Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Scout26 on October 30, 2018, 06:47:55 PM

Title: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Scout26 on October 30, 2018, 06:47:55 PM show why the 19th Amendment and sending (as many as possible) kids to college are Bad Ideas, along with why Democrats want as many illegal aliens as possible in the country.

 [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn]
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 30, 2018, 08:27:14 PM
They didn't address if only illegal aliens voted ...
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Scout26 on October 30, 2018, 08:31:23 PM
They didn't address if only illegal aliens voted ...

Illegal aliens would be "minority" voters.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 30, 2018, 08:58:03 PM
Illegal aliens would be "minority" voters.

Maybe... for now...
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ben on October 30, 2018, 09:04:26 PM
Hey Scout - did that pop up on your Firefox recommendations? I saw it on mine. I also saw one by Buzzfeed and I think a couple of others. They were all about voter suppression. The progs are really hammering the voter suppression thing this week.

The Buzzfeed one I found interesting, because it was talking about an Indian tribe in Utah being held down by the man regarding ease of voting and something about the Mormons controlling things (these were local and regional elections). I found one statement regarding that very interesting: They said that "the man" had changed the rules so that only those candidates with the most votes made it on the ballot, so Indians never made it on and it was always white guys and this is patently racist and unfair.

The reason I found it interesting is that it basically mimics the state of affairs in California now. We also have a "top two of popular votes" thing. When I filled out the ballot for this election,  I had to leave two races blank because my only choices were two Democrats. Not even a write-in space. Here they call that "fair". Of course if hell froze over and there were a Republican majority in CA in the future, this method would then be unfair and racist too. As long as it keep Republicans off the ballot though, this is called "fair elections" in CA. They didn't even bother to throw us the bone of a write-in space.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Scout26 on October 30, 2018, 09:17:31 PM
Yep, in my Firefox recommendations.   So, it's not specific to me (or you), just what Firefox wants or says is "most popular".
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ron on October 30, 2018, 09:21:22 PM
Immigration, legal and illegal has been a disaster for the USA.

Big city Irish all vote Democrat.

Polacks in Chicagoland pretty much vote Democrat.

Wisconsin Germans? Wisconsin until recently always went Democrat.

Scandinavians in Minnesota or Michigan? States that are dependable Democrat leaning in prez elections.

Any Asian group? Majority Democrat voters.

Mexican, South/Central American? Democrat.

Who do other European liberal socialist light ethnicities vote for? Don’t know but doubt it’s Republican or conservative.

The Democrats are the party of tribal grievances.

Republicans can only win all those votes by becoming Democrat lite.

Hopefully I’m wrong. Don’t see where I am though.

Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ron on October 30, 2018, 09:50:38 PM
Oh yea, forgot the Jews. Dependable conservatives heh.

The lie is this, everyone on the planet is a nascent “American” and all they have to do is get here and BOOM!, they are all Mom, Apple pie and Chevrolet.

Welcome to cargo cult USA.

Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Scout26 on October 30, 2018, 09:52:47 PM
Immigration, legal and illegal has been a disaster for the USA.

Big city Irish all vote Democrat.

Polacks in Chicagoland pretty much vote Democrat.

Wisconsin Germans? Wisconsin until recently always went Democrat.

Scandinavians in Minnesota or Michigan? States that are dependable Democrat leaning in prez elections.

Any Asian group? Majority Democrat voters.

Mexican, South/Central American? Democrat.

Who do other European liberal socialist light ethnicities vote for? Don’t know but doubt it’s Republican or conservative.

The Democrats are the party of tribal grievances.

Republicans can only win all those votes by becoming Democrat lite.

Hopefully I’m wrong. Don’t see where I am though.

Southern Illinois is mostly German and very solidly R.  I know that the Irish in Indiana all switched to R (and have remained there) since the 1920's when the KKK run Democrat party ran the state.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ron on October 30, 2018, 10:09:36 PM
There used to be some cultural hegemony that helped assimilation.

People came to America to be Americans, more or less. It still took generations though.

Now “our” culture is multicturalism. In other words no culture, no assimilation.

We are the world, or stated another way, we are nobody in particular.

Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Pb on October 31, 2018, 09:06:41 AM
Oh yea, forgot the Jews. Dependable conservatives heh.

Orthodox and ultra orthodox Jews are mostly Republican.  They are a minority of Jews though. 

They also have very high birthrates.  Secular Jews, not so much.

In the future it is highly possible the Jewish vote will be mostly conservative due to Jewish demographic shifts.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ron on October 31, 2018, 09:45:15 AM
There is a conservative element to every ethnic/racial group.

The balancing act is how to acknowledge the reality of immigrations affect on politics without offending or alienating our natural allies within these groups that will vote with us.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: charby on October 31, 2018, 09:53:12 AM
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: DittoHead on October 31, 2018, 09:55:33 AM

I read that yesterday, got a lot of good laughs. I think my favorite parts were this:
Like the Kavanaugh thing — I get that they’re the minority and that was an uphill battle, but I just feel like there wasn’t a big enough fight put up to that
and how daunting the post office apparently is for these kids. :'(
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: charby on October 31, 2018, 10:00:38 AM
I read that yesterday, got a lot of good laughs. I think my favorite parts were this:and how daunting the post office apparently is for these kids. :'(

I about spit my coffee out this morning when I read that line.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ben on October 31, 2018, 10:09:29 AM
Megan from San Francisco:

Typically, I check way before that time, then forget to check again, or just
say “*expletive deleted*ck it” because I don’t own a printer or stamps anyway.

Hey dummy - in CA, the mail-in ballot are "postage paid". You don't need a printer and you don't need to go near any scary places that sell stamps. Even your computer, where you can order stamps on the interwebz.

If it wasn't were the fact that this was NYMag, I would have thought this was one of those blogs where the conservative goes out to interview progs and only posts the responses of the dumbest ones he could find, just for laughs. This was a supposedly serious article.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 01, 2018, 09:43:57 PM

Thank you. I did. I'm glad so many people find that voting is too challenging, or just not worth their effort and time. I love those people for not voting.

Here are some lowlights:

Going into the election, I was so proud to be in this country at this moment, so proud to be voting for Hillary Clinton. I had my Clinton sweatshirt on all day. I was on Twitter telling people that if they didn’t vote they were dead to me...

I like how it's so positive, so patriotic - oh, and DIAF if you don't vote for the worst pres. candidate ever fielded!!  :mad:     :laugh:

Maybe it had to do with, like, society and all.

I like the way Aaron goes from being cynical about all the political theater that goes on, to only wanting to vote for the "exciting" candidates that offer the most political theater.

There’s a small, outdated website where you can enter your information and check.
 Small? What in the actual? Small? Oh, and outdated? Um, do you want it to call you an Uber, to drive you to the polling place?  :rofl:  This must be the sort of idiot that, if she were in a hospital room, would complain that she can't watch Netflix on the TV.

Wow, that last guy is a mess. He seems to think each generation is limited to its own specific form of media-consumption. His parents get to watch the news, so they get in-depth (ha!) information on how to vote. But he can only use social media sites, so "they" need to package the info that way. I guess he's not allowed to watch TV?

Oh, and what is California doing with its registered voters? In Missouri, we get a card in the mail before each election, clearly indicating our polling place, and the date and time the polls are open. And my county just sent us sample ballots.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on November 01, 2018, 10:03:16 PM
I like the one with ADHD and the one with the mysterious chronic illness that prevented them from getting registered in time.

Ummm... No, the process isn't hard or difficult. You are just lazy and you procrastinate.

How do I know this? Because I'm a *expletive deleted*ing lazy procrastinator that forgets to do stuff all the damn time. I didn't start voting until I was in my mid 20's for this very reason. However, I never once blamed my ADHD, my work schedule or anything other than they fact that I'm lazy, forgetful and I procrastinate.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ben on November 02, 2018, 11:50:56 AM

Executive summary: Georgia resident attempts to vote in Tennessee.

Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 02, 2018, 12:33:52 PM

Executive summary: Georgia resident attempts to vote in Tennessee.

Love it. The guy is claiming that the law specifically targets college students from out of state, who drive their parents cars, and keep their out of state DLs for insurance reasons. As a Republican, I was unaware that I hated such people.

As a bonus, he thinks that North Dakota is keeping Indians from using street addresses with numbers, so they can't vote.

Boy, am I glad he's not voting this year.
Title: Re: What if only xxxxxx voted ??
Post by: Ben on November 02, 2018, 12:48:33 PM

Love it. The guy is claiming that the law specifically targets college students from out of state, who drive their parents cars, and keep their out of state DLs for insurance reasons. As a Republican, I was unaware that I hated such people.

Yeah, people like him are a pet peeve of mine. Having lived in a university town for 20 years, I was both an eyewitness and victim (victim status!) to dumbass kids blowing intro town for 4 years, voting in commie-pinko stuff on the local level, then getting out of Dodge before the consequences hit.