Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Silver Bullet on August 08, 2020, 07:45:27 PM

Title: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Silver Bullet on August 08, 2020, 07:45:27 PM (

Pro police rally in Ft. Collins, Colorado gets uninvited visitors.  Doesn't go well for the visitors.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Andiron on August 08, 2020, 11:13:42 PM
If that doesn't warm the cockles of your heart you don't have one.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Brad Johnson on August 09, 2020, 12:15:47 AM
These morons have no idea how fed up people are with their *expletive deleted*it. Trying to "invade" a suburban neighborhood or small town out here in rural America is a good way to find out.

Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Boomhauer on August 09, 2020, 12:45:28 AM
These morons have no idea how fed up people are with their *expletive deleted*it. Trying to "invade" a suburban neighborhood or small town out here in rural America is a good way to find out.


We’ve been watching their riots, assaults, arsons, and destruction go on unchecked for close to three months now. We’ve seen old ladies attacked, residential structures burned, emergency services blocked from responding, people drug out of their cars, people shot, etc and then seen the instigators shielded and excused.

I know this little prelude to a dirty war has been the talk of our break room for the entire period. We’ve been showing each other new videos that we have come across and vowed not to let it happen in our neck of the woods. And this is in a state where so far the protestors have largely been true to the “peaceful protest” slant from the media- on the first weekend of the unrest they burned a few cop cars and smashed a few business windows in but by and large they have kept a lid on it.

And I know that my friends and coworkers aren’t the only groups that has been discussing Antifa and stopping them. So far they have been smart enough to mostly contain their *expletive deleted*it to the cities where they have strong local .gov and populace backing and tolerance. If they are as dumb as I think they are they are getting bold from the success of their current activities and soon will decide they can test the normal Americans and it’s going to be an absolute bloodbath.

Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: K Frame on August 09, 2020, 09:38:10 AM
So... violent protestors wreak havoc on peaceful counter protestors.

CNN's lead story...
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 09, 2020, 12:41:58 PM
These morons have no idea how fed up people are with their *expletive deleted*it. Trying to "invade" a suburban neighborhood or small town out here in rural America is a good way to find out.


There is a part of me that I have to work at a little to keep in check kind of wishes they would. (But, give me about another month to heal up some more :) )
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2020, 12:47:39 PM
There is a part of me that I have to work at a little to keep in check kind of wishes they would. (But, give me about another month to heal up some more :) )

Me too.  I realize it causes people to call me out for armchair bravado, but these *expletive deleted*ing punks make me so mad, I can't tell you. They are all animals who either pick on the weak, or form packs to pick on the individually strong. Up to a point, I can just shake my head or laugh, but this is too much, and people need killin'.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 09, 2020, 01:05:59 PM
I'm really afraid it is going to come down to a serious shooting event at one of these "peaceful protests", possibly several of them. The odds of significant numbers of dead and wounded on both sides gets higher day by day.
The fallout from that will forever change this country in a way I don't look forward to.
I'm also concerned with how the government response will fall. In the libtard enclaves it's a no brainer that the blm/antifa/commies will be the good guys. Out here in rural America I'm not entirely convinced it will be the other way.
The real tell will be on how the police respond. I still suspect that the majority will default to their paycheck.
I find it very slightly hopeful that the police in St. Louis have balked at blindly going along with the persecution of the McCloskeys and also disheartening to see that they are not being more vocal in their protests.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: Ben on August 09, 2020, 01:41:23 PM
Thinking more on it, it's not that people need killin' so much as a bunch of white punks from well-off families with a "Lord of the Flies" mindset (or maybe more akin to the 5-year old in Walmart having a fit in the aisles for not getting his way) just needing a good ass beating. Maybe just quit treating these punks with kid gloves and a pat on the head.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: grampster on August 09, 2020, 05:03:27 PM
It was with a bit of satisfaction when I read that most of the police departments around where the D's are going to have their convention have indicated they aren't interested in helping out with security.  The dark side of my demeanor hopes to see the rioters eat their own by disrupting whatever the Ds have planned.  I think it's likely the D's will be a no show and cancel it.
Title: Re: Taking out the trash in Ft. Collins
Post by: gunsmith on August 09, 2020, 06:17:58 PM
here in northern nevada BLM tried having a protest in heavily red Douglas County .
The local Sheriff had gotten attention by telling local BLM types to call someone else if you hate cops.
there was nothing more than some shoving, but it seems like that whole "cops have no legal duty to protect" thing didn't go well for the blm types.
some old people pushed some crybaby teens and that was that.
local media was hoping for a riot and shootings as as the red state folks showed up loaded for bear.