Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Ron on August 31, 2022, 11:09:09 AM

Title: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Ron on August 31, 2022, 11:09:09 AM
Right on the upper lip while mowing. Felt three stings only one stinger found. Sucked him right into my nostril then blew him out.

Ib a be a not ub habbie  =D

Ice, Benadryl, aspirin and baking soda poultice anything I'm missing?

Upper teeth hurt but nothing unusual with the tongue or airway so far.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: zxcvbob on August 31, 2022, 11:49:17 AM
Right on the upper lip while mowing. Felt three stings only one stinger found. Sucked him right into my nostril then blew him out.

Ib a be a not ub habbie  =D

Ice, Benadryl, aspirin and baking soda poultice anything I'm missing?

Upper teeth hurt but nothing unusual with the tongue or airway so far.

Ouch.  Sorry!

I saw the title and thought you were referring to the Babylon Bee and wondered how you stumbled into their field of fire  :rofl:

Is the "Ib a be a..." a reference to "Mushmouth" in the old Fat Albert cartoons?
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: WLJ on August 31, 2022, 11:52:22 AM

I saw the title and thought you were referring to the Babylon Bee and wondered how you stumbled into their field of fire  :rofl:

Glad I'm not the only one  :rofl:
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Ron on August 31, 2022, 11:54:17 AM
It's swollen enough I'm talking like mush mouth.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: MechAg94 on August 31, 2022, 12:41:54 PM
Maybe a mosquito net hat would help.

Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Brad Johnson on August 31, 2022, 04:46:58 PM
Damn. Glad you're okay.

Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Ben on August 31, 2022, 05:30:10 PM
Yikes, you have my sympathy. My usual enemy is the wasp. This is actually the first year that I haven't (yet) been stung. I've gotten so that I keep Sting Kill swabs in my ATV first aid kit, since I always seem to be stung out in the pastures rather than by the house.

Bees seem to like me. I'm, perhaps stupidly, always walking around my bee guy's hives and I have never once been stung.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: MechAg94 on August 31, 2022, 07:57:41 PM
Yikes, you have my sympathy. My usual enemy is the wasp. This is actually the first year that I haven't (yet) been stung. I've gotten so that I keep Sting Kill swabs in my ATV first aid kit, since I always seem to be stung out in the pastures rather than by the house.

Bees seem to like me. I'm, perhaps stupidly, always walking around my bee guy's hives and I have never once been stung.
Are the wasps ground wasps?  We mostly just have the paper wasps in my immediate area.  Not sure if it is the fire ants or something else.  My brother has bees.  Never had an issue with them, but I don't mess with the hives.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Ben on August 31, 2022, 08:03:42 PM
Are the wasps ground wasps?  We mostly just have the paper wasps in my immediate area.  Not sure if it is the fire ants or something else.  My brother has bees.  Never had an issue with them, but I don't mess with the hives.

I don't know what kind they are. They make the honeycomb looking nests, usually up high, like where a wall meets a ceiling, or they also like outdoor covered electric sockets and breaker boxes. Or cattle gate posts, which are steel pipes. One time a couple of Summers ago, I slammed a gate shut, and a swarm of them came flying out of the pipe the gate was attached to. I think I got like four or five stings at once on that one. Now I've plugged all those pipes.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 31, 2022, 08:09:08 PM
Even after 6-7 years of keeping bees I usually only manage to get stung 3-4 times a year.
Early in the spring I managed to find the girls in a particularly pissy mood and the hit me 7-8 times before I was able to unass the area.
Got a couple on the back of my neck, 1 on my face and the rest on my hands. Benadryl and ibuprofen work for me , I   usually don't have much of a reaction but that time my right hand swelled up about 3x normal size for 2 days.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: MechAg94 on August 31, 2022, 08:16:46 PM
I don't know what kind they are. They make the honeycomb looking nests, usually up high, like where a wall meets a ceiling, or they also like outdoor covered electric sockets and breaker boxes. Or cattle gate posts, which are steel pipes. One time a couple of Summers ago, I slammed a gate shut, and a swarm of them came flying out of the pipe the gate was attached to. I think I got like four or five stings at once on that one. Now I've plugged all those pipes.  :laugh:
Okay.  I call them paper wasps.  Many different kinds.  They like to make nests above the back seat of my Dad's Polaris....and right outside my front and back doors. 

At work, we got a new electrical building with grating platforms at each door a couple years ago.  Two people got stung.  All the railings were done in 2" pipe.  All the pipe sections had little breather holes drilled in.  After killing the wasps that got in the pipe, the guys put silicone sealant on all the breather holes.  No problems since (at that location). 
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: Ron on August 31, 2022, 10:21:04 PM
The Benadryl did it's job and the swelling went down dramatically by dinner time. Just a very puffy lip now, no longer interfering with speech. Still hurts like a dickens. Hopefully I'll wake up in even better shape.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: MechAg94 on August 31, 2022, 10:28:40 PM
Good to hear.  Hope you recover fully and the bees leave you alone.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: K Frame on September 01, 2022, 07:22:59 AM
Be very careful going forward.

If you get stung again, make sure you're in a position where you can get help immediately if you start having an allergic reaction.

A lot of people have found to their detriment that the first time they're stung it's no problem. The next time they're stung? BIG problems.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: RocketMan on September 01, 2022, 07:52:44 AM
Be very careful going forward.

If you get stung again, make sure you're in a position where you can get help immediately if you start having an allergic reaction.

A lot of people have found to their detriment that the first time they're stung it's no problem. The next time they're stung? BIG problems.

I second this notion from personal experience.  Had been stung a time or three as a kid.  No problems.  In the sixth grade, walking barefoot in the back yard, stepped on a bee in the grass.  Stung me in the ball of the heel.  Foot swelled up to three times its normal size.  Mom took me to the doctor and he said the next sting could be my last without bee sting allergy treatment.
Had to carry epinephrine (adrenaline) shot and antihistamine kits as a for the next few years because of this.  Underwent the bee sting allergy treatment and stopped having to carry the kits.  However, there was some concern in the medical community later on as to the efficacy of those treatments in the '60s.  For all I know, I could still be allergic to bee stings.
Title: Re: Bee 3 Ron 0
Post by: JTHunter on September 01, 2022, 08:13:48 PM
Be very careful going forward.

If you get stung again, make sure you're in a position where you can get help immediately if you start having an allergic reaction.

A lot of people have found to their detriment that the first time they're stung it's no problem. The next time they're stung? BIG problems.

ABSOLUTELY !!  It's called "anaphylactic shock".  As a kid, my parents had to take a prescription bottle of antihistamine pills with us as the pediatrician found out when I had a very bad reaction to a single honeybee sting on my leg when 3 y.o.  He said that, if I ever got stung in the neck,, I would have swollen up so much I would have strangled.
Fortunately, I outgrew that.  Several years ago, I was stung 3 times just below my armpit by a bumblebee.  Biggest welt was the diameter of a 50 cent piece and they itched for days.