Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Mabs2 on June 28, 2007, 12:11:20 PM

Title: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Mabs2 on June 28, 2007, 12:11:20 PM
This Zicam stuff really works.  Got it yesterday but wasn't taking it right...took one today at 12:45, let it dissovle, and didn't drink anything for 15 minutes (whoops) and I felt instantly better.  Been miserable for the past two weeks with a cold/sinus infection thing.  Sneezed so much every inch of my body aches, and I've used of 3 rolls of paper towels.  But Zicam has got me feeling nearly well...without any side effects (that I can tell), amazing.

Anyone else had good luck with this stuff?

PS:  don't get the dissolving tablets...they're nasty.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Paddy on June 28, 2007, 12:25:05 PM
Yes, it works for me, too.  I told Mike about it when he wuz whinin' about catching something, but he said if he wanted zinc, he'd chew on batteries.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Ron on June 28, 2007, 01:01:31 PM
I told Mike about it when he wuz whinin' about catching something, but he said if he wanted zinc, he'd chew on batteries.

Wow, he must have been feeling really down, he's usually such a little ray of sunshine...

< as Ron runs for cover before the ray of sunshine scorches his a**>
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: K Frame on June 28, 2007, 02:43:21 PM
Yes, it works for me, too.  I told Mike about it when he wuz whinin' about catching something, but he said if he wanted zinc, he'd chew on batteries.

You bitch like mad about sodium benzoate and BGH, but you willingly suck down a huge dose of elemental zinc?
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: K Frame on June 28, 2007, 02:45:05 PM
I told Mike about it when he wuz whinin' about catching something, but he said if he wanted zinc, he'd chew on batteries.

Wow, he must have been feeling really down, he's usually such a little ray of sunshine...

< as Ron runs for cover before the ray of sunshine scorches his a**>

I am your sunshine, your only sunshine,

I'm going to fry you, all black and tan,

Your skin will curl up, and start smoking,

and so forth and so on...
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Mabs2 on June 28, 2007, 02:55:00 PM
That didn't rhyme at all.
You ruined my cheerful thread with your crappy unrhyming poem.
Thread Hitler.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: K Frame on June 28, 2007, 03:55:20 PM
The cadence is correct for being sung to "You Are My Sunshine..."
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Mabs2 on June 28, 2007, 03:58:20 PM
But it doesn't rhyme!
Therefor, your argument is totally null and void.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Paddy on June 28, 2007, 04:21:56 PM
You bitch like mad about sodium benzoate and BGH, but you willingly suck down a huge dose of elemental zinc?
It's not a 'huge dose of elemental zinc'.  Zicam is a homeopathic remedy containing small amounts of zinc; zincum aceticum 2x and zincum gluconicum 1x.  Homeopathy works, not all the time, but enough of the time to validate it. Plus it never introduces toxic levels of anything into the body. (unlike benzoate and BGH).
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Standing Wolf on June 28, 2007, 04:25:41 PM
I give up.

What's the origin of the term "boy howdy"?
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: 280plus on June 28, 2007, 04:38:21 PM
I give up.

What's the origin of the term "boy howdy"?
My guess would be Walter Brennan in "The Real Mcoys". Or maybe Slim Pickens somewhere or another. Hmmm,,, Minnie Pearl? I give up.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Paddy on June 28, 2007, 04:49:06 PM
1.     boy howdy

Southern slang. An interjection. Often used as an expression of surprise for large quantities of something, or severity of something. See yessum.

"Boy howdy! Them pumpkins sure are big! How're we gonna carry 'em all, Ms. McGregor?"
2.    boy howdy       

An exclamation of enthusiastic agreement which can be used in both a genuine or sarcastic tone. In addition can used to add emphasis to a statement, much like the word *expletive deleted*ck can.

Boy Howdy was also the name of an American country music band from the 1990s. The term has not direct link or reference to them however.

As Agreement (genuine):
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: charby on June 28, 2007, 05:15:57 PM
1.     boy howdy

Southern slang. An interjection. Often used as an expression of surprise for large quantities of something, or severity of something. See yessum.

"Boy howdy! Them pumpkins sure are big! How're we gonna carry 'em all, Ms. McGregor?"
2.    boy howdy       

An exclamation of enthusiastic agreement which can be used in both a genuine or sarcastic tone. In addition can used to add emphasis to a statement, much like the word *expletive deleted*ck can.

Boy Howdy was also the name of an American country music band from the 1990s. The term has not direct link or reference to them however.

As Agreement (genuine):

So Yankee translation would be "Holy *expletive deleted*it"?

Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: K Frame on June 28, 2007, 08:18:08 PM
From what I can tell, there have been virtually no studies done showing the long-term safety of taking these products.

They're less studied than either BGH or the benzoates.

Curious that you'd get behind something like that, especially with this 'going' for it...

"Although it has been known for decades that zinc compounds can cause nasal nerve damage, Zicam has failed to provide adequate warnings to the public."

Hey, that's refreshing! Nasal nerve damage!

I wonder if the Rods of Ra can cure that?

It's interesting that the FDA considers this stuff to be safe to use.

Oddly enough, though, it's the same FDA that considers BGH safe to use.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?  rolleyes

Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Bogie on June 28, 2007, 09:28:11 PM
Bubba, if you can sue 'em, and hope to get 12 gullible people in the jury box, anything's fair game.
Lemme tell you sometime about di-hydrogen monoxide... That *expletive deleted*it'll kill you EVERY time... And it's all around us, and if it twern't for them lawyers, we'd prolly be dead already...
Let's be careful out there... The stuff's EVERYWHERE!
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Jamisjockey on June 29, 2007, 04:51:16 AM
I give up.

What's the origin of the term "boy howdy"?

It's how the Romans used to pick up young boys.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: charby on June 29, 2007, 05:01:00 AM
I give up.

What's the origin of the term "boy howdy"?

It's how the Romans used to pick up young boys.

I thought it was the Greeks that liked little boys

Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Jamisjockey on June 29, 2007, 05:14:50 AM
I give up.

What's the origin of the term "boy howdy"?

It's how the Romans used to pick up young boys.

I thought it was the Greeks that liked little boys

Greeks.  Romans.  Congress.  All the same.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Paddy on June 29, 2007, 05:37:44 AM
From what I can tell, there have been virtually no studies done showing the long-term safety of taking these products.

They're less studied than either BGH or the benzoates.

Curious that you'd get behind something like that, especially with this 'going' for it...

"Although it has been known for decades that zinc compounds can cause nasal nerve damage, Zicam has failed to provide adequate warnings to the public."

Hey, that's refreshing! Nasal nerve damage!
Except that's just an allegation on an 'entrepreneurial attorney(translation:ambulance chaser) website; nothing more.  You'll also note there are no lawsuits against Zicam; the allegations can't even reach the scientific threshhold necessary.  From Zicam's website:
How Did Intranasal Zinc Gluconate Become Associated With Loss Of Smell?
To recap, in September 2003, Bruce Jafek, MD, made a highly publicized poster presentation suggesting that use of Zicam Cold Remedy intranasal gel had caused an impairment of the sense of smell in several of his patients. The allegation was quickly picked up by the companys competitors and entrepreneurial attorneys who established web sites seeking claimants and began preparing lawsuits. Dr. Jafek also began to appear in media interviews to increase the level of publicity.
The Findings of the Federal Courts
Federal courts are required to assess the validity and reliability of the opinions of scientific expert witnesses before they can be admitted into evidence and cases allowed to proceed to trial. Four separate federal judges in seven cases have now examined the scientific validity and reliability of Dr. Jafeks theory that Zicam causes smell loss, and each has concluded that the theory has no reliable scientific support and was reached without application of proper scientific standards and procedures.
Benzene in soda on the other hand is a different matter.  Apparently there is some substance to the allegations because there is an active lawsuit:
Go figure
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Mabs2 on June 29, 2007, 06:48:21 AM
What did you people do to my happy boy molesting thread?
I am not pleased.
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Gewehr98 on June 29, 2007, 06:48:36 AM
We stopped using the term "Howdy" for normal greetings a while ago.

In an 8-engine B-52 or 4-engine WC-135, conversations are impossible without using the interphones.

Thanks to nasty flight lunches or local cuisine on deployment, methane emissions in a confined space are prevalent and somewhat evil.

The rule with interphone chatter is to keep it minimized, using the fewest words possible to get the idea across.

"Pilot, Nav, I just farted from last night's U-Tapao Thai Lemon Grass Shrimp and Iced Coffee - watch out!"  is a bit long.

"Howdy!" is all the crew needs to know before donning their oxygen masks and adjusting the plane's outflow valve for best cabin air refresh rate. I think if you say "Howdy!" at the 55th Wing to this day, folks will give you a wide berth.

Even my Marine Corps wife says "Howdy!" nowadays, and girls aren't supposed to do that sort of thing.  shocked
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: K Frame on June 29, 2007, 07:00:08 AM
No lawsuits against Zicam?

Oh, you're right.

Zicam's makers SETTLED the lawsuits for nearly $12 MILLION.

And, as I said, the long-term impact of these drugs have NOT been studied.

Again, I say you're taking an amazing amount on faith in using these drugs because even less is known about them than the food additivies that are being discussed.

Then again, we have nothing to worry about, becase Mattix, whose entire bottom line is tied to Zicam, would NEVER bring a product to market that might in the least little bit be harmful, or would ever deny that their product caused even the slightest problems, right?

Yeah, right. Want to buy a bridge? If you sniff the paint on it it cures what ails you. You have my word on it -- no studies into possible harmful side effects needed. Because you have my word on it.  rolleyes

Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Phyphor on June 29, 2007, 08:18:24 AM
I told Mike about it when he wuz whinin' about catching something, but he said if he wanted zinc, he'd chew on batteries.

Wow, he must have been feeling really down, he's usually such a little ray of sunshine...

< as Ron runs for cover before the ray of sunshine scorches his a**>

Remind me never to cross least, not without framing Fistful first...  grin
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Manedwolf on June 29, 2007, 09:18:55 AM
Homeopathic remedies.

Take a miniscule amount that's too small to have any effect.

Take one-tenth of it.
Take one-tenth of that.
Take one-tenth of that again.
Take one-tenth of that again and again.

You might be left with a molecule, if that.

Sorry, the body doesn't react to the equivalent of a martini where the vermouth is just brought near the shaker and shown to it, but not added.

Sheer quackery, IMO.

Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: Standing Wolf on June 29, 2007, 04:59:52 PM
Thanks, eh? I'd never heard "boy howdy".
Title: Re: Boy Howdy.
Post by: 280plus on June 30, 2007, 04:12:37 AM
You know, if you start this about thread halfway down I defy you to explain how it got into separate discussions on zinc ingestion and the derivation of "boy howdy".  cheesy

BTW I recall Minnie pearl only said "How-DY!!" So she's out.  grin