Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 07:05:24 AM

Title: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 07:05:24 AM
Have you ever listened to him?

Do you know anyone who listens to him? 

I haven't and don't.

And is "nappy" a racial slur?  I thought it was a hair-care issue. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 10, 2007, 07:09:32 AM
Don't listen, don't care.
This is all happening because those girls are black, and Sharpton and Jackson are racist attention whores.  Hopefully at least one girl on the team has the stones to stand up and say "look, Don Imus is a nobody, and I'm a grown woman.  I'm not going to cry about this, can we please just move on?"
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: TexasRifleman on April 10, 2007, 07:13:42 AM
Hopefully at least one girl on the team has the stones to stand up and say "look, Don Imus is a nobody, and I'm a grown woman.  I'm not going to cry about this, can we please just move on?"

Too late.  Sharpton and Jackson got to them already.  They just gave a news conference and you can guess how that went.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 07:20:19 AM
"...the locks, the dreds, the nappy heads..."

Can't remember which album, or which song.  Time to try out the CD player in the new pick-up.    cheesy
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 10, 2007, 07:34:00 AM
He's a rather frighteningly dessicated radio loudmouth who thinks he's a cowboy.

I think he was freeze-dried in the 70's or something, yet persists in ambulation and vocalization. Basically all wrinkles, a mullet, and lots of bloviation and babbling.

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Boomhauer on April 10, 2007, 07:35:12 AM
But of course, if a black radio host had made comments about whites, nothing would be said.

I know of one such radio host, a convicted felon, who calls himself "Ryan B.". He spews racist bullsh*t about whites and the blacks who work with them. He is finally getting sued by those he slandered, and something like 7 lawsuits have been filed against him, so their is some justice. But it is little comfort knowing that he is still on the air, while a white host who said things similar to what he said would have been jerked from the air faster than you can holler "Racism!".

I don't listen to Imus, and I can't get his show anyway. I'd rather listen to Neal Boortz.

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: armchair warrior on April 10, 2007, 07:40:17 AM
Is he still on the air??
Big todo about nuthin"
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: meinbruder on April 10, 2007, 07:50:35 AM
He's a rather frighteningly dessicated radio loudmouth who thinks he's a cowboy.

I think he was freeze-dried in the 70's or something, yet persists in ambulation and vocalization. Basically all wrinkles, a mullet, and lots of bloviation and babbling.

Excellent description.  He's also one of the NYC hoi polloi; a radio personality that caters to the lowest side of human nature and his stock in trade is insulting everyone.  It's about time he got a comeuppance!  As a side note, he is one of the few NYC elite to have a CHL and claims to support RKBA; not that includes the unwashed masses of Gotham City.  P!$$ off enough people and one really needs a CHL.  I understand hes one a satellite station, his show is considered too vulgar for broadcast radio; but then, thats just my opinion.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: wmenorr67 on April 10, 2007, 07:51:04 AM
Never heard of the guy until this flap.  And he is one to talk about hair.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: K Frame on April 10, 2007, 08:05:02 AM
Jesse Jackson is in on this?

I guess he had to go back to Hymietown...

Hypocritical racist bastard.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Sindawe on April 10, 2007, 08:18:27 AM
And is "nappy" a racial slur?  I thought it was a hair-care issue.

Really?  I though it was a handy term for Sodium Phosphate solutions.

Sodium Phosphate with Sodium Chloride = NaPi-NaCl = Nappy-Nackle  grin

With Sharpton and Jackson in the mix, you KNOW its a circus.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: 03Shadowbob on April 10, 2007, 08:29:20 AM
Man, I knew the "Revs" were gonna jump all over this. It's another avenue for them to push their agenda. You know if I was black, I would really want to push for better representatives of my race. I would bet that there is very little respect given to these 2 circus clowns from the other races. That's not good since if people do not respect you or your representatives then noone will really listen to what you have to say, except for NBC and CBS  rolleyes
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: De Selby on April 10, 2007, 09:35:03 AM
I bet he's got an assistant that takes care of putting just the right amount of "authentic" dust on his hat.

What a clown.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Thor on April 10, 2007, 10:33:59 AM
Don Imus was a Marine. He leans pretty far left. I used to listen to him early in the morning when I couldn't sleep. He put me right back asleep. He does do some good for children. He has a ranch in New Mexico that takes care of children with cancer. He's on MSNBC in the early morning and apparently on a radio simulcast.

This link is pretty enlightening:
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: grampster on April 10, 2007, 01:24:57 PM
There was a lady on Rush's show today.  She made one of the most powerful statements I've ever heard regarding distasteful comments and the effect or non effect they have.  She said, while using her daughter as an example, that "my daughters joy cannot be taken away by what comes out of Don Imus' mouth."

Reminded me of the old ditty when I was a kid.  "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."  Most folks who, imho, are "offended" by other people's remarks are not very secure in themselves and are or promote professional victimhood, who more than likely have an agenda to create misery for others in order to aggrandize themselves.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: roo_ster on April 10, 2007, 01:49:46 PM
Imus stopped being funny & interesting after he quit snorting coke and took up vegetarianism.  If Rush's talent is on loan from God, Don's was on loan from the Columbian drug cartels and the beef lobby.  That loan has been called in.

As to the current kerfluffle, I am reflexively on the side of whomever Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson and Al "Tawana" Sharpton are against.

But, I don't think it fair to the female basketball players to lump them in with Al & Jesse.  So, Imus owes them an apology for tacky remarks.  What he doesn't owe (anyone) is a "Don Imus Apology Tour."

I will share the indignation of the professionally aggrieved race whores (Jesse, Al, & such) when their particular subculture polices its own with the same vigor it polices the speech of others.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Bigjake on April 10, 2007, 01:50:43 PM
He's an ass, but it's a free country.  

The second you add the name "Sharpton" or "Jackson"  to any pseudo-controversy,  It should instantly loose all credibility and be dismissed as the race baiting BS it is.

don't remember who said it, but Imus is this weeks anna-nicole

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: DJJ on April 10, 2007, 05:25:50 PM
I was disappointed. It's high time somebody stood up to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. But despite his big insult-comic act, Imus is evidently a coward.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Evil Monkey on April 10, 2007, 05:37:13 PM
Imus did nothing wrong. NOTHING.

Why is he getting grilled and this guy isn't?
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: The Rabbi on April 10, 2007, 05:56:06 PM
Imus is a pal of Kinky Friedman.  That makes him OK in my book.  I remember vaguely hearing about him in NY in the 1970s.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 06:52:48 PM
the professionally aggrieved race whores (Jesse, Al, & such)

That's professionally aggrieved, nappy-headed race whores, thank you very much. 

Rabbi, I knew basically who Imus was, but I have no idea who Kinky Friedman is.  Spill. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: The Rabbi on April 10, 2007, 07:02:23 PM
Leader of Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys, author of "They aint making Jews like Jesus anymore" and "get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed" and other hits.  Also author of a hit series of detective books.  Ran for gov of Texas last year.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
Funny.  So long as we're educating fistful, who's this Scoop Jackson everybody but me seems to know about? 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: MillCreek on April 10, 2007, 07:44:04 PM
Funny.  So long as we're educating fistful, who's this Scoop Jackson everybody but me seems to know about? 

I was going to start explaining about Henry 'Scoop' Jackson, the Democratic senator from Washington for several decades, but I wonder if you are referring to the radio personality of the same name. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 10, 2007, 08:11:37 PM
I keep hearing about "Scoop Jackson" as an example of how the Democratic Party used to be more mainstream, which is to say conservative.  Probably just has to do with radio talkers being older than me.  Nevermind.   smiley
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Angel Eyes on April 10, 2007, 08:16:02 PM
I was disappointed. It's high time somebody stood up to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. But despite his big insult-comic act, Imus is evidently a coward.

He just wants his gravy train to keep rolling.  If you could make a comfortable living by insulting others, you wouldn't want it to end.

Never cared for Imus myself, but I do believe he is being condemned excessively.


Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: LadySmith on April 10, 2007, 11:39:33 PM
To answer one of the original questions&
And is "nappy" a racial slur?  I thought it was a hair-care issue.
Nappy is indeed a hair care issue.
You know if I was black, I would really want to push for better representatives of my race.
We tried that, but they kept getting, yknow, killed.
Actually, Jackson, Sharpton and their ilk are no more representative of us than Kennedy, Hillary, et al are representative of the entire White race. You have hard-working law-abiding gun-loving Black folk who mind their own business and you have inner city race-mongering hoodlums who dont know how to act if you put more than two of them in a room. Guess who the media is going to portray as representative of the race?
And he is one to talk about hair.
grin grin grin
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: roo_ster on April 11, 2007, 03:50:58 AM
Scoop Jackson was a FDR Democrat (elected to US House in 1940) who was not dazzled by the communitsts and retained his pro-American views unitl his death in 1983.

After the 1960s, Vietnam, etc., there really was little room for pro-American, anti-Communist Democrats in the Democrat Party.  They became Reagan Democrats and akin to neo-conservatives (pro-America, big-gov't types).  Reagan's famous line was, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me."  It applied to lots of Democrats, which is one of the reasons the Republicans won the Presidency much more often than Dems after LBJ.

When Republicans or conservatives lament the extinction of Scoop Jackson Democrats, it is an expression of loss for a loyal (to America) opposition party, rather than the Democrat Party of today.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: The Rabbi on April 11, 2007, 04:27:59 AM
When I first began becoming aware of politics (c.1968) there were a number of lights in the Democratic Party.  Among them were Jackson and Hubert Humphrey, Ed Muskie, and among the last was Moynihan.  They were certainly liberals and one could disagree with their views.  But they were largely men of integrity for whom winning was not everything.  Most if not all were staunch anti-communists.

A shame to see what happened to the Dems since.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: MillCreek on April 11, 2007, 05:51:29 AM
I keep hearing about "Scoop Jackson" as an example of how the Democratic Party used to be more mainstream, which is to say conservative.  Probably just has to do with radio talkers being older than me.  Nevermind.   smiley

Scoop Jackson was a democratic Representative and then Senator from Washington from the 1940's up until his death in 1983.  He was particularly well known for his conservative views on defense matters, an aggressive foreign policy outlook to contain the Soviet Union, aid to Israel, human rights, and environmental policy.  He was often criticized for his support of the war in Vietnam and his support for the internment of the Japanese-American population during WW II.

Scoop and his colleague, Warren Magnuson, the other Senator from Washington, served together in the Senate for decades, and were especially skilled for landing defense contracts that benefited Washington, such as Boeing, and the establishment and expansion of some military bases in the state.  It is sometimes said of Scoop that he never met a weapons program he did not like.

A 'Scoop Jackson Democrat' is a term used to describe a Democrat who generally believes in a strong national defense and an aggressive foreign policy in support of American interests.

I got to meet the man personally a few times before his death, and he was one heck of a nice guy.  His home in Everett is about 12 miles away from me, is on the National Registry of Historic Places, and I ride my bicycle past it all the time.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: 280plus on April 11, 2007, 11:41:55 AM
In light of all that we sure COULD use some "Scoop Jackson Democrats" today, not the snivelers that try to pass for them today.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Paddy on April 11, 2007, 01:31:36 PM
Imus needs to grow a set and call this for what it is.  It's a shakedown. These people aren't 'offended'.  They see an opportunity to exploit a vulnerability, that's all.  They're predators, pure and simple.  Declare yourself a victim and reap the benefits.   Yet the charade continues.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 11, 2007, 02:12:55 PM
Imus just got dropped by MSNBC.  The FCC is investigating.  rolleyes
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 11, 2007, 05:51:02 PM
Imus needs to grow a set and call this for what it is.  It's a shakedown. These people aren't 'offended'.  They see an opportunity to exploit a vulnerability, that's all.  They're predators, pure and simple.  Declare yourself a victim and reap the benefits.   Yet the charade continues.

I wonder if Imus has the wherewithal to see the shakedown and race-baiting that these guys engage in. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: doczinn on April 11, 2007, 09:53:32 PM
In a press conference, one of the girls from the team actually said they were hurt "mentally and physically" by the comment.

Another said she was "scarred for life."
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: gunsmith on April 12, 2007, 03:46:07 AM
I heard a quick blurb on the radio where one gal said "I don't cept no pology" rolleyes

I went to an all black high school in the seventies (well a few white guys like me were around)
No teacher would have allowed such language in their class.

What the heck are they teaching now a days?
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: 03Shadowbob on April 12, 2007, 04:47:12 AM
If the teacher today tried to correct that type of language, he/she would be persecuted for not being compassionate to the plight of those who speak like this. He/she has to understand that learning the correct usage of the English language is too difficult and taxing for those people. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on April 12, 2007, 05:55:03 AM
Finally! Some balls!!

Thu Apr 12 2007 10:02:02 ET

Patrick Gavin with FISHBOWLDC reports on Imus's radio show this am...

Barely 12 hours after being fired from MSNBC...

6:12 AM: On Imus' radio program (no longer simulcast on MSNBC) this morning, Chris Carlin, who covers sports for the program, discussed yesterday's dismissal of charges against the Duke lacrosse players.

(rough transcript)

      DON IMUS: When will Al Sharpton be apologizing to them?


      CARLIN: I'm unaware of such a press conference.

      IMUS: I'll be darned...

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 12, 2007, 06:09:34 AM
They who are caught in a slow news cycle will be sacrificed to the ratings gods in the name of controversy.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Eleven Mike on April 12, 2007, 12:04:29 PM
They who are caught in a slow news cycle will be sacrificed to the ratings gods in the name of controversy.

Yup.  He just lost the radio show, too.   grin   Zumbowned. 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: armchair warrior on April 12, 2007, 01:23:12 PM
Jeez,What he said was stupid.Hes apologized to everyone except me.
I don't think he should have fired fer cryin' out loud.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Antibubba on April 12, 2007, 07:41:04 PM
The question, for history, will be "Who was Don Imus?"
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2007, 01:34:26 AM
Interesting the way the media will turn and feed on itself at the drop of a hat.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Boomhauer on April 13, 2007, 04:43:13 AM
On CBS's Good Morning America this morning, they had Larry Elder from Los Angeles on. He basically said that the media and Big Al and Company were blowing it out of proportion. He also mentioned Al Sharpton's comments on Hymetown and how he was not crucified in the Media. It was interesting to watch Diane Sawyer try to force him into the position of the "outraged African American", but he did not bite.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: The Rabbi on April 13, 2007, 04:49:21 AM
In thinking about it, this is more about Sharpton/Jackson flexing Black Muscle than anything else.  They have shown they still have the juice and no one should ignore what they say.  And this is going into the 2008 campaign.  I think this really explains all the questions of why Imus, why now, why this more than anything else.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: mtnbkr on April 13, 2007, 05:06:05 AM
I wonder if Ken Hamblin is still broadcasting and what they think of his comments regarding "nappy hair". 

In case you don't know, he is/was a conservative black commentator similar in vein to Rush Limbaugh.  I haven't been able to find him on the air in nearly 10 years.

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: mountainclmbr on April 13, 2007, 06:05:10 AM
It seems that Corzine was severely injured in an auto accident while travelling to mediate the meeting between Imus and the Rutgers Woman's basketball team. Was he racing to get there before Schumer could get in front of the camera?
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: 280plus on April 13, 2007, 06:25:22 AM
It seems that Corzine was severely injured in an auto accident while travelling to mediate the meeting between Imus and the Rutgers Woman's basketball team. Was he racing to get there before Schumer could get in front of the camera?
Should Al Haig be jumping in and saying, "I'm in charge here now!"

Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: RealGun on April 13, 2007, 08:13:36 AM
I am quite familiar with Imus, listening or watching for more than 10 years. I gave up on him last year but for my own unrelated reasons. But now I am strongly sympathetic because this political correctness thing has become so powerful that one cannot discuss what needs to be said about race and racial cultures in this country. That is not to say that Imus had any agenda here. I would not particularly justify the comment in question, but I wouldn't view it as nearly so damning as it has been made out to be. It all depends upon the context. For example, Carlos Mencia, as part of a comedy routine, can confront blacks with their cultural or even physical idiosyncrasies, but Don Imus cannot kid around in similar fashion.

I figure the reason both MSNBC and CBS Radio canceled so abruptly is because they were just waiting for an excuse...Howard Stern all over again. You watch...Imus will resurface on satellite radio, making even more money. I don't know about cable or satellite TV, but that would preserve the visual content of some of the comedy skits. On the other hand, Imus is old enough to retire, is wealthy, not very healthy, and would rather be on the ranch, not in New York. But his wife will have a lot to do about what he really choses to do. The guy is big time 'whipped.

Personally, I have no tears, because Imus was very powerful politically and provided a platform for either leftists or for beating up on conservatives of various stripes. He is also too focused on his wife's stuff rather than being the randy old bastard he was before he got married.

All I care about is this bizarre enforcement of political correctness, as if blacks are so powerful politically and economically that every white man is kissing up like they truly would have no personal feelings on cultural matters. Bottom line is that Imus represented sponsors, who would all run for cover if some racial controversy started. That leaves everyone a victim to any black who wants to play the race card in response to the slightest implication that the black community is truly different than the white and in many ways that need to be changed. The truth is that blacks for the most part are preoccupied with appearing to be different. Good luck to anyone who wants to point that out.

As a matter of fact, Congress has discussed breaking up or disassociating itself from the Congressional Black Caucus. They are not comfortable with so officially hosting racial polarity among their own body. All the caucus really does is promote any form of government handout or block anything that would diminish social spending, wars for example. That's why blacks (100% of blacks in Congress) are Democratic socialists instead of Republicans.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: qlajlu on April 13, 2007, 09:41:44 AM
Quote from: RealGun I am strongly sympathetic because this political correctness thing has become so powerful that one cannot discuss what needs to be said about race and racial cultures in this country.
Only if you are white.

I saw a news video where Sharpton said this language was just not acceptable.  My questions is, "If that is the case, why do you and the Reverend Jackson not make a big to do about that very same language, those very same words, in the hip-hop 'songs' by black artists?"

Another question I have is, "What churches are the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson the Reverends of?"

Oh, and by the way, there are a couple of white girls on that team.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Stand_watie on April 15, 2007, 08:29:13 PM
Imus is a pal of Kinky Friedman.  That makes him OK in my book.  I remember vaguely hearing about him in NY in the 1970s.

Apparently so. A very nice article by Kinky here (below)

I'm not an Imus fan, but think the firing was a crock.

Somewhere in the thread someone mentioned "Scoop Jackson" democrats and it just occurred to me that Imus or Friedman either might have some attributes as such.

April 15, 2007 -- Author, musician and former Texas gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman has been friends with Don Imus since 1975, when they met on stage at The Bottom Line.

I MET Imus on the gangplank of Noah's Ark. He was then and remains today a truth-seeking missile with the best bull-meter in the business.

Far from being a bully, he was a spiritual chop-buster never afraid to go after the big guys with nothing but the slingshot of ragged integrity. I watched him over the years as he struggled with his demons and conquered them. This was not surprising to me.

Imus came from the Great Southwest, where the men are men and the emus are nervous. And he did it all with something that seems, indeed, to be a rather scarce commodity these days. A sense of humor.

There's no excusing Imus' recent ridiculous remark, but there's something not kosher in America when one guy gets a Grammy and one gets fired for the same line.

The Matt Lauers and Al Rokers of this world live by the cue-card and die by the cue-card; Imus is a rare bird, indeed - he works without a net. When you work without a net as long as Imus has, sometimes you make mistakes.

Wavy Gravy says he salutes mistakes. They're what makes us human, he claims. And humanity beyond doubt, is what appears to be missing from this equation. If we've lost the ability to laugh at ourselves, to laugh at each other, to laugh together, then the PC world has succeeded in diminishing us all.

Political correctness, a term first used by Joseph Stalin, has trivialized, sanitized and homogenized America, transforming us into a nation of chain establishments and chain people.

Take heart, Imus. You're merely joining a long and legendary laundry list of individuals who were summarily sacrificed in the name of society's sanctimonious soul: Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Mozart and Mark Twain, who was decried as a racist until the day he died for using the N-word rather prolifically in "Huckleberry Finn."

Speaking of which, there will always be plenty of Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons around. There will be plenty of cowardly executives, plenty of fair-weather friends, and plenty of Jehovah's Bystanders, people who believe in God but just don't want to get involved. In this crowd, it could be argued that we need a Don Imus just to wake us up once in a while.

There probably isn't a single one of Imus' vocal critics who come anywhere close to matching his record of philanthropy or good acts on this earth.

Judge a man by the size of his enemies, my father used to say. A man who, year after year, has raised countless millions of dollars and has fought hand-to-hand to combat against childhood cancer, autism, and SIDS - well, you've got a rodeo clown who not only rescues the cowboy, but saves the children as well.

I believe New York will miss its crazy cowboy and America will miss the voice of a free-thinking independent-minded, rugged individualist. I believe MSNBC will lose many viewers and CBS radio many listeners.

Too bad for them. That's what happens when you get rid of the only guy you've got who knows how to ride, shoot straight and tell the truth.
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 15, 2007, 08:36:07 PM
Take heart, Imus. You're merely joining a long and legendary laundry list of individuals who were summarily sacrificed in the name of society's sanctimonious soul: Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Mozart and Mark Twain,

What is this man smoking? 
Title: Re: Who's Don Imus, anyway?
Post by: Stand_watie on April 16, 2007, 03:47:08 AM
Take heart, Imus. You're merely joining a long and legendary laundry list of individuals who were summarily sacrificed in the name of society's sanctimonious soul: Socrates, Jesus, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Mozart and Mark Twain,

What is this man smoking? 

Great big cigars every time I've seen him on T.V.