Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: MechAg94 on November 03, 2022, 02:49:34 PM

Title: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: MechAg94 on November 03, 2022, 02:49:34 PM
Randall Carlson reads through a list of severe storms, droughts, floods, and forest fires from the 1600's to present.  It is a pretty lengthy list and he gives a short description of the event and how severe it was.  A few are just years where say 8 typhoons hit Japan.  He says he is leaving out quite a few events that "would be headline news" these days.  The 18 month drought in India sounds scary. 

The video is restricted for some reason.  I am having trouble getting it to come up at work.

I thought it was interesting information and provides some perspective when looking at present day storms.  The video is a bit long, but worth listening to.  I think the list is the first half of the video.  He may have mentioned some references, but doesn't link them in the video. 

He said part of the reason he made the list is due to all the people blaming climate change and CO2 for violent storms in the present.  Highlighting these storms have been going all along.  We just often have a very short memory. 
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: Brad Johnson on November 03, 2022, 04:31:34 PM
We just often have a very short memory. 

And a society living for the moment.

Yeah, perspective and context seems to have gone by the wayside. Knowledge of history certainly has.

Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: 230RN on November 03, 2022, 04:41:24 PM
^  and ^^

"He said part of the reason he made the list is due to all the people blaming climate change and CO2 for violent storms in the present.  Highlighting these storms has been going on all along.  We just often have a very short memory. "

Hence the restrictions on the video, I guess.  It seems go against the climate change agenda.   If a "choke point" is added, it reduces the number of climate change apostles who might see it.

Climate has been changing quite regularly about every 90,000 years for the past half million years and right now, it looks to me more like we have hit a peak in temperatures and are heading into a downturn in the long term.

So yes, "short  memories."

Give me a phone call in 45,000 years and I'll let you know how it's turning out, if we haven't frozen our kajoongies off by then.

Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: MechAg94 on November 03, 2022, 06:02:18 PM
^  and ^^

"He said part of the reason he made the list is due to all the people blaming climate change and CO2 for violent storms in the present.  Highlighting these storms has been going on all along.  We just often have a very short memory. "

Hence the restrictions on the video, I guess.  It seems go against the climate change agenda.   If a "choke point" is added, it reduces the number of climate change apostles who might see it.

Climate has been changing quite regularly about every 90,000 years for the past half million years and right now, it looks to me more like we have hit a peak in temperatures and are heading into a downturn in the long term.

So yes, "short  memories."

Give me a phone call in 45,000 years and I'll let you know how it's turning out, if we haven't frozen our kajoongies off by then.

Terry, 230RN
The short memories is just something I have noticed seeing some of the commentary the last few years.  I don't think I am that old, but I just remember there have been hurricanes, storms, and flooding every year all my life, more some years than others.  I haven't paid attention to droughts much, but those happened also.  My parents and grandparents talked about the same in their lives.  A little bit of historical knowledge only reinforces that. 
I think we just have a media that is playing along with the climate change agenda and people get carried along in the hysteria and don't stop to think about what they have experienced and seen in their own lifetimes. 

Anyway, I encourage anyone to listen to the video.  The list is pretty lengthy and really only covers the worst events, but many of the descriptions are worse than anything we have seen in recent decades.  However, there is no video of most of these events so they don't exist to some people.
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: 230RN on November 03, 2022, 06:29:31 PM
^ "However, there is no video of most of these events so they don't exist to some people."

A telling sarcasm.  Even GU (Google University) has biased and well-scripted "professors."

"The truth is out there" is no longer true.  What's "out there" is polished and groomed to fit the script or elided entirely.
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: MechAg94 on November 04, 2022, 09:22:16 AM
Randall had a past video talking about some really bad forest fires in the past.  He mentioned one has a lot more notoriety since someone took pictures of the aftermath.  They had photos as well as the personal accounts. The other one pre-dated photography.  I guess it is similar to Yellowstone.  When the first explorers brought back accounts of the place, few believed them. 

The accounts he read of the Chicago fire and a couple of major forest fires were eye opening.  I am not sure I can imagine just how bad something as bad as a fire storm would be. 
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: 230RN on November 04, 2022, 09:50:09 PM
Just looking back over the thread...

MechAg94 said,

My parents and grandparents talked about the same in their lives.  A little bit of historical knowledge only reinforces that.
I think we just have a media that is playing along with the climate change agenda and people get carried along in the hysteria and don't stop to think about what they have experienced and seen in their own lifetimes.

Gawdamighty, that cries out for a new aphorism... how'd you miss it?

Historical beats hysterical.


Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: MechAg94 on November 05, 2022, 05:50:24 PM
I heard this video mentioned elsewhere.  Even if you don't agree with other stuff Randal Carlson says, listening to him going through the list is eye opening.  Some of these disasters are an order of magnitude over anything I remember. 
Title: Re: Severe Storms and Weather in the Recent Past
Post by: MechAg94 on November 05, 2022, 06:09:13 PM
I would add the list doesn't really start until about 20 minutes in.  The lead up starts at about 15 minutes.  They talk about other stuff prior to that.