Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: WLJ on August 10, 2023, 08:37:12 AM

Title: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 10, 2023, 08:37:12 AM
People jumping into the sea to escape the flames.
Reported 36 dead but reading they're still finding bodies with many being pulled out of the water.

At least 36 dead from raging Hawaiian brush fires enhanced by Hurricane Dora, high pressure winds

Maui fires kill 36 people as entire town of Lahaina is wiped out leaving HUNDREDS homeless and frantic Hawaii locals continue to 'pull bodies from water'

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: T.O.M. on August 10, 2023, 07:11:31 PM
Spent a week in Lahaina/Kaanapali Beach back in 2017.  Fun little town, kind of what you might imagine a surfer/artist meets fishing town.  A TON less tourist trap than Waikiki has become.  Great little local restaurants, where I first had Maui Brewing Company Bikini Blonde lager.  Makes my top 10 list of favorite places I've been to, and a leader on my visit again list.

Truly saddened by this.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: JTHunter on August 10, 2023, 11:20:21 PM
There was a story I was reading tonight about a 150 y.o. banyan tree that has been used for fairs and other gatherings as the tree provided the shade.  Now that many of those branches are scorched, they aren't sure it will survive.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 11, 2023, 07:27:16 AM
Death toll now at 55, up Up to a 1,000 missing.

As firefighting efforts continue, 2 additional fatalities have been confirmed today amid the active Lahaina fire. This brings the death toll to 55 people,' a news release said.
Green said that the death toll was at 53, but rising, and confirmed 1,000 people remained missing - among them Williams.

The governor emphasized that he was not saying 1,000 people were dead, but that they were out of contact.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 12, 2023, 09:35:16 AM
80 now with hundreds still missing

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: HankB on August 12, 2023, 09:52:54 AM
What a terrible situation.  =(

It's hard to stop a wind-driven wild fire, but I saw a few interviews and people were wondering out loud where the fire department was.

From the Internet, Maui Fire Rescue has 279 personnel spread across 14 fire stations, 10 of which are on Maui. I didn't see any of them in the film footage that aired - maybe they were just overwhelmed by the scale and scope of the blaze. Spraying water from hoses when there's a rapidly advancing WALL of flame . . . well, there's only so much you can do.

Maybe before rebuilding they'll revise local code requirements to make the place more fire-resistant in the future.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on August 12, 2023, 09:58:32 AM
What a terrible situation.  =(

It's hard to stop a wind-driven wild fire, but I saw a few interviews and people were wondering out loud where the fire department was.

From the Internet, Maui Fire Rescue has 279 personnel spread across 14 fire stations, 10 of which are on Maui. I didn't see any of them in the film footage that aired - maybe they were just overwhelmed by the scale and scope of the blaze. Spraying water from hoses when there's a rapidly advancing WALL of flame . . . well, there's only so much you can do.

Maybe before rebuilding they'll revise local code requirements to make the place more fire-resistant in the future.

When dealing with a quite literal firestorm with flames being driven by sustained 70+MPH winds.....  All firefighters with typical tankers and firetrucks could do is die pointlessly.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: T.O.M. on August 12, 2023, 11:49:05 AM
When dealing with a quite literal firestorm with flames being driven by sustained 70+MPH winds.....  All firefighters with typical tankers and firetrucks could do is die pointlessly.

Yeah, as fast and as massive as this fire appears to have been, would have been like trying to hold back the tide with a bucket.

Keep hearing people looking for someone to "hold accountable," from the absence of firefighters to the lack of emergency warning sirens to blaming someone for the fire starting.  Even now blaming the government for a slow response.  I understand that's human nature, but seems to also be a sign of the world in which we live now.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 12, 2023, 03:40:11 PM

Nearly a decade before a wildfire destroyed the coastal Maui town of Lahaina this week, killing at least 80 people, a report by Hawaiian fire researchers warned that the area was at extremely high risk of burning.   

Another report, in 2020, tied fires to winds from a passing hurricane—similar to the ones that fanned the Lahaina blaze.

And the state’s electric utility had for years worried about wildfire risk in the area. It even flew drones to monitor conditions.

In 2014, a wildfire-protection plan for the area was written by the Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization, a nonprofit that works with government agencies. It warned that Lahaina was among Maui’s most fire-prone areas because of its proximity to parched grasslands, steep terrain and frequent winds.

. . .

Some of the recommendations from the 2014 plan, which was devised after more than a half-dozen community meetings, were implemented, like brush thinning efforts and public education for landowners, said the report’s lead author, Elizabeth Pickett. But others, such as ramping up emergency-response capacity, have been stymied by a lack of funding, logistical hurdles in rugged terrain and competing priorities, said Pickett, co-executive director of the wildfire nonprofit. 

Sounds like the proverbial Soviet 5-year plans.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: 230RN on August 12, 2023, 05:09:58 PM
Damned close parallel to the Superior Colorado fire of 2010.  Started at the windward side of town, strong winds, firefighters and other responders were driving "100 mph" to get ahead of the flames to warn people.  I think it's officially called "The Marshall Fire" now because it actually started in the Marshall area under the foothills and actually involved three areas, Marshall, Superior, and Louisville.

This thread reads almost the same.  "Where was the FD?"

Breaking their asses to get ahead of the fire, that's where.

Sometimes they can work miracles, sometimes they can't.

Images are horrifyingly similar:



Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: BobR on August 12, 2023, 05:38:01 PM
Just a random thought. In Hawaii they use very loud sirens to warn people of an approaching tsunami, had they set off the warning sirens how many people would  have attempted to flee inland, right to the fire, in order to escape what they have been conditioned to do when a tsunami siren sounds?  Just a thought. The death toll could have been much worse IMO had they used the sirens.

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: 230RN on August 12, 2023, 05:55:17 PM
Yes, in the Marshall fire, the escape routes were open to other areas.  From what I gather, many of the Maui victims were trapped between the fire and the sea.

Far afield and for what it's worth as a general principle, at traffic lights and other stopped situations, I never pull up close to the car in front of me.  I always leave enough "turnout" room even if there are cars in alongside lanes.  General principle/attitude/habit/paranoia/outlook is all.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: gunsmith on August 12, 2023, 10:22:37 PM
  I watched the Oakland Hills fire from across the bay in SF .
they played a heartbreaking 911 call from a teen girl who was home alone, they told her to evacuate but she never made it .
 two people, a firefighter and a housewife - took shelter in a pool - under his firemans heavy coat.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Doggy Daddy on August 13, 2023, 01:32:52 AM
Far afield and for what it's worth as a general principle, at traffic lights and other stopped situations, I never pull up close to the car in front of me.  I always leave enough "turnout" room even if there are cars in alongside lanes.  General principle/attitude/habit/paranoia/outlook is all.

Smith System Key to Safe Driving #4    "Leave yourself an out."
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 13, 2023, 10:24:56 AM
93 confirmed now.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: BobR on August 13, 2023, 12:26:37 PM
There is at least one voice of reason out there and not completely blaming climate change for the disaster.

"Blaming this on weather and climate is misleading," said Clay Trauernicht, a University of Hawaii at Manoa professor and environmental management expert. "Hawai'i's fire problem is due to the vast areas of unmanaged, nonnative grasslands from decades of declining agriculture."

Almost like California and Canada and their lack of forest management and then they act surprised when they have massive fires.

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: HankB on August 13, 2023, 01:40:44 PM

 . . . Almost like California and Canada and their lack of militant opposition to sound forest management and then they act surprised when they have massive fires . . .
FIFY  ;)
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: gunsmith on August 13, 2023, 03:06:25 PM
Smith System Key to Safe Driving #4    "Leave yourself an out."

I took the smith course when I was driving for Loomis armored courier , that is one of the things I do religiously .
I was in the slow lane coming home from work, idiot in a CDL gas truck started tail gating me.
I sped up, but he decided to put his bumper inches behind me with his brights blinding me when we came to a red light ( my "new" car is a little mitzubishi mirage from the 90's really tiny )
"Fine, I'm not in a hurry and I'm gonna teach idiot a lesson in tailgating"  I took a good 3minutes or so to get thru the intersection with the frantic idiot honking like crazy, and went real slow until he finally realized the only way to pass was to stop tailgating me and merge into the left lane.
As soon as he merged I sped up again, got into the left lane, 3 cars ahead and kept up with traffic.
Idiot got back into the left lane and started tailgating someone else.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Doggy Daddy on August 13, 2023, 05:16:56 PM
"Fine, I'm not in a hurry and I'm gonna teach idiot a lesson in tailgating"  I took a good 3minutes or so to get thru the intersection with the frantic idiot honking like crazy, and went real slow until he finally realized the only way to pass was to stop tailgating me and merge into the left lane.

Key #6: "When all else fails, use their road rage against them."   :rofl:
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: 230RN on August 13, 2023, 07:10:05 PM
Never took a driving course except for Hard Knock University so my little hints are derived from driving since 1955-1956, not sure which.

Interesting that so many of my techniques seem to be showing up elsewhere, not that I claim "originality," only "experientality."

Tailgating, not much you can do except maybe flash your lights for them, slow down so the pass, carfeully and with plenty of warning, pull over and let them pass, and extend the distance from you to the car in front of you to give enough braking warning for the idiot tailgting you to wake up and pay attention.  I have noticed, and I'll get *expletive deleted*it for this, that women seem to tailgate more than men.

I'll also comment that it's always amusing when you let the tailgater zoom past and roar ahead, that you end up right behind them at the next light.

Hint:  whenever you do anything, signal with your whole car.  Meaning do it slooooowly.

I was also amused by the fact that I always figured that the ten o'clock and two o'clock rule was pretty stupic and arbitrary, and I now hear that the Highway Patrol is recommending nine and three.  Har-har!

OK, done my thread-drifting quota for this week.

Terry, 230RN


Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: BobR on August 13, 2023, 07:21:26 PM

I was also amused by the fact that I always figured that the ten o'clock and two o'clock rule was pretty stupic and arbitrary, and I now hear that the Highway Patrol is recommending nine and three.  Har-har!

Terry, 230RN


I think that came about with the advent of air bags. In case they blow I guess in theory a 9 and 3 hold would help prevent you from punching yourself in the face if you are using a 10 and 2 by spreading your arms out instead of driving them back. Just a SWAG.

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: HeroHog on August 13, 2023, 10:03:14 PM
I was also amused by the fact that I always figured that the ten o'clock and two o'clock rule was pretty stupic and arbitrary, and I now hear that the Highway Patrol is recommending nine and three.  Har-har!

But, my wheel is designed for 8 & 4 (or 10 & 2)!

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: gunsmith on August 14, 2023, 01:33:31 AM
I can understand being annoyed  with some dreg of society going slow in the fast lane.
Gol dang it tho, if someone is slow in the slow lane they might be slow for a good reason.
A really cool female highway patrol officer assured me that it is almost always a female insisting on going slow in the fast lane .
Every youtube video of a dude doing the slow   (in fast lane thing) shows some guy with obvious mental problems .
My theory is when a guy is going slow in the fast lane, he is angry that he isn't a female and determined to behave like one - or he has little to no testosterone and consequently no control of his feminine emotions ...

One of the survivors of the wildfire used his Harley to get around the poor confused cagers who died rather than violating traffic laws, he rode on the sidewalks ( which had no people anyway )

Some of the pictures reminded me the Walking Dead early episodes with piles of dead bodies in cars going one way with a completely empty lane right next to them going the other way.

I live in an area known for bad wildfires too, I am going to start planning and practicing getting out in a hurry.

The house around the corner burned down a few days ago , killing three neighbor dogs
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 14, 2023, 03:51:58 AM
I think that came about with the advent of air bags. In case they blow I guess in theory a 9 and 3 hold would help prevent you from punching yourself in the face if you are using a 10 and 2 by spreading your arms out instead of driving them back. Just a SWAG.

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 14, 2023, 07:41:51 AM
The lawyers are already busy going after the power companies

A Hawaiian couple is suing four power companies, accusing them of ignoring weather warnings amid the historic Maui wildfires that have killed at least 93 people.

The main plaintiffs, Monica and Rede Eder, own a house in historic town of Lahaina, which was decimated by the wildfire. Their suit is "on behalf of a class and subclasses of all persons similarly situated."

The suit targets Hawaiian Electric Industries, which is the parent company of HECO, MECO, and HELCO.

The lawsuit accuses the power companies of ignoring weather warnings and keeping their power lines energized despite the dangerous conditions. The plaintiffs claimed that the companies "inexcusably kept their power lines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions."

Hawaiian couple sues power companies over Lahaina destruction amid historic Maui wildfires
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 14, 2023, 08:19:06 AM
Biden endearing himself to Hawaii residents:

After a couple hours on the Rehoboth beach, @potus was asked about the rising death toll in Hawaii

“No comment,” he said before heading home
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: 230RN on August 14, 2023, 09:46:45 AM
I kind of thought that was stretching things a little for a lawsuit, but the National Weather Service had apparently issued a High Wind Watch and Red Flag Warning.  They supposedly cautioned that energized power lines could be fire hazards.

Sounds like the power companies were stuck between a rock and a hard place on that one.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: 230RN on August 14, 2023, 10:09:26 AM
But, my wheel is designed for 8 & 4 (or 10 & 2)!


Stupid Ford.  That steering wheel is almost as dumb as when Plymouth (etc.) used pushbuttons for shifting.  I look at that wheel and I wonder that "Necking Knobs" are illegal on the thin excuse that they interfere with steering.  Humph!!!


At least with a necking knob you could steer with one hand if need be, unlike in HeroHog's Ford.

Almost as stupid as those horn rings... if you remember them.

Terry, 230RN



On that business of the outgoing side of roads being jammed while the incoming side was completely open, remember that emergency and rescue vehicles have to use the incoming lanes, sometimes in both directions.  Opening up incoming lanes for evacuation is another one of those judgement calls that lawsuit-wise, can get the decision-maker in trouble no matter which way he rules.

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 14, 2023, 10:10:51 AM
Hundreds still missing and according this only 3% of the town has been searched so far.

Hundreds of people remain unaccounted for, and large swathes of Lahaina are yet to be searched. John Pelletier, the Maui police chief, said only three percent of the town - home to more than 9,000 people - had been searched so far.

Hawaii's dystopian reality: Apocalyptic images reveal full horror of '1,000 degree' deadly 'fire hurricane' that annihilated historic city and killed at least 96 amid warnings death toll could surge by hundreds
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 14, 2023, 10:20:24 AM
I blame Trump and the NRA.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: MechAg94 on August 14, 2023, 12:23:27 PM
I can understand being annoyed  with some dreg of society going slow in the fast lane.
Gol dang it tho, if someone is slow in the slow lane they might be slow for a good reason.
A really cool female highway patrol officer assured me that it is almost always a female insisting on going slow in the fast lane .
Every youtube video of a dude doing the slow   (in fast lane thing) shows some guy with obvious mental problems .
My theory is when a guy is going slow in the fast lane, he is angry that he isn't a female and determined to behave like one - or he has little to no testosterone and consequently no control of his feminine emotions ...

One of the survivors of the wildfire used his Harley to get around the poor confused cagers who died rather than violating traffic laws, he rode on the sidewalks ( which had no people anyway )

Some of the pictures reminded me the Walking Dead early episodes with piles of dead bodies in cars going one way with a completely empty lane right next to them going the other way.

I live in an area known for bad wildfires too, I am going to start planning and practicing getting out in a hurry.

The house around the corner burned down a few days ago , killing three neighbor dogs
For Evacuation plans, I would get a map showing all the backroads on your route and plan to use them at least to get past the bottlenecks.  Likely you will just need to avoid the major highways and interstates.  Once you get away from the city, you can probably go back to the major roads depending on how bad it is. 
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 14, 2023, 05:05:24 PM

    FEMA ADMINISTRATOR CRISWELL: "We are working with our state and local partners to ensure that our outreach and our messaging is also culturally responsive."
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 14, 2023
Biden's FEMA head assures us WH's outreach to Maui victims is 'culturally responsive'

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 14, 2023, 05:22:40 PM
Hawaii Gov. Josh Green warns '10 to 20' more Lahaina wildfire victims will be found dead each day as just 3% of the search area has been scoured - and says around 1,300 people are still missing
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: HankB on August 15, 2023, 09:40:14 AM
Biden endearing himself to Hawaii residents:


    After a couple hours on the Rehoboth beach, @potus was asked about the rising death toll in Hawaii

    “No comment,” he said before heading home

He and his people no doubt view Hawaii as a completely reliable Democrat voting bloc, so why should he even go through the motions of caring? His handlers actually CAN take them for granted.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: JTHunter on August 15, 2023, 03:12:14 PM
I blame Trump and the NRA.

You should have put that in "purple".  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 15, 2023, 03:29:53 PM
You should have put that in "purple".  :facepalm:

I have to ask, purple?
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 15, 2023, 05:51:40 PM
Biden endearing himself to Hawaii residents:

After a couple hours on the Rehoboth beach, @potus was asked about the rising death toll in Hawaii

“No comment,” he said before heading home

The Babylon Bee wasn't going to let that one get by them without a shot.

Biden's 'No Comment' Praised As Most Rational, Coherent Statement He's Made As President
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 15, 2023, 05:53:17 PM
Tells you something when I have to tell this is from The Babylon Bee.
But like a lot of their stuff will become reality a week or two

Trump Indicted For Hawaii Wildfire
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 16, 2023, 10:11:15 AM
Space lasers, SpaceX, Oprah, and chem trails are among other things people are blaming the fire on.
So put on your  [tinfoil]

Out of this world! Why wild conspiracy theories spreading online that Maui wildfires were started by SPACE LASERS are completely bogus
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 18, 2023, 07:20:57 PM
Note: Numbers are not official

Maui authorities are dramatically underplaying the number of people known to have died in the inferno that ripped through Lahaina last week - with locals telling that the actual death toll is at least 480 and that morgues had run out of body bags.

The figure is quadruple that of the official number of 111 - and some of the relatives of the victims have been left to uncover the remains of their loved ones themselves due to the glacial progress of the search and recovery operation.

On Tuesday, Maui mayor Richard Bissen said just 25 per cent of the stricken town had been searched, although he expected that figure to increase to 85 per cent by Saturday.

EXCLUSIVE: Maui wildfires death toll climbs to 480 locals claim, as Hawaii morgue workers run out of body bags and survivors are left to recover the charred remains of their loved ones
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 19, 2023, 04:15:18 PM
Troublesome but correlation doesn't mean causation. But will be interesting what comes out and if the two are connected.

Access to water should be predicated on “conversations about equity,” according to the Hawaii official under fire for delaying access to water during the Maui wildfires.

M. Kaleo Manuel, former deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, waited for more than five hours to release water during the wildfires that devastated Maui, according to reports.

In a livestream debate hosted by the University of Hawaii last year, Manuel described water as a sacred god.

“Let water connect us and not divide us,” said Manuel, referring to water distribution on the island. “We can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity…How do we coexist with the resources we have?”
Hawaii official concerned with ‘equity’ delayed releasing water for more than 5 hours as wildfires raged: report

Maui tragedy proves nobody who puts 'equity' first should be in charge of ANYTHING... EVER

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: lee n. field on August 19, 2023, 09:59:57 PM
Space lasers, SpaceX, Oprah, and chem trails are among other things people are blaming the fire on.
So put on your  [tinfoil]

Out of this world! Why wild conspiracy theories spreading online that Maui wildfires were started by SPACE LASERS are completely bogus

Not lasers.  Puh-lease!  "Directed Energy Weapons"
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 19, 2023, 10:52:58 PM
Not lasers.  Puh-lease!  "Directed Energy Weapons"

I've always thought that .45 ACP and .30-06 direct energy fairly effectively.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 21, 2023, 09:32:16 AM
Troublesome but correlation doesn't mean causation. But will be interesting what comes out and if the two are connected.
Hawaii official concerned with ‘equity’ delayed releasing water for more than 5 hours as wildfires raged: report

Maui tragedy proves nobody who puts 'equity' first should be in charge of ANYTHING... EVER

Enter the Babylon Bee

"When people begged for water to save their homes, their very lives - Mr. Manuel had the courage to stand firm and say 'No'," said President Biden. "That's the kind of climate change warrior this administration wants to honor."

Biden Awards Hawaii Official Medal Of Honor For Saving Water During Fire
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 21, 2023, 09:56:22 AM
Jokes aside

114 now confirmed dead, 850 still missing.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 21, 2023, 09:24:39 PM
From the above to CNN getting at the heart of the problem, capitalism!

 ‘Disaster capitalism at its finest’: Fights over water amid west Maui’s charred ruins ignite new fears
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2023, 08:18:28 AM
JFC. I don't have a link but just saw on the news:

Biden made it all about him by talking about how he knows what it's like to almost lose a home because of that stupid kitchen fire where he "almost lost my '67 Corvette". Then he joked around with a corpse dog. And he still managed to look like a pissed off, sour old man during both clips, I guess because he had to interrupt yet another vacation.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 08:23:39 AM
Meanwhile they're pretty sure now the death toll will be going up to somewhere around 500, maybe more.
But that's okay, it wasn't Trump cracking jokes.

'Hot ground': Biden makes tone-deaf attempt at humor while FINALLY visiting fire-ravaged Maui
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 09:18:02 AM
JFC. I don't have a link but just saw on the news:

Biden made it all about him by talking about how he knows what it's like to almost lose a home because of that stupid kitchen fire where he "almost lost my '67 Corvette". Then he joked around with a corpse dog. And he still managed to look like a pissed off, sour old man during both clips, I guess because he had to interrupt yet another vacation.

Here ya go, you got to go to foreign media

Joe Biden sparks outrage by comparing Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 to a kitchen fire at his house after making tone-deaf 'hot ground' joke to rescuer
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2023, 10:05:03 AM
Here ya go, you got to go to foreign media

Joe Biden sparks outrage by comparing Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 to a kitchen fire at his house after making tone-deaf 'hot ground' joke to rescuer

From the article: Maui has received $700 per person, Ukraine has received $1700 per person, and the latter has a lot more per persons. Hawaii might be voting a little less blue in 2024.

I've spent a lot of time in Hawaii, and while it's a deep blue state, I've also noticed a lot of patriotism, like flags, etc. there, and "Merry Christmas" is the common phrase in December. I think souring on Biden and cohorts is not an unexpected possibility.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 10:19:16 AM
The washer is in spin mode.
It's the Chinese and Russians joining forces with right wingers trying to make Biden look bad.   

This is an important development:

    Chinese state media is joining forces with Russia to amplify a coordinated right-wing narrative about the US neglecting Hawaii. But China & Russia don’t care about Hawaii — they care about weakening the US. Especially our military.
    — Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) August 19, 2023
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 10:21:09 AM
But wait here's more Chinese, Russian, and right wing propaganda

    Remember that time Joe Biden looked at his watch when the caskets of 13 dead soldiers were being returned from his chaotic Afghanistan pullout?

    Well now he just fell asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the hundreds of Americans killed by the
    — DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) August 22, 2023
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 10:24:20 AM
Thinking this thread should be moved to politics now.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2023, 10:25:18 AM
But wait here's more Chinese, Russian, and right wing propaganda

Studying disinformation, cognitive security, crises.

IOW, her work is in safe spaces.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: dogmush on August 22, 2023, 10:40:49 AM
From the article: Maui has received $700 per person, Ukraine has received $1700 per person, and the latter has a lot more per persons. Hawaii might be voting a little less blue in 2024.

I've spent a lot of time in Hawaii, and while it's a deep blue state, I've also noticed a lot of patriotism, like flags, etc. there, and "Merry Christmas" is the common phrase in December. I think souring on Biden and cohorts is not an unexpected possibility.

That's $700 per household, not person. 

Quote from:
FEMA activated the Critical Needs Assistance program, which provides a one-time payment of $700 per household for life-sustaining items, including water, food, first aid, prescriptions, infant formula, diapers, medical equipment and fuel.

Maui's wildfire survivors can apply for assistance by completing a FEMA application and providing identification. The application can be completed online through the FEMA mobile app, the website or by calling the 24-hour disaster assistance helpline at 1-800-621-3362.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 11:39:48 AM
500 people burn to death
Biden to their families and the survivors: I had a kitchen fire once, thought for a moment I might lose my Corvette.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 12:14:21 PM
More you have to go a foreign new site for

Bungling U.S. government bureaucrats dispatched to the Maui disaster zone are shacked up in $1,000-a-night luxury hotels on the Hawaiian island, can reveal.

Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been slammed by locals over their slow response to the devastating wildfires that have claimed at least 114 lives and left thousands of people homeless after their houses were scorched to the ground.

But that has not stopped the under-fire agency from splashing taxpayer cash to put up more than 1,000 of its personnel at four bank-breaking resorts in Wailea after the deadliest wildfire in the U.S. for more than a century that caused an estimated $5billion in damage.

The beachside resorts are popular among the rich and famous and located about a 45-minute drive away from the fire-ravaged town of Lahaina.
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina

Now to be fair I have to ask what is the avg rate for a hotel on Maui?

But FEMA's choice of accommodation for their officials could raise eyebrows given that there are scores of cheaper hotels in the west of the island.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2023, 12:17:04 PM
That's $700 per household, not person.

Ah, I missed that, thanks.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 22, 2023, 12:19:53 PM
More you have to go a foreign new site for
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina

Now to be fair I have to ask what is the avg rate for a hotel on Maui?

In fairness, unless something really hinky is going on, they might be staying at the $1000/night hotels, but they'll be doing so at whatever the gov per diem rate is. I used to stay at hotels like the Mayflower in DC, but I (or the taxpayer) wasn't paying no (back then) $500/night.

EDIT: Actually, the story says the gov rate is $1000, so maybe something really hinky is going on.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: dogmush on August 22, 2023, 12:58:00 PM
Max Lodging rate on Maui is $354/night.  If they are really paying $1000 either they are coming out of pocket, or their agency approved the increase over Per Diem, which can be done based on mission requirements.  It's also very possible that the Feds are doubling or tripling up on rooms.  The DOD has done that to me a bunch when there's only expensive hotels available and a decent sized group is all traveling and working together.

A quick Google shows the three mentioned hotels having availability from here through the end of September, with the Waldorf being the cheapest at around $700/night and the Four Seasons being the most expensive at around $900/night, except for the third week in Sep, which for some reason is $1300/night.

Given how many displaced folks there are, there could well be a shortage of normal mid-tier hotel rooms close enough to the disaster to make for a feasible commute. 

Or FEMA could be racking up the loyalty points.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: K Frame on August 22, 2023, 01:08:00 PM
"Given how many displaced folks their are, there could well be a shortage of normal mid-tier hotel rooms close enough to the disaster to make for a feasible commute. "

That's what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Jim147 on August 22, 2023, 03:04:23 PM
I didn't copy the link but there is video of his motorcade arrival. The people seem to think he's #1. A lot of single fingers in the air.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 22, 2023, 08:01:31 PM
Biden Tells Fire Victims He Sympathizes Because One Time He Walked On The Beach Without Sandals And The Sand Was Really Hot
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: HankB on August 23, 2023, 07:35:29 AM
I didn't copy the link but there is video of his motorcade arrival. The people seem to think he's #1. A lot of single fingers in the air.
Hawaii voted for Biden - a Democrat.
Hawaii voted for a Democrat governor.
Hawaii voted for two Democrat senators.
Hawaii voted for two Democrat congressional representatives.
Nearly all elective offices in Hawaii appear to be held by Democrats.
Even in the wake of this terrible fire, I don't see why they're complaining about their government, they're getting exactly what they voted for.
And I predict Hawaii will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats in the 2024 general election. If that comes to pass despite the complaints of malcontents from the areas hit by wildfires, they must like what they're getting.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 23, 2023, 08:41:14 AM
Hawaii voted for Biden - a Democrat.
Hawaii voted for a Democrat governor.
Hawaii voted for two Democrat senators.
Hawaii voted for two Democrat congressional representatives.
Nearly all elective offices in Hawaii appear to be held by Democrats.
Even in the wake of this terrible fire, I don't see why they're complaining about their government, they're getting exactly what they voted for.
And I predict Hawaii will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats in the 2024 general election. If that comes to pass despite the complaints of malcontents from the areas hit by wildfires, they must like what they're getting.

In other words Trump's fault
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 23, 2023, 08:59:18 AM
Not a good sign, they raised the number of missing to 1,100.
But I'm having trouble sleeping after hearing Brandon though he was going to lose his Corvette to a small kitchen fire once.

Number of missing people after Maui wildfires increase to 1,110 as FBI plans to release list of names this week
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 23, 2023, 01:41:07 PM
    There’s a rightwing media ecosystem that says everyday whatever @POTUS is doing is wrong or runs bad faith interpretations of events. This week they attacked him for petting a rescue dog and not having the godly power to prevent a storm from entering CA. Look at the source.
    — Ben LaBolt (@WHCommsDir) August 23, 2023
WH comms director says criticism of Biden is over petting a rescue dog & not stopping Calif. storm

Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Angel Eyes on August 24, 2023, 06:56:14 PM
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 24, 2023, 07:12:48 PM
Get a rope, make that several ropes

    According to a report by AP, the only road out of Lahaina was barricaded.

    Only those who disobeyed survived.
    — Dr. Benjamin Braddock (@GraduatedBen) August 23, 2023

Full article

In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged a barricade survived
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Hawkmoon on August 24, 2023, 08:46:31 PM
Plus, they apparently had knocked the fire down when it was still a small brush fire, then ALL the firefighters left because the fire was "out."
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: K Frame on August 25, 2023, 06:51:39 AM
"Those who dodged a barricade survived"

And undoubtedly will be prosecuted for failure to obey a traffic control device.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: Ben on August 28, 2023, 08:00:22 AM
Looks like they're going after the power company.

Interestingly, this is similar to what happened in California with the Paradise fire (and I think other fires). Power company blamed for not shutting off electricity, but would also get blamed for leaving people without power if they shut electricity off as a precaution. Also, power company gets blamed for not clearing vegetation while also having to jump through government environmental hoops to be able to clear vegetation.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: dogmush on August 28, 2023, 08:43:58 AM
Looks like they're going after the power company.

Interestingly, this is similar to what happened in California with the Paradise fire (and I think other fires). Power company blamed for not shutting off electricity, but would also get blamed for leaving people without power if they shut electricity off as a precaution. Also, power company gets blamed for not clearing vegetation while also having to jump through government environmental hoops to be able to clear vegetation.

In contrast We're about to get e decent storm her in FL, and TECO and FPL have been gutting down trees steady.  We'll undoubtedly get some outages due to tree limbs, but not on the big transmission lines like HI and CA got.  Of course we're less of a tinderbox too, despite our dry (for us) summer.
Title: Re: Wildfires in Hawaii
Post by: WLJ on August 30, 2023, 08:07:53 PM
Small world

Sunny McSunnyface
The Maui police chief who made disastrous decisions is also the guy who was incident commander at the horrific Las Vegas shooting to which we never got answers

No stranger to tragedy, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier led response to 2017 Vegas massacre