Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Manedwolf on March 20, 2007, 05:49:17 AM

Title: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 20, 2007, 05:49:17 AM
Pet Food Co. Knew Of Problem Last Month
In Tests After Complaints, As Many As 1 In 6 Animals Died; Cause Still A Mystery

(CBS/AP) As many as one in six animals died in tests of suspect dog and cat food by the manufacturer last month after complaints the products were poisoning pets around the country, the government said Monday.

"That's a huge number, considering when you feed pet food no animal should die," says CBS News The Early Show veterinarian Dr. Debbye Turner.

A federal investigation is focusing on wheat gluten as the likely source of contamination that sparked a recall last Friday of 60 million cans and pouches of the suspect food, said Stephen F. Sundlof, the Food and Drug Administration's top veterinarian.

"I'm certain someone's going to figure this out because there are a lot of pet foods involved, a lot of pets involved and a lot of veterinarians who are upset," Dr. Ann Hohenhaus of New York's Animal Medical Center told CBS News.

Last month they knew.

How would you feel if your "man's best friend" of many years died suddenly because of food they knew was possibly fatally toxic? Or your kids' pets?

This is the sort of thing that once led to mobs showing up at a building and people being tarred and feathered. Shame that can't happen anymore.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: wmenorr67 on March 20, 2007, 05:59:31 AM
How about a class action federal lawsuit?  I'm sure there is a jury out there willing to award millions based on the fact the company knew something was wrong and continued to sell the food.  The unfortunate thing is that the lawyers would get the biggest percentage of the settlement. 
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Thor on March 20, 2007, 07:50:59 AM
I think individual lawsuits levied against the company would be more in order.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on March 20, 2007, 08:29:00 AM
How do you know the manufacturers knew about the danger a month ago?  I didn't see anything to that effect in the article you quoted.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Sindawe on March 20, 2007, 08:33:11 AM
Other reports online about this indicate that Menu Foods were aware of a possible issue with their products Feb. 20.

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on March 20, 2007, 11:52:55 AM
I think individual lawsuits levied against the company would be more in order.

That's assuming there's gonna be anything left of Menu Foods after Iams, Eukanuba, Walmart, etc.  all get done with them......
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 20, 2007, 11:55:20 AM
I think individual lawsuits levied against the company would be more in order.

That's assuming there's gonna be anything left of Menu Foods after Iams, Eukanuba, Walmart, etc.  all get done with them......

They won't make too much noise. After all, Iams and Eukanuba were representing themselves as somehow superior and better for your pet, when it turns out their stuff was the same junk as the generic brands, just relabeled and with a much higher price on the can.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Car Knocker on March 20, 2007, 12:42:44 PM
After all, Iams and Eukanuba were representing themselves as somehow superior and better for your pet, when it turns out their stuff was the same junk as the generic brands

Source, please?
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: charby on March 20, 2007, 12:50:49 PM
doesn't mean it is relabeled junk, more than likely it is a different formula and ingredients than the cheaper food.

Do you really think all the vegetables in a name brand company are canned in factories owned by the name brand?


Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Sindawe on March 20, 2007, 12:56:02 PM
From the Iams website splash screen:

"Our Mission is to enhance the well-being of dogs and cats by providing world-class quality foods and pet care products that delight the customer and strengthen the human-pet bond."

From the Eukanuba site:

"Eukanuba provides custom nutrition to help your pet be the best of its breed. From life stage to lifestyle, our nutritional options are engineered to help your pet achieve optimal health.";jsessionid=X1WU0AIK2IGZJQFIAJ1JY2WAVABHRHE0?pageID=PR

From the web page concerning this recall:

"To read can product codes, refer to the bottom of the can. The first four numbers of the second line of numbers are the date code, and the following four numbers indicate the plant code. For example, if the second line begins with four numbers from 6339 to 7073 followed by the plant code 4197, then the can should be recalled. For foil pouches, the code numbers are located at the lower left hand corner on the back of the pouch. The date and plant codes appear in the third group of numbers, beginning an 11-digit sequence. See and for illustrated details. Review the list of involved products here."...'All other canned and small foil wet pouch products produced at other plants are not affected by this issue"

All these product came fron one plant in Kansas (,1,3768069.story?coll=la-headlines-nation )

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Car Knocker on March 20, 2007, 01:09:43 PM
That all these foods came from one plant doesn't, by any stretch of the imagination, mean that the products are identical.  Bread bakeries make everything from garlic Italian to pumpernikel to sweet rolls in the same bakery, on the same equipment, with many of the same ingredients and there is no doubt that these are substantially different products.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: garyk/nm on March 20, 2007, 04:15:42 PM
Here we go again defending Big Business. All of this crap came from the same factory, just had different labels put on. The owners should fry.
One of my co-workers just replaced a kitten that died from kidney failure, and the replacement is not looking good. Not a very big news campaign to keep this from happening.

Oh, and that high-priced Iams/Eukanuba you've been buying is no better than the Wally brand.
Same crap, different label.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Car Knocker on March 20, 2007, 04:31:23 PM
Here we go again, trashing a company with no evidence at all.

Again - proof that it's all the same, please?

Talk is cheap.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: garyk/nm on March 20, 2007, 04:35:53 PM
Time will tell, I suppose.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: K Frame on March 20, 2007, 06:05:20 PM
"Oh, and that high-priced Iams/Eukanuba you've been buying is no better than the Wally brand.
Same crap, different label."

In a word, absolute, utter bullshit.

What evidence do you have that supports that accusation?

Here's a concept that I HOPE isn't too hard for you...

Menu makes pet foods for many different companies/retailers. Simple, right?

Here's where it gets a little more difficult...

Menu works with the different independent companies to provide products to THEIR specifications -- Iams has a different formulary than Nutro, which has a different formulary from Science Diet, etc.

The retailers who come to Menu for their products generally pick from a pre-set "slate" of formulas. That's why if you go to the lists you'll see some products with the same lot codes being sold by different retailers.

Now here's where it might get just a little more difficult to understand. Stop me if the concepts are flying past you too quickly.

ALL of these products, whether they're made for the lowest end retailer or the highest end pet food company, have a LOT of ingredients in common -- including the suspected cause of the problems -- the wheat gluten.

Eukanuba pet food very likely has fewer fillers than, say, Hi Vee pet food, more real meat and fewer by products, but they share a LOT of ingredients in common.

Correlary. Many of the vehicles produced by Ford -- cars, trucks, vans, etc. -- have a LOT of parts in common. Does that mean that every vehicle coming out of a Ford factory is, in fact, actually a Taurus?

Just because products are made by the same company in the same factory does NOT mean that they are identical.

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 20, 2007, 09:36:54 PM
"Oh, and that high-priced Iams/Eukanuba you've been buying is no better than the Wally brand.
Same crap, different label."

In a word, absolute, utter bullshit.

What evidence do you have that supports that accusation?

Here's a concept that I HOPE isn't too hard for you...

Menu makes pet foods for many different companies/retailers. Simple, right?

Here's where it gets a little more difficult...

Menu works with the different independent companies to provide products to THEIR specifications -- Iams has a different formulary than Nutro, which has a different formulary from Science Diet, etc.

The retailers who come to Menu for their products generally pick from a pre-set "slate" of formulas. That's why if you go to the lists you'll see some products with the same lot codes being sold by different retailers.

Now here's where it might get just a little more difficult to understand. Stop me if the concepts are flying past you too quickly.

ALL of these products, whether they're made for the lowest end retailer or the highest end pet food company, have a LOT of ingredients in common -- including the suspected cause of the problems -- the wheat gluten.

Eukanuba pet food very likely has fewer fillers than, say, Hi Vee pet food, more real meat and fewer by products, but they share a LOT of ingredients in common.

Correlary. Many of the vehicles produced by Ford -- cars, trucks, vans, etc. -- have a LOT of parts in common. Does that mean that every vehicle coming out of a Ford factory is, in fact, actually a Taurus?

Just because products are made by the same company in the same factory does NOT mean that they are identical.

Eukanuba pet food very likely has fewer fillers than, say, Hi Vee pet food, more real meat and fewer by products, but they share a LOT of ingredients in common.

Actually, Eukanuba has a lot MORE fillers than cheaper wetfood brands like Purina's Friskies, which have far more organ meats than fillers. Friskies isn't on the recall list.

As for the rest of the arguments, hey, don't tell me. Tell all the people whose pets, especially those they regarded as family members, just died as a result of corporate negligence. Those brands represented themselves as something special, yet they were subcontracted to a third party with apparently shoddy quality control at some level. And as for that third party, Menu Foods, they knew, they didn't let the public know. To me, that's criminal.

I can understand standing up for the web of megacorps sometimes...but not when it involves preventable DEATH.

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Sindawe on March 20, 2007, 11:04:19 PM
I can understand standing up for the web of megacorps sometimes...but not when it involves preventable DEATH.

Oh come on.  Its just some freaking dogs and stupid cats. What does their suffering count when compared to the profit margins and stock performance of the companies selling the food?  What are you?  Some kind of tree-hugging communist or something?

The more I learn about people, the better I like my cats, fish and houseplants.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: LadySmith on March 21, 2007, 02:02:30 AM
So far a confirmed 13 cats and one dog have been killed by the pet food. I don't think that includes the 6 out of 50 that died during the tests I just heard about on the radio. I can't imagine losing one of my cats by simply feeding it. Feline leukemia is doing enough damage to my household. Can't lash out at a disease. Now if I had a neglectful target, as in this case, I believe I'd get seriously pissed.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: K Frame on March 21, 2007, 04:32:17 AM
"Tell all the people whose pets, especially those they regarded as family members, just died as a result of corporate negligence."

I wasn't addressing that aspect of this at all, Manedwolf, just the claim that all of the food coming out of that plant is exactly the same; only the labels are different.

I guess that concept was too hard for you.

"Actually, Eukanuba has a lot MORE fillers than cheaper wetfood brands like Purina's Friskies..."

Proof, please?

"I can understand standing up for the web of megacorps sometimes...but not when it involves preventable DEATH."

Please show me where I was stainding up for a megacorp?

Hint for you.

I wasn't. Another difficult-to-grasp concept?

I was addressing the manufacture of different types of pet foods only, NOT the motivations behind those who own the company.

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: roo_ster on March 21, 2007, 04:43:21 AM
Sometimes pet food is different enough to make a difference & be noticed (Ol' Roy vs Diamond, made in different factories).  Sometimes, not so much (Diamond vs Costco store brand, made in the same factory).

When I checked out hte ingredient compositions of the major top-line dog foods, Costco store brand was their equal (ingredient-wise), and by the same guys who make other top-line foods.

I can't speak for all store-brands, however.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: TarpleyG on March 21, 2007, 05:06:40 AM
Pretty intense review of different foods...
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 21, 2007, 05:13:24 AM
"Tell all the people whose pets, especially those they regarded as family members, just died as a result of corporate negligence."

I wasn't addressing that aspect of this at all, Manedwolf, just the claim that all of the food coming out of that plant is exactly the same; only the labels are different.

I guess that concept was too hard for you.

"Actually, Eukanuba has a lot MORE fillers than cheaper wetfood brands like Purina's Friskies..."

Proof, please?

"I can understand standing up for the web of megacorps sometimes...but not when it involves preventable DEATH."

Please show me where I was stainding up for a megacorp?

Hint for you.

I wasn't. Another difficult-to-grasp concept?

I was addressing the manufacture of different types of pet foods only, NOT the motivations behind those who own the company.

Who pi**ed in your cornflakes? What's with the insults?

And maybe you ought to be thankful that your dog there wasn't a victim of this food. If they were, I think you'd be shouting from the other side about now.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: charby on March 21, 2007, 05:41:59 AM
No one pissed in his Wheaties, he was just pointing out some of the erroneous statements that were being made.

I didn't see any insults.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 21, 2007, 06:00:10 AM
No one pissed in his Wheaties, he was just pointing out some of the erroneous statements that were being made.

I didn't see any insults.

Being sarcastic about "I guess that was too hard for you" is pretty darned rude and uncalled for, IMO.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: roo_ster on March 21, 2007, 06:22:51 AM
Nobody peed in his Wheaties.  They peed in his Eukanuba.

Which is why I store my dogs' food in a metal, lidded garbage can.  Prevents such occurances & helps me see America as a shining city on a hill.  Try it, sometime.  Mind-altering pharmeceuticals help, too.  smiley
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: garyk/nm on March 21, 2007, 02:50:08 PM
Mike, I'm gonna let this one slide. Everyone has a bad day.
Any smartass retorts from you, and I'm gonna hand you your ass. Take a nap.

Oh yeah, it's corrolary, and even that is a misuse of the word. I think you were looking for "ANALOGY".

Speaking of analogies and Ford; Fusion, Milan, Zephyr, Mazda6, Jaguar S-type....all the same car; different exterior packaging.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Sindawe on March 23, 2007, 11:57:07 AM
Update.  One news source is reporting that rat poison has been found in the contaminated food.  A poison not approved for use in this country.

Now I wonder how THAT got there.  angry

Associated Press Writer
Published March 23, 2007, 11:03 AM CDT

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Rat poison has been found in pet food blamed for the deaths of at least 16 cats and dogs, a spokeswoman for the State Department of Agriculture and Markets said Friday.

The toxin was identified as aminopterin, state Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker said in a statement. Aminopterin is used to kill rats in some countries but is not registered for that use in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

The officials did not say how they believed it got into the pet food.

The substance was found at a level of at least 40 parts per million in tested cat food samples, according to Donald Smith, dean of Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

Aminopterin, also used as a cancer drug, is highly toxic in high doses. It inhibits the growth of malignant cells and suppresses the immune system.

The Food and Drug Administration has said the investigation was focusing on wheat gluten in the food. Wheat gluten itself would not cause kidney failure, but the common ingredient could have been contaminated by heavy metals or mold toxins, the FDA said.

State and FBI officials said they knew of no criminal investigations in the case.

The pet deaths led to a recall of 60 million cans and pouches of pet food produced by Menu Foods and sold throughout North America under 95 brand names. There have been several reports of kidney failure in pets that ate the recalled brands, and the company has confirmed the deaths of 15 cats and one dog.

Menu Foods last week recalled "cuts and gravy" style dog and cat food. The recall sparked concern among pet owners across North America. It includes food sold under store brands carried by Wal-Mart, Kroger, Safeway and other large retailers, as well as private labels such as Iams, Nutro and Eukanuba.

Menu Foods is majority owned by Menu Foods Income Fund of Streetsville. The company also makes foods for zoo cats, but those products are unaffected by the recall.

The company's chief executive and president said Menu Foods delayed announcing the recall until it could confirm that the animals had eaten its product before dying. Two earlier complaints from consumers whose cats had died involved animals that lived outside or had access to a garage, which left open the possibility they had been poisoned by something other than contaminated food, he said.

Menu Foods planned a media teleconference for later Friday, a spokesman said.

A spokesman for New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said he was not aware of any criminal investigation involving the tainted food. FBI spokesman Paul Holstein in Albany said Friday he was not aware of any FBI involvement in the case.

"I don't know where we'll go from here," he said.

A complete list of the recalled products along with product codes, descriptions and production dates was posted online by Menu Foods and is available at


Associated Press writer Andrew Bridges in Washington contributed to this report.

Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Manedwolf on March 23, 2007, 12:02:07 PM
Update.  One news source is reporting that rat poison has been found in the contaminated food.  A poison not approved for use in this country.

Now I wonder how THAT got there.  angry

ABC at first reported that the wheat used in it came from China, now they said that the specific ingredient wasn't confirmed yet.

Makes me wonder how many other "made in China" foods on the shelves...people food...with wheat gluten could well be affected?

I suggest just reading labels, and personally, I'd not eat anything made in China that contains wheat gluten right now. Just as a precaution.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Gewehr98 on March 23, 2007, 12:30:42 PM
Mike, I'm gonna let this one slide. Everyone has a bad day.
Any smartass retorts from you, and I'm gonna hand you your ass. Take a nap.

I'd love to see that.  Making it personal and all, when Mike simply called out onto the carpet a blatant generalization that wasn't true. Who needs a nap?

Heck, if I were Mike, I'd consider that an invitation in and of itself.

BTW, how, pray tell, would you hand Mike his ass, and how long would you expect to remain a member of this forum after attempting to do so?

As for being on the other side of the equation, I did indeed check to make sure my dogs' canned food wasn't in the list of affected products.

Not that it matters, my biggest dog got half of my Jimmy John's sub sandwich for lunch today.  Gawd knows what they put in those things...
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Bigjake on March 23, 2007, 12:34:23 PM
I'd like to see the arse handling too, the man (mike) wields grammar and language like a rapier.
Title: Re: Menu Foods knew about the pet food problem LAST MONTH...
Post by: Sindawe on March 23, 2007, 01:09:27 PM
Not to panic monger, but there have been some reports of DRY pet food possibly being tainted as well.  So for only Iams dry.