt... Tongue
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 01, 2007, 03:56:50 AM
I'm without beard.  I've grown one, done the monkeybutt look, and even had Jesus hair (or maybe disciple hair, it was more Warren Haynes looking).

Uh, disciples of uh-Jesus-uh have-uh short-uh hair-uh.  Know ye not-uh, my brethren-uh, that-uh the Word of uh-God uh-tells us-uh...that it is a-uh shame-uh for a man-uh to have-uh long hair-uh?  Can I get an Amen-uh?! 

Brother Brimstone, 2007
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: Mabs2 on February 01, 2007, 05:23:46 AM
Hrm, looks like the old guys like to pick on the young ones because of their age.
Better not let you guys learn how old I am. =p
Title: Re: Beard or no beard?
Post by: coat4gun on February 01, 2007, 06:30:57 AM
Had my beard since '82. Met my wife to be in '83. Married her in '85. She has never seen me without one (except in pictures).

I can't imagine waisting my time shaving every day. I would rather sleep the extra time...