Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: gunsmith on August 04, 2019, 07:29:55 PM

Title: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: gunsmith on August 04, 2019, 07:29:55 PM
terribly sad case, she was a homeless gal who was sleeping on the grass.
the dog in question was wounded, fled to a garage - now if the dog was dangerous - a wounded dangerous/dog would likely bite.
this dog was just looking for help and not aggressive toward its rescuers.
anyway, she was directly in the line of fire.
NSFW due to her asking "WTF" before dying.
very sad thing to see/hear
Title: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: MechAg94 on August 05, 2019, 09:26:21 AM
Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting

It appears the officer opened fire on the dog and ended up shooting the woman in the background killing her.  Know your target and what is beyond it.  We will see what they decide to do with this case. 

Arlington Police released an officer’s body cam video less than 24 hours after the rookie officer shot and killed a woman lying in the grass, while trying to shoot a dog charging at him.

The officer on the video says, “Hello, are you OK? Is that your dog? can you get… get back!”  Then he fires his weapon multiple times.

The dog did belong to Margarita Brooks, 30.

Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: makattak on August 05, 2019, 09:29:28 AM
It was so shaky, I can't tell the attitude of the dog towards the officer, but police REALLY need to get past this identifying every dog as a threat and that the ONLY response is to shoot the dog. I have dealt with apparently and actually aggressive dogs and have had to shoot 0 of them.

A woman is now dead because an officer panicked. He should be in jail, but, instead, he'll get a transfer to some other location where he can kill again.
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2019, 10:07:48 AM
It was so shaky, I can't tell the attitude of the dog towards the officer, but police REALLY need to get past this identifying every dog as a threat and that the ONLY response is to shoot the dog. I have dealt with apparently and actually aggressive dogs and have had to shoot 0 of them.

A woman is now dead because an officer panicked. He should be in jail, but, instead, he'll get a transfer to some other location where he can kill again.

Yup. Maybe there already is, but if not, there should be some training on handling aggressive dogs other than "shoot first". You can see this dog turned tail at the noise from the first shot.

I too have been around aggressive dogs and managed to handle the situation without killing one. A dog pack is a different story, but a little knowledge would go a long way towards handling single dog situations. Lots of other people that deal with the public seem to handle the problem without a gun. Not that we have them any more, but meter readers ran into more dogs - in their own territory - than any cop ever would.
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: Ben on August 05, 2019, 10:16:54 AM
Also, dupe topics merged.
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: RocketMan on August 05, 2019, 10:19:14 AM
It's quite clear to me that we should ban guns.  If no one had guns, this would not have happened.

(It's sarcasm, folks.)
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: BobR on August 05, 2019, 10:37:51 AM
It's quite clear to me that we should ban guns.  If no one had guns, this would not have happened.

(It's sarcasm, folks.)

It's not the guns, it's the dogs. Get rid of dogs and no more dogs will be shot at which may harm innocent bystanders. Simple. ;)

Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: MechAg94 on August 05, 2019, 10:46:50 AM
It's not the guns, it's the dogs. Get rid of dogs and no more dogs will be shot at which may harm innocent bystanders. Simple. ;)

Then what will keep the cats in check?

You can't just mess with Nature's balance like that. 
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 05, 2019, 02:54:50 PM
Y'all are ignoring the most obvious option: Eliminate police officers, and (a) no more dogs OR people can be shot by police officers, AND (b) no more police officers can be shot by domestic terrorists.

Win-win. It's a two-fer.
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: Pb on August 06, 2019, 12:01:56 PM
That's a pretty small dog.

I bet the cop is wishing he had used pepper spray instead of his gun.

My wife is part of a cycle club.  Members use pepper spray on dogs.  It works.  And you don't kill innocent people by accident either. 
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: cordex on August 06, 2019, 01:33:07 PM
My wife is part of a cycle club.  Members use pepper spray on dogs.  It works.  And you don't kill innocent people by accident either.
Or if you do it takes a whole lot longer.
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: MechAg94 on August 06, 2019, 03:55:30 PM
I thought I had heard those stun guns that work by touch can be a deterrent to dogs.  The ones that spark some when you operate them.  I heard most dogs don't like the sparks or noise.  Have any of you heard or tried that? 
Title: Re: Arlington Police Release Body Cam Video Of Deadly, Accidental Shooting
Post by: cordex on August 06, 2019, 04:30:44 PM
I thought I had heard those stun guns that work by touch can be a deterrent to dogs.  The ones that spark some when you operate them.  I heard most dogs don't like the sparks or noise.  Have any of you heard or tried that?
I know of one case where a K9 charged a cop and got hit with a Taser (actual probe deployment - took one hook to an ear I think, not a drive stun that acts like one of those little stun guns).  The K9 stopped his attack right away, but tasers are not spectacularly reliable in a general sense - probes don't always hit, they don't always stick, and even if they do they don't always cause immediate incapacitation.  There's a reason why when tasers are used another cop is supposed to be standing by with lethal cover.

Against a bluff attack making scary noises might work well, but using one of those little handheld stun guns on a dog that is actually attacking sounds like a very good way to get your gun hand bit.  I asked one of my handler friends about it and he says his dog doesn't care about the drive-stun noise at all if they're on a bite.