Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ben on September 26, 2019, 08:51:53 AM

Title: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 26, 2019, 08:51:53 AM
We need to see more of this. I'm sick and tired of all these SJWs digging into people's childhoods to destroy them. Especially so for stories like this one. For those that haven't seen it yet, a guy in Iowa raises $1million for a kids hospital. A Des Moines newspaper reporter does a "social media background check" on him and finds typical teenage tweets from him when he was 16. The newspaper does a big story on it, and Annheiser Busch pulls its sponsorship from the guy. Nevermind where the money was going.

Besides the newspaper getting absolutely hammered, it turns out there's no "immunity" from "social media background checks". People pulled problematic tweets from the reporter, and Dana Loesch managed to find some old Busch advertising that is racist in today's culture. I love watching glass houses shatter.
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 08:58:06 AM

This is exactly why I hate journalists. They try to kneecap a guy for DONATING A MILLION DOLLARS TO KIDS WITH CANCER. Over 8 year old posts, from when he was 16, where he was quoting a show from Comedy Central.

And the cowards at Anheuser-Busch drop him immediately. They deserve a nice boycott too. (But, since I don't drink their crap, I can't NOT drink them any more than I already am.)

I honestly don't know if I could refrain from spitting on the reporter and his editors, were I ever to meet them.

And that anger is all before the blatant hypocrisy is considered. This little slimeball ought to think himself lucky to be cleaning toilets after this. (But, instead, the rest of the reprobate media like "Deadspin" are trying to cover for their despicable cronies at the Des Moines Register.)
Post by: charby on September 26, 2019, 08:59:25 AM
There are a lot of pissed off people in Iowa.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: charby on September 26, 2019, 09:01:32 AM
Lots of pissed off people in Iowa. Matter of hours Iowegians were posting pics of the reporters tweets and "racial" advertising from AB. Iowa nice anger beat the outsiders.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 26, 2019, 09:06:43 AM
Dupe topics merged. Mak-  I didn't steal your subject line, I just did it by timestamp. I agree with what you said about them. :)
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 09:08:05 AM
Dupe topics merged. Mak-  I didn't steal your subject line, I just did it by timestamp. I agree with what you said about them. :)

Yeah, I saw we were posting the same thing at about the same time. You beat me by a few minutes.  :laugh: Stinking retired people.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 26, 2019, 09:16:14 AM
Yeah, I saw we were posting the same thing at about the same time. You beat me by a few minutes.  :laugh: Stinking retired people.

Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: zahc on September 26, 2019, 09:26:41 AM
Is this sort of how McCarthyism was like?
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2019, 10:41:14 AM
Anheuser-Busch is getting an earful. They're trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to spin it in a positive light. People ain't happy.

The Des Moines Register FB page is starting to smoke.

Aaron Calvin, the reporter who wrote the story, is getting a bit of his own medicine. Several mentions that a bunch of his own social media history has gone noticeably missing or is now set to "private", presumably in an attempt to sanitize it lest it be used against him. He started too late.

Interesting aside is that his FB page pic was updated yesterday. Now it shows a photo of a woman and infant. I'll give him benefit of doubt and say wife and child, no doubt to try and generate some good "feelz" to offset the wave of unbridled ire being focused on him.

Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 26, 2019, 10:58:04 AM
I like the Register's "explanation" letter. Tough decision, but we decided we should include it. "But hey - we just put it at the end of the story!" You know, so it will be the last thing people read about the guy, forgetting everything above it. From the comments, it sounds like every single Iowa resident is ready to tar and feather the newspaper staff.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: MechAg94 on September 26, 2019, 11:29:00 AM
Nice to see the push back.  I hope it makes a lasting impact.

I think a few of the lessons are:
1.  Journalists (and their editors who likely told them to do it) are generally scumbags and everyone should be careful taking what they say for truth.
2.  Big Corps shouldn't run from people or charities like this so quickly.  
3.  Never freaking apologize.  Too many of the idiots who agree with the scumbags from #1 see that as admission of guilt.  In this case, he grew up and what he said probably wasn't that bad anyway.

Edited to mention editors.  I doubt the journalist did that research of their own initiative. 
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 11:31:07 AM
I like the Register's "explanation" letter. Tough decision, but we decided we should include it. "But hey - we just put it at the end of the story!" You know, so it will be the last thing people read about the guy, forgetting everything above it. From the comments, it sounds like every single Iowa resident is ready to tar and feather the newspaper staff.

I love what's happening on the Anheuser-Busch page.

Every other post is someone deriding them for pulling donations from children with cancer. (Because in a confusing story, that's what people get from "Busch cuts ties with man raising money for children's hospital")

So the social media people for Busch keep saying, OVER and OVER, "no! We're still honoring the pledge money!"

Of course, the broader picture is that you cut ties with him over the merchandise with his likeness which was going to also raise money for the children with cancer.

So the impression these people have is correct, even if Busch is still paying the matching funds. But because ABInbev (The conglomerate's name) so horribly mishandled this, people think they pulled ALL the money from the children's cancer hospital.

I love a story where the bad guys get what's coming to them.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 26, 2019, 12:03:06 PM

I think a few of the lessons are:
1.  Journalists are generally scumbags and everyone should be careful taking what they say for truth.
2.  Big Corps shouldn't run from people or charities like this so quickly.  
3.  Never freaking apologize.  Too many of the idiots who agree with the scumbags from #1 see that as admission of guilt.  In this case, he grew up and what he said probably wasn't that bad anyway.

And, number four:

4. NEVER talk to the media, because they will always take something you said out of context and use it against you.

As for rule number one, a guy I used to work for (who, ironically, was later indicted for federal contract fraud) used to say, "Everything you see in the media is true ... unless you have first-hand knowledge of the facts."
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2019, 12:03:27 PM
The State of Iowa's giant middle finger to Anheuser-Busch and the Des Moines Register.

ABInBev would be wise to jump on board in in the most public possible way. That, along with publicly firing the brain-dead cretin who decided to go their current route, might suitably smooth most feathers.

The Des Moines Register? They've already dug their grave. It's just a matter of what will be etched on the headstone.

Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: MechAg94 on September 26, 2019, 12:24:41 PM
To add to my #2 above, the various big corporations should have learned by now that trying to appease the Outrage/Cancel Culture is a losing proposition.  They won't respect you and will turn on you also as soon as they have an excuse.  In this case, it seems to me they could have looked a little closer at this story and realized it was over old tweets and ignored it.  We can jump on the journalist to dig this stuff up, but it is the idiots who follow along and react to it that are almost worse. 
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 26, 2019, 12:36:28 PM
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 01:12:38 PM

I had never heard of that Meme until this episode of the Woke Olympics. I still don't know the exact story, and I don't want to.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: TommyGunn on September 26, 2019, 01:16:30 PM
I, on the other hand,  have absolutly no idea what a duck with a milkshake is supposed to mean. 

But the cherry is a nice touch..... [tinfoil]
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 01:18:04 PM
I, on the other hand,  have absolutly no idea what a duck with a milkshake is supposed to mean.  

But the cherry is a nice touch..... [tinfoil]

You may choose to read it all or not.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: TommyGunn on September 26, 2019, 01:22:28 PM

You may choose to read it all or not.

I strongly suspect whoever came up with it was a real quack. [tinfoil] [popcorn]
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: kgbsquirrel on September 26, 2019, 02:12:54 PM
Is this sort of how McCarthyism was like?

No, because McCarthy was right.

This is more like early 1930's Germany or Austria.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: brimic on September 26, 2019, 02:40:19 PM
No, because McCarthy was right.

This is more like early 1930's Germany or Austria.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 26, 2019, 03:13:45 PM

With the left's penchant for brainwashing children into doing their bidding, I'd describe it more as 1960s China.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2019, 04:05:59 PM
Well, that didn't take long...

Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Doggy Daddy on September 26, 2019, 05:43:31 PM
I strongly suspect whoever came up with it was a real quack. [tinfoil] [popcorn]

I had guessed that it was a shouted warning that an Antifa fool had tossed one of those concrete beverages.  "Milkshake!!  Duck!!"
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: 230RN on September 27, 2019, 01:23:00 AM
Yeah, I saw we were posting the same thing at about the same time. You beat me by a few minutes.  ;laugh;Stinking retired people.

I know, joke, joke, but an opportunity to repeat my favorite rejoinder to (serious) remarks in this vein: "I sure hope you (A) don't get this old or (B) Let's hope you never reach retirement."

I agree on the slimeballery of reporters and I'm reviewing suggestions as to what to do about them.  So far, I have not found a solution that does not involve cruel and unusual punishment. Perhaps it's time to review those criteria.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 27, 2019, 01:25:53 AM
Well, he's fired.

Unfortunately the DMR editor is still trying to spin her way out of it rather than issuing an apology but Iowans aren't putting up with it. The comments, summarized, are "Take your fuffery and shove it up your backside while concurrently removing yourself from DMR's employee roles."

Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: 230RN on September 27, 2019, 01:33:40 AM
The comments, summarized, are "Take your fuffery, prnt it out on cardboard, and shove it up your backside while concurrently removing yourself from DMR's employee roles."

Fixed that for  you.

Terry,   >:D
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 27, 2019, 08:45:55 AM
Interesting that the reporter was fired, but the editors who approved the story are still sitting pretty. He's a slimeball for doing his "background check", but the editors said it was their standard procedure AND approved publishing it. Seems like they should go too.

I think it's awesome that Iowa is having "Carson King Day". :)
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: MechAg94 on September 27, 2019, 09:04:01 AM
Modernized Year Of Jubilee Will Forgive Everyone For Their Old Tweets

I don't think this part will work.
Perhaps everybody's favorite part of the proposal, however, is that this 50th year acts as a kind of Twitter Sabbath, where everyone rests and nobody is allowed to tweet all year long: "In that year you shall not tweet, nor shall you subtweet, nor shall you comb through old tweets to look for dirt on people. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you."
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 27, 2019, 10:34:20 AM
Interesting that the reporter was fired, but the editors who approved the story are still sitting pretty. He's a slimeball for doing his "background check", but the editors said it was their standard procedure AND approved publishing it. Seems like they should go too.

I think it's awesome that Iowa is having "Carson King Day". :)

Because he was fired for his own tweets, not because he's a malicious slime-ball attacking someone for what they wrote when they were 16.

THAT is the lesson the editors think they needed to learn. Not to tweet bad things.

Because what they did was perfectly fine. It was that hypocrite who was wrong. Not them.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 27, 2019, 11:08:04 AM
Interesting that the reporter was fired, but the editors who approved the story are still sitting pretty. He's a slimeball for doing his "background check", but the editors said it was their standard procedure AND approved publishing it. Seems like they should go too.

I agree. I found an e-mail address for the Executive Editor and wrote to her to say exactly that.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: makattak on September 27, 2019, 02:35:12 PM
For some help, here are a list of Anheuser-Busch InBev brands: (I am posting a shorter list because the link has a HUGE number, but these are the ones we are likely to encounter in the US)

Natural Light
Shock Top Belgian White
Stella Artois (Global)
Stone Mill Pale Ale
10 Barrel Brewing Co (USA)
Alexander Keith's (Canada)
Babe Wines
Best Damn Brewing Company
Blue Point Brewing Company (USA)
Blue Star (Canada)
Breckenridge Brewery (USA)
Devils Backbone Brewing Company
Elysian Brewing Company (USA)
Four Peaks (USA)[7]
Golden Road (USA)
Goose Island Brewery (USA)
Karbach Brewing Company (USA)
Kokanee (Canada)
Labatt Family (Canada) Acquired in 1995
Lakeport Family (Canada) Acquired in 2007
Mill Street Brewery (Canada)
Oland Export Ale (Canada)
Platform Beer Company (USA) [9]
Spiked Seltzer (USA)
Turning Point (Canada)
Veza Sur Brewing Company [10] (USA)
Wicked Weed (USA) [11]
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 27, 2019, 03:19:21 PM
I agree. I found an e-mail address for the Executive Editor and wrote to her to say exactly that.

Sadly though, I think Mak is right, and they only fired the reporter because of his own past tweets. Their "apology" suggests that they will do this again with no remorse. They might first run an internal "background check" on the next reporter to avoid the current hypocrisy complications.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 27, 2019, 03:44:34 PM
For some help, here are a list of Anheuser-Busch InBev brands: (I am posting a shorter list because the link has a HUGE number, but these are the ones we are likely to encounter in the US)

I had no idea they owned Corona and Michelob.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 27, 2019, 03:47:05 PM
Sadly though, I think Mak is right, and they only fired the reporter because of his own past tweets. Their "apology" suggests that they will do this again with no remorse. They might first run an internal "background check" on the next reporter to avoid the current hypocrisy complications.

I think that's pretty clear. I think it's also pretty clear that they would not have run any check on their reporter if outsiders hadn't done so for them,and "outed" him very publicly. So they got caught in a clear and obvious case of "Do as I say and not as I do," and they are now engaged in Level 4 damage control.

And they still haven't addressed why they decided to even mention the beer guy's teenage tweets in the article. It wasn't (and isn't) in any way relevant to the story. The story was (and is) that an ordinary guy made a joke that turned into a very good thing -- and then the Des Moinse Register turned the very good thing into a dumpster fire. THAT''s the story.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: charby on September 27, 2019, 04:16:44 PM

ever since 1896
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Ben on September 27, 2019, 10:24:23 PM
Well, the fired journalist was only fired because of a right wing conspiracy that forced his editors to fire him.  ;/
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 28, 2019, 12:08:20 AM
Well, the fired journalist was only fired because of a right wing conspiracy that forced his editors to fire him.  ;/

This one echoes my thoughts on the matter:

Esoteric Jeff

Replying to @EsotericCD

Here's a novel thought: it's not newsworthy what a guy raising money for children's hospitals wrote on Twitter when he was 16. In fact, if discovered, it should be actively suppressed and hidden, not reported on. The public *shouldn't* have a right to know.

Crazy, I know.

Esoteric Jeff

Replying to @EsotericCD

In all honesty, it's the *editor* (or however many editors that okayed the idea of discussing the kid's social media from when he was 16) who should have been fired here. This is a question of *news judgment* and judging that to be publishable or relevant is unforgivable.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: 230RN on September 28, 2019, 01:19:48 AM
The editors made me do it.  I was only following orders.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: Doggy Daddy on September 28, 2019, 10:43:05 AM
The editors made me do it.  I was only following orders.

No, I think he did it all by himself.  Then showed it to his editors who wholly approved of it.  They gave him a gold star and published his little side project.  From there, it pretty well went to $4!+ for him and his back-patting bosses.
Title: Re: Cancel Culture Backfire
Post by: 230RN on September 28, 2019, 07:27:47 PM
Oh, I was iterating an oft-used lame excuse for various things.  In the dog ate my homework vein.

Not my best post.  No excuse, Sir.