Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Cliffh on May 19, 2020, 08:33:08 PM

Title: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Cliffh on May 19, 2020, 08:33:08 PM
The same neighbor I had a problem with flooding my property now has a different way to screw with my life.

He keeps animals on his 20 acres.  Horses, cattle, chickens, dogs, cats, guinea hens.  And he's taken custody of a pig that had been wandering the neighborhood.

I'd called the Sheriff out a few months ago 'cause the pig was wandering the neighborhood, doing what pigs do - knocking over trash cans, digging up yards, generally making a nuisance of themselves.  The deputy wasn't able to determine who owned it.  He did say that I could keep it if it was on my property.  No thanks, don't need that headache right now.  It seems that the neighbor's done just that though, the pig's in his yard most of the time now.

I say most of the time, 'cause the pig's still wandering the neighborhood.  Today I came home to find my trash can in the water-filled culvert next to the road - it'd trash day.  This is the 4th time that damn pig's knocked over the can.  I've made it fairly hard for him to get into the can using bungee cords that hook through the lid and side of the can, basically locking them together.  But there's still enough give in the lid for him to shove his nose in and pull out the trash a few pieces at a time.

I don't want to spend $200 to $300 dollars for a bear-proof can.  Besides, he'd just knock it into the culvert again.  I've got a bit of angle iron and pipe around, but not really enough time to build a cage for the can.  Because I would rather not have to weed spray and/or use the string trimmer where I put out the can, I'd prefer a solution I can mow over.  I'm mulling over attaching D-rings to the end of a couple pieces of pipe and driving the two pipes into the ground until the D-ring is just above grade.  Then I could tie the trash can handles to the D-rings.  When not in use the D-rings would lay flat on the ground.

I've got a cement mixer and have considered pouring a slab, but that's more than I've really got time for right now.  Same thing with building a cage to put the can in, not enough time.  And yes, I've considered the time it takes to pickup the trash vs the time to build something more complex.

It's tempting to fill the freezer with pork...  probably not the best option.

I wish I hadn't deleted the picture of his bull wandering around in my back yard.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 19, 2020, 08:49:32 PM
Pork chops are delicious.

Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Kingcreek on May 19, 2020, 09:19:24 PM
Drive a couple pieces of pipe 2’ or more into the ground that you could insert 2 pieces of 6’ rod or rebar into next to the can and slip the handles over the upright rods or park the can and then insert the rods. (4’ or so above ground) You can pull the rods out after trash pickup and leave the pipe in the ground to mow over.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on May 19, 2020, 09:30:45 PM
Shoot, Sausage, shut up.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: bedlamite on May 19, 2020, 10:47:45 PM
Got a smoker? pulled pork butt is good.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Jim147 on May 19, 2020, 11:37:36 PM
Put up a camera if it is the pig and not dogs or coyotes or something else put it in a friends freezer not yours.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Nick1911 on May 20, 2020, 12:11:02 AM
What kind of relationship do you have with this neighbor?

If friendly to at least cordial, best bet is a conversation.  Since you've called the police before about this, I suspect your relationship isn't that good.

So... eh?

Wanna be a dick?  Wait up at night, and kill it right there on your property.  Do whatever with the body.  It sounds like you're within you're legal rights to do so.

Want it to just go away?  Strongly worded letter suggesting all legal options including court action will be pursued should this animal continue to cause damage to property and be a public nuisance.  Send it certified mail, it does have a psychological effect.  Next tier would be to have a local lawyer write said letter, but you'll be into that for a little money.

Also, what Jim said.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: 230RN on May 20, 2020, 06:11:48 AM
Put 5 - 10 ml of Clorox(â„¢)  in each can.

Relatively harmless but noxious.

Citronella also works, but is expensive and even more noxious to humans of the 230RN sub-species.

Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: MechAg94 on May 20, 2020, 09:42:45 AM
Given the other thread, maybe you want to start putting food out for the pigs.   =D
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: BobR on May 20, 2020, 10:33:04 AM
Metal can, long extension cord, floating ground. That should train it after one or two tries to leave that particular can alone. Just make sure the garbage man doesn't grab it first. ;)

Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: 230RN on May 20, 2020, 12:40:28 PM
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: cordex on May 20, 2020, 02:17:44 PM
I'm going to imagine that this deleted post said:
"Stencil 'COME BACK WITH A WARRANT' on the trash can."
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: lupinus on May 20, 2020, 02:41:26 PM
Fill can with tannerite. Wait for pig. When pig messes with can, shoot can. Enjoy watching pig fly. Bill neighbor for crater. Make the neighborhood forever wonder how the pig just up and exploded.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Silver Bullet on May 20, 2020, 03:38:36 PM
Make the neighborhood forever wonder how the pig just up and exploded.

Ate too many beans. ;)
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Silver Bullet on May 20, 2020, 03:40:10 PM
Metal can, long extension cord, floating ground. That should train it after one or two tries to leave that particular can alone. Just make sure the garbage man doesn't grab it first. ;)


Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: HankB on May 20, 2020, 05:02:31 PM
I'm thinking of something along the lines of a timer (to switch things on ONLY during the wee hours), a motion detector, and a Tesla coil . . .
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Silver Bullet on May 20, 2020, 05:14:41 PM
Not too many folks have a Tesla coil.  You might want to substitute a flame thrower.  Maybe add a sprinkler system that shoots out barbecue sauce.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Brad Johnson on May 20, 2020, 05:16:07 PM
I'm thinking of something along the lines of a timer (to switch things on ONLY during the wee hours), a motion detector, and a Tesla coil . . .

An old inner tube, an electric fence charger, and a few wraps of fence wire would get the point across. You could even put the charger on a timer.

Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on May 20, 2020, 06:11:11 PM
I'm thinking of something along the lines of a timer (to switch things on ONLY during the wee hours), a motion detector, and a Tesla coil . . .

Huh...  Instant bacon?

(I know, I know, not really. but it is funny to think about)
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Andiron on May 20, 2020, 08:00:18 PM
Shoot the bastard.... discretely?

I like the electrified options but that won't solve the rest of your pig related issues.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Cliffh on May 20, 2020, 08:20:04 PM
Relationship with neighbor?  Almost bumped into each other in the local grocery store when we both rounded a corner at the same time - me: how ya doing?  him: blank stare.  Ex-cop who once told me with glee in his voice that he'd had numerous CCW licenses revoked because they didn't notify him they had one during a traffic stop.  (Was/is a requirement to notify in TX, back then there was a penalty for not doing so).  When his pond was flooding my property, we had numerous conversations and I sent a couple letters (one from a lawyer), they got more heated with each exchange.  So, not so good.

And it still took him months after receiving the letter from the lawyer to finally fix the flooding problem.

If our relationship was anywhere near as good as what I've had with other neighbors this wouldn't be a problem.  We'd have worked this out months ago.

I'd thought of using the electric fence charger, but it's about 100 yards from the nearest outlet.  A bank of batteries with a solar panel and inverter might work but that's a bit more of a financial investment than I want to put into this.

Tannerite would be cool!  But I'd be shooting towards his house... would hate to miss.

I'm sure it's the pig, I've seen him.  So has at least one of the neighbors, who said that others have also.  I'm going to put the game cam out next Monday night, not too early since I don't want to page through a bunch of pictures of traffic.  And he doesn't come out just at night; actually not sure if he does or not, I've only seen him loose during the day.

Drive a couple pieces of pipe 2’ or more into the ground that you could insert 2 pieces of 6’ rod or rebar into next to the can and slip the handles over the upright rods or park the can and then insert the rods. (4’ or so above ground) You can pull the rods out after trash pickup and leave the pipe in the ground to mow over.

I'm really liking this idea.  The ground's soft enough that driving the pipe in won't be too hard for my back & shoulders, and it'll be out of the way when not in use.  I use a dolly to take the can to the road, so I can hang the uprights off the dolly for transport & storage.  I'll be designing some sort of cover for the in-ground pipes so they don't fill with dirt, etc.

I'll try remember to douse the trash with a bit of bleach.  The trash pickup company has asked their customers to throw some mothballs in the can for snakes and such.   Maybe the bleach will be more of a deterrent than mothballs, in my experience mothballs are a waste of time & materials - they don't do a thing for snakes.

As for the other damage, rooting and wallowing, I've got a couple of air guns.  Pain is supposed to be an efficient teaching tool. 

He's tame as can be, I've gotten almost close enough to pet him without even trying, just walked right up to him.  
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: bedlamite on May 20, 2020, 08:28:24 PM
You're in Texas. Do you need a license to shoot hogs? I'd invite all the neighbors over for a BBQ.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Cliffh on May 20, 2020, 08:58:17 PM
In some ways, Texas isn't quite as free as it could be.  You need a frigging license to shoot an armadillo on your own property.  Coyotes & pigs too, unless they're attacking or have just attacked.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: bedlamite on May 20, 2020, 09:00:09 PM
In some ways, Texas isn't quite as free as it could be.  You need a frigging license to shoot an armadillo on your own property.  Coyotes & pigs too, unless they're attacking or have just attacked.
Title: Re: How to pig proof a garbage can?
Post by: Cliffh on May 20, 2020, 09:03:59 PM
Ah yes, I remember that episode :D