Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Paddy on September 06, 2007, 11:02:26 AM

Title: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Paddy on September 06, 2007, 11:02:26 AM
Piss me off.  angry  Every time I see a dog(s) suffering in the back of a pickup truck I want to  slap somebody.  There were several around here during this last heat wave.  It's 100+ degrees outside and the dogs are in full sun with no shade or water.  It's usually a new or nearly new bigazz doublecab 4x4 that's as clean as the day it came off the showroom floor. Some of them have bedliners (which really tells me the guy is a sissy), black bedliners, making the bed even hotter. These aren't work trucks.  These aren't ranch dogs.
Inside sits some big fat poseur with the A/C on full blast sucking on a 90 oz Big Gulp (or whatever the biggest size is).  Then they'll park the truck out in the sun while they go in for a double double whopper to stuff into their big fat gut. 

I'd love to chain some lardass in the back of his own stupid-all-for-show-look-how-macho-I-am truck for an afternoon during August and watch him sweat.  [/rant off]
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Balog on September 06, 2007, 11:15:54 AM
Not sure about these days, but the bed in my Dad's early 80's vintage Toyota pickup would get hot enough to burn me through a pair of jeans. Hate to see a dog in the back myself just because of that.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: RocketMan on September 06, 2007, 11:18:43 AM
I saw a dog tumble out of the back of a truck going around a corner at speed awhile back.  Putting animals in the back of trucks is cruelty in my opinion, and should be a chargable offense.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Werewolf on September 06, 2007, 11:44:20 AM
My brother used to put his golden lab in the bed of his pickup all the time...

Right up until he had an accident and the dog got flung out of the pickup at high speed and died - not quickly either - slowly and painfully.

Brother doesn't do that anymore.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 06, 2007, 12:04:02 PM
I was crusing down the freeway once, and witnessed a dog, chained to the truckbox, standing on the truckbox, taking a big fat steamer.  Poetic justice, but the redneck probably beat the dog for it.
I used to see it alot in Utah, but haven't seen it yet here in VA.  Oh, and I've got a truck.  With a bedliner.  Up yours.  grin
My dog's only been in the bed of my truck when we were out front watching the kids ride bikes. Otherwise, she rides between the carseats in air conditioned comfort sucking on a 90oz big gulp.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 06, 2007, 12:08:21 PM
against the law to have a dog in back unretrained in va  was still egal to put kids back there for 10 years after they made it illegal for dogs
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 06, 2007, 12:09:26 PM
I put my doggie in the front seat, and roll down the winders. 

I say Riley only started this thread because he loves any excuse to talk about "bigazz" vehicles.  Who's with me?

Also, I'm confused about the bedliner issue.  I thought a bedliner prevented scratches, which prevents rust, which prevents stuff from falling out of the gaping holes in the bed.  Huh? 
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 06, 2007, 12:11:59 PM
Riley, are you a Pious driver?
There is a South Park episode you need to watch.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: El Tejon on September 06, 2007, 12:14:40 PM
Used to see a lot as a kid.  Cannot remember last time I saw a truck with a dog in it???

I could care less about animals, but I would think that if one valued his dog one would not do it.

Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Paddy on September 06, 2007, 12:32:00 PM
Oh, and I've got a truck.  With a bedliner.  Up yours.  grin

Yike. I knew I'd hear about that. IT'S A FREAKING TRUCK.  It doesn't need rhinoplasty up along the sides and over the top for an additional $300+.  It looks wussie, IMO   grin

Also, I'm confused about the bedliner issue.  I thought a bedliner prevented scratches, which prevents rust, which prevents stuff from falling out of the gaping holes in the bed.

I use a thick rubber bed mat when I don't want stuff sliding around.  If you keep a truck long enough under such severe conditions that rust creates gaping holes, I'd say the truck has lots of other problems, too.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Paddy on September 06, 2007, 12:34:20 PM
Riley, are you a Pious driver?

The lady of the house drives the Pious.  I drive either a 'yote Echo or Ford Ranger 4x4.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 06, 2007, 12:39:59 PM
Riley, are you a Pious driver?

The lady of the house drives the Pious. 

Oh, so you do drive a Pious? 

Sorry.  Couldn't resist. 

Oh, about bed-liners.  How about preserving resale value?  Is that wussy?
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 06, 2007, 12:59:54 PM
Riley, are you a Pious driver?

The lady of the house drives the Pious. 

Oh, so you do drive a Pious? 

Sorry.  Couldn't resist. 

Oh, about bed-liners.  How about preserving resale value?  Is that wussy?

Really it boils down to this.
I have a bedliner, and a 4x4 pickuptruck, and guns, because I have a small penis.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 06, 2007, 01:01:51 PM
Riley, are you a Pious driver?
There is a South Park episode you need to watch.

The one about creating the clouds of deadly smug?  grin grin grin grin grin
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Paddy on September 06, 2007, 01:09:51 PM
I have a bedliner, and a 4x4 pickuptruck, and guns, because I have a small penis.

Sorry, fistful has already used that excuse. You'll have to come up with your own.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: MechAg94 on September 06, 2007, 01:19:57 PM
I use a thick rubber bed mat when I don't want stuff sliding around.  If you keep a truck long enough under such severe conditions that rust creates gaping holes, I'd say the truck has lots of other problems, too.
My Dad used to have a scrap piece of conveyor belt material from a coal power plant he did a job at.  That was a really tough bedline.  Rhino liner is good stuff though.  I would have gotten it, but I got a cover instead. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: MechAg94 on September 06, 2007, 01:25:27 PM
Where exactly is the dog safer?  If he is inside the truck during a wreck, how is that better than the bed of the truck?  The seat belts aren't made for him.  He just goes through the windshield before flying out of the truck.  I have seen dogs tied to a leash in the back of the truck.  I doubt that is better, but maybe. 

IMO, the guy who lost a dog taking a corner too fast is neglegent by his driving, not the location of the dog.  You can put people in the back of a truck also.  That doesn't mean you take speed bumps at 60 MPH. 

I have seen a number of people with the dog in the cage that is tied down in the back of the truck.  Mostly hunters.  That might be the best option. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 06, 2007, 01:42:58 PM
I have a bedliner, and a 4x4 pickuptruck, and guns, because I have a small penis.

Sorry, fistful has already used that excuse. You'll have to come up with your own.

Oh, I didn't know I could use that as an excuse.  What exactly can I get away with, then?   smiley

I don't have a bed liner, or a 4x4, just the guns.  Big Manly Ones!  I used to have a big, manly pickup truck.  It had one of Riley's thick rubber mats in the back.  I thought that was a bed liner. 
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: jeepmor on September 06, 2007, 01:48:17 PM
Spray on truck bed liner is great stuff.  I have it inside my jeep and also had it completely undercoated with the stuff.  After 11 years with this stuff on it, it still looks great, not all scratched up and what not from 11 years of muddy dogs scratching the piss out of it.

However, I agree with the bigazz truck statement.  Being in the city, it just sucks to see these damn things everywhere when you know 90% of them are owned by folks with a boat or trailer that gets used once a year.  Meanwhile, they waste our resources as fast as they can all in the name of being free in Amercia because they can "afford" it.  Check out for some good laughs.

As for dogs in the back of the truck, it depends on the dog.  We had a lab as a kid (I'm from the Oregon coast, not many scorching days there) that, when parked, would climb up over the cab and lay on the hood because it was warm and he could keep an eye on you better.  Much like the avatar of my dog on my jeep.  She doesn't do that BTW, it was just a picture.

As for my dogs, they do ride in the back of the jeep unrestrained, at least one of them.  The other has followed me into store once or twice.  Not a big deal in home depot, but frowned upon in a grocery store.  On hot days, they stay home with a big bowl of fresh water and a 40 foot maple tree that offers lots of shade.

Riley, apparently you don't live in the rust belt or you'd embrace the bedliners as a good thing.  As for heat index, yep, they raise it significantly.

And some of you obviously are forgetting the joy it brings a dog to stick his face into the wind at highways speeds.  The one in my avatar lives for it and whines if the car windows don't get rolled down for her.  Again, for the record, the dogs do stay at home most of the summer on errand runs due to the heat.  And I've parked 1/4 mile away from my shopping location just so the dogs can be in the shade.  My wife and I have decided not to shop while out and about for lack of shade before also.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Euclidean on September 06, 2007, 01:54:42 PM
Actually a real work truck has a spray on liner because the user is worried about functionality, not looking macho or keeping the truck "pretty".

I agree with the dog thing though, not a good thing to do.  Although personally I don't see the big deal with the dog riding in the back of the truck under reasonable circumstances.  A lot of people work with dogs, not just keep them simply for pets, and 999/1000 nothing bad will happen.

I do agree you shouldn't drive down the highway like that or take hairpin turns, but every time somebody says "There outta be a law..." there usually shouldn't be.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 06, 2007, 02:02:35 PM
every time somebody says "There outta be a law..." there usually shouldn't be. 

Never heard that one before.  I like it. 

But since this thread is really about bed liners,  smiley don't some trucks get those at the factory? 
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Tallpine on September 06, 2007, 03:20:32 PM
I think there is a law in MT that makes it a felony not to have a dog riding in the back of your pickup when you drive into town  grin

Back in Gunnison, there used to be a rancher that drove around town with a cowdog riding on top of the cab  shocked

As far as bedliner, up here we mostly use loose hay, orange twine, empty oil cans, wood scraps, rusty bolts, etc to protect the floor of the bed.  Though more often than not it is a "Hydra-bed" or some other flatbed type. Wink
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Gewehr98 on September 06, 2007, 03:38:07 PM
As somebody who has a Line-X bedliner in his pickup, I'd say the denigration of said practice has gone about far enough in this thread. I have plenty of reasons to protect my investment, so let's not go there.  Rather, why don't we get back to the thread topic of dogs in pickup beds, ok? Wink
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Sergeant Bob on September 06, 2007, 04:50:19 PM
As somebody who has a Line-X bedliner in his pickup, I'd say the denigration of said practice has gone about far enough in this thread. I have plenty of reasons to protect my investment, so let's not go there.  Rather, why don't we get back to the thread topic of dogs in pickup beds, ok? Wink

That Line-X and Rhino Liner stuff is kinda rough and could chafe the doggy's paws. grin
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 06, 2007, 05:33:58 PM
Yeah, if you've got some wussy dog!!!111
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: SkunkApe on September 06, 2007, 06:16:41 PM
Having recently moved to Wyoming, I've been delighted to see dogs in the backs of pick-ups as a common sight.  The obvious delight that these dogs experience while going for a 75 MPH open-air bombardment of odors always brings a smile to my face.  I can't understand why anyone would deny dogs this pleasure.  It's clear they love it. 

Wyoming seems to be a very dog-friendly state.  The lady at the beer drive-thru hands out doggie treats with the beer.  Dogs in the grocery are a common sight.  One of our vendors (oil patch) always has his two labs in the back of his pick-ip when making his rounds.

The dogs love it. 

Leave the dogs alone, flatlanders.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Ben on September 07, 2007, 06:10:57 AM
My dog sits up front with me. About the only time she's in the bed is when we go to the In and Out to get burgers. We park in the lot, put the tailgate down, and eat in the bed of the truck. Talk about a chick magnet --- "Oh my God, that's SO adorable!"
 grin grin cool
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: roo_ster on September 07, 2007, 06:55:06 AM

Let their owners put them in the bed if they want.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Silver Bullet on September 07, 2007, 07:18:13 AM
I have no problems with dogs in pickups provided their legs are long enough to reach the pedals.

And some of you obviously are forgetting the joy it brings a dog to stick his face into the wind at highways speeds. 

I wouldn't let my dogs stick their heads out the windows of my car if I was driving at highway speeds, only when puttering around in town.  Look at your windshield after the truck in front of you sends a stone your way.
Title: Re: Pet Peeve: Dogs in pickups
Post by: Gewehr98 on September 07, 2007, 09:59:38 AM
I wouldn't let my dogs stick their heads out the windows of my car if I was driving at highway speeds, only when puttering around in town.  Look at your windshield after the truck in front of you sends a stone your way.

Roger that.

I'm of the opinion that I wouldn't even get out of bed in the mornings, save for the pesky occasional meteorite crashing down through the roof, ruining the whole bit. 

Dogs need to be dogs.  My dogs hear me grabbing the truck keys off the wall, and are at the front door ready to go.  Sniffing the air is part of the experience. Several local stores have a pets welcome policy, so my big St. Bernard mix has his own clientel of store clerks and cashiers.  I may go to the hardware store for some parts, but it turns into a family reunion of sorts.   

As part of my risk-management lifestyle, I've also taken a bumblebee in the face at highway speeds when scooting around on my Harley.  Force = Mass x Acceleration really does work, as does the nearly-expired bumblebee's stinger.