Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: DigMe on June 20, 2005, 04:26:30 AM

Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: DigMe on June 20, 2005, 04:26:30 AM
This isn't really "news" or anything but I found it an interesting watch.  I supposed one could go on about how stars are full of themselves and can use some ego-deflation and whatnot but IMO Tom is right, this is just plain rude and stupid.  It's not like it was something real serious or anything but this WAS being filmed and put out for the world to see.  I view it more as an attempt at humiliation than an innocent prank..I quit doing this stuff in grade school.

Props to him for confronting the pranksters and making them squirm.  

Click on the video link here:

brad cook
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: K Frame on June 20, 2005, 05:01:12 AM
Well, Cruise makes me gag, so a gag microphone is appropriate...
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: InfidelSerf on June 20, 2005, 05:14:26 AM
I'm not a fan of Cruise. He has done a few roles I like.  And alot I don't like.
But KUDOs to him for how he reacted.

This is in line with the pie throwing targeted towards rightwing thinkers.
What the hell are they teaching people in college.  If you dont' agree with someone or don't like their ideas.. you just throw stuff at them.

It wouldn't matter if it was an anti-gun on pro-gun attack or pro-gun on anti-gun attack.  If you can't debate then stay out of the kitchen.

Remember the guy who spit in Fonda's face.  While I agree she is a scumbag and not deserving of the attention she gets.  His act was nothing but selfish.
Even though I might have thought that would be neet to do myself.  The better route was taken by a guy in CA who waited in line to challenge her with words and ideas.
I would have had much more respect for that act had he stayed and paid the piper. Not spit and run.  That's cowardly.

So kudos to Tom for not getting super mad.. and for just saying it like it is.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: Waitone on June 20, 2005, 07:46:04 AM
Far from funny.  What if it was acid?  Not funny at all.

Cruise ought to sue everyone involved in the stunt.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: Lennyjoe on June 20, 2005, 11:58:04 AM
I'm sorry but that was uncalled for.  I would file assault charges on the knuckleheads.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: wasrjoe on June 20, 2005, 12:01:57 PM
He handled it well. I don't care how much money someone makes, decency doesn't go out the window because they do. Hope some charges stick on those guys.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: ...has left the building. on June 20, 2005, 06:59:24 PM
Cruise handled that very well. He was clearly angry but never out of control. Good work on berating the person without cussing him out or throwing a fit. If I were him, I wouldn't press charges or sue.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: Schuey2002 on June 20, 2005, 08:25:49 PM
If that was someone like say, oh.. Russell Crowe, it wouldn't have turned out so well for the pranksters. That guy would have been on the ground, with blood pouring out of his mouth, as he spat out his front teeth.
Title: Tom Cruise squirted in face with gag microphone
Post by: Sindawe on June 20, 2005, 08:54:24 PM
I guess its a good thing I'm not a "celebrity".  I'd have garroted the jerk with the microphone cord if it had one.