Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: HeroHog on February 07, 2022, 10:41:51 PM

Title: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: HeroHog on February 07, 2022, 10:41:51 PM
Yup! "Alfred Mercer" on Facebook is no more. The 4 sales he had pending on the Facebook Marketplace, POOF!, gone. No real explanation given. I DID request a Review but I think we all know how THAT is going to go down.

Review requested
If we find that your posts or comments didn't follow our Community Standards, your account will remain disabled.
We're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so while your posts and comments are reviewed you can't use Facebook.

The message that popped up on the phone app said something about posting about "Self Harm" or "Physical Threats", none of which I have ever made to the best of my knowledge!

Fortunately, my Twin Brother, Al Mercer, has an account there so he can pass along anything to me as needed.

FFS :facepalm: :old:
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Nick1911 on February 07, 2022, 10:47:03 PM
Sorry that happened, I know that must be disruptive.

But maybe it's a blessing in disguise.  Since you're going through the disruption anyway, maybe this is a good time to rid yourself of that platform.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Bogie on February 07, 2022, 11:37:08 PM
They got me in the January of 21 purge... Over 10 years of photos, high school friends thought I had blocked them, etc., etc...
I gotta get another email addy to do another account. I tried once, and it was zapped within hours.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: K Frame on February 08, 2022, 06:59:41 AM
I've not been eliminated... yet. But I'm serving out the last few days of my latest Zuckerjail sentence.

I'm going to download everything off my page (photos and all that) for when those aholes finally strip my account.

Seren is enjoying her account, however.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: 230RN on February 08, 2022, 07:17:47 AM
The Fix is in.

Say, does twin brother Al have the nickname "Slowy?"

<nyuck-nyuck-nyuck><nasal snort, nasal snort>

I feel for Bogie, losing all that history.

The concept of Community Standards has become a tool of the tyrant.

Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: dogmush on February 08, 2022, 07:22:19 AM
I just don't talk about serious topics on FB.  FB is not a place for real conversations, and shouldn't be treated as such.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Ben on February 08, 2022, 07:50:15 AM
I know nothing about how friendface works, but how difficult would it be for them to lockout a banned person from posting or showing up in a search, but still allow them to access their account for "x" days to download their content? Or just provide a link for them that downloads everything as a single zip file? Just wiping everything out is a *expletive deleted*bag move.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: 230RN on February 08, 2022, 08:10:21 AM
^ "Just wiping everything out is a *expletive deleted*bag move."

*Expletive deleted*bag moves are comfortable SOP for the "awakened."  That's how they achieved their current ascendancy.

Bookburning has moved into the digital age.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: lee n. field on February 08, 2022, 08:27:00 AM
I just don't talk about serious topics on FB.  FB is not a place for real conversations, and shouldn't be treated as such.

I do, but I guess it's subtle enough not to trigger the wokies.  I need to up my game.

(I did get a demerit once, for advocating spaying or neutering elected officials.)
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: DittoHead on February 08, 2022, 08:33:13 AM
I just don't talk about serious topics on FB.  FB is not a place for real conversations, and shouldn't be treated as such.

Yeah, this is what I do and it's really not hard. I have friends who constantly post edgy political memes, get locked and then get all pissy about it. I don't get the point. If you don't like how facebook operates then why use it?
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: dogmush on February 08, 2022, 08:39:56 AM
I know nothing about how friendface works, but how difficult would it be for them to lockout a banned person from posting or showing up in a search, but still allow them to access their account for "x" days to download their content? Or just provide a link for them that downloads everything as a single zip file? Just wiping everything out is a *expletive deleted*bag move.

As Boom said, they like being douches. Additionally, the locked out person has no "their" content on FB.  It's FB's content, and if they let you back in you might delete some of the product they are selling.  Why would they do that?

It bears repeating ad nauseum:  EVERYTHING on FB belongs to FB, and they are selling it.  That is their product.  You are providing them product for free, that they then sell for money.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: grampster on February 08, 2022, 08:40:14 AM
I've posted quite a bit of "controversial" commentary on Fecesbook.  Mostly just copied and pasted stuff with attribution.  My comments when posting that stuff is to say it's interesting commentary and worth some thought.  I've never been jailed or warned by Fecesbook.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Hawkmoon on February 08, 2022, 08:50:03 AM

It bears repeating ad nauseum:  EVERYTHING on FB belongs to FB, and they are selling it.  That is their product.  You are providing them product for free, that they then sell for money.

Just like Photobucket.

If only fecesbook would follow in the unlamented footsteps of Photobucket. Photobucket still exists (somewhat to my surprise), but nobody I know still uses them.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 08, 2022, 08:56:03 AM
Just like Photobucket.

If only fecesbook would follow in the unlamented footsteps of Photobucket.

They got bough out and the new owners implemented a much saner pricing policy a while back.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: HeroHog on February 08, 2022, 11:21:53 AM
I haven't lost anything as I save anything worth keeping offline or on my web server. The "Al" account has been purged of all posted pics and videos. If I could delete all the old posts on there, I would!
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Bogie on February 08, 2022, 02:13:57 PM
Thing is, I looked at what other people had gotten zapped for, and mostly avoided that sort of thing... Somewhat... Hell, I think Mad Mike might even still have an account...
I pissed off one of the wokies (told him that I thought that his view of some people being more deserving than others was wrong, and that i thought that people should be judged by who they are, rather than what they are...), and I figure he went back through my account for a couple of days, reporting anything and everything that was edgy... They didn't tell me exactly, but from the hints when I bitched, I think it was for selling some muzzle brakes back around 2015...
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: RoadKingLarry on February 08, 2022, 03:12:10 PM
I don't post any pics that are unrecoverable on fecesbook and generally I'm actively trying to melt snowflakes and get facebook jail time. =D

I'm on a 90 day "restricted" status for posting too much  "fact checker said it was false" stuff.
Pretty much all the memes I share are right from facebook. Some of them are pretty funny. Meme about gluten intolerance, something about humans eating gluten for 10s of thousands of years and now suddenly everyone is gluten intolerant. No references, no finger pointing, got fact checked about glyphosate.
A couple of obvious satire about Biden/Harris and the vaccine and Fauxchi.
Makes me want to kick some trans factchecker beech right in the nuts.

Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: charby on February 08, 2022, 03:21:57 PM
I've posted some really controversial things on facebook over the years and I've never had a single warning. You guys must have some shitty friends in your friends lists that report things.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 08, 2022, 06:02:33 PM
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Ron on February 08, 2022, 08:30:16 PM
I've posted some really controversial things on facebook over the years and I've never had a single warning. You guys must have some shitty friends in your friends lists that report things.

Try doing it from the right or conservative side of an issue ya tree hugger  ;)
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Phyphor on February 08, 2022, 08:36:30 PM
I just use MeWe as a alternative.  As does Oleg.....
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 08, 2022, 08:58:07 PM
The Quartering just got banned no reason given

Facebook Just Banned My MASSIVE Community For Zero Reason
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: HeroHog on February 08, 2022, 10:07:49 PM
Y'all know me, I meme my ass off, post quotes that irritate the left, post cute pet clips, spiritual things, and pretty much speak my mind. I TRIED to "dial it back" but I keep getting dings form almost a decade ago.

Only thing I will lose are memes I posted that I didn't save to my file served, no big deal. Any articles I thought I would need/like to later reference, I kept as well.

My massive friend list (500+) and list of Groups are the only real loss NOT counting those 4 FB Marketplace sales I had and was closing but am now locked out of!

Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: gunsmith on February 09, 2022, 12:53:37 AM
  it's AI
 artificial intelligence cannot detect/understand humor or sarcasm - the AI is programmed by woke idiots.
 example, I got a seven day suspension for commenting on an article about a trans ( male to female weightlifter )
 I said "see, men are much better at being women than women are"
even the woke lesbian at work loved the joke.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Bogie on February 09, 2022, 09:19:28 AM
MeWe is too much of a crazy right echo chamber... Too many Trump worshipers, not enough "well, he did a good job, why didn't we keep him?" folks... People not thinking beyond "us vs. them."
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: lee n. field on February 09, 2022, 10:22:24 AM
MeWe is too much of a crazy right echo chamber... Too many Trump worshipers, not enough "well, he did a good job, why didn't we keep him?" folks... People not thinking beyond "us vs. them."

It's the "we're just as good!" place the uncool kids go to play.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: kgbsquirrel on February 09, 2022, 03:02:32 PM
MeWe is too much of a crazy right echo chamber... Too many Trump worshipers, not enough "well, he did a good job, why didn't we keep him?" folks... People not thinking beyond "us vs. them."

That sort of crap is inflicted on every potential new social media in order to keep people from leaving the leftist electric plantations.  Perhaps try not falling for such an obvious tactic.

"BuT iT's fUlL Of <trump/*let's not go there*/hitler/kike/badwords>!"
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Bogie on February 09, 2022, 07:12:24 PM
It gets old. Seems like a lot of the folks simply "love Trump," and have no idea about policies, etc...
He's okay, I could hang out with him on a weekend hunting trip, but I would draw the line at having his babies...
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Cliffh on February 09, 2022, 07:15:26 PM
It gets old. Seems like a lot of the folks simply "love Trump," and have no idea about policies, etc...
He's okay, I could hang out with him on a weekend hunting trip, but I would draw the line at having his babies...

Aww, come on!  Y'all'd make great looking babies!
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 09, 2022, 07:26:06 PM
Aww, come on!  Y'all'd make great looking babies!

Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: HeroHog on February 09, 2022, 08:31:24 PM
MeWe is too much of a crazy right echo chamber... Too many Trump worshipers, not enough "well, he did a good job, why didn't we keep him?" folks... People not thinking beyond "us vs. them."

As you can see, I didn't put my eggs all in one basket.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: 230RN on February 10, 2022, 09:28:25 AM
I don't post any pics that are unrecoverable on fecesbook and generally I'm actively trying to melt snowflakes and get facebook jail time. =D

I'm on a 90 day "restricted" status for posting too much  "fact checker said it was false" stuff.
Pretty much all the memes I share are right from facebook. Some of them are pretty funny. Meme about gluten intolerance, something about humans eating gluten for 10s of thousands of years and now suddenly everyone is gluten intolerant. No references, no finger pointing, got fact checked about glyphosate.
A couple of obvious satire about Biden/Harris and the vaccine and Fauxchi.
Makes me want to kick some trans factchecker beech right in the nuts.

Unwoke fact checkers are of no use to a woke entity.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: charby on February 11, 2022, 10:06:17 AM
I just got a some sort of 30 day ban for just posting an image of Ed Gein in 2019.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: K Frame on February 11, 2022, 10:15:44 AM
I'm finishing up my latest stint -- 30 days -- in Zuckerjail later this afternoon.

Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: cordex on February 11, 2022, 10:17:38 AM
I just got a some sort of 30 day ban for just posting an image of Ed Gein in 2019.
Does this mean you have shitty friends?
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 11, 2022, 10:17:48 AM
I just got a some sort of 30 day ban for just posting an image of Ed Gein in 2019.

Had to look him up, yikes
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: RocketMan on February 11, 2022, 10:20:18 AM
My wife has had her Facebook business page suspended a for a week a few times without explanation.  She runs a knitting pattern business which is just about as innocuous as you can imagine.  Maybe it's white privilege or something.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Ben on February 11, 2022, 10:46:53 AM
Had to look him up, yikes

No kidding.

Searching the house, authorities found:[25]

Whole human bones and fragments[26]
A wastebasket made of human skin[27]
Human skin covering several chair seats[28]
Skulls on his bedposts[29]
Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off[27][28][30]
Bowls made from human skulls[27]
A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist[28]
Leggings made from human leg skin[27]
Masks made from the skin of female heads[28][29][30]
Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag[29]
Mary Hogan's skull in a box[31]
Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack[32]
Bernice Worden's heart "in a plastic bag in front of Gein's potbelly stove"[33]
Nine vulvae in a shoe box[34]
A young girl's dress and "the vulvas of two females judged to have been about fifteen years old"[35]
A belt made from female human nipples[36]
Four noses[25]
A pair of lips on a window shade drawstring[25]
A lampshade made from the skin of a human face[25]
Fingernails from female fingers
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: charby on February 11, 2022, 11:04:44 AM
Does this mean you have shitty friends?

I don't deny that I have shitty Facebook friends.

Update, I disputed my ban and won.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: cordex on February 11, 2022, 11:06:05 AM
Update, I disputed my ban and won.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: WLJ on February 11, 2022, 11:06:22 AM
I don't deny that I have shitty Facebook friends.

Update, I disputed my ban and won.

Not sure I would count being allowed back on facebook as a win.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: K Frame on February 11, 2022, 08:15:57 PM
Well, so far I've been back at Faceplace for 4 hours and haven't gotten yet another ban. I think that's some kind of record.
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: Bogie on February 12, 2022, 12:11:56 AM
This click several times bit is getting old...
Does Mad Mike still have a facebook account?
I may go back on in a few weeks...
Title: Re: I was kicked off Facebook for WrongThink
Post by: HeroHog on February 12, 2022, 05:51:11 AM
I disputed my PermaBan as well. No word as to exactly/what I did to incur their wrath.