Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Ben on June 11, 2020, 10:32:10 PM

Title: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Ben on June 11, 2020, 10:32:10 PM
Even if it's a BB gun. Wow - a kid doing telepresence school because of the virus, attends class and the webcam picks up the background of his room, which includes his BB gun. School Principal (apparently notified by a busybody parent) calls cops, cops go to and search the home. No arrests, but I wouldn't let them past the front door if it were me.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 11, 2020, 11:59:34 PM
Was this in America, or the Free State of CHAZ?  ;/
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 12, 2020, 01:46:27 AM
Simple solution:
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: bedlamite on June 12, 2020, 05:03:04 AM
Simple solution:

Do they have one that's a wall of guns?
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: K Frame on June 12, 2020, 07:32:12 AM
Were I that Mom, the next time the kid goes on line there would be a HUGE wall of "weapons" behind him. Like, you know, an "arsenal."
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: griz on June 12, 2020, 07:49:34 AM
Wonder what else could offend the delicate sensibilities of a parent.  A knife block in the kitchen.  An unattended prescription bottle?  TV on Fox News?
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: dogmush on June 12, 2020, 08:08:22 AM
Honestly, While I like the idea of "Come Back with a Warrant" as a default response to police at the door, assuming a polite interaction, and that she was confident there were no real weapons, limited consent to search seems reasonable on Mom's part just to end the Law Enforcement portion of the affair.  Of course once you let the Feds in, you risk all sorts of stuff, but if you make them get a warrant (something pretty easy to get with the "Gunz in Schoolz! hysteria) you risk a more dynamic search next time.  So roll the dice.

That said, I hope Mom makes it her mission to reduce the school administrators to groveling jelly, and discover and Dox the interfering Karen that called the school.  I would start with attempting to press charges for filing a fake police report as that is clearly not a weapon, and has all the appropriate and mandated features to mark it as such.  However I expect the report to the police didn't say "Kid has a Crossman 704 on his wall".  I would also ask the school for the written policy on parents and other adults monitoring virtual classes and why it doesn't mirror the policy on parents standing in the back of classrooms.  Surely having a lawnmower parent standing just off screen doesn't help the educational process.  There's also the issue to take up with the school board on why one of their employees spelled "principal" "prinicple" and used the abbreviation "bc" for because in an official email to a parent.  I would be concerned about the level of education they are providing her child.

Some random mom siccing the cops on another mom for a BB gun is the exact same phenomenon as the Karen with the dog in NYC, just a more politically correct bogeyman, and not on camera.  But it should be beaten down as hard and publicly so that eventually these busybodies will learn to mind their own *expletive deleted*ing business.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Ben on June 12, 2020, 08:27:34 AM
Honestly, While I like the idea of "Come Back with a Warrant" as a default response to police at the door, assuming a polite interaction, and that she was confident there were no real weapons, limited consent to search seems reasonable on Mom's part just to end the Law Enforcement portion of the affair.  Of course once you let the Feds in, you risk all sorts of stuff, but if you make them get a warrant (something pretty easy to get with the "Gunz in Schoolz! hysteria) you risk a more dynamic search next time.  So roll the dice.

Sure, I understand why a mom (or anyone) who has actually done nothing wrong and has nothing to hide might want to deescalate the situation and reduce the chance of legally vengeful retribution by LE or the school for not cooperating. It just irks me philosophically that she would feel the need to, because it ends up being better for her (or less harmful for her, which is a worse way of looking at it) to cooperate versus standing up for her constitutional rights and innocence.

Not to mention you end up in the potentially harmful to you situation of "what happens when you call the feds" even if you're not the one who called them. I have nothing to hide, but I honestly don't know, if I let some cops search my house right this minute, if I don't have something laying around that makes me a criminal. I'm pretty sure that back in California, my replica Claymore and demilled hand grenades would at least be confiscated.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Ben on June 12, 2020, 08:35:17 AM
Simple solution:

Why? It's not a meth lab. It's an innocent kid's innocently decorated room.

I understand your reasoning, but it should absolutely not be necessary, especially for a kid doing nothing but sitting in his own damn room.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Devonai on June 12, 2020, 08:51:10 AM
22 years ago, I was living in an apartment with 3 roommates.  One of them was in a long-distance relationship, and one night his girlfriend broke up with him over the phone.  He said something along the lines of, "If you break up with me then I don't know if I can live with myself."  So she calls her PD, they call our PD, and I come home from dinner with friends to find two EMTs and three cops in my apartment.

The authorities were telling him that he had to go to the hospital for a mental health check, while him, my other roommates, and I, were trying to convince them that it was a misunderstanding and while he was understandably upset over the end of the relationship, he was not suicidal.  The cops threatened to arrest him if he didn't consent, so off he goes.  He was back home less than an hour later after being "evaluated" by hospital personnel.

Anyway, I had a cheap, unsharpened display katana hanging on the wall.  During the hullabaloo, one of the cops took it down and headed for the door with it.  I told him it was my property and he did not have permission to take it.  This resulted in a brief discussion on state law, which to my astonishment I won.  He then asked me if there were any other weapons in the house, to which I flatly replied "None of your business."  Which, as a 21 year old, was terrifying to me because OMG COPS and there were several firearms under lock and key and I had my Beretta 92FS concealed on my belt.  But I knew my rights, and the cops left empty-handed (except for my roommate, of course).
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: fifth_column on June 12, 2020, 09:10:44 AM
Sure, I understand why a mom (or anyone) who has actually done nothing wrong and has nothing to hide might want to deescalate the situation and reduce the chance of legally vengeful retribution by LE or the school for not cooperating. It just irks me philosophically that she would feel the need to, because it ends up being better for her (or less harmful for her, which is a worse way of looking at it) to cooperate versus standing up for her constitutional rights and innocence.

Not to mention you end up in the potentially harmful to you situation of "what happens when you call the feds" even if you're not the one who called them. I have nothing to hide, but I honestly don't know, if I let some cops search my house right this minute, if I don't have something laying around that makes me a criminal. I'm pretty sure that back in California, my replica Claymore and demilled hand grenades would at least be confiscated.

Standing up for your rights is essentially criminal behavior in the eyes of the state.  The needs of the state outweigh the rights of the individual in our increasingly collective society.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on June 12, 2020, 01:01:48 PM
Standing up for your rights is essentially criminal behavior in the eyes of the state.  The needs of the state outweigh the rights of the individual in our increasingly collective society.

Don't collectivize society.

I'm not being fistful here.  You're claiming an ownership element of society.

Stand apart.  Make it me/us/them.  Don't accede to being part of them.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 12, 2020, 01:30:29 PM
I think it should be everyone's S.O.P. to decline any search without a warrant.

"If you don't have anything to hide, why won't you let us search your house/car?"

"Because I have nothing to hide, you have no reason to search and nothing to search for. If you think you have probable cause, you can get a warrant, and then confirm that I have nothing to hide."
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: fifth_column on June 12, 2020, 02:32:24 PM
Don't collectivize society.

I'm not being fistful here.  You're claiming an ownership element of society.

Stand apart.  Make it me/us/them.  Don't accede to being part of them.

I understand what you're saying, and appreciate the advice.  And trust me when I say that no matter the society being referred to, I stand apart.  Most days I feel in the world, but not of the world.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: WLJ on June 12, 2020, 02:57:21 PM
Found a picture of our little future murderer.
Glad they caught him before he was able to go on his planned school massacre. We dodged a BB on this one.
I mean look at that face, it has murder written all over it.

Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 12, 2020, 04:14:49 PM
Don't collectivize society.

I'm not being fistful here.  You're claiming an ownership element of society.

Stand apart.  Make it me/us/them.  Don't accede to being part of them.

Yeah, you are. That's pretty much what I would say. Well done, grasshopper.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: dogmush on June 12, 2020, 05:42:36 PM
I think it should be everyone's S.O.P. to decline any search without a warrant.

"If you don't have anything to hide, why won't you let us search your house/car?"

"Because I have nothing to hide, you have no reason to search and nothing to search for. If you think you have probable cause, you can get a warrant, and then confirm that I have nothing to hide."

I agree it should.

But this is Baltimore, and the suspicion is involving a weapon.  What do you think the odds are if she had gone all "Come back with a Warrant!" that warrant would have been served at 3 AM by the SWAT team? " Right-wing person with military training and evidence of even her child being armed" is how that No-Knock application would have gone.

There's lots of things I think should happen, but we have to deal with things as they are as well.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Big Hairy Bee on June 13, 2020, 12:06:18 AM
I better make sure I don't have anything visible that might frighten my students!

One school I taught at went group camping several times a year.  I often (with parent permission) took small groups out to plink with 22s after an extensive safety lecture.  One girl wasn't content with a 22 when she saw the 45 slide and begged to try it.  She rocked it with no flinch.  Better days...
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: HankB on June 13, 2020, 01:09:42 PM
Next time he's attending an on-line class, what that that kid needs to do is project this image (or one like it) on a screen in back of himself:   >:D

Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Big Hairy Bee on June 13, 2020, 08:28:09 PM
Next time he's attending an on-like class, what that that kid needs to do is project this image (or one like it) on a screen in back of himself:   >:D


That'd be a beauty green screen dropback~
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: robear on June 14, 2020, 06:37:22 PM
Pretty good take on it:
Language warning!
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 14, 2020, 07:40:36 PM
Sounds like another reason to abandon public schools.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: HeroHog on June 14, 2020, 10:04:42 PM
Pretty good take on it:
Language warning!

Can't connect to it. Got a virus warning the first attempt  :O
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Jim147 on June 14, 2020, 10:17:37 PM
I know it's been a long time since I was in elementary school but our principal did a firearms safety class.
That was a Johnson County school a large suberb of Kansa City.

Now sitting outside a small town of 300 I saw ballistics in last years students projects. And while it may not be legal I know a bunch of kids have firearms in their vehicles during hunting season.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: WLJ on June 14, 2020, 10:39:14 PM
Next time he should have a poptart on the wall. That should start a panic.
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: MechAg94 on June 15, 2020, 09:53:10 AM

I was trying to see if there was an image of the "back room" of the gun store from the movie Commando, but didn't find much. 
Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: Ben on June 15, 2020, 10:12:53 AM

I was trying to see if there was an image of the "back room" of the gun store from the movie Commando, but didn't find much. 

Screen grab from this.  =D

Title: Re: Gun at Home Same as Gun in School
Post by: HankB on June 16, 2020, 12:20:48 PM
The kid should also wear a MAGA hat - that would REALLY trigger school officials!