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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ron on December 09, 2019, 05:09:02 PM

Title: Horowitz IG Report
Post by: Ron on December 09, 2019, 05:09:02 PM
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has released his report into the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election. The report concludes that despite nearly everybody investigating President Trump hating him - and that evidence was fabricated by at least one FBI attorney, and that they misrepresented Christopher Steele's credentials, none of their bias 'tainted' the investigation, and the underlying process was sound.

So Horowitz muddied the water as much as he could but the best he could do was admit it was a *expletive deleted*it show with one side of his mouth while puppeting the narrative out of the other side.

Jury is still out if anyone is held accountable.

Here is a link. I used to be embarrassed linking to zerohedge but they've been more accurate than all of the mainstream for a couple years now. You just have to filter out some of the rabbit trails.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: RocketMan on December 09, 2019, 05:41:12 PM
The result is exactly as many of us suspected it would be.  The guilty parties will not be held accountable.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: MechAg94 on December 09, 2019, 06:07:11 PM
So what they did was illegal and against the rules and ethics, but it all turned out okay and nothing should be done.  Need to glance through it later.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: RocketMan on December 09, 2019, 06:49:07 PM
So what they did was illegal and against the rules and ethics, but it all turned out okay and nothing should be done.

And it's okay for leftists and Democrats (is that redundant?) to do it again whenever they please.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 09, 2019, 06:58:16 PM
Actually abusing their power was the only way to stop Trump's fictional abuse of power.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 09, 2019, 07:07:29 PM
I still hold a very tiny vestige of hope that Durham and Barr will make something happen, very, very tiny vestige.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 09, 2019, 08:06:34 PM
I still hold a very tiny vestige of hope that Durham and Barr will make something happen, very, very tiny vestige.

You silly person, you.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: Regolith on December 09, 2019, 11:14:28 PM
I still hold a very tiny vestige of hope that Durham and Barr will make something happen, very, very tiny vestige.

Durham and Barr both publicly took issue with the report's conclusion (, so it's a possibility. And it's their opinion that will ultimately matter in the end, as the IG isn't able to bring charges, but Durham can.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: RocketMan on December 10, 2019, 12:08:23 AM
Durham and Barr both publicly took issue with the report's conclusion (, so it's a possibility. And it's their opinion that will ultimately matter in the end, as the IG isn't able to bring charges, but Durham can.

Durham might want to bring charges, but he won't be allowed to do so.  At least not against anyone of any import.
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: HankB on December 10, 2019, 01:32:44 PM
RE: The IG report.

It appears to have been done in the much the same spirit as Comey's statement on Hillary. ("She did all this bad stuff but shouldn't be prosecuted.")
Title: Re: Horowitz report
Post by: MechAg94 on December 10, 2019, 11:23:24 PM
We aren't here yet are we?
Posted on twitter by Liberty Doll.
Title: Re: Horowitz IG Report
Post by: Ron on December 17, 2019, 05:59:55 PM
The only links I can find are behind paywalls.

The FISA (FISC?) court published what can be described as a rebuke to the FBI. They've also given them a deadline to suggest and enact reforms to keep this from happening again.

At least that's the first take I heard on the FISA statement.
Title: Re: Horowitz IG Report
Post by: Hawkmoon on December 17, 2019, 06:19:02 PM

The FISA (FISC?) court published what can be described as a rebuke to the FBI. They've also given them a deadline to suggest and enact reforms to keep this from happening again.

And if when the FBI doesn't meet the deadline, or the "reforms" turn out to be a joke, what penalties will the FISA court impose?

Words are meaningless unless accompanied by punishments for those who violate the law.
Title: Re: Horowitz IG Report
Post by: Ron on December 17, 2019, 06:51:33 PM
Title: Re: Horowitz IG Report
Post by: RoadKingLarry on December 17, 2019, 07:18:25 PM (