Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: MillCreek on February 05, 2019, 09:24:37 AM

Title: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: MillCreek on February 05, 2019, 09:24:37 AM

My guess is that he was able to break the neck or possibly bash the head against a rock.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: Kingcreek on February 05, 2019, 09:34:42 AM
Speaking as someone who once grabbed a handful of semi wild barn cat, I can't imagine what wrestling a big cat to death must be like.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: makattak on February 05, 2019, 10:52:20 AM
IF I were to guess, the mountain lion may have been in a desperate and weakened state to have gone after prey so large. Likely having difficulty finding food in the winter.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: HankB on February 05, 2019, 10:57:28 AM
Speaking as someone who once grabbed a handful of semi wild barn cat, I can't imagine what wrestling a big cat to death must be like.

Probably kind of like wrestling a lawn mower when it's running . . .
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: MillCreek on February 05, 2019, 05:06:17 PM

How does one suffocate a mountain lion, even a small one?  I wonder if they meant to say 'strangle'.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: WLJ on February 05, 2019, 05:17:29 PM
I can testify to how strong a 18lb cat is when he doesn't want to go into the carrier. Unless the cat was weaken in someway beforehand I can only imagine how a man dealt with an 80lb one.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: BobR on February 05, 2019, 06:47:21 PM
And in other cat news:

They are getting more and more unafraid of people. I guess when there is a lady screaming "the cat's got my baby" they may, just may loosen the hunting restrictions on them. At least this one was only 35 pounds of angry cat.

Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on February 05, 2019, 06:49:16 PM
Has the Colorado cat murderer been charged yet?
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: WLJ on March 01, 2019, 08:09:54 AM
Maybe he's wasn't such a He-Man after all, it was a 24lb kitten

One of my cats is 20lbs and not fat.

Mountain lion Colorado runner killed was young kitten, officials say
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: brimic on March 01, 2019, 10:18:40 AM
Well, 24lbs of pure murder cat is still 24lbs of pure murder cat.

I pretty much suspected that it wasn't a 200lb cat, because they would have found what's left of the guy's corpse hanging in a tree.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: WLJ on March 01, 2019, 10:43:26 AM
It  makes wonder what he was doing at the time. I mean kitten MLs are not exactly known to go around attacking people.
Was mom off hunting and he said" Oh look a cute harmless kitten!, I think I'll go hug it and show it how in tune I am to mother nature"
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: Brad Johnson on March 01, 2019, 10:54:04 AM
Well, 24lbs of pure murder cat is still 24lbs of pure murder cat.

I pretty much suspected that it wasn't a 200lb cat, because they would have found what's left of the guy's corpse hanging in a tree.


Dealing with a pissed off 20 lb feral tabby is risking serious injury, and that's with heavy gloves and a fair bit of experience under your belt. A full-grown mountain lion? Nope. No way you'd get off with a few facial cuts. Anyone who's experienced a house cat pretzelizing themselves around get at you with tooth and claw can attest to that. At the very least the guy would have had his arms and upper torso shredded to bits. More likely is brimic's "corpse hanging from a tree" scenario.

Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: dogmush on March 01, 2019, 12:14:17 PM

Dealing with a pissed off 20 lb feral tabby is risking serious injury, and that's with heavy gloves and a fair bit of experience under your belt. A full-grown mountain lion? Nope. No way you'd get off with a few facial cuts. Anyone who's experienced a house cat pretzelizing themselves around get at you with tooth and claw can attest to that. At the very least the guy would have had his arms and upper torso shredded to bits. More likely is brimic's "corpse hanging from a tree" scenario.


I agree that I'm not surprised that it wasn't a full grown Lion, as those things are pretty much Apex predators.

I would like to add one data point (or anecdote, if you will) to Brad's quote (and the other folks that said similar things).

I was actually attacked but a good sized feral cat when I was a teenager.  Like 22 pounds of pissed off and mean.  I've also had pet cats my entire life and have had to do the claw trimming, shove into crate, hold for meds, all that stuff.  All that stuff you guys are thinking about on the cat pretzeling, and it's hard to avoid serious injury, and gloves and towels and the like is only true if you're trying not to hurt the cat.

The cat that attacked me?  I was 17 and like 180 lbs.  It got some real good scratches in, and like 3 bites in the first 30 sec of the attack, while I was trying to disengage from the angry beast.  Then I decided that this cat was acting weird, and I was going to deliver it for rabies testing.  After that the fight lasted about 15 sec.  I was bleeding sure, but not actually injured in any real sense.  (and the cat was negative for rabies, so there's that.)

An ~200lbs human is not going to be too troubled by a predator 1/10 their size unless the human is trying to be gentle, I don't care what the creature has for claws and teeth.

Much like fights with people, you gotta commit to the violence when it starts.
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: brimic on March 01, 2019, 12:37:35 PM
My daughter's favorite cartoon strip:
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: HeroHog on March 01, 2019, 10:59:12 PM
It was a 30-40lb cat who had been partially eaten by predators leaving a 24lb carcass with an estimated live weight of 30-40lbs. That's a lot of teeth, claws and muscle! I have a 19lb male cat that could put a MAJOR hurt on you if he had a mind to!
Title: Re: What caliber for mountain lion? How about none?
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 01, 2019, 11:52:50 PM
My daughter's favorite cartoon strip:

Your daughter is weird.

Why is she not a participating member here?