Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Andiron on June 09, 2022, 07:46:14 PM

Title: "Never Again"
Post by: Andiron on June 09, 2022, 07:46:14 PM
After 9/11,  no crew or passengers of a commercial aircraft would blink an eye at bumrushing haji Bob with a boxcutter.  At that point everyone knew how it would end if you played along and were having none of it.

Fast forward to now.  Why can't we apply that to the (non)epidemic of school shootings?  The normies want to do something, Why stand in the way of school staff or teachers willing to get the training and carry?  They all want to shriek about another ban and lower the flags to half mast to the end of time,  why not instead push a narrative comparing this to 9/11 and airline hijackers?

Just ruminating on this after an encounter with a particularly shrill BOE member.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Boomhauer on June 09, 2022, 08:24:04 PM
Because the left WANTS more victims.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: 230RN on June 09, 2022, 08:38:52 PM
OP said, "Just ruminating on this after an encounter with a particularly shrill BOE member."

My experience with Lefties is they are so emotionally invested in their emotional stances, that they cannot think logically any more.  But they sure as hell can be shrill.  Even without megaphones.  Decibels equals truth in their heads.

Because the left WANTS more victims.

^ The crux of the matter.  Calling it what it is, "communism," you will realize that Communism can only be instituted in a mileau of extreme social strife and stress. Creating stress amd strife (and confusion) is an inherent sub rosa strategy of its proponents. 

So it is, so it be.

This is the root of the expression "Never let a crisis go to waste."  The corollary is, "Let's make crises."

Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Pb on June 10, 2022, 11:14:26 AM
Schools are dominated by feminist leftist who hate gun ownership.  The huge majority of schools will never consent to allowing CCW.  It is overwhelmingly emotional.  Never, never, never!!!  They will not do it.

Everyone makes decisions based upon emotion and values, not reason.  The purpose of reason is to justify what we have already decided based on our emotions and values.

States should pass laws requiring all schools to have armed security- which can be satisfied by private guards, cops, or CCW.  Israel has a similar law for all schools with more than a hundred pupils.  Schools there primarily used armed private security guards.  It is quite effective against terrorism.

If it is optional, most schools will not do it.

It is not a silver bullet obviously, as there have been some bad school shootings at schools with school resource officers.

The most effective thing, in opinion, would be if it was possible to persuade media outlets to stop giving these killings publicity.  The FCC could write guidelines for media, and attempt to persuade them to follow them.  It couldn't be mandatory because of the first amendment, though.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 10, 2022, 11:58:26 AM
The most effective thing, in opinion, would be if it was possible to persuade media outlets to stop giving these killings publicity.  The FCC could write guidelines for media, and attempt to persuade them to follow them.  It couldn't be mandatory because of the first amendment, though.

Yes. Too bad the media would rather use these events as propaganda for what a horrible country we live in, and how we have an insane "gun culture," etc. The media don't want to change, even if it would save lives.

Even if gun control would end these killings, the media could voluntarily reform itself, to lower the body count now, while still calling for more gun control. But they don't want to change.

Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: WLJ on June 10, 2022, 12:05:43 PM
Schools are dominated by feminist leftist who hate gun ownership. .

It not so much the guns themselves they hate but more what guns in the hands of the common man represent, self reliance, and socialism can not exist in a culture of self reliance. They're fine with guns as long as they're the only ones with guns in their socialist utopia
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Pb on June 10, 2022, 01:46:21 PM
I disagree.  I don't think most of the feminist leftists in schools would want guns themselves.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Bogie on June 10, 2022, 08:14:06 PM
The left actually wants to desensitize young people to having authority figures with machine guns watching... er... watching over them.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: 230RN on June 10, 2022, 11:28:56 PM
(1)  Schools are dominated by feminist leftist who hate gun ownership.  The huge majority of schools will never consent to allowing CCW.  It is overwhelmingly emotional.  Never, never, never!!!  They will not do it.

(2)  Everyone makes decisions based upon emotion and values, not reason.  The purpose of reason is to justify what we have already decided based on our emotions and values.

(3) States should pass laws requiring all schools to have armed security- which can be satisfied by private guards, cops, or CCW.  Israel has a similar law for all schools with more than a hundred pupils.  Schools there primarily used armed private security guards.  It is quite effective against terrorism.

If it is optional, most schools will not do it.

It is not a silver bullet obviously, as there have been some bad school shootings at schools with school resource officers.

(4)  The most effective thing, in opinion, would be if it was possible to persuade media outlets to stop giving these killings publicity.  The FCC could write guidelines for media, and attempt to persuade them to follow them.  It couldn't be mandatory because of the first amendment, though.

1:  Agreed, but how unwoke of you to say it outright.

2: Disagree without offering argument: "everyone."

3:  The problem is getting the States to pass such legislation.  Our lawmakers are just as brainwashed as the electorate.

4:  The FCC was never a friend of the First Amendment.  Consider their frownage on doity woids and (used to be) language (English only).   Among other things.*  The problem is (as with other Agencies) you give Agencies the power to Regulate, and dammit, they go ahead and Regulate and the Constitution be damned.

Terry, 230RN

* To be sure, a lot of this is due to International Agreement, necessary because "radio" waves know no national boundaries.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: Pb on June 11, 2022, 08:44:24 AM
Johnathan Haidt's "The Righteous Mind" convinced me that people make their decisions based on their values and emotions, and not reason.  Great book.

The theory is based on brain scans done of people making decisions about issues.  When making these decisions, the emotional and "moral" part of the brain is activated first... the "reason" part of the brain only activates when people try and justify decisions that they have already made.

The smarter a person is, the better the person is at coming up with "rational" justifications for whatever they have already decided to do- whether it is factually right or wrong.
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: 230RN on June 16, 2022, 07:18:10 AM
I just objected to the "everyone" generalization, is all. 
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: MechAg94 on June 16, 2022, 09:28:01 AM
I just objected to the "everyone" generalization, is all.

1.  I would say not all schools are full of leftists and feminists.  But a lot of those people dominate many big city school boards and leadership positions.  It is prevalent enough that we see it a lot, but it isn't everywhere.  There are enough corrupt school board members that it is easy to get to thinking it is all schools.

2.  I have heard a few people talk about showing Libs-of-TikTok videos to teachers they know.  Most say they don't see that stuff at their school. 

3.  I figure once you get a principal or upper person in charge who agrees with that stuff, they tend to hire more people like them. 
Title: Re: "Never Again"
Post by: 230RN on June 17, 2022, 06:11:41 AM
Post withdrawn by poster.