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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 11:37:01 AM

Title: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 11:37:01 AM
Eternals is getting panned pretty badly so far. Of course it remains to be seen how it preforms box office wise

‘Eternals’ review: One of Marvel’s worst movies so far

Marvel EMBARASSED! The Eternals Reviews Tank! Worse Than Captain Marvel! Lowest Score In 10 Years!
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: MechAg94 on October 26, 2021, 11:55:18 AM
There have been movies in the past that were panned by Critics, but fans liked them.  I have heard this one is pretty woke so I am not confident that will happen. 

Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 12:01:22 PM
There have been movies in the past that were panned by Critics, but fans liked them.  I have heard this one is pretty woke so I am not confident that will happen.

You can usually tell from how they word the reviews whether or not they're just being a movie snob or it's a genuine stinker. I think in this case it's more than likely a stinker. Even the trailers look flat and boring.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: MechAg94 on October 26, 2021, 12:18:34 PM
You can usually tell from how they word the reviews whether or not they're just being a movie snob or it's a genuine stinker. I think in this case it's more than likely a stinker. Even the trailers look flat and boring.
Reading some of that article, I think I agree with you.  No one left at Disney knows how to write decent characters or good stories.  It doesn't help that these are new characters most have never heard of.

Amazon is currently working a version of Tolkien's Silmarillion.  I have heard it is going to be woke.  I hate to think what fans might do if they screw that one up. 
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 12:28:46 PM
It doesn't help that these are new characters most have never heard of.

Could be a case of too many new characters at the same time with not enough time to flesh out each one.
I think Marvel did it right the first go around, first Ironman, then CapA, then Hulk, then Thor, with Hawkeye, Black Widow, Fury thrown in. Then start combining them en masse.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 12:31:36 PM
Amazon is currently working a version of Tolkien's Silmarillion.  I have heard it is going to be woke.  I hate to think what fans might do if they screw that one up.

May Eru Ilúvatar help us if they do what I fear they're going to do
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: MechAg94 on October 26, 2021, 02:33:07 PM
Could be a case of too many new characters at the same time with not enough time to flesh out each one.
I think Marvel did it right the first go around, first Ironman, then CapA, then Hulk, then Thor, with Hawkeye, Black Widow, Fury thrown in. Then start combining them en masse.
But even those were characters quite a lot of people were familiar with.  Also, they did some excellent casting finding top actors that fit the look and even personality of the original character.  Some of the shows lately, they seem determined to "change" the characters in one way or another. 

There is also a discussion that current Disney writers have no idea how to write heroes.  All their current shows the heroes are deconstructed to the point of being villains and the villains are portrayed as sympathetic characters (no matter how many murders they commit). 
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on October 26, 2021, 02:37:55 PM
But even those were characters quite a lot of people were familiar with.  Also, they did some excellent casting finding top actors that fit the look and even personality of the original character. 

Other than a passing knowledge of their comic book existence I wasn't familiar with the characters all that much but the way they did the movies drew people like me in. Now they just throw characters at the wall and hope one sticks to it like that guy that hit the highway sign in Deadpool

And agree fully on the casting.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: just Warren on October 26, 2021, 05:15:04 PM
My wife want's to see this, but in watching the trailer there is nothing I haven't seen if other superhero or fantasy movies.

It's going to be the same story beats, with the same camera angles, with the same sort of soundtrack, with the same droplets of humor, with the same melodramatic dialog as we've seen in so many other movies.

And it has the guy from Silicon Valley in it and I'm just not buying him as a superhero/immortal type.

Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 27, 2021, 01:02:36 AM
Amazon is currently working a version of Tolkien's Silmarillion.  I have heard it is going to be woke.  I hate to think what fans might do if they screw that one up.

Write a strongly-worded poem? In Elvish?
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: Andiron on October 27, 2021, 09:53:52 PM

It's going to be the same story beats, with the same camera angles, with the same sort of soundtrack, with the same droplets of humor, with the same melodramatic dialog as we've seen in so many other movies.
Shake and bake formulaic trash.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: Andiron on October 27, 2021, 09:57:59 PM
May Eru Ilúvatar help us if they do what I fear they're going to do

Melkor take the whole lot.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: HankB on October 28, 2021, 11:06:51 AM
. . . No one left at Disney knows how to write decent characters or good stories . . .
Perhaps the ones who DO know how to write competently have received direction NOT to do so - the "woke" management may be demanding that the characters have a certain flavor. This is something that's been going on for a while - for example, in the Battlestar Galactica reboot, Starbuck got a sex change. (I've read this happened to one of the characters in the new Dune movie as well.) In the Fantastic Four reboot, Johnny Storm was black, Susan Storm was white - they were siblings, so this was explained away by saying one was adopted. And on TV, especially on the CW network, there are all kinds of gays, lesbians, interracial couples, and such being made central to the stories. (see Supergirl, Batwoman, the new 4400, etc.) In the comics, Superman's mission will no longer include "The American Way."

My late mother used to watch a TV show called Designing Women. It gradually became a vehicle for attacking conservatives and conservative values - and when challenged on that for being the reason for declining ratings, the producer said she HAD to make it political because too many people were voting the wrong way. (Mom quit watching it before it was cancelled.) Most of us are probably old enough to remember the decline of the TV show M*A*S*H which devolved from comedy to thinly-veiled political commentary. (Even Paul Harvey commented on that shift.)

Get copies of your old classic movies now while you still can - Gone with the Wind has been targeted for racism, it's nearly impossible to find the original Star Wars (Han shot first), in E.T. the agent's guns have been digitally erased and replaced with radios, and just wait until the libs find out the dog's name in The Dam Busters.

The media entertainment industry has become permeated with political correctness and woke crap to the point where much of it is no longer very entertaining.
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: WLJ on November 10, 2021, 12:02:51 PM
Enter the Critical Drinker

The Eternals - A Boring, Unfocussed Disaster
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: lee n. field on November 10, 2021, 03:24:29 PM
Reading some of that article, I think I agree with you.  No one left at Disney knows how to write decent characters or good stories.  It doesn't help that these are new characters most have never heard of.

Amazon is currently working a version of Tolkien's Silmarillion.  I have heard it is going to be woke.  I hate to think what fans might do if they screw that one up.

Gay bars of Gondolin, yay.</sarc>
Title: Re: Disney & Marvel may have another stinker on their hands
Post by: lee n. field on November 10, 2021, 03:26:42 PM
May Eru Ilúvatar help us if they do what I fear they're going to do

Last time, "the world was indeed made round."