Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: P95Carry on June 07, 2005, 06:51:14 PM

Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: P95Carry on June 07, 2005, 06:51:14 PM
I have no details as yet but saw on a (incomplete) CBS news vid clip about a TX college girl student who disappeared 7 years ago.  Since then she has been a missing person and her folks seemingly have been all but decided on finding a headstone for a grave without a body.

She has now been found it seems and her explanation??  ''I just wanted to be on my own".

Geez - I am dumbfounded if this is all for real - and hopefully someone with more time than I have right now will find the whole story.  I hope I am wrong but thus far it seems a young college ''brat'' has put her folks thru 7 years of hell - never knowing what had happened to their daughter - and in my book, not knowing, can be maybe worse than anything - like families with POW/MIA concerns for loved ones.

Oh well - just having a rant about this as I see it right now.  Wondering too - how much effort a phone call or two would have taken.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: Guest on June 07, 2005, 10:34:56 PM
You have to wonder what those parents put their kid through over the course of 18 or so years to make her want to be rid of them so completely...
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: mhdishere on June 08, 2005, 04:24:58 AM
Cruel?  More likely just thoughtless.  There's so much emphasis on "self esteem" these days that parents are afraid to discipline their kids because it might make them feel bad about themselves.  They end up with kids who feel so good about themselves that they're capable of doing just about anything.

Go out for a drive sometime and you'll see tons of drivers who seem convinced that they're the only people on the road.  Go for a walk in a crowded city and it's worse.  It's not that they're intentionally trying to bug you, it's that they're so wrapped up in themselves that they don't even realize you exist.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: Winston Smith on June 08, 2005, 05:15:42 AM
I'm with c-yeager here.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: Lennyjoe on June 08, 2005, 06:51:17 AM
I was thinking the same thing as c-yeager.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: P95Carry on June 08, 2005, 07:07:18 AM
I guess the ''C-Yeager'' thought is also very valid - not one I had initially considered I admit.  Looking at the broad picture then perhaps she was even the subject of abuse - who knows - still a sad reflection on a family, one way or another.

I tried to find a report on it but all missing girl items focus on the Mesquite deal which is topping the headlines.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: J.J. on June 08, 2005, 07:14:24 AM

I remeber reading that a few days ago.. heres the link
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: P95Carry on June 08, 2005, 07:22:29 AM
J.J. - many thx for the link.
Stahr told her sister the family should not bother visiting, but her mother said nothing will stop her.
Does indeed sound like this girl does NOT want to associate but the mother thinks otherwise!!  I don't think this will be a very happy reunion if it occurs.

So - maybe the girl had reasons for what she did - that is speculative - and she sure must have been wanting to escape - something.

Over and above that tho - another major bad aspect, is all the time and expense invested in trying to track her down and search for a body etc ... that in itself is highly irresponsible. ... putting it very lightly.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: Waitone on June 08, 2005, 08:49:31 AM
Sounds like payback to me.
Title: This seems like an incredibly cruel deal!!
Post by: jefnvk on June 08, 2005, 08:49:56 AM
Here is a good case for anyone saying that you can't disappear in today's world.  She was living under her real name and SSN, too.