Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: WLJ on January 17, 2024, 11:46:42 AM

Title: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 17, 2024, 11:46:42 AM
If you're running windows 10 you may have noticed update KB5034441 which may show it failed to install.
Turns out many people either don't have a recovery partition or one that is too small for the update to install properly. Well MS is telling people to manually mod their partitions to fix the problem. Trouble is most people should be kept far away from messing with their partitions and there's a good chance many will mess it up which will then require a complete HDD wipe and fresh OS install to fix for many.
Update was to fix sec issues in bitlocker so unless you're using bitlocker best advice is to wait and let MS fix it on their end. But if you want to mess around with your partitions and feel comfortable doing so go right ahead.

Here's a short video explaining the problem and what you should do.

Microsoft's January 2024 Patch Tuesday, a security update (KB5034441) causes 0x80070643 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE. The worst part is Microsoft want you to fix it yourself by repartitioning your hard drive by 250mb to fix the windows update.
Windows 10 Update Breaks Your PC

Smooth move ex-lax
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HankB on January 17, 2024, 12:36:01 PM
Checked my update history - sure enough, it "failed to install."

I think I'll leave well enough alone and NOT mess with my partitions.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 17, 2024, 12:42:10 PM
I've only got one W10 install and it's in a Virtual Machine on the main PC which runs W11 and even it shows the error.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on January 17, 2024, 12:45:16 PM
Hmmm, just checked mine and KB5001716 has been failing to install for 2 months.  '4441 is not in the list

"Failed to install on ‎1/‎16/‎2024 - 0x80070643"
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Boomhauer on January 17, 2024, 10:27:39 PM
Our absolutely shitty IT department took it upon themselves to update my perfectly functioning Windows 10 to Windows 11 the day before my class this week.

I don’t even know where Microsoft finds designers that *expletive deleted*ing stupid. What a horrible OS.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 18, 2024, 09:53:49 AM
Our absolutely shitty IT department took it upon themselves to update my perfectly functioning Windows 10 to Windows 11 the day before my class this week.

I don’t even know where Microsoft finds designers that *expletive deleted*ing stupid. What a horrible OS.

Left-justify the task bar, toggle on the SHOW START BUTTON setting, set system tray icons to SHOW ALL, and remember the magical SHIFT-RightClick method for bringing up traditional popup menus. After that, it's mostly like Windows 10 in general use.

Oh, also pray (a lot) that your IT dept didn't install BitLocker. On my machine, simply installing a Windows update triggers it. When I first got the machine it was so common I presumed first of every Wednesday morning would include an extra coffee break while I waited on the recovery key. Not having it pop was a rare exception. It's been better the last two months, but still crops up occasionally.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: dogmush on January 18, 2024, 09:59:48 AM
Do you not have the bitlocker password for your computer?

DOD mandates Bitlocker for all our computers, but I've never needed to wait for a recovery key.  Just type the password in and go.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 18, 2024, 10:08:43 AM
Do you not have the bitlocker password for your computer?

DOD mandates Bitlocker for all our computers, but I've never needed to wait for a recovery key.  Just type the password in and go.

Nope. Only the mighty IT Gods are allowed such Awesome Cosmic Power. Us lowly employees can only be trusted to enter a request ticket and wait.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 18, 2024, 10:11:05 AM
Left-justify the task bar, toggle on the SHOW START BUTTON setting, set system tray icons to SHOW ALL, and remember the magical SHIFT-RightClick method for bringing up traditional popup menus. After that, it's mostly like Windows 10 in general use.


I absolutely hate that centered start button, should be on the left by default IMHO.

But yeah once you change a few things like the start button position it's mostly like 10 except for the look of the start menu.
One kind of annoying thing in 11 is that cut/copy/paste/delete etc.. require an extra mouse click if not using the KB short cuts. I think they did that to maybe help avoid accidental deletes and whatnot but still kind of annoying.

One thing I will say though is that 11 has been completely totally stable for me even on older machines (old CPU and no or older TPM) it's not, according to MS, suppose to be installed on and in fact runs a little bit smoother than 10 even on those older PCs. I have to hand it to MS for that.

Edit: Another annoying thing. Trying to force (there are ways around it) people to log into a MS account.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 18, 2024, 10:21:29 AM
Just tried running update on my W10 VM and it still is trying to install KB5034441 and still failing.
I would have thought they would have pulled that update until they get the install issues sorted out but nope. Sigh.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: dogmush on January 18, 2024, 11:26:34 AM
Nope. Only the mighty IT Gods are allowed such Awesome Cosmic Power. Us lowly employees can only be trusted to enter a request ticket and wait.


That is.....extra retarded.   And I say that as someone subject to IT rules.

Your bitlocker must not be set lock the hard drive when you restart/shutdown then.  Ours is, and I can only imagine needing a recovery key every time I needed to restart my computer.  On the other hand if the Bitlocker doesn't lock the drive when you turn it off, that begs the question....what's the point?

In any case, you have my sympathy, that's a truly retarded IT policy.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HankB on January 18, 2024, 11:37:32 AM
Our absolutely shitty IT department took it upon themselves to update my perfectly functioning Windows 10 to Windows 11 the day before my class this week.

I don’t even know where Microsoft finds designers that *expletive deleted*ing stupid. What a horrible OS.
When I was still working, our corporate IT department's motto was "If your computer isn't broken, we'll fix it until it is."
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Boomhauer on January 19, 2024, 06:54:28 AM
Nope. Only the mighty IT Gods are allowed such Awesome Cosmic Power. Us lowly employees can only be trusted to enter a request ticket and wait.


Yeah they have us locked down as well. We have to submit a ticket so they can ignore ir, then two or three submissions later they finally respond and claim to have fixed it. Or gaslight you and tell you it “works fine”

One fine year the idiots installed new routers at all the shops and forgot to put antennas on the one in my portion of the shop. We were all wondering why we couldn’t maintain stay on the WiFi for more than a minute or two (it was barely getting the front office WiFi). Finally got up on a lift and inspected the router, found it had no antennas so I requested some. The *expletive deleted*tard IT moron made me jump through endless hoops of checking signal strength instead of just sending me the antennas. When I finally pried them out of the *expletive deleted*er of course it worked immediately.

Then two years later when it dropped offline I had to go through the same *expletive deleted*it this time with them insisting that it was on the service provider’s side so it “wasn’t their responsibility”
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: fifth_column on January 19, 2024, 02:31:09 PM
Nope. Only the mighty IT Gods are allowed such Awesome Cosmic Power. Us lowly employees can only be trusted to enter a request ticket and wait.


Speaking as a past IT/helpdesk/desktop support person I think it's vital to lock down Windows. The vast majority of users will screw things up quickly and irreparably. With that said, I had quite a few people for whom I would grant admin rights on their PCs anytime they asked because they knew what they were doing and wouldn't do anything disastrous. Locking down Windows on an enterprise level is a no-brainer.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Brad Johnson on January 19, 2024, 03:32:06 PM
Speaking as a past IT/helpdesk/desktop support person I think it's vital to lock down Windows. The vast majority of users will screw things up quickly and irreparably. With that said, I had quite a few people for whom I would grant admin rights on their PCs anytime they asked because they knew what they were doing and wouldn't do anything disastrous. Locking down Windows on an enterprise level is a no-brainer.

I have enough experience and pull to have general admin rights on my desktop and the conference room machines. BitLocker is excluded.

Fortunately, whatever it was about Windows Updates that BitLocker didn't like seems to have mostly resolved. I've only had it happen a couple times in the last month. When I first got the machine, every update - no matter how minor - triggered it.

Here's the weirdest thing. My and my bosses' machines are identical, ordered at the same time. They're identical spec Dells with sequential serial numbers so presumtively using parts from the same bins. Even the same initial system image. He's had BitLocker get him maybe three or four times total while mine was triggering with every sneeze.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Boomhauer on January 19, 2024, 08:53:13 PM
I have enough experience and pull to have general admin rights on my desktop and the conference room machines. BitLocker is excluded.

Fortunately, whatever it was about Windows Updates that BitLocker didn't like seems to have mostly resolved. I've only had it happen a couple times in the last month. When I first got the machine, every update - no matter how minor - triggered it.

Here's the weirdest thing. My and my bosses' machines are identical, ordered at the same time. They're identical spec Dells with sequential serial numbers so presumtively using parts from the same bins. Even the same initial system image. He's had BitLocker get him maybe three or four times total while mine was triggering with every sneeze.


Dell’s quality has gone to *expletive deleted*it. They used to be quite good, now they suck. The ones I had in the past issued to me were great even as they aged.

We purchased a bunch of the rugged Dell laptops (think same level as Panasonic Toughbooks). Absolute garbage, the USBs on most don’t work. My new Latitude crapped the screen out three days after I got it and the mousepads on the Latitudes are universally unusable. I have to carry a wireless mouse everywhere with me now. It's so bad my boss left his mouse at his desk accidentally and before a 1 hour meeting at a remote location at one of our other stores had to find a Walmart and get a new one.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: fifth_column on January 21, 2024, 10:14:57 AM
I have enough experience and pull to have general admin rights on my desktop and the conference room machines. BitLocker is excluded.

Fortunately, whatever it was about Windows Updates that BitLocker didn't like seems to have mostly resolved. I've only had it happen a couple times in the last month. When I first got the machine, every update - no matter how minor - triggered it.

Here's the weirdest thing. My and my bosses' machines are identical, ordered at the same time. They're identical spec Dells with sequential serial numbers so presumtively using parts from the same bins. Even the same initial system image. He's had BitLocker get him maybe three or four times total while mine was triggering with every sneeze.


When I was with Abbvie we used Dell laptops with Bitlocker. I had a few laptops that triggered bitlocker on updates, one in particular had bitlocker issues regularly and at seemingly random intervals. Reimaging didn't do the trick. Eventually I found a fix that involved booting to a USB drive, disabling then reenabling bitlocker and TPM, and I seem to recall some command line stuff as well. I no longer recall the exact commands or sequences, but I recall it resolving the issue on multiple machines. I quit that job a few years back and apparently didn't keep any of my documentation from that time. Wish I had, it might have helped your situation.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HeroHog on January 21, 2024, 08:24:19 PM
Dell’s quality has gone to *expletive deleted*it. They used to be quite good, now they suck. The ones I had in the past issued to me were great even as they aged.

Started off buying the Spotted Cow computers for our department. Left there and I switched to Dell until their Finance department REALLY pissed me off. Been an HP family ever since.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on February 02, 2024, 09:05:18 AM
And now this although I suspect the problem may be an older one rearing it's head up again

According to a Microsoft Community thread: there are incompatibility issues with Calendar, Calculator, Paint 3D, Movies & TV and Photo apps on older hardware, specifically Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Quad processors.

Problem may not be limited to those CPUs though as he does mention some AMD CPUs may be having the issue as well.

Windows 10 System Apps are Breaking on Old PCs
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on February 02, 2024, 12:29:44 PM
Makes me glad I've migrated several old XP "apps" to my Windows 10 machines.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on May 02, 2024, 09:42:00 AM
Update on the KB5034441 fiasco
According to this guy MS threw in the towel in trying to come up with an auto fix and people will have to manually change their partitions sizes. SMDH.

Microsoft Confirms it will NOT Fix KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on May 02, 2024, 09:45:10 AM
When I was still working, our corporate IT department's motto was "If your computer isn't broken, we'll fix it until it is."

Sounds like the government.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on May 02, 2024, 08:47:05 PM
Our absolutely shitty IT department took it upon themselves to update my perfectly functioning Windows 10 to Windows 11 the day before my class this week.

I don’t even know where Microsoft finds designers that *expletive deleted*ing stupid. What a horrible OS.

"If it ain't broke -- fix it 'til it is."
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on May 03, 2024, 10:50:45 PM
Sounds like the government.

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."  >:D
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on May 15, 2024, 10:12:42 AM
24H2 will have bitlocker turned on by default even in the home ver
This is both good and bad, good in that it will make people's PC more secure by default, bad in that if someone loses or forgets their key they're up the creek if they ever need to recover their data. 

Microsoft To Force BitLocker Encryption on Windows 11
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on May 15, 2024, 11:15:01 AM
24H2 will have bitlocker turned on by default even in the home ver
This is both good bad, good in that it will make people's PC more secure by default, bad in that if someone loses or forgets their key they're up the creek if they ever need to recover their data. 

Microsoft To Force BitLocker Encryption on Windows 11

Had one this week.  Win11 update went wonky, never fully booting.  Could not do anything useful in recovery console until I got into her MS account for the bitlocker key.  Fortunately I had left the ms account info on the sales order from when I originally set the laptop up last year some time.  I was able to do a non-destructive Windows reset.

A lot of people are going to be just SOL when something like that happens.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on May 17, 2024, 12:34:31 PM
Just noticed a W11 install from a year ago is now giving me a "MS Account Problem" warning and is telling me to sign in to my account, I'm not, when I boot it since the last update
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on May 23, 2024, 07:14:38 AM
MS has started rolling out 24H2 into the release preview channel
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 04, 2024, 08:52:17 AM
Just noticed a W11 install from a year ago is now giving me a "MS Account Problem" warning and is telling me to sign in to my account, I'm not, when I boot it since the last update

Now all my PCs since the last round of updates are all now telling me there's a problem with my MS account and I should log in. I have a MS account but I only log into it rarely as I don't normally need anything it offers beyond transferring keys to a new motherboard or similar. Appears MS is trying to goat people to stay logged in at all times now.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: MechAg94 on June 04, 2024, 11:29:00 AM
Now all my PCs since the last round of updates are all now telling me there's a problem with my MS account and I should log in. I have a MS account but I only log into it rarely as I don't normally need anything it offers beyond transferring keys to a new motherboard or similar. Appears MS is trying to goat people to stay logged in at all times now.
I think I set up an MS account when I set up my current computer.  I see that "error" also and just ignore it.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 04, 2024, 03:14:31 PM
Now all my PCs since the last round of updates are all now telling me there's a problem with my MS account and I should log in. I have a MS account but I only log into it rarely as I don't normally need anything it offers beyond transferring keys to a new motherboard or similar. Appears MS is trying to goat people to stay logged in at all times now.

I've been getting warnings that "Your work settings are out of date."

I didn't know I had any work settings.

I think what's happening is that I continue to reject the imposition of the new Outlook in place of Windows Mail and Windows Calendar, and Mother Microsoft doesn't like it when we disobey her mandates.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 04, 2024, 03:19:40 PM
I've been getting warnings that "Your work settings are out of date."

I didn't know I had any work settings.

I think what's happening is that I continue to reject the imposition of the new Outlook in place of Windows Mail and Windows Calendar, and Mother Microsoft doesn't like it when we disobey her mandates.

Hmm, now that you mentioned it around the time I started getting notices about the new Outlook and that I need to try it I noticed a problem copying and pasting stuff out of Thunderbird. Not sure if it's connected or just a random Thunderbird problem I just now noticed [tinfoil]
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Cliffh on June 04, 2024, 04:00:55 PM
After the last update on this Win10 machine I got a full screen warning that my computer didn't meet the spec's for Win11.  Didn't bother to read the entire thing, just closed it and went on.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 04, 2024, 05:09:26 PM
Hmm, now that you mentioned it around the time I started getting notices about the new Outlook and that I need to try it I noticed a problem copying and pasting stuff out of Thunderbird. Not sure if it's connected or just a random Thunderbird problem I just now noticed [tinfoil]

Microsoft is pushing the new Outlook VERY hard. No matter how many times I reject it, they keep switching me over to it without my permission, so then I have to manually change back.

I have MS Office Professional -- 2016 on one computer, 2019 on another, and 2021 on a third. And I have MS Office Home and Business on my Surface tablet. All of those include the real Outlook -- with no ads interspersed with new e-mail messages. I have two e-mail accounts set up in [the real] Outlook. I have no problem with that. But I use the Windows Calendar for the simple reason that I can set a desktop icon for it and, when I need it, it opens directly into a calendar view. No need to open Outlook and then jump from mail to calendar, and then back. It works for me, and I have no desire to change. So I wish Microsoft would take a hint and just leave me alone.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 04, 2024, 05:20:17 PM
MS: We're going to keep screwing with you until you switch to Linux
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on June 04, 2024, 10:45:29 PM
MS: We're going to keep screwing with you until you switch to Linux.

Depending on how long this Windows 7 system with Office 2000 lasts, I'm watching what happens with Linux as my next desktop will likely have some version of that as well as "Open Office" or whatever free office program is out there.  Will also try to put GIMP on it to replace the PS 6 I'm using now.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 04, 2024, 10:52:20 PM
Depending on how long this Windows 7 system with Office 2000 lasts, I'm watching what happens with Linux as my next desktop will likely have some version of that as well as "Open Office" or whatever free office program is out there.  Will also try to put GIMP on it to replace the PS 6 I'm using now.

Most flavors of Linux I've messed with come with LibreOffice already installed
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on June 05, 2024, 01:47:00 AM
Most flavors of Linux I've messed with come with LibreOffice already installed

Almost all of them, I think.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on June 06, 2024, 02:40:53 PM
Most flavors of Linux I've messed with come with LibreOffice already installed.

Good to know. Thanks.  I just couldn't remember the name of the program.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 19, 2024, 11:20:37 AM
MS reopening the Beta channel for feature updates for W10 after MS said there wasn't going to be anymore feature updates for W10 and the fact W10 still has 68% market share is fueling some speculation MS may back off the W10 end of support date.

Note: Speculation
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Ben on June 19, 2024, 11:48:15 AM
I'm still on 10 with no reason to move, so extended security updates would be ok by me.

On the tangent, MS is still better than some other companies on this. My Samsung S9 hasn't received an OS/security update in like two years. The S9 is around six years old, so a four year OS support cycle is pretty cheapass.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: K Frame on June 19, 2024, 11:57:22 AM
I'm still running windows 7 on my desktop.

I'm considering updating to 10, but that's apparently as high as I can go on my CPU core.

Seriously thinking that when that happens I may replace the desktop and my laptop with a newer laptop with a docking station so that it will serve both purposes.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 19, 2024, 11:58:26 AM
I'm still on 10 with no reason to move, so extended security updates would be ok by me.

On the tangent, MS is still better than some other companies on this. My Samsung S9 hasn't received an OS/security update in like two years. The S9 is around six years old, so a four year OS support cycle is pretty cheapass.

My biggest issue with MS updates is that they far too often release updates that break something in the OS and then scramble to release another update to fix the previous update.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 19, 2024, 12:00:41 PM
I'm still running windows 7 on my desktop.

I'm considering updating to 10, but that's apparently as high as I can go on my CPU core.

Download Rufus from the MS store and you can install 11 on just about anything from a USB stick. You will also need to download a W11 ISO from MS.
Yes MS actually provides you the tool to bypass W11's HW requirements. Go figure. I'm running W11 on several old PCs, a couple around 16 years old and it runs fine.

Although I just remembered MS closed the 7 --> 10/11 free license deal. It still works on old machines that were updated before the cutoff though so reinstalling is no problem.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 19, 2024, 12:11:21 PM
I personally would not be running 7 for security reasons right now. Shocked there are still people running XP. Within minutes of connecting a XP machine to the internet you can detect numerous hacking attempts with the right monitoring software. Very easy to install key loggers and turn an XP machine into a zombie PC often with the user being completely unaware.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on June 19, 2024, 12:15:15 PM
Win 10 Enterprise has a later EOL than regular pro. I do not know if the a built in win10 pro license is enough to activate enterprise, but I suspect not.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Ben on June 19, 2024, 01:15:06 PM
Seriously thinking that when that happens I may replace the desktop and my laptop with a newer laptop with a docking station so that it will serve both purposes.

This is the way. I went to a docking station at work around 2010 and liked it so much I switched to it at home as well. I have been running one ever since.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on June 19, 2024, 03:02:38 PM
Win 10 Enterprise has a later EOL than regular pro. I do not know if the a built in win10 pro license is enough to activate enterprise, but I suspect not.

It is not.  I don't remember the details, but I tried it a couple of years ago. Enterprise and Pro have different keys.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 25, 2024, 10:22:45 AM
Oh gee, MS automatically starts uploading your files to their cloud on new installs of both 10 & 11.
Yes one drive was turned on by default before but to automatically start uploading your files without asking is taking that to a whole new level.
In comments someone states you have to be careful about deleting you files off the one drive cloud because it will also delete them on your computer by default unless that feature is turned off.  Also in comments people say they started this with 10. I can't confirmed any of this as I always turn one drive off.

New Windows 11 Installations are Turning on OneDrive Backup Automatically
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on June 28, 2024, 09:21:45 AM
Now all my PCs since the last round of updates are all now telling me there's a problem with my MS account and I should log in. I have a MS account but I only log into it rarely as I don't normally need anything it offers beyond transferring keys to a new motherboard or similar. Appears MS is trying to goat people to stay logged in at all times now.

After the latest rounds of update it stopped.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 01, 2024, 01:49:00 PM
To update the above
After the last rounds of updates I noticed my main system became sluggish and took forever to find the internet after a restart. To rule out something I or a software package did I did a clean install and after all the  latest updates installed it was back to feeling sluggish and taking forever to find the internet. Okay MS you broke something AGAIN.
Said screw 11 for now and reinstalled 10. 11 would be great if MS would stop coming up with new features to add that break stuff and their fixes then often break something else.

Just stop it MS, get 11 running problem free then LEAVE IT ALONE! Yes continue putting out sec patches but otherwise Stop changing *expletive deleted*it! Grrrrr
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on July 01, 2024, 11:05:02 PM
WLJ - I keep telling people that if this Win. 7 doesn't die before I do, my next build will be some version (TBD later) of Linux.  This was custom built for me over 12 years ago and is still running and has never been in the shop.
However, this past winter, the 1 TB HD was making some "whining noises" on start up.  Now that the weather is warmer, those noises have stopped but I'm worried that the platters or spindle in this HD may be running out of "lubrication".  The problem is I have no alternative and I'm on daily, checking news, markets, and "forums".
And the man that built this system died unexpectedly about 5 years ago.  NUTZ !!
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on July 02, 2024, 03:09:30 PM
WLJ - I keep telling people that if this Win. 7 doesn't die before I do, my next build will be some version (TBD later) of Linux.  This was custom built for me over 12 years ago and is still running and has never been in the shop.
However, this past winter, the 1 TB HD was making some "whining noises" on start up.  Now that the weather is warmer, those noises have stopped but I'm worried that the platters or spindle in this HD may be running out of "lubrication".  The problem is I have no alternative and I'm on daily, checking news, markets, and "forums".
And the man that built this system died unexpectedly about 5 years ago.  NUTZ !!

Get in BIOS and turn on SMART reporting.  If you get a hard drive warning on power on, replace it ASAP*.

(My work computer was an Optiplex 790, made in 2011.  On almost continually since, but did go through 3 hard drives.)

(*By ASAP I mean RFN.  Do not delay.  By the time SMART trips, it's close to done for.)
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on July 02, 2024, 11:19:36 PM
Get in BIOS and turn on SMART reporting.  If you get a hard drive warning on power on, replace it ASAP*.

(My work computer was an Optiplex 790, made in 2011.  On almost continually since, but did go through 3 hard drives.)

(*By ASAP I mean RFN.  Do not delay.  By the time SMART trips, it's close to done for.)

Thanks for the tip Lee.  My problem is that it has been so long since I've gotten into the "guts" of a system (over 12 years) that I'm not sure HOW to do that or fear that I might screw it up completely.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 19, 2024, 08:33:39 AM
Reason I'm putting this here? Company reported they were applying an update which then propagated through systems worldwide causing chain reaction crashes in computers running Windows. Effecting airports, banks, hospitals especially.
Yeah, an update. Not clear if MS had anything to do with the update yet.

The technology glitch was caused by a faulty update from CrowdStrike, a U.S. cybersecurity technology company based in Texas, in a single content update for Windows hosts.

It resulted in Windows computers and tablets crashing and displaying a blue screen, known informally as the "Blue Screen of Death." Over half of Fortune 500 companies use CrowdStrike software, the firm said in a promotional video this year.
Global technology outage disrupts major airlines, 911 services and businesses

LIVE'The most serious IT outage the world has ever seen': Microsoft meltdown sparks mayhem across the country - bringing planes, trains, boats and even Las Vegas casinos to grinding halt

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 19, 2024, 08:53:44 AM
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: MillCreek on July 19, 2024, 09:27:32 AM
The CrowdStrike glitch is impacting hospitals all over the world: electronic medical records are down, call systems are down, imaging equipment is down, ICU monitoring is down, pharmacy is down, etc.. There will probably be some patient deaths due to this.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 19, 2024, 09:49:55 AM
I want to know who wrote that update, MS or Crowdstrike? I would like to think they would test these things in a closed system before pushing it out system wide. It appears they didn't
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 19, 2024, 09:52:49 AM
The defect was uploaded to Crowdstrike's 'Falcon Sensor' software, which analyzes connections to and from the internet to determine if there is malicious behavior.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on July 19, 2024, 09:59:48 AM
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Angel Eyes on July 19, 2024, 10:32:28 AM

(to be fair, the latter also describes any day in Oakland)
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 19, 2024, 11:25:00 AM
Not the Babylon Bee

As workers across the world rebound back from a massive Microsoft crash which caused global chaos, Americans remain disappointed as their work computers continue to work perfectly.


Americans share disappointment that huge Microsoft crash didn't affect their work computers
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Boomhauer on July 19, 2024, 02:50:53 PM
Not the Babylon Bee

Americans share disappointment that huge Microsoft crash didn't affect their work computers

Way too many office workers are little bitches.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: 230RN on July 19, 2024, 07:08:57 PM
I was surprised to see K Frame and JTHunter are still running Win7 just like me.  (I think Hawmoon just got off Win7.) I supposedly stopped the Win7 updates a year ago, but they still seemed to slip them in on me.  I recently went into "something" deeper and disabled updates completely.

I also run XP on an older desktop computer I just use for storage but has never been (and never will be) connected to the net.

My current Win7 has been slow in loading YouTubes, but I chalked that up to them loading advertising before getting around to the vid I wanted to see.  But the net seems normal around here (near Denver). Terry knocks on wood, symbolically throws salt over his shoulder, crosses fingers and toes...  Nowadays I frequently do "RESTORE" operations to an older evolutionary stage of Win7.

I recently got a new CHUWI laptop for about $200 just to break into Win11 and I played with it for a while, but now I'm afraid to start it up again, so I'm just keeping the battery charged.  I guess it still has its virginity...?

I should call my bank and see if anything's happening, but it'll probably be like airline stewardesses telling you everything is normal even though you just saw a wing fall off.

Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on July 19, 2024, 07:19:20 PM
I should call my bank and see if anything's happening, but it'll probably be like airline stewardesses telling you everything is normal even though you just saw a wing fall off.

It's not like it's ship, ya know ...
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: 230RN on July 19, 2024, 07:33:22 PM
It's not like it's (a) ship, ya know ...

^ Hilarious.  Shades of the infamous "shoulder thing that goes up" remark.

"What would be a minimum crew?"
"Well, one, I would guess."

"We have an excellent pilot and he's just maneuvering to avoid the SAM coming at us."

Terry, 230RN

REF (I can't quickly find the original interview where that stupid shoulder thing remark occured.  I hope they didn't "cleanse" it.  Hope this works):
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Angel Eyes on July 19, 2024, 09:13:35 PM
Analysis of the Crowdstrike glitch:

Yup, trying to de-reference a null pointer.  I take it no one bothered to test this code.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: 230RN on July 19, 2024, 10:20:15 PM
I wrote this code so it must be perfect, no need to test it.

I remember my computer teacher in college emphasizing how to test your programming.  At my part-time job one of my coworkers had to calculate many many many results from an experiment and since I was taking a computer class, I volunteered to write a class project program to do the figuring. So for the first real program (in Fortran) I wrote, there were five branching points, two of them within another branch, and I laboriously tested every combination of them at my desk by hand. 

Perfect !

I submitted it to the school's IBM 1620 computer and it ran perfectly except for one thing.  The computer folks said I should have used the line printer for printing instead of the console typewriter and it took a long time but they let it run since it was a class project and it was working correctly anyhow.  They said it took about an hour with the console typewriter clickety clacking away.

"PRINT" instead of "LPRINT."

So there went "perfection" in my first real programming effort.

The IBM 1620, an early IBM "office" computer:


Formerly Perfect Terry, 230RN
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on July 20, 2024, 12:52:40 AM
Analysis of the Crowdstrike glitch:

Yup, trying to de-reference a null pointer.  I take it no one bothered to test this code.

Yes, definitely Crowdstrike, not Microsoft.

A friend of mine is an IT manager for a major hospital. They were unaffected, which he attributes to their not using Crowdstrike. The university near the hospital, however, does use Crowdstrike, and my friend reported that the university had thousands of computers taken out by the glitch. The hosputal lent much of their IT staff to the university to assist in the recovery effort.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HeroHog on July 20, 2024, 11:14:38 PM
Testing software changes: "It compiles, Ship it!"
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: RocketMan on July 21, 2024, 06:46:53 AM
Testing software changes: "It compiles, Ship it!"

Sounds about right.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on July 21, 2024, 10:21:40 PM
^ Hilarious.  Shades of the infamous "shoulder thing that goes up" remark.

"We have an excellent pilot and he's just maneuvering to avoid the SAM coming at us."

Terry, 230RN

REF (I can't quickly find the original interview where that stupid shoulder thing remark occured.  I hope they didn't "cleanse" it.  Hope this works):

Found it.  Item #1.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: K Frame on July 23, 2024, 07:34:02 PM
"I was surprised to see K Frame and JTHunter are still running Win7 just like me."

Well, I'm running 7 on my desktop in my office upstairs, but my laptop, which I have set up in my dining room, is running Windows 11.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on July 25, 2024, 12:29:08 PM
To update the above
After the last rounds of updates I noticed my main system became sluggish and took forever to find the internet after a restart. To rule out something I or a software package did I did a clean install and after all the  latest updates installed it was back to feeling sluggish and taking forever to find the internet. Okay MS you broke something AGAIN.
Said screw 11 for now and reinstalled 10. 11 would be great if MS would stop coming up with new features to add that break stuff and their fixes then often break something else.

Just stop it MS, get 11 running problem free then LEAVE IT ALONE! Yes continue putting out sec patches but otherwise Stop changing *expletive deleted*it! Grrrrr

Alright, reinstalled 11 and noticed the same thing but I think I found out what was causing it. Updated VMWare from 17.0 to 17.5.2 and the problem went away. I guess it was also causing restarts to take forever. Cold boots were fine but restarts were dragging their asre until I updated VMWare. Maybe something in 17.0 it was clashing with an update.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on July 25, 2024, 03:12:22 PM
Analysis of the Crowdstrike glitch:

Yup, trying to de-reference a null pointer.  I take it no one bothered to test this code.

You can test and still miss that if the pointer is uninitialized.  There are automated code checkers that search for things like that.  I can't remember the names.  That's actually even more dangerous, if the code dereferences a stale pointer it picked up off the stack that is still valid but points to something unexpected; you can corrupt critical storage and have to reinstall to recover.  (BTDT)  First time you use a pointer you always check it for null, and you have an exception handler for null pointers everywhere after that.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on August 06, 2024, 08:00:48 PM
Oh gee, MS automatically starts uploading your files to their cloud on new installs of both 10 & 11.
Yes one drive was turned on by default before but to automatically start uploading your files without asking is taking that to a whole new level.
In comments someone states you have to be careful about deleting you files off the one drive cloud because it will also delete them on your computer by default unless that feature is turned off.  Also in comments people say they started this with 10. I can't confirmed any of this as I always turn one drive off.

New Windows 11 Installations are Turning on OneDrive Backup Automatically

Check when you save anything in anything and see if whatever program you're in is trying to save to onedrive regardless of what your save settings are in that program. Seems MS is overriding save settings to onedrive even when onedrive is turned off. In my case they're not actually going there but the fact it overrides settings and tries anyway is annoying. If I was actually logged in a MS account I would be pissed it would be doing it without asking and I can't find a way to turn it's attempts off
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Brad Johnson on August 07, 2024, 10:17:46 AM
Check when you save anything in anything and see if whatever program you're in is trying to save to onedrive regardless of what your save settings are in that program. Seems MS is overriding save settings to onedrive even when onedrive is turned off. In my case they're not actually going there but the fact it overrides settings and tries anyway is annoying. If I was actually logged in a MS account I would be pissed it would be doing it without asking and I can't find a way to turn it's attempts off

I dealt with that on a recent laptop drive upgrade. I didn't realize OneDrive was enabled by default and started loading data onto the drive. It was only after I loaded half a gig of data that I realized it was also syncing to OneDrive. I went ahead and let it finish lest it anger the Windows Gods and hose my fresh install, but disabled it immediately once the sync finished.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on August 07, 2024, 10:32:15 AM
It tries even when you got Onedrive disabled which I do and saves always default to Onedrive no matter what the program I'm saving in is set to. The saves are going to downloads & docs as they should but the fact W11 still tries to upload to OD without asking and you can't turn that off has got me one step away from installing Linux and W11 in a dual boot config reserving W11 for only when I absolutely have to run something in windows.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on August 07, 2024, 10:36:32 AM
I dealt with that on a recent laptop drive upgrade. I didn't realize OneDrive was enabled by default and started loading data onto the drive. It was only after I loaded half a gig of data that I realized it was also syncing to OneDrive. I went ahead and let it finish lest it anger the Windows Gods and hose my fresh install, but disabled it immediately once the sync finished.


On some configurations, Bitlocker is automatically enabled even tho' they never send you the key.  (it's supposedly available in your Microsoft account)
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on August 09, 2024, 10:24:55 AM
In other update news that not MS related Intel has started releasing a microcode patch to the fix the over voltage issues that have been plaguing 13 and 14 gen Intel CPUs.
Bad news if you CPU has already started to show instability as your CPU is already fired.
This could turn into a HUGE recall for Intel

 Intel's new Microcode patch is HERE! Impact Testing Performance...

In case you're not aware of what going with Intel and it's not good.
In short basically the CPUs are asking for more voltage then they can take and over time it fries them.

Intels in serious trouble

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on August 14, 2024, 09:36:51 AM
Update on the KB5034441 fiasco
According to this guy MS threw in the towel in trying to come up with an auto fix and people will have to manually change their partitions sizes. SMDH.

Microsoft Confirms it will NOT Fix KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10


Microsoft FINALLY Pulls Broken Windows 10 KB5034441 And Replaces it With KB5042320!

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 01, 2024, 08:10:35 AM
And another update pulled
This time it's KB5043145 for 11

Reports of BSOD and USB and Bluetooth devices including keyboards and mice being disabled
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 01, 2024, 04:21:43 PM
W11 24H2 has dropped but they've doing a staged release so you may or may not be seeing it in the update page yet.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on October 01, 2024, 08:11:33 PM
W11 24H2 has dropped but they've doing a staged release so you may or may not be seeing it in the update page yet.

Downloaded, used rufus to make a stick.  Checked all the boxes in rufus for the various workarounds.  Started an in place upgrade on a scratch laptop.  "Processor not supported". 

So, it's tighter than it was.  Which we knew.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 01, 2024, 08:14:53 PM
Downloaded, used rufus to make a stick.  Checked all the boxes in rufus for the various workarounds.  Started an in place upgrade on a scratch laptop.  "Processor not supported". 

So, it's tighter than it was.  Which we knew.

Makes me wonder what will happen when an old PC that already has 11 installed is updated. Hmmm testing time.
Rufus may be updated to deal with it, time will tell.

edit: Neither of the old PCs are showing 24H2 yet. Will have to try again later.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 06, 2024, 12:01:45 PM
Loaded a Rufus stick with 24H2 and tried starting it in an old 2007(?)Q6600 Dell and it would sit with W11 symbol up for a while and then reboot. No message, nothing.
Put one in with 23H2 and it started the install just fine.

Think they did something that is messing with Rufus. Maybe a Rufus update will fix that IDK.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 08:08:05 AM
Thankfully I keep ISOs of older versions of OSs.
Still don't know what will happened when 24H2 comes up as an update on my older PCs as I haven't seen it come up yet on them or even on my newer PCs.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 08:27:55 AM
Word on the net is that unless your CPU supports SSE4.2 no 24H2 update/install for you as your PC won't be able to boot period and MS is blocking it on those PCs that don't.
So it's either install/run 23H2 for the time being or go to Linux,

So for older PCs running W10 you choices in a year will be
Install 23H2 if you want 11
Hope someone comes up with a workaround in that time.
Take a chance running it without new security updates
Pick a flavor of Linux to install on it.
Toss it into a landfill and buy a new PC. Probably what they want most people to do because MS makes most of it's money on OS licenses to OEMs
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 09:00:26 AM
End of support for 23H2 is Nov 2025
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 08, 2024, 10:16:26 AM
Loaded a Rufus stick with 24H2 and tried starting it in an old 2007(?)Q6600 Dell and it would sit with W11 symbol up for a while and then reboot. No message, nothing.
Put one in with 23H2 and it started the install just fine.

Think they did something that is messing with Rufus. Maybe a Rufus update will fix that IDK.

Nothing to do with Rufus. Microsoft has just plugged a hole. The officially supported CPUs (and some of the newer unsupported ones) have some instruction set coded into them. (You can find articles that identify what this is.) Release 24H2 looks for this instruction and, if it's not there, the system won't boot.

There are hints that Rufus may be able to patch this, but I wouldn't count on it. Even if they dom, Microsoft is obviously now aware that people are doing work-arounds, and MS will find a new way to sabotage this.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 11:22:54 AM
Nothing to do with Rufus. Microsoft has just plugged a hole. The officially supported CPUs (and some of the newer unsupported ones) have some instruction set coded into them. (You can find articles that identify what this is.) Release 24H2 looks for this instruction and, if it's not there, the system won't boot.

Yep, see reply 87
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 08, 2024, 06:51:07 PM
The downside to just installing 23H2 and not allowing updates is that end of support for 23H2 is November of 2025 -- just a month after end of support for Windows 10.

Here's the skinny on the 24H2 problem:
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 07:07:01 PM
The downside to just installing 23H2 and not allowing updates is that end of support for 23H2 is November of 2025 -- just a month after end of support for Windows 10.

Here's the skinny on the 24H2 problem:

Yep as I stated above just without the PCMag link

Just started a fresh install of 24H2 install on my old laptop with a 6200U and it's taking it. Actually according to MS it shouldn't so Rufus is still able to bypass the basic HW checks just like it did with 23H2 and earlier but not the SSE4.2 check in pre SSE4.2 older CPUs. So the key to this appears to be SSE4.2. Rufus is still able to bypass the base HW checks but not the new SSE4.2 check.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 07:16:18 PM
24H2 up and running on the laptop despite MS saying a 6200U is a no go
So I guess google your CPU to see if it supports SSE4.2, if it does it appears Rufus is able to install 24H2.
Now if something else is going on IDK yet. Million dollar question is will MS block this in the future?

According to google the first AMD CPUs that supported SSE4.2 were introduced in 2011, Intel 2008.

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on October 08, 2024, 07:39:46 PM
I did see there's a workaround now, for updates to existing Win11 systems.  A script that hacks the existing registry.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 08:26:56 PM
Got into a fistfight with it to install the laptop's audio drivers. Got it working now.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 08:36:39 PM
Liking it so far, looks and feel more refined. This is what W11 should have been on day 1.
Still no &^%$#! way to resize the taskbar
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 08, 2024, 11:05:13 PM
Still no &^%$#! way to resize the taskbar

Open Shell?
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 08, 2024, 11:12:51 PM
Open Shell?

No way in W11 without a 3rd party add in and I'm using Start11 which enables me to that among other things.
Just still puzzled why they removed the option to do so in W11 and refuse to put it back.

Yes it's trivial but on a 32" monitor the taskbar is huge and it bugs me.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 12, 2024, 08:53:25 AM
Went ahead and did a clean install of 24H2 on my main desktop and so far so good. I like to do a clean install every once in awhile anyway.
I was worried Start11 would have issues with it but it appears to be working fine.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 12, 2024, 09:58:09 AM
And on the heels of that I discover you can't turn off the volume change bong.
Google revealed I'm not the only one.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HeroHog on October 13, 2024, 06:11:04 AM
And on the heels of that I discover you can't turn off the volume change bong.
Google revealed I'm not the only one.

Find the wav/mp3 file it uses and edit it using the Freeware "Audacity" to set the file's volume to a desirable level or just muted. Be aware that it will affect any other function that calls that file though most can be configured to call whatever file you like though it may take editing the registry.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 13, 2024, 07:36:40 AM
Find the wav/mp3 file it uses and edit it using the Freeware "Audacity" to set the file's volume to a desirable level or just muted. Be aware that it will affect any other function that calls that file though most can be configured to call whatever file you like though it may take editing the registry.

It's a common sound and that would kill a bunch of others as well. Thankfully my keyboard volume control doesn't trigger it just using the mouse to do it from the taskbar does so I'm going to leave it as is for now.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: HeroHog on October 13, 2024, 03:22:49 PM
Use REGEDIT, find the reference in there for that function, change the file name and edit/save as a file by the new name with a volume level you like. Start by using a SEARCH in REGEDIT for the filename it triggers to see all instances where it is called.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 14, 2024, 09:41:57 AM
Window 10 users this is your 1 year warning.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: Hawkmoon on October 14, 2024, 10:41:01 PM
Window 10 users this is your 1 year warning.

Thanks for reminding me that I have no really good options. I can't afford to replace all my hardware, so my choice comes down to soldiering on with Windows 10 after end-of-support, or jumping ship to Linux.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 15, 2024, 10:20:43 AM
Even turned off all system sounds and it's still there. WTF?
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 15, 2024, 12:34:05 PM
Thanks for reminding me that I have no really good options. I can't afford to replace all my hardware, so my choice comes down to soldiering on with Windows 10 after end-of-support, or jumping ship to Linux.

If your CPU supports SSE4.2 upgrade it to 11 with a Rufus stick if you don't want to go the Linux route. Your W10 key will work with 11.
Of course there's always the possibility MS will throw in another requirement money wrench for 11 into the works in the meantime.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: JTHunter on October 16, 2024, 11:14:50 PM
Thanks for reminding me that I have no really good options. I can't afford to replace all my hardware, so my choice comes down to soldiering on with Windows 10 after end-of-support, or jumping ship to Linux.

Hell, I'm still using SEVEN !!  :rofl:  :old:
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 17, 2024, 07:52:50 AM
24H2 roll out out on hold due to issues. Of particular note is the WD and Sandisk SDD bluescreen issue

Windows 11 24H2 Update Paused For More PCs Due to Issues!
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 17, 2024, 10:12:02 AM
Sandisk has issued a fix for Sandisk and WD SSDs
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 18, 2024, 08:39:42 AM
Now the mouse cursor is disappearing on some machines with 24H2 among other bugs founds.

I reinstalled 23H2 on my desktop and am about to do the same to my laptop.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on October 22, 2024, 11:07:11 AM
CrowdStrike says hi

After installing Windows 11, version 24H2, first and third-party apps might stop responding on devices that have CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor software installed. Office applications such as Word and Excel might be affected:

Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on December 31, 2024, 01:00:26 PM
Lovely, MS has decided to start including BIOS updates and people are reporting it bricked their laptops
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: zxcvbob on December 31, 2024, 01:03:20 PM
Lovely, MS has decided to start including BIOS updates and people are reporting it bricked their laptops

I'm pretty sure that's what destroyed my just-out-of-warranty Lenovo a year ago.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: lee n. field on December 31, 2024, 01:36:00 PM
Lovely, MS has decided to start including BIOS updates and people are reporting it bricked their laptops

Had that happen with a customer, last year some time. 

New out of the box.  Home user, had me move her data and set up her new laptop.  (HP consumer grade laptop.)  As I usually do I let Windows update install updates, one of which was BIOS.  And, bricked.  I told her to take it back and let Best Buy replace it, which they did.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 19, 2025, 10:24:08 AM
Found a fix for the 24H2 scanner issue at least in my case. (Brother 2280DW)
In short after the PC "upgrades" or you do an install of 24H2 it may see the printer but not the scanner part of the printer/scanner combo. In my case both work fine under 23H2 but 24H2 breaks comms with the scanner for some reason.


1. Finish the installation of your printer driver full package normally (Checked on 24H2, OS Build 26100.2605 - Dec 10,2024 Windows updated PC) and it will end up with only scanner driver installation failed. (Basically it won't scan from Control Center 4 scanner app and if you want to check, open 'Brother Utilities'-->Tools-->Installation Diagnostics, it will tell you only Scanner driver installation failed).

 2. Go to 'Device Manager' --> Imaging devices --> Right click on 'Your printer name' --> Disable device

 3. Again Right click on it, but this time click on Update driver --> Browse my computer for drivers --> Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer --> on next window you should already have your printer name, just select and click on Next.

4. On next screen you will see successfully installed a driver and click on close, Imaging device which you have just disabled will be enabled by system and then close everything, do a restart once.

 5. Just use Control Centre 4 as you usually used to scan something and it will work this time.

Simple but effective
Downloading the latest driver from Brother didn't fix it but this did for some reason.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on January 19, 2025, 12:51:33 PM
Also updating my Nvidia 1060 video driver to the later and greatest straight from Nvidia's website, don't rely on windows update on downloading the latest, seems to have fixed my browser (didn't matter which browser) instability that was driving me insane. Haven't had a tab crash since.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on February 16, 2025, 09:02:41 AM
Also updating my Nvidia 1060 video driver to the later and greatest straight from Nvidia's website, don't rely on windows update on downloading the latest, seems to have fixed my browser (didn't matter which browser) instability that was driving me insane. Haven't had a tab crash since.

The instabilities where just hiding and started occurring again. Turned out I had a bad DRAM stick in the computer. Got an RMA to get it replaced.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on February 16, 2025, 09:08:17 AM
MS updated their compatible with W11 24H2 CPU list and missing is 8, 9,10th gen Intel CPUs. WTF, are they now cutting them off? Could just be an error while updating the list but if true IMHO this would be monumentality stupid on their part. Like they're saying buy a new computer or the OS gets it.

Microsoft Drops Support For Intel’s 10th Gen Processors On Windows 11 24H2, Marking An End To The Iconic “Comet Lake” Lineup
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on February 17, 2025, 09:35:15 AM
MS came out sand said whoops, they're supported and that list was for OEMs.
Title: Re: More MS update follies
Post by: WLJ on February 25, 2025, 12:02:13 PM
The instabilities where just hiding and started occurring again. Turned out I had a bad DRAM stick in the computer. Got an RMA to get it replaced.

After pulling out that bad ram stick my system has been 100% stable on 24H2 with not even a minor hiccup since. Turns out that was my problem all along.
Replacement for the bad ram arrived yesterday I'm back up to 24gb of ram.