Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: WLJ on August 10, 2020, 12:12:21 PM

Title: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: WLJ on August 10, 2020, 12:12:21 PM
Apparently giving the smaller states an equal voice in a branch of government is racist because many of those smaller states are predominately white.
I guess using the same logic giving blacks an equal voice in government is racist.

The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Pb on August 10, 2020, 02:12:05 PM
Checks and balances to the untrammeled power of the federal government are racist.

I think this surprises none of us.   ;/
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: K Frame on August 10, 2020, 02:19:24 PM
Of course the Senate is racist. Robert Byrd was a member for what, 40 some years with nary a word from his side about his Kleagle affiliation.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Pb on August 10, 2020, 02:21:45 PM
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: grampster on August 10, 2020, 02:39:52 PM
It has gotten so bad that even the Racists are being accused of being Racist.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Ron on August 10, 2020, 02:50:23 PM
The country is structurally racist due to over 60% of the country being white.

It's even worse if you include white Hispanics.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Andiron on August 10, 2020, 09:24:44 PM
The country is structurally racist due to over 60% of the country being white.

It's even worse if you include white Hispanics.

They should be thrilled to get it down to 60%, that's huge compared to 70 years ago.

gods but I pine for the 50's.  The ethnonationalists were right.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 10, 2020, 11:08:22 PM
The country is structurally racist due to over 60% of the country being white.

It's even worse if you include white Hispanics.

My late wife was classified as Hispanic by the Yoo Ess gummint, and she hated it. She was of the opinion that "Hispanic" described a person from Spain, and she had never been to or in Spain. So she was white, and [South] American.

End of discussion.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: Ron on August 11, 2020, 08:06:33 AM
My late wife was classified as Hispanic by the Yoo Ess gummint, and she hated it. She was of the opinion that "Hispanic" described a person from Spain, and she had never been to or in Spain. So she was white, and [South] American.

End of discussion.

My Mexican American brother in law is mostly Spanish and Portuguese according to one of those testing sites.  

He was in the Marines, owned his own small business and has been in two different very powerful unions over the years.

He knows the score and is pretty right wing, not like me though  :lol:

"They want free stuff" and to "Get paid for doing nothing" is his explanation as to why so many non-whites vote Democrat.

Probably the same reason a lot of whites vote for the Democrats.

Marxism/socialism is a cultural disease.
Title: Re: "The Senate Is America’s Most Structurally Racist Institution"
Post by: HankB on August 11, 2020, 11:30:38 AM
"They want free stuff" and to "Get paid for doing nothing" is his explanation as to why so many non-whites vote Democrat.

Probably the same reason a lot of whites vote for the Democrats.