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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: gunsmith on October 08, 2022, 07:15:58 PM

Title: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: gunsmith on October 08, 2022, 07:15:58 PM

 wow, I heard about it but did not investigate ... so some bridge named Kirscher or the bridge between Ukraine/Russia blew up, or someone blew it up ... I feel bad for the innocents in the vehicles
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: dogmush on October 08, 2022, 08:43:23 PM
"Someone " blew it up.....
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: gunsmith on October 08, 2022, 08:59:02 PM
"Someone " blew it up.....

some people did some things
Ilhan Omar, talking about 9/11/01

all I know is I was not anywhere near the area

Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: MechAg94 on October 08, 2022, 09:10:20 PM*let's not go there*-are-celebrating-suicide-bomber-that-blew-up-russian-bridge.html

Salty Cracker is saying it was a suicide bomber in a truck. 
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: kgbsquirrel on October 08, 2022, 09:48:02 PM*let's not go there*-are-celebrating-suicide-bomber-that-blew-up-russian-bridge.html

Salty Cracker is saying it was a suicide bomber in a truck.

That would be highly atypical.  (X):Doubt
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: MechAg94 on October 08, 2022, 10:10:32 PM

That would be highly atypical.  (X):Doubt
I can't tell from the video if the explosion originated at the truck or the truck was just caught in the middle.
Ukraine appears to be taking credit either way.
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: gunsmith on October 09, 2022, 12:14:53 AM
so, cutting off supply lines to the Russians or making it impossible for the Russians to retreat?
does this mean nukes?

it is hard for me to make heads or tails because the fog of war and propaganda is intense.

A friend of mine is buying iodine, stocking up on canned food and just bought a geiger counter because he is fifty percent we are going to be nuked

Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: dogmush on October 09, 2022, 07:38:23 AM
Buy Potassium Iodide if you want, it's cheap and doesn't hurt anything.  Don't take it until you see the flash.

I still think it's pretty unlikely that the US gets nuked.  Ukraine, maybe, but probably not us. Improbable =/= impossible though.

What this explosion does, I think, signify is that Ukrane is planning on taking the Crimean peninsula back, and is making sure they can cut it off from easy resupply from Russia.
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: MillCreek on October 09, 2022, 08:40:13 AM
From what I see on the Net, the overwhelming majority of people think that potassium iodide is a magical preventative for all sorts of radiation sickness, rather than just protecting the thyroid from radioactive iodine. 
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: Nick1911 on October 09, 2022, 08:52:13 AM
I agree with dogmush's assessment.  Putin's options are dwindling, but a nuclear confrontation with NATO doesn't get him what he wants either.
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: HankB on October 09, 2022, 09:29:43 AM
I agree with dogmush's assessment.  Putin's options are dwindling, but a possible nuclear confrontation exchange with NATO doesn't get him what he wants either.
Nobody knows - I mean, really knows - what will happen if Putin pops a nuke in Ukraine. But the general consensus is nothing good.

As far as the bridge explosion goes, maybe someone planted a bomb in the truck and the driver didn't even know it . . . a truck bomb is not necessarily a suicide bomb, and if you have people in the warehouse a pallet of explosives could probably be loaded aboard if the bill of lading said "infant formula" or something innocuous. Having it go "boom" on the bridge right next to a train suggests it was command detonated so it doesn't rule out the truck driver, but there are multiple plausible scenarios.
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: MechAg94 on October 09, 2022, 09:38:48 AM
Nobody knows - I mean, really knows - what will happen if Putin pops a nuke in Ukraine. But the general consensus is nothing good.
yeah, my concern is I think the current leadership in the White House is unpredictable and they seem to be neck deep in the Ukraine for one reason or another.  I worry a little that a nuke going off on that side of the world will lead to an escalation of actions from all parties.  It may not be immediate, but could be a slow fuse to something bigger. 
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: Northwoods on October 09, 2022, 04:20:49 PM
According to Peter Zeihan the Ukrainians went old school with the truck bomb because we (USA/NATO) wouldn’t train them on whatever rocket artillery would have had the range needed. 

Definitely didn’t HAVE to be a suicide bomber.  Truck “breaks down”, driver hikes it for “repairman assistance”.  Someone concealed with binoculars and a cellphone could then detonate it as the fuel train went past.  Little riskier in terms of being caught/thwarted but so long as the truck wasn’t sitting there for tooooo long that would certainly work.  And if one wanted to confuse things, leave the dead body (or alive body I suppose) of someone not Ukrainian in the cab.
Title: Re: bridge explosion/Crimea
Post by: WLJ on October 09, 2022, 08:21:02 PM
Says the truck had nothing to do with it and it may have been a drone boat.

Crimean bridge: Who - or what - caused the explosion?