Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: K Frame on February 27, 2020, 12:42:34 PM

Title: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: K Frame on February 27, 2020, 12:42:34 PM
So, Liz Warren has just dropped proposed legislation to defund the border wall and move any obligated funds to fight the Corona virus.

You want measles, tuberculosis, and polio? Because that's how you get measles, tuberculosis and polio!
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: brimic on February 27, 2020, 12:44:46 PM

You want measles, tuberculosis, and polio? Because that's how you get measles, tuberculosis and polio!

..and Coronavirus.  Mexico/central America won't have the health care infrastructure to deal with the disease.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: WLJ on February 27, 2020, 12:45:37 PM
If only Trump would do someone that would help in keeping infected people out. Hmmmmm
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 27, 2020, 12:53:52 PM
My gut says that the genie is out of the bottle on this one.  Numerous cases, including in the US, where the infected person has had no international travel recently nor have then come into known contact with suspected cases.
The border wall is years from being complete. 
Is her move political? Definitely.  But what's that saying about blind squirrels and acorns....?
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: WLJ on February 27, 2020, 12:58:23 PM
My gut says that the genie is out of the bottle on this one.  Numerous cases, including in the US, where the infected person has had no international travel recently nor have then come into known contact with suspected cases.
The border wall is years from being complete.  
Is her move political? Definitely.  But what's that saying about blind squirrels and acorns....?

I know, that ship sailed a long time ago but I find it somewhat ironic considering their stance now.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: K Frame on February 27, 2020, 12:58:54 PM
" But what's that saying about blind squirrels and acorns....?"

I'd tell you, but I'd probably get fired for typing it on a government computer...  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 27, 2020, 01:29:09 PM
I know, that ship sailed a long time ago but I find it somewhat ironic considering their stance now.

Meh.  Given the amount of international travel coming and going from US airports, and cruise ship traffic, catching a pandemic at the physical border is a finger in the dike. 
The real reasons to control the borders are financial and criminal.  Harder to know who the *expletive deleted*ck is coming in when they just hike through the desert.

Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on February 27, 2020, 01:57:25 PM
There's 82,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and about 2000 deaths.

How many people go to the doctor for a flu?

There's probably over half a million actual coronavirus infections.

I'm not worried about it.  Hell, I probably had it last week when I was sick.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: brimic on February 27, 2020, 02:08:52 PM
There's 82,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and about 2000 deaths.

How many people go to the doctor for a flu?

There's probably over half a million actual coronavirus infections.

I'm not worried about it.  Hell, I probably had it last week when I was sick.

I wonder about that myself. I was sick a week ago, and 4 weeks ago.  We've had at least one person at any given time out sick on our staff at work since january.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: WLJ on February 27, 2020, 02:23:08 PM
It's not the coronavirus itself that worries me it's people's reaction to it.

Anyone else noticing similarities to the way the media and the dems are hyping this up and the way they hyped up the banking issues before the 2008 election? If I didn't know better  [tinfoil]
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 27, 2020, 03:58:48 PM
There's 82,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and about 2000 deaths.

How many people go to the doctor for a flu?

There's probably over half a million actual coronavirus infections.

I'm not worried about it.  Hell, I probably had it last week when I was sick.

I'm only worried because it's so new.  This strain is so new that we have no data on how it spreads, who's more likely to get severely sick, actual mortality rates, etc.  Pumping cash into it right now is actually a really good idea.   
The flu, we have hundreds of years of information about it. 
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on February 27, 2020, 04:28:24 PM
It's not the coronavirus itself that worries me it's people's reaction to it.

Anyone else noticing similarities to the way the media and the dems are hyping this up and the way they hyped up the banking issues before the 2008 election? If I didn't know better  [tinfoil]

Never let a crisis go to waste

Even if you have to overhype the crisis.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: RocketMan on February 27, 2020, 04:54:13 PM
There's 82,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and about 2000 deaths.

How many people go to the doctor for a flu?

There's probably over half a million actual coronavirus infections.

I'm not worried about it.  Hell, I probably had it last week when I was sick.

My wife and I have each been fighting multiple cold episodes since the beginning of January, which is very unusual for us.  Usually, it's one and done, but we're both still having minor problems.  It wouldn't surprise me if the beer virus is behind it.  We've got a large Asian population in this area (Chinese, Vietnamese and Hmong), and I'm sure many of them are traveling home to visit relatives at any given time.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 28, 2020, 02:00:25 AM
Has anyone else come across the idea that coronavirus is murder on smokers, and the Chinese smoke like chimneys?

According to Wikipedia the Inerrant, China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco products.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: 230RN on February 28, 2020, 05:47:32 AM
Has anyone else come across the idea that coronavirus is murder on smokers, and the Chinese smoke like chimneys?

According to Wikipedia the Inerrant, China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco products.

Isn't China the largest, period?

(I'm amused by the "inerrant" description.  <chuckle-chuckle>)
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 28, 2020, 08:38:31 AM
Has anyone else come across the idea that coronavirus is murder on smokers, and the Chinese smoke like chimneys?

According to Wikipedia the Inerrant, China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco products.

It has a disproportionate affect on the elderly so far.   I wouldn't doubt that smoking, and poor air quality and poor nutrition also contribute to deaths.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: MechAg94 on February 28, 2020, 09:29:51 AM
It has a disproportionate affect on the elderly so far.   I wouldn't doubt that smoking, and poor air quality and poor nutrition also contribute to deaths.
If it is an upper respiratory virus, I can certainly see that.   

I am worried more about the public reaction as well.  That and worried a little about my parents.  They are in their 70's.  Neither smokes at least.

I guess I am also a little worried our politicians will pass something stupid as a response to the virus.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 28, 2020, 12:13:09 PM

I guess I am also a little worried our politicians will pass something stupid as a response to the virus.

Sounds like a Tuesday.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: grampster on February 28, 2020, 01:37:18 PM
Swmbo and I have probably had it twice.  We first got upper respiratory crud the first of October.  Horrible productive and unproductive coughing.  I actually passed out from a BP spike from coughing.  Wheezing and gurgling at night in bed.  At various times, stick head in sink with towel over head and hot water faucet at full bore to breathe.  Took 6 weeks to mostly go away, then it came back for another month for both of us.  Same symptoms.  Swmbo had 3 episodes of cold like symptoms along with the upper respiratory crud during the October through January period.  Swmbo had 2 Dr visits and Rxs for inhaler and steroids.   I had 3 Dr visits, 2 lung ex rays, a 20 minute inhaler at the doc's office, another inhaler I used for a month at home, 3 courses of steroids for me and 2 for swmbo along with multiple purchases of Alka Seltzer cold and flu capsules and Guaifanesin expectorant.  I also had a concussion and cat scan of my head and xray of my shoulder from injuries from when I passed out and hit the tile floor.  I start therapy Monday to improve the shoulder and neck problems that are causing a cevicogenic headache from the fall.

You want yer Corona virus?  I got yer Corona virus and I piss on it in contempt.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 28, 2020, 05:04:31 PM
I wholly am convinced now that this will hand Bernie his win. 
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: TommyGunn on February 28, 2020, 07:15:51 PM
I wholly am convinced now that this will hand Bernie his win. 
:rofl:   No.   It certainly WILL NOT do that.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: grampster on February 29, 2020, 09:14:03 AM
  If one was a person who hasn't paid much attention to the political side show that's been going on since 2016, and happened to turn on the TV and for some strange reason listened to what the D candidates and the D party apparatchiks (aka MSM)are saying about the Corona virus, it would be enough to cause that person to vote for Trump, or at least not vote at all.

If the Corona virus is as big of a threat to humanity that the MSM is portraying, it would seem to me that the D candidates and the MSM would not be using it as a political tool to disparage the President and bring down the economy to boot.  It would seem to me, that the situation should be a unifying thing.  Which just goes to show how much full of *expletive deleted*it the Ds are with respect to their lies about the power of diversity and inclusion and all the other tripe they push to turn us into small tribes of warring victims/plebeians.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 29, 2020, 09:46:00 AM
:rofl:   No.   It certainly WILL NOT do that.

When it becomes more widespread in the US, the media will beat on the socialist agenda drum.  Free medicare, free mandatory sick leave for all, and how much a covid-19 test costs for the uninsured.  Free *expletive deleted*it coupled with's bread and circuses.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Ben on February 29, 2020, 10:22:46 AM
When it becomes more widespread in the US, the media will beat on the socialist agenda drum.  Free medicare, free mandatory sick leave for all, and how much a covid-19 test costs for the uninsured.  Free *expletive deleted*it coupled with's bread and circuses.

I don't know about the rest of it, but if things get worse, I'm betting evil capitalists will come up with a free or $5 test, just like you can get a $5 flu shot. Or else free testing is an easy place for Trump to throw some of the $2.5 billion.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 29, 2020, 10:54:40 AM
I don't know about the rest of it, but if things get worse, I'm betting evil capitalists will come up with a free or $5 test, just like you can get a $5 flu shot. Or else free testing is an easy place for Trump to throw some of the $2.5 billion.

Free testing is his only out IMHO.  And probably reimbursing sick time or something along those lines for people who are in quarantine.
Big pharma aren't evil capitalists.  Evil capitalists are willing to put the competition out of business via better pricing, IE walmart.  Big Pharma is always out to turn a mega profit asap.  Right or wrong, I don't see big pharma punching out cheap tests unless they're forced to as a state of emergency, or receive subsidy from the .gov.

Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Ben on February 29, 2020, 10:58:34 AM
Free testing is his only out IMHO.  And probably reimbursing sick time or something along those lines for people who are in quarantine.
Big pharma aren't evil capitalists.  Evil capitalists are willing to put the competition out of business via better pricing, IE walmart.  Big Pharma is always out to turn a mega profit asap.  Right or wrong, I don't see big pharma punching out cheap tests unless they're forced to as a state of emergency, or receive subsidy from the .gov.

I was actually thinking more along the lines of Walmart, etc. but I don't know if parameters of safe testing would allow that in a big store the same way as a flu shot machine.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: WLJ on February 29, 2020, 11:05:22 AM
I was actually thinking more along the lines of Walmart, etc. but I don't know if parameters of safe testing would allow that in a big store the same way as a flu shot machine.

Walmart would be one of the last places I would want to go to during a pandemic. I'm afraid of catching something there during normal times.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: TommyGunn on February 29, 2020, 11:32:41 AM
When it becomes more widespread in the US, the media will beat on the socialist agenda drum.  Free medicare, free mandatory sick leave for all, and how much a covid-19 test costs for the uninsured.  Free *expletive deleted*it coupled with's bread and circuses.

....All of which has been going on for a long time. 

It will be up to repukeagains and the Trumpsters to promote sanity and the free  market.  I think Trump especially is pretty good at this .... but I never vouch for repukes.

This virus will burn itself out and go dormant as  the weather warms up.  Things will return to   normal .... and the "great unwashed" have short memories.

Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Ben on March 01, 2020, 08:25:40 AM
I see Bloomberg is spending oodles on a commercial tonight focusing on the beer virus and how Trump is screwing it up. It'll be interesting to see if e uses the word "hoax" or not.

Give it up little fella - nobody likes you.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Ron on March 01, 2020, 09:03:11 AM
Bernie may get the nomination.

How stupid are the Dems though?

Nominating a candidate that not only is more unlikeable than Trump but is also a communist is plain dumb.

Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: dogmush on March 01, 2020, 10:06:35 PM
I wonder how long till some of the Candidates pop hot for Coronavirus? Older, some are already sickly, and they are jetting around the country shaking hands with all kinds of folks.

Will they be a martyr or a Typhoid Commie?
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: 230RN on March 01, 2020, 10:51:07 PM
^ "Typhoid Commie"  Funny.

grampster said,

Which just goes to show how much full of *expletive deleted*it the Ds are with respect to their lies about the power of diversity and inclusion and all the other tripe they push to turn us into small tribes of warring victims/plebeians.

Boy, you got that right.

Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: DittoHead on March 02, 2020, 10:02:28 AM
When it becomes more widespread in the US, the media will beat on the socialist agenda drum.  Free medicare, free mandatory sick leave for all, and how much a covid-19 test costs for the uninsured.  Free *expletive deleted*it coupled with's bread and circuses.

They're not waiting
Quote from:
Coronavirus makes the case for Medicare-for-all
Osmel Martinez Azcue wanted to do the right thing, for both his own health and the health of the nation. When the Florida resident came down with flu-like symptoms shortly after returning from a trip to China, he immediately went to a local hospital to get tested for coronavirus.

A few weeks later, according to the Miami Herald, Azcue received an invoice for more than $3,000. His insurer claims he’s responsible for $1,400 of the total. He’s expecting even more bills to arrive over the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Ben on March 02, 2020, 10:43:44 AM
They're not waiting

Something seems off there. $3000 just for a flu test? Maybe we need further information for that case. Interestingly, I did a quick search for "coronavirus test cost" but got nothing (might be weak google-fu).
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: WLJ on March 02, 2020, 11:13:19 AM
Get your meth tested for free

With maybe a little catch   :rofl:

LMPD offers to 'test' meth for coronavirus contamination for free
Title: Re: Coronavirus virtue signaling...
Post by: Jamisjockey on March 03, 2020, 04:48:44 PM
They're not waiting

Called it.