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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: brimic on July 20, 2019, 07:07:21 PM

Title: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on July 20, 2019, 07:07:21 PM

I’m underwhelmed.
It looks like a cadre of SJWs took the Witcher Universe and unironically raped it.
Hard pass.
Its too bad, i was seriously looking forward this series and would have bought a netflix sub just to watch it.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: dogmush on July 20, 2019, 09:15:50 PM
I haven't played any of the games or read the books, but yes, that trailer looks pretty cookie cutter "meh" fantasy.  On the bright side it led my youtube to the cinematic trailer for Witcher 3:Wild Hunt, and I am reminded I should really play that game.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: dogmush on December 16, 2019, 04:56:01 AM
So coming back to this:

I've since played Witcher 3 (for like 130 hrs), and am listening to "the Last Wish" on audiobook while I exercise.  I am really enjoying the world so far.

Also, as Netflix has released more promo for this show, I feel I may have been unfair in my dismissal.  Henry Cavil's talk about how he researched the character sounds really promising.  The more clips I see, I think the better the show looks.

There's a 11 min interview with the showrunner on YouTube where she talks about why she chose to introduce the three characters simultaneously, instead of the Geralt's POV as the books do, and I'm willing to give it a shot. 

Production values look good, the monsters are scary, not fantasy, the world is appropriately dark and bleak, and right and wrong is grey.  Netflix may have gotten this one right.

It drops on Friday, so I'll be watching at least a couple of episodes to see how they did, but I'm now cautiously optimistic.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: dogmush on January 08, 2020, 07:20:44 AM
Bringing this back to the top.

It's actually pretty good.  My only real nit would be that if you weren't already introduced to the world, it will take a couple episodes to figure out the storytelling framework.  Reports from the net say about episode four most people figure out the framework and go "aha".

Either way, Cavil does a good job as Geralt, the show is both an entertaining exploration of Destiny and Evil, and funny and fun to watch.  If you like fantasy even a little bit, it's worth watching.

Not A+, but solid B+ to A- territory.  I enjoyed it as much, or maybe a tic more than season 1 of The Mandalorian. Definitely not the SJW trash this thread feared.  Go check it out.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on January 08, 2020, 08:17:58 AM
Bringing this back to the top.

It's actually pretty good.  My only real nit would be that if you weren't already introduced to the world, it will take a couple episodes to figure out the storytelling framework.  Reports from the net say about episode four most people figure out the framework and go "aha".

Either way, Cavil does a good job as Geralt, the show is both an entertaining exploration of Destiny and Evil, and funny and fun to watch.  If you like fantasy even a little bit, it's worth watching.

Not A+, but solid B+ to A- territory.  I enjoyed it as much, or maybe a tic more than season 1 of The Mandalorian. Definitely not the SJW trash this thread feared.  Go check it out.

I saw an article on FB recently about Cavil and his preference to stay home and play video games on weekends instead of doing other social things. I thought that that was awesome.. I bet he plays Witcher 3. :laugh:
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: dogmush on January 08, 2020, 08:58:54 AM
I saw an article on FB recently about Cavil and his preference to stay home and play video games on weekends instead of doing other social things. I thought that that was awesome.. I bet he plays Witcher 3. :laugh:

He said he did.  When asked Xbox or PlayStation, he scoffed and said "PC".  =D
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on January 08, 2020, 02:19:36 PM
I think that will be the next series I try to watch. 

I don't have a Disney plus account to watch Mandalorian.  I did hear I could get one cheap with my Verizon account. 
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: Jamisjockey on January 08, 2020, 03:23:28 PM
Bringing this back to the top.

It's actually pretty good.  My only real nit would be that if you weren't already introduced to the world, it will take a couple episodes to figure out the storytelling framework.  Reports from the net say about episode four most people figure out the framework and go "aha".

Either way, Cavil does a good job as Geralt, the show is both an entertaining exploration of Destiny and Evil, and funny and fun to watch.  If you like fantasy even a little bit, it's worth watching.

Not A+, but solid B+ to A- territory.  I enjoyed it as much, or maybe a tic more than season 1 of The Mandalorian. Definitely not the SJW trash this thread feared.  Go check it out.

100% agree with this assessment!
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on January 10, 2020, 08:44:35 AM
I watched the first couple episodes last night.  Entertaining so far but still getting a handle on the what sort of world this takes place in.  I haven't played the games or read any books so it is all new to me.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: Ben on January 10, 2020, 08:46:46 AM
I also haven't played the games or know the background, but will probably check this out over the weekend.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: dogmush on January 10, 2020, 08:53:11 AM
Very roughly: imagine a medieval eastern Europe where several hundred years in the past there was a "Conjunction of the Spheres" that allowed monsters to cross over to our world, and magic to be a thing. So kings and kingdoms, serfs and peasants.  Monsters and Magic are real, and common knowledge. 
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on January 10, 2020, 08:57:25 AM
I might have to sign up for Netflix now...
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on January 10, 2020, 09:03:06 AM
I might have to sign up for Netflix now...
I don't know if I have gotten full value for what I have paid them over the last year, but now that football season is nearly over I expect I will use it more.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on January 10, 2020, 10:12:27 AM
I don't know if I have gotten full value for what I have paid them over the last year, but now that football season is nearly over I expect I will use it more.

I only subscribe on and off, usually a month at a time.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: Ben on January 12, 2020, 03:20:10 PM
I watched the first two episodes and like it so far, though as per posts above, it likely would have helped me to know more about the universe beforehand. Hopefully all becomes clearer as I watch more. :)
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 12, 2020, 05:36:19 PM
I liked it, but of the Netflix original offerings, it's not the best. It's solid and I will watch the next season. For me it's got a little too much of a 'teenage angst' feel too it. It would have done well on the CW.

I might have to sign up for Netflix now...

Between this, Altered Carbon, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and The Umbrella Academy, I'd say it's worth a go.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: Ben on January 13, 2020, 11:18:27 AM
I'm up to episode 4 now. I still like it, but I have to say, keeping in mind I'm a simpleton, thanks to episode 4, I'm now very confused on who is who and who is what and when is when and who is when.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on January 13, 2020, 11:47:24 AM
I'm up to episode 4 now. I still like it, but I have to say, keeping in mind I'm a simpleton, thanks to episode 4, I'm now very confused on who is who and who is what and when is when and who is when.

Almost like playing Witcher 3...
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on January 13, 2020, 11:56:11 AM
I finished season 1.  The last few episodes it is hard to stop watching.  They keep ending at cliff hanger points so I wanted to keep watching.  I found it pretty entertaining.  I still don't really understand everything all that well, but I will be looking forward to season 2.
The Critical Drinker had some negative things to say, but not too bad.  He comment about the show not bothering to explain anything about the world it took place in is spot on.   =)
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on January 13, 2020, 12:02:58 PM
There was also a small controversy.  One of the Daily Wire guys criticised it in showing a woman (the Queen) fighting with her army alongside all the men.  He initially said no woman would last long in battle against trained soldiers.  Some of the historical martial arts youtubers jumped on that.

On the fighting, I at least saw some homage to armor as it seemed to work.  In the battle you see guys making effort to attack the gaps in the armor (no one protects their neck) and using weapons designed to use against armor.  They get away from that in some points when the Witcher is fighting.  I am not sure if there is some reason for that.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: brimic on January 19, 2020, 11:32:47 AM
I watched the 1st 4 episodes last night.
- The Queen MechAg94 talks about appears to be a pschopath- she shows up to her daughter’s courting/wedding covered in blood and looking for a reason to fight.

While the show has a lot of feminist themes (several characters stop just short of screeching “F the Patriarchy!!!!” It’s still pretty much in line with what I’ve seen playing Witcher 3, and never having read the books. Women were little more than chattel one the dark ages... some of the treatments of women are historically accurate

Overall, fairly good, and I’ll keep watching.
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: HeroHog on December 26, 2022, 09:50:19 PM
Necro revival: The Witcher: Blood Origins DESTROYED by Fans! Netflix's Witcher Franchise is DEAD! (
Title: Re: Netflix Witcher trailer
Post by: MechAg94 on December 26, 2022, 10:25:13 PM
Call me Chato said it was okay.  I don't think he is saying it is great, just okay in some respects.
HeelvsBabyface did not like it and goes to great lengths describing that.  His videos trashing bad shows are entertaining.