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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: makattak on March 28, 2019, 02:51:39 PM

Title: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: makattak on March 28, 2019, 02:51:39 PM
I cannot find a single pundit that is getting this right.

Most of them talk about how the Obama administration used flimsy evidence to spy on the Trump campaign and then set up Donald Trump for an investigation in order to end his Presidency.

They call it a "soft coup" to take out a sitting president for phony crimes.

What they are missing is that this is an act of desperation. The Obama administration (and its adherents in the bureaucracy) used the flimsy evidence to spy on Donald Trump because they expected to find evidence of OTHER wrongdoing.

That was the whole point of this affair. To their minds, Trump is both an idiot AND a shady character in New York real estate. OF COURSE he's doing something illegal. We just need a pretext to find it.

But they didn't. (Aside: That's also the point of the Democrats clambering for his tax returns and the like. They're looking for some other crime to attack him with.)

And when the didn't find anything AND THEN LOST they needed plausible deniability for why they were spying. So the entire investigation has been to protect the previous administration (and their lackeys in the bureaucracy) from charges that that they spied on a political opponent using the resources of the FBI and CIA

Which, to me, means that it is very likely Trump isn't the only one who was spied on. They didn't expect him to win. Romney was a much more plausible threat to them. So, who else were they spying on and haven't been exposed yet?
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: MechAg94 on March 28, 2019, 03:41:14 PM
And since they expected to find something illegal, (as leftists) that tells me they are doing illegal stuff and expected the other side to be doing the same.  Leftists rarely accuse other people of doing something they aren't already doing. 
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Sindawe on March 28, 2019, 04:03:08 PM
And since they expected to find something illegal, (as leftists) that tells me they are doing illegal stuff and expected the other side to be doing the same.  Leftists rarely accuse other people of doing something they aren't already doing. 

This.  The Obama Administration fully expected Hillary Clinton to win the election just as she had won the nomination.  By any means necessary. I suspect that there has been a plan in action to control the political structure of this nation for decades, in order to bring the country into alignment with the way most of the western world has been going for a LONG time.  More socialism, more planned economies, more control over the population in fly-over country.  A win for Hillary would have just about sealed the deal and established two or three dynastic families that would have taken turns holding the White House with occasional rigged events to keep the voting population is a state of fear, uncertainty & doubt about the safety of themselves and their children. /tinfoil hat

President Trump is the SURPRISE! joker who dealt a setback to that plan.  With the collapse of the 'Russian Collusion' item the left is getting increasingly desperate to keep things going according the The Plan and so their actions are becoming amateurish & visible /still more tinfoil hat.   
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 28, 2019, 04:23:00 PM
Concur with all of the above.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: MechAg94 on March 28, 2019, 05:32:40 PM
This.  The Obama Administration fully expected Hillary Clinton to win the election just as she had won the nomination.  By any means necessary. I suspect that there has been a plan in action to control the political structure of this nation for decades, in order to bring the country into alignment with the way most of the western world has been going for a LONG time.  More socialism, more planned economies, more control over the population in fly-over country.  A win for Hillary would have just about sealed the deal and established two or three dynastic families that would have taken turns holding the White House with occasional rigged events to keep the voting population is a state of fear, uncertainty & doubt about the safety of themselves and their children. /tinfoil hat

President Trump is the SURPRISE! joker who dealt a setback to that plan.  With the collapse of the 'Russian Collusion' item the left is getting increasingly desperate to keep things going according the The Plan and so their actions are becoming amateurish & visible /still more tinfoil hat.   
I wonder if some of that is that the leftist talking heads are increasingly insulated from alternative views and automatically dismiss any disagreement.  Anyone who shows signs of independent thought is cast out.  IMO, that should be mean voters won't go down that road with them, but I don't know how that will go especially if there is no opposition leadership.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Chester32141 on March 31, 2019, 10:11:02 AM
So far President Trump has a pretty good track record of accomplishing what he sets out to accomplish.  He said he wants to get to the bottom of the coup attempt and to see how high up in the Obama administration it began.  Much as I'd like to see Obama behind bars it's gonna be tough.  We all know it started with him.  I think that shortly Hillary is going to be thrown under the bus with the hope that the buck will stop there.

Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 31, 2019, 11:34:49 AM
So far President Trump has a pretty good track record of accomplishing what he sets out to accomplish.

I have to disagree.

The only thing Trump has accomplished that was important to me at election time is that he isn't Hillary.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Ben on March 31, 2019, 02:29:14 PM
I have to disagree.

  • We don't have a wall.
  • We don't have national carry reciprocity.
  • We haven't deported the illegals.

The only thing Trump has accomplished that was important to me at election time is that he isn't Hillary.

You may have missed an incredibly large amount of judicial appointees. That in itself makes it worthwhile to me. These appointees will be counteracting the commies for possibly the next twenty years.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Hawkmoon on March 31, 2019, 03:18:02 PM
You may have missed an incredibly large amount of judicial appointees. That in itself makes it worthwhile to me. These appointees will be counteracting the commies for possibly the next twenty years.

I haven't missed it, and I approve heartily. But I don't recall Trump campaigning on how many judges he might get to nominate. But his platform did include the wall, and national carry reciprocity.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: 230RN on March 31, 2019, 07:09:12 PM
This.  The Obama Administration fully expected Hillary Clinton to win the election just as she had won the nomination.  By any means necessary. I suspect that there has been a plan in action to control the political structure of this nation for decades, in order to bring the country into alignment with the way most of the western world has been going for a LONG time.  More socialism, more planned economies, more control over the population in fly-over country.  A win for Hillary would have just about sealed the deal and established two or three dynastic families that would have taken turns holding the White House with occasional rigged events to keep the voting population is a state of fear, uncertainty & doubt about the safety of themselves and their children. /tinfoil hat

President Trump is the SURPRISE! joker who dealt a setback to that plan.  With the collapse of the 'Russian Collusion' item the left is getting increasingly desperate to keep things going according the The Plan and so their actions are becoming amateurish & visible /still more tinfoil hat.

Fixed that.  Not paranoia.  Astute observations of reality.

Another example as to how they control the language to control the society.  Call any analysis of their ultimate plans and goals paranoid, thereby marginalizing it.

I think we ought to remove the tinfoil hat emoticon ([tinfoil]) and quit "apologizing" for "Paranoia."

That's what I think.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Perd Hapley on March 31, 2019, 10:09:22 PM
I have to disagree.

  • We don't have a wall.
  • We don't have national carry reciprocity.
  • We haven't deported the illegals.

The only thing Trump has accomplished that was important to me at election time is that he isn't Hillary.

I'll forgive him for that, given Congress being in the way. The only place I really feel that he let me down was in failing to lock Her up. He can still make up for that by going after the Russia "scandal" conspirators.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Chester32141 on April 01, 2019, 01:30:06 AM
I'd like to see him do more too but …   ;/ ;/ ;/

Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Ron on April 01, 2019, 01:48:48 PM
Leaked copy of Mueller report proves Barr lied about obstruction of justice and collusion.
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: TechMan on April 01, 2019, 02:01:18 PM
Leaked copy of Mueller report proves Barr lied about obstruction of justice and collusion.

Not falling for that....
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 01, 2019, 04:45:39 PM
Leaked copy of Mueller report proves Barr lied about obstruction of justice and collusion.

Other evidence listed in the report includes communication transcripts in which Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen ordering President Trump to bomb Syria, stage a coup in Venezuela, arm Ukraine, escalate against Russia in America’s Nuclear Posture Review, withdraw from the INF treaty and the Iran deal, undermine Russia’s fossil fuel interests in Germany, expand NATO, and maintain a large military presence near Russia’s border.

These things were done, according to Putin, in order to “keep things interesting.”
Title: Re: Why did they do it? (Russia Russia Russia)
Post by: Chester32141 on April 07, 2019, 09:46:12 PM
Video starts out slow but is pretty good if you're into this kind of stuff …  [popcorn]