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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: gunsmith on February 07, 2007, 10:56:21 AM

Title: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: gunsmith on February 07, 2007, 10:56:21 AM'apes'+admits+head+of+Islamic+school/

The principal of an Islamic school has admitted that it uses textbooks which describe Jews as "apes" and Christians as "pigs" and has refused to withdraw them.

Dr Sumaya Alyusuf confirmed that the offending books exist after former teacher Colin Cook, 57, alleged that children as young as five are taught from racist materials at the King Fahd Academy in Acton.

In an interview on BBC2's Newsnight, Dr Alyusuf was asked by Jeremy Paxman whether she recognised the books.

She said: "Yes, I do recognise these books, of course. We have these books in our school. These books have good chapters that can be used by the teachers. It depends on the objectives the teacher wants to achieve."

In another exchange, Dr Alyusuf insisted the books should not be scrapped, saying that allegedly racist sections had been "misinterpreted".

The school is owned, funded and run by the government of Saudi Arabia. Mr Paxman asked: "Will you now remove this nonsense from the Saudi Ministry of Education from your school?"

Dr Alyusuf replied: "Just to reiterate what I said earlier, there are chapters from these books that are used and that will serve our objectives. But we don't teach hatred towards Judaism or Christianity - on the contrary."

During the programme Louise Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside and chairman of the Jewish Labour Movement, accused the school of inciting racial hatred and hit out at Ofsted inspectors for failing to discover the textbooks. She said: "This whole situation is unacceptable. It is incitement. It is part of a deliberate Saudi initiative to install Wahabbism extremism among Muslims and in the rest of society. If Ofsted has not drawn attention to this, that is a failing of Ofsted.

"It is unacceptable and we should look to see if this is happening in other schools as well. This is about teaching children. I think the school should take immediate action and so should the regulatory authorities."

In his employment tribunal claim Mr Cook, who taught English at the school for 19 years, has accused it of poisoning pupils' minds with a curriculum of hate. Arabic translators have found that the books also describe Jews as "repugnant".

Dr Alyusuf initially claimed that the books were "not taught currently", saying: "We teach a different curriculum. We teach an international curriculum."

Asked by Mr Paxman, "Would you discipline any teacher who has used these teaching materials?", she replied: "Of course I would."

The principal, who has been in the post just under six months, also claimed: "I monitor what is taught in the classrooms. I have developed the curriculum myself."

Asked by Mr Paxman whether she agreed with the suggestion in teaching materials that non-believers in Islam are condemned to "hellfire", she said: "We don't teach that. We teach Islam and it is important for our students to assert their identity."

Mr Cook, of Feltham, was earning £35,000 a year and is seeking £100,000 in compensation. In legal papers submitted to a Watford employment tribunal, he alleged that pupils as young as five are taught that religions including Christianity and Judaism are "worthless". He also alleges that when he questioned whether the curriculum complied with British laws, he was told: "This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia".

Pupils have allegedly been heard saying they want to "kill Americans", praising 9/11 and idolising Osama bin Laden as their "hero".

Mr Cook claims he was dismissed last December after blowing the whistle on the school for covering up cheating by children in GCSE exams.

He is bringing a tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, race discrimination and victimisation. The school is vigorously defending his claims.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 07, 2007, 11:10:14 AM
Doesn't he know that only secularists are allowed to teach hatred against Christians and Jews? 
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: The Rabbi on February 07, 2007, 11:15:16 AM
1) It is a private school.  They should be allowed to teach whatever they want.
2) The school is funded by Saudi Arabia and propogates its noxious form of Wahhabi Islam, as they do all over the world.
3) I agree with Fistful.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: gunsmith on February 07, 2007, 11:23:54 AM
It's not America, it's Londonistan and I believe their conduct is illegal....
So while they they may be breaking the law, they will not be prosecuted
because of political correctness.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Sindawe on February 07, 2007, 11:29:20 AM
Jews as "apes"

Well, THAT much is true.  Of course, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Pagans and all other followers of the diverse faiths on this planet are "apes" as well in that we all have great stretches of our DNA that are identical to the other apes and all have the same basic body plans.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Winston Smith on February 07, 2007, 12:00:25 PM

Allah plopped us down like six thousand years ago... silly...
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Manedwolf on February 07, 2007, 12:11:58 PM
I knew this was taking place in the UK before I even started reading.

I'm afraid the UK is going to serve as our example of What Not to Do. Just wait till the inter-sectarian bombings start, or the government grants them the right to institute sharia law in the UK...

It's going to get really ugly there. I can easily see some neighborhoods becoming little Sadr Cities, if it's allowed to fester long enough.

Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 07, 2007, 12:20:25 PM
I'm afraid the UK is going to serve as our example of What Not to Do.

I thought that started in the eighteenth century. 
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Manedwolf on February 07, 2007, 12:21:49 PM
I'm afraid the UK is going to serve as our example of What Not to Do.

I thought that started in the eighteenth century. 

Oh, it did. I think it became irreversible in 1946, though, when they threw all the guns we sent them into the Atlantic and declared firearms to be terrible things that citizens ought not to have. The spirit shown in WWII was the last flicker of hope, then it was extinguished the next YEAR.

Here, if anything really nasty happens, it'll likely be in a place like Dearborn, Michigan.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: gunsmith on February 07, 2007, 12:25:01 PM
Welcome to the Jungle!

oooh, rock me Dr Zaius!

Ape Law!

The birth of the Planet of The Apes!
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Lee on February 07, 2007, 02:10:42 PM
Repeat after me...The Saudis are our friends.  Now relax, and have another refreshing drink of crude. 
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Antibubba on February 07, 2007, 10:02:09 PM
What's the timetable for liberating the Brits?
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 08, 2007, 03:06:49 AM
Ya know, the Planet of the Apes did give the Apes a "People of the Book" flavor.   cheesy
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Manedwolf on February 08, 2007, 03:49:37 AM
What's the timetable for liberating the Brits?

If you lent someone a gun because they said they needed it, and they then threw it in the lake, would you lend them any more?

Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Mabs2 on February 08, 2007, 06:36:18 AM
It'd be hilariously ironic if they said that the Jews were the pigs.
At least that'd explain some things.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 09, 2007, 08:28:46 PM
CAnnoneer, I hope you delete that post, because I get a perverse enjoyment from talking to you.  If you leave the post, however, you should expect to be banned. 
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Manedwolf on February 10, 2007, 12:21:03 AM
Is it that PC?

I mean, it's getting beyond out of hand.

With the fighting now in Jerusalem over the Israelis fixing a RAMP on the Israeli side of the wall, Pakistan just released a statement that "We have heard reports of Israel demolishing a wall of the mosque" and all sorts of fatwahs and crap.

How can you reason with people who revel in ignorance and expect to hang onto your civilization?
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Sindawe on February 10, 2007, 06:18:50 AM
...potentially bannable post deleted...
Nope, too late.  I saw it CAnnoneer.  You're doomed.  DOOOOMED!  grin

/not that I have the power to ban anybody...

How can you reason with people who revel in ignorance and expect to hang onto your civilization?
The attempt has to be be made, no matter how futile it actually is.  Once made and rejected, THEN the keaster-kicking may begin.

Since that annoying little hill in Jerusalem is considered so special by the three largest monothesitic faiths on the planet and given its clear significance in human history, perhaps the U.N. could declare a world heritage site, kick EVERYBODY out while they do a proper archeological dig (say 20 years duration or so) then set up a museum open to ALL to display the artifacts recovered.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Matthew Carberry on February 10, 2007, 09:15:55 AM
Won't work.  The UN is not "areligious" and is perceived as Western. 

There would still be "infidels" and "Western crusaders" on the mosque.

I don't think I or many Jews would like having that group of secularists in charge either, but I bet the only killing would be done by the "religion of peace."
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Manedwolf on February 10, 2007, 09:24:13 AM
The attempt has to be be made, no matter how futile it actually is.  Once made and rejected, THEN the keaster-kicking may begin.

I would have THOUGHT, where the UK was concerned, that the Underground bombing followed by people holding up signs saying "behead those who insult islam" and "europe is the disease, islam is the cure" London, mind you...would have been the cue for any reasonable government to institute Code GTFO.

But I guess not. Since it's not a reasonable government. They'd rather put up more cameras to examine the other citizens.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 10, 2007, 02:16:28 PM
Quote from: Sindawe
Nope, too late.  I saw it CAnnoneer.  You're doomed.  DOOOOMED! 

"Trust your feelings; you know it to be true. "

The most basic truths are the most offensive and least convenient exactly in times of apocalyptic lunacy.
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 10, 2007, 02:24:14 PM
Quote from: fistful
CAnnoneer, I get a perverse enjoyment from talking to you. 

Is it because you think I am onto something or because you feel you could be me if only you dared?
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 10, 2007, 08:49:24 PM
If only I dared.   rolleyes
Title: Re: Jews are apes, Christians are dare you criticzize my schoolbooks
Post by: mountainclmbr on February 11, 2007, 06:20:32 AM
I did some work in Bahrain just after the end of the first Gulf War. The Saudi prayers were put on television and had English captioning. I was truly shocked by them. Things like "Oh God, why have you forsaken us and favored our Jewish brothers. When will you give us the spear to kill them." I have travelled to other countries that were majority Muslim and did not see this level of hatred displayed so openly.