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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Trisha on March 16, 2007, 01:09:15 PM

Title: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Trisha on March 16, 2007, 01:09:15 PM

Snake oil?

But there's always this nagging fascination to see how it plays out, because as we all know, truth can really be stranger than fiction, and all too often, is.

The cynic in me has a ready dismissal. . .

Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on March 16, 2007, 01:17:26 PM
I give it weeks (at the most) before you start seeing spam e-mails selling this "miracle cure".

"We've got the cure to AIDS/HIV, but we're not gonna let anyone check it.  Or actually examine our "cured" patients.  Or submit it to any kind of real testing.  Nope.  Gonna take His Excellency's word that it cures people.  No, of course we didn't pay those poor schmuck's in the hospital to say they're feeling better.  How dare you question us.  Get out of our country!"

I'm sorry, did I come across as cynical there???

Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Cromlech on March 16, 2007, 01:25:54 PM
Anything is better than the (seemingly) traditional African cure of raping babies.  angry
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Brad Johnson on March 16, 2007, 01:26:50 PM
Insecure small-minded people are so funny sometimes.  Not to worry, though.  Given the guy has been HIV positive since 1996 and has stopped taking his retroviral meds, he will soon be his own example of terminal stupidity.

Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Strings on March 16, 2007, 02:11:42 PM
>a murky brown concoction of seven herbs and spices<

Am I the only person having flashbacks to old KFC commercials?
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: tyme on March 16, 2007, 03:29:46 PM
The cynic in me has a ready dismissal. . .
You are far too trusting if you think this claim deserves anything other than dismissal.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Sindawe on March 16, 2007, 03:50:25 PM
You are far too trusting if you think this claim deserves anything other than dismissal.

Yea, what kind of fool would put moldy bread or maggots on an open festering sore? Wink

Color me EXTREMELY doubtful about the efficacy of this "cure" AS a cure or even something to keep the virus in check.  I want to see whats in it, understand how it works and reproduce the claimed results independently.  But I'd not dismiss it out of hand.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: garyk/nm on March 16, 2007, 03:57:51 PM
Well, for only $250000 (US) to a Nigerian account, you can have all of the proof you want.

I hear the muted slitherings of oily snakes.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: RevDisk on March 16, 2007, 05:26:35 PM
You are far too trusting if you think this claim deserves anything other than dismissal.

Yea, what kind of fool would put moldy bread or maggots on an open festering sore? Wink

I actually knew someone that got the maggot treatment.  aka Maggot Debridement Therapy.  He was given a choice, maggots or some medieval looking device to literally scrape out the dead tissue.  Apparently maggots do good work, as my buddy only has minor scarring to show for what was a fairly deep wound.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Cromlech on March 17, 2007, 12:46:52 AM
Yeah, aren't maggots supposed to prefer dead flesh? I think that would explain the effectiveness of using them.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: tyme on March 17, 2007, 04:14:45 AM
But I'd not dismiss it out of hand.
I would, based on the history of crackpot HIV "cures" claimed by various Africans, and based on the lack of any indication that they've done any trials to conclude that these herbs actually work.

I'm not saying these herbs are bad.  I'm saying it's a near certainty they do nothing against HIV in particular.  And if these herbs are going to discourage people from taking anti-retrovirals, that's most definitely bad. 

"It's amazing," Fatuma says. "Two weeks ago, I was very ill, weak and couldn't eat without vomiting."

Jammeh, 41, is a former army colonel who has no formal medical training. He wears white robes and carries a copy of the Quran with him in this mostly Muslim nation.

His degree is a high school diploma. But he claims his family has a history of healing people through traditional African medicine.

At the hospital in the capital, patients claim the president's concoction is making a difference to them.

Ousman Sow, 54, said he's been HIV-positive since 1996 and had been taking anti-retrovirals for the past fours years until he volunteered for this program.

Four weeks later, he said he's gained 30 pounds and feels like a new person.

"I am cured at this moment," he said.

Asked if he had any HIV symptoms, he responded, "No, I don't. As I stand before you I can honestly tell you I have ceased to have any HIV symptoms."

Patient after patient gave similar statements to CNN. But it was difficult to verify the authenticity of their testimony. The government claims to have scientific evidence, but it did not provide any to CNN.

Jammeh refused to speak to CNN for this report.

CNN also sought medical reports of the HIV/AIDS patients to see whether they are indeed on the mend. The material was not provided. The government would also not release the concoction to CNN for testing.

Gambian Health Minister Tamsim Mbowe, a trained physician with multiple medical degrees, defended the so-called herbal cure.

"I can swear, 100 percent, that this herbal medication His Excellency is using is working. It has the potency to treat and cure patients infected with the HIV-virus," he told CNN.

This clown has multiple medical degrees, but he won't provide any data he has showing this stuff works?

The problem with patient's claims that they're cured is that HIV has no direct symptoms.  You can eliminate "symptoms" by treating secondary problems --complications -- of AIDS.  I suspect that these "herbs and spices" are nothing more than mild antibiotics and maybe some mild energy boosters like caffeine.  Maybe even proscribed drugs.  Who knows.  They won't say what's in it.  It could be coca, marijuana, ginseng, garlic, bilberry, cranberry, and turmeric.  If we could eat all that stuff without throwing up, I'm sure it would do wonders for us, too.
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: mfree on March 17, 2007, 04:27:34 AM
If the "alternative" theorists are right, and this (yeah right) does work, it may have a lot of selenium in it. According to them, the HIV reproduction depletes selenium (and africa is selenium-poor) and that shortage ends up dragging the immune system down, allowing secondary infections, etc.

Regardless, I think our man here is suffering from some manner of organic brain disease, either in physical reality or in thought. A little toxoplasmotic dementia here and there...
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: doczinn on March 17, 2007, 06:14:08 AM
Jammeh refused to speak to CNN for this report.

CNN also sought medical reports of the HIV/AIDS patients to see whether they are indeed on the mend. The material was not provided. The government would also not release the concoction to CNN for testing.
That spells FRAUD. What more do we need to know?
Title: Re: African president claims AIDS cure
Post by: Cosmoline on March 17, 2007, 11:25:41 AM
Gosh, his ancestors told him in a dream.  I'm sure it's a legitimate cure!