Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Paddy on September 25, 2007, 09:32:03 PM

Title: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 25, 2007, 09:32:03 PM
I've been off work for over two years now.  My parents both died early 2005. I spent a year dealing with estate and probate issues, then I got sick, which lasted for another year.  I'm all better now, and have absolutely nothing to do.   In my previous life, I was a corporate accountant and asset manager.  Before that, I freelanced, serving in capacities from interim controller to seasonal tax preparer.   I have a BS in Business Administration with a major iin Accounting from a California State University, back in the '70's.

I have a Real Estate license, which I've used in the past to sell houses and mortgage loans, and manage rental properties.  Also have a license to sell insurance (Life Agent only) which I've never used.

Nobody will hire me because of my age (61) and my previous history of cancer.  I have no intention of drawing social security next year at age 62.  I fully intend to remain active and productive until some disability overtakes me.  I pay my own health insurance premiums, and have no debt.

What can I do to generate some income?  I'm willing to invest up to 50k, maybe more, depending on the opportunity, and will reward a successful idea with cash.

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Euclidean on September 26, 2007, 12:44:05 AM
Riles I hate to say it but are you willing to relocate?  Might be necessary to expand the job search.  Also food for thought, I don't know what part of Kommieforny are you in and do you happen to be so lucky as to own a house?  A lot of folks from the SoCal and Mass areas could make a killing selling their $300k homes and buying that same house for $165k basically anywhere else in the country and pocketing the difference.

I'm working on what's essentially the same degree you currently hold, and I have every confidence in the world I will wind up in some God forsaken place if I try to use it once I get it.

Crazy idea:  are you in a position to get a PhD?  Hear me out on this.  You obviously have a long track record of experience, and in some places especially at some of the smaller universities they're clamoring for professors in accountancy and business who have actual experience in finance and/or industry.  Most of my profs were in their late 50s when they took the professing gig, 61 wouldn't be unusual at all.  Just a thought. 

Or how about the CPA exam?  Granted you'd be underemployed as a staff accountant but thanks to the gov't boondoggle in accounting act of 2002, auditors are needed. 

Yeah I wouldn't want to do work like that either for my first choice, don't blame you if you don't want to go there.

Crazier idea: being underemployed sucks but it's MUCH better than being unemployed.  It keeps your mind together, and it's a little something coming in at least.  I know a lot about this...

I know it's a hell of a lot easier to say all this than to actually come up with anything that might help you out.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: onions! on September 26, 2007, 02:32:21 AM
You're around San Diego right?

Well shoot man!Become a "coyote"!

Strictly a cash business(I'm sure that w/your background you know how to wash your $$$),you'll meet lots of interesting people,& it'll be a lot more interesting than a desk job!

Get out & enjoy the fresh air!

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Laurent du Var on September 26, 2007, 02:42:37 AM

What can I do to generate some income?  I'm willing to invest up to 50k, maybe more, depending on the opportunity, and will reward a   s u c c e s s f u l  idea with cash.

Thanks for your help.

How about you come to the south of France and we'll open an English bookshop/
artgallery ?
You'd make no money and lose what you'd have invested and I
wouldn't ask you a reward....
The Côte d'Azur is weatherwise the same as California, the mediterrenean sea is way nicer and cleaner than the pacific ocean and the region is just a little more despised by your fellow Americans than yours and there is good wine here and there.
Oh by the way the social security including all costs for healthcare
in France for a businessowner is around 600 $ a month, you do the math.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: jeepmor on September 26, 2007, 03:35:57 AM
Can't you get your CPA license and start a tax firm.  Real busy from January through April. after that, it's golf season or whatever it is you fancy for the most part.  I'm not very well versed in this field and don't know the licensing requirements at all.  Please forgive my ignorance on this subject.

I'd say come to Oregon and invest in a Brewpub with me and some buds, but that's a ways out for us still and just an idea we happen to be kicking around.  Had I done that out of college, I'd have several by now.   Back in 92 they were not everywhere much like they are now.  I'd personally like to find some sleepy little small ski resort town and put one up at the base or in the town down from the hill.  We would need a good money guy.

I think all other guy and myself would have at least $50k each to put into this idea in a small town West of Portland called North Plains.  It's about the only town left in the Portland Metro area that has not been overrun by development just yet.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Harold Tuttle on September 26, 2007, 04:17:38 AM
I recommend tossing some keywords & a zipcode at
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: charby on September 26, 2007, 04:22:59 AM
Related to high fuel and vehicle costs...

I've been wondering if opening a shop that sells Chinese made gas scooters would be a smart decision, I see them sell on Ebay for $500-$1000 and I bet you could buy them a lot cheaper by the the shipping container from China.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: grampster on September 26, 2007, 04:37:26 AM
If you're still licensed in insurance, why not look around for an older independent agent who's looking for a buy in, or to sell his/her agency?  Independent agents are independent contractors here in Michigan.  Is that not the way of things in California?

Aren't realtors independent contractors?  We have several firms her in Michigan that provide space/tools for realtors for a fee.  Although the last house that sold in Michigan was last January.

If you like travel, buy a sleeper cab and haul freight.  OVR truckers are in high demand.  As an owner/operator, your age and health are not an issue.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: AJ Dual on September 26, 2007, 06:17:48 AM
That's sort of what I was thinking too.

It seems to me that all the tax, accounting, and real-estate type things are ones that could all be done on a 1099 or comission-only basis. Have you been up front with the age and health issues and offered your services to any agencies or firms that way?
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 06:23:17 AM
Not willing to relocate (should have included that in the OP).  Our home is in an area with great weather and scenery, clean air, not too many people, and very little crime.  Living conditions are a huge component of total quality of life, and this is near ideal.

On the CPA thing, I know a guy who as a high school teacher in his 40's decided he wanted to be a CPA.  He earned an accounting degree and passed the CPA exam. Part of the licensing requirement is a 2 year 'internship' with a CPA firm, but nobody would hire him! 

On the coyote thing, no hablo espanol  :

the region is just a little more despised by your fellow Americans than yours

Laurent, that's hilarious! 

The Brewpub could work if the location is right, but the food and beverage business can be tricky.  Sometimes your landlord makes more than you do.  That's a great link. Thanks!

Don't know about the made in China scooters.  Who is the target market?  But, something along those lines -buying, importing, middlemanning, then selling might be just the ticket.  That's the way a lot of ebay sellers work, right?  They have no inventory, they just take orders for stuff, buy it from somebody else, mark it up and sell it?

I got involved with Primerica a few years back, which is why I have the insurance license.  Never did anything with it or Primerica because I didn't like the way they operate; they're somewhat less than honest.  The higher ups on the food chain make their money not only from overrides, but mainly from  the 'sphere of influence' of new people.  IOW, they want to sell all your friends and relatives life insurance, mutual funds and annuities. 

All good ideas. Thanks! keep 'em coming.   smiley
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Euclidean on September 26, 2007, 07:24:46 AM
I had another thought.  For most people this would probably only end in tears, but if you're in need of something anything for money, you sound like you have the expertise to pull it off:

Franchise business.

You have the real estate experience so you could probably find the right place at the right price, and unlike most franchisees I've ever met you actually know how a business is supposed to run itself.  (Note that I've met successful franchise owners who have no formal business training or experience whatsoever they just bust their butts to make it work!)

The only catch is the startup cost.  I bet it would be ridiculously high in CA.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: charby on September 26, 2007, 07:29:45 AM
Don't know about the made in China scooters.  Who is the target market?  But, something along those lines -buying, importing, middlemanning, then selling might be just the ticket.  That's the way a lot of ebay sellers work, right?  They have no inventory, they just take orders for stuff, buy it from somebody else, mark it up and sell it?

Anyone who wants cheap transportation
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 07:40:59 AM
It seems to me that all the tax, accounting, and real-estate type things are ones that could all be done on a 1099 or comission-only basis. Have you been up front with the age and health issues and offered your services to any agencies or firms that way?

Yes.  I live in a semi-rural area with mostly sole proprietor mom and pops, vineyards and wineries,and a bunch of retail chain stores and restaurants.  The largest employers are county and state governments.  No major business headquarters so that kind of freelancing would require at least temporary relocation.  I'm not willing to live in a motel and eat restaurant food for weeks/months on end.

I do (or did until I underwent cancer treatment right at the beginning of the 2006 tax season) seasonal tax work.  I was a one man show, working out of an office at home.  Between the surgery and the radiation, I was too sick to work for several months.  I don't ever want to put clients or myself in that position again.

That leaves some kind of regular 9-5 job as an employee. I've circulated my resume and get callbacks and some interviews. There's interest until they ask what I've been doing for the past two years, then disappointment is obvious when I mention the "C" word.   Next time, I'm going to just say 'I was sick for awhile', and see what happens.

I'll probably wind up 'underemployed', as Euclidean says, and that's ok too, provided the working conditions aren't awful.  I won't work for dishonest aholes anymore. BTDT.   I have friends who've been on the same job for 20, 25, 30 years and are (for the most part) completely miserable.  They can't wait to retire and are counting the days.  I suppose there's some value in job longevity and security (most work for county or state government), and a secure pension.  Can't see being unhappy for the entire workweek, then spending Sunday dreading Monday morning, for years on end.

The other possibility is some sort of business but I haven't been able to figure out what. 
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2007, 09:21:45 AM
Income on what scale?

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Gewehr98 on September 26, 2007, 09:36:51 AM
You could be a dietician.  grin
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: meinbruder on September 26, 2007, 09:56:21 AM
I can recommend something NOT to do.  Notary Signing Agent, I handle loan documents for a variety of lenders.  Ive been doing this for four years, I love the work; drive around and meet interesting people, see nice homes, and make a tidy fee for anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes work.  What I dont like is the on-call aspect of it, I cant plan on doing anything except wait for my phone to buzz with an appointment. 

Traffic in the Portland metro area has become so miserable that I dont even take a third of the closings because of commute times.  That tidy fee doesnt mean much when it takes four hours round trip to make it.  This gig would make a nice retirement supplement but not much of a living.  My under employment is wrecking my marriage and Im not sure I care. 

I'll probably wind up 'underemployed', as Euclidean says, and that's ok too, provided the working conditions aren't awful.  I won't work for dishonest aholes anymore. BTDT.   I have friends who've been on the same job for 20, 25, 30 years and are (for the most part) completely miserable.  They can't wait to retire and are counting the days.  I suppose there's some value in job longevity and security (most work for county or state government), and a secure pension.  Can't see being unhappy for the entire workweek, then spending Sunday dreading Monday morning, for years on end.

The other possibility is some sort of business but I haven't been able to figure out what. 
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 10:13:26 AM
Income on what scale?


Not a whole lot; +- 50k
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: charby on September 26, 2007, 11:41:40 AM
Income on what scale?


Not a whole lot; +- 50k

$50K per year is a lot...   

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 26, 2007, 12:18:42 PM
Riley, are you sure there aren't some smaller accounting outfits you could work for? The accountant I use has several people working in his office, and most of them are older. One woman is in her 70's.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 12:38:23 PM
That would be about perfect.  I thought I was there just a few days ago when a firm called in response to my resume.  We were having a fine conversation until I answered the question "what have you been doing the last 2 years?"  After the "C" word, there was only the sound of crickets chirping.  Never even got an interview.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Euclidean on September 26, 2007, 12:40:33 PM
Income on what scale?


Not a whole lot; +- 50k

$50K per year is a lot...   

It is, but in the ideal situation he's probably actually qualified to make twice that amount.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 12:55:31 PM
It is, but in the ideal situation he's probably actually qualified to make twice that amount.

Only if I got lucky and were in a large metro area.  Most probably though the lack of a CPA certificate would keep me away from 6 figures.  That amount would be unreachable around here; most small business owners don't earn that much themselves.  Plus, this is a college town with plenty of cheap labor.  laugh
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Big_R on September 26, 2007, 12:56:49 PM
It's too bad you're not willing to travel because the whole Sarbanes-Oxley thing created a tremendous market for accounting auditors.  Most corporations use a third party agency to run their compliance audit.  With your experience, that seems like a possible fit.  Try an internet search for accounting auditor jobs.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2007, 12:57:07 PM
college town

There's your source of income.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on September 26, 2007, 12:59:25 PM
What? Harvesting the organs of college kids?
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 26, 2007, 01:15:53 PM
Nope, harvesting the money of college kids.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 01:24:22 PM
Brad, if you're thinking private tutoring, I'm not qualified, having been out of school for  a loooooooonnng time.  The whole practice of accountancy changed during the 80's, splitting into specialties.  It's a whole new ball game (although the basics are the same).  Now there's 'Management Accounting -used only for internal decision making purposes, Enterprise Accounting -agricultural, the whole just in time concept along with a bunch of new professional qualifications.  I'm a freaking dinosaur, and not about to go back to school.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: jnojr on September 26, 2007, 01:34:04 PM
That would be about perfect.  I thought I was there just a few days ago when a firm called in response to my resume.  We were having a fine conversation until I answered the question "what have you been doing the last 2 years?"  After the "C" word, there was only the sound of crickets chirping.  Never even got an interview.

So stop saying the "C" word.

When they ask what you've been doing, say you tried retirement and it didn't really fit for you, and you realized you want to work for several more years.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 26, 2007, 01:46:38 PM
When they ask what you've been doing, say you tried retirement and it didn't really fit for you, and you realized you want to work for several more years.

That's what I'll have to do, and it is partially true.  I recovered from treatment before the end of 2006, and haven't done anything, even look for work, since then.  So I did try retirement.   Sooner or later though, I'd have to come clean.  The surgery took my sternocleidmastoid (the big muscle on the side of the neck) and the radiation fried all but one of my saliva glands, so I carry a bottle of water around all the time.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Bogie on September 26, 2007, 02:28:06 PM
"You gotta hire me - the ol' lady says she'll kill me if I keep hanging out in the living room."
I'd suggest going into a part-time business. Heck - do taxes.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: grampster on September 26, 2007, 03:21:13 PM

I take some meds that dry up saliva.  Try chewing sugarless gum, helps produce saliva.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: charby on September 26, 2007, 04:16:44 PM
college town

There's your source of income.


open a liquor store or a bar with discount beer nights.

Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 26, 2007, 05:59:17 PM
Open a Bar Smiley
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 27, 2007, 06:05:35 AM
The answer is obvious
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 27, 2007, 06:49:32 AM
is there something you really love to do?  now might be the time to try it.i made a career change in my 40's  best thig i ever did  but scary
and another tack you might try is turn the recovery into an asset. i am an alcoholic and junkie  15 years sober 20 some off the dope. i am candid about it and turn it to an asset with many folks. i can tell you that i admire anyone who can deal with the stress of cancer and come through it. its far from easy from what i've seen. i've always prefered being candid cause when the truth comes out   and it almost always does  the fact you've concealed something affects the me my sis worked for a number of accounting firms with offices all over i'll give ya her number and she might be able to help hook you up with someone in your area.and if someone is such a pissant that the fact you had a disease and fought through it deters em from hiring you screw em  their loss and you don't need to work for a pissant anyway. i
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 27, 2007, 06:51:32 AM
I'd suggest going into a part-time business. Heck - do taxes.

I've been doing seasonal tax work all along.  About 1997 I gave up my client base to go corporate (bad choice  undecided, but I didn't know it yet)   Lemme back up.  Sometime in the late 1980,s several of my tax clients were realtors who consistently earned upwards of $100k.  I wasn't making anywhere near that. Plus, I was in a depression (didn't know that, either) and had just gone through a divorce and lost my house.

I looked at them, looked at the numbers and said to myself "hell, I can do this".  So I got my real estate license and went to work.  Right off, I had two strikes against me (yet another thing I didn't know then).  First, I had no idea how to sell real estate. Sure, I had a license, knew the mechanics, rules, law, ethics of a real estate transaction, but that was it.  I had no idea how to get listings (which shouldhave been my focus).  Instead, I wound up driving 'buyers' (ha!) around three counties.  I didn't know how to sell, I didn't qualify them, I wasn't working with a loan agent. Nada.

Second, the recession of 1990 hit, then Saddam invaded Kuwait. Interest rates went up, real estate activity went down, and I was screwed, blued and tatooed.   I jumped over to working for a mortgage broker selling loans and refis.  Unknown to me, the broker and his wife were involved in some shaky deals, were on the verge of divorce and coked up to boot. I didn't sell many loans, and didn't get paid for some I did sell. My meager post divorce savings were rapidly dwindling.

Onward. I still had the real estate license so the obvious next choice was property management. I earned a wage rather than a commission.  Did everything, screened tenants, did move out inspections, prepared rental agreements, served notices, evicted tenants, prepared owner's financial statements, reconciled bank accounts, etc.  After about 5 years, I was approaching burnout and the owner's wife (who worked in the office) was becoming a real PITA.  One day, she caught me at the wrong time and I said 'take this job and shove it' or words to that effect, cleaned out my desk and left.

My next job search turned up a corporate accounting gig in Orange County, about 300 miles from here, so I gave up my tax client base and relocated. Paid a nice starting salary.  It wasn't too long, however, before I saw the light.  High, high stress, overtime hours with no extra pay (they called me an Accounting Manager-ha!), and volatile clients. Mommy I want to go home.

Next stop was Santa Barbara where I worked preparing multiple financial statements for a lawyer who managed mobile home parks. Won't even go into all the snaky sideways deals in that business.

Anyway, the next job took me back home (into corporate accounting again, but I didn't know it at the time).  Went to work for a small community hospital, a non-profit.  Good starting pay, bennies, stable work environment (ha! double ha!)  It wasn't long before I figured out what was going on.  This hospital, and two others were owned, and being sucked dry, by a group of shysters in San Diego. These guys had big cars, bigger boats, and even bigger houses, under the auspices of a 'non-profit'.  Bankruptcy was the final step in their business plan. Then a sale to an interim owner, who spun off two of the hospitals to a huge west coast healthcare provider with dozens of hospitals (another 'non-profit').  They relocated me 50 miles from home and brought in a series of high paid 'consultants' and idiot sycophant supervisors.  They brought in one chucklehead who had been the CFO of a small local HMO that went broke due to mismanagement, and left it's physicians and patients high and dry.

Anyway, they put this yutz in a position between me and my boss, where there was nothing for him to do. So, he started taking work away from me, to justify his existence. The bastiche was stealing my job and there was nothing I could do about it.  Pretty soon, I had very little to do except keep track of assets (which sounds like a lot of work in a hospital but isn't. The software does all the depreciation and amort, schedules, etc.  All had to do was add new purchases and subtract retirements once a month).  I kept asking for more work to do, but got none.  Had time on my hands and spent a lot of it on THR, working up to 7k+ posts.  Then I got busted.

Unknown to me, the waddling fatass twinkie munching nerds in IT had been monitoring and recording my internet use for several months, and had a complete record of all the sites I visited.  Got called into HR where my idiot boss gleefully showed me the thick stack of records tracking my internet usage.  There followed a lot of head shaking and clucking about 'guns', 'assault weapons', etc., and I was escorted out of the building by security.  That was my last job. (They fired that guy several months later for complete incompetence. He couldn't read and interpret financial statements let alone prepare them.  Hell I could have told them that two years earlier)
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 27, 2007, 06:57:06 AM
I take some meds that dry up saliva.  Try chewing sugarless gum, helps produce saliva.

grampster, check out the Biotene products made especially for 'dry mouth'.  Xylitol gum is useful too, but expensive.

jamisjockey, will they give you a hand with that?  laugh

cassadrasdaddy, thank you for the encouraging words, they are appreciated.  And congratulations on your continuing sobriety.  smiley
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 27, 2007, 07:01:24 AM
I take some meds that dry up saliva.  Try chewing sugarless gum, helps produce saliva.

grampster, check out the Biotene products made especially for 'dry mouth'.  Xylitol gum is useful too, but expensive.

jamisjockey, will they give you a hand with that?  laugh

cassadrasdaddy, thank you for the encouraging words, they are appreciated.  And congratulations on your continuing sobriety.  smiley

It helps if you bring a friend.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on September 27, 2007, 07:02:08 AM
Unknown to me, the waddling fatass twinkie munching nerds in IT had been monitoring and recording my internet use for several months, and had a complete record of all the sites I visited.
You should never have an expectation of privacy on a corporate network.  I'm a fatass IT guy (but I hate twinkies) and people around here get canned pretty regularly for blowing the day on social networking sites and looking at porn.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 27, 2007, 07:20:17 AM
Unknown to me, the waddling fatass twinkie munching nerds in IT had been monitoring and recording my internet use for several months, and had a complete record of all the sites I visited.
You should never have an expectation of privacy on a corporate network.  I'm a fatass IT guy (but I hate twinkies) and people around here get canned pretty regularly for blowing the day on social networking sites and looking at porn.

You're right.  I knew better. I was warned in advance and would have survived it had I been on better terms with my boss. I don't visit porn sites, though.  Either at home or work.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on September 27, 2007, 07:24:32 AM
We had one girl here who was hired, signed the "we know what you look at on the Net" form, and proceeded to wasted days at a time on myspace.  So we blocked myspace.  She starts using proxy sites.  So we block proxy sites.  Each time this happened she was warned, but just kept trying to get around the blocks.  Finally HR took a huge stack of screen shots and browser logs to her, and she was fired.  She had the balls to cry that she was being fired cause the company hated her, and it wasn't fair!
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 27, 2007, 07:33:10 AM
I was considering buying one of these and going into business.   There are plenty of horse ranches and vineyards (do vineyards have gopher problems?) around here.

There's a cemetary on the other side of the mountain from here that uses the Rodenator.  They call the PD beforehand every time because there are always 911 'shots fired' calls.  cheesy
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: jnojr on September 27, 2007, 11:04:38 AM

That's what I'll have to do, and it is partially true.  I recovered from treatment before the end of 2006, and haven't done anything, even look for work, since then.  So I did try retirement.   Sooner or later though, I'd have to come clean.  The surgery took my sternocleidmastoid (the big muscle on the side of the neck) and the radiation fried all but one of my saliva glands, so I carry a bottle of water around all the time.

But you'll "come clean" after you're hired.  Then, if they want to fire you for having had cancer, they can write you a check Wink
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: roo_ster on September 27, 2007, 03:30:51 PM
An aquaintance is a self-employed bookkeeper for several small businesses.  Very generalist type accounting.
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Paddy on September 27, 2007, 03:52:52 PM
And besides, the sooner I get a job, the sooner I'm outta Mike's/Gewher98's/fistful's and anybody else I annoy's hair  cheesy

Although I've seen Mike's photo, and he doesn't have much hair.  laugh laugh laugh
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: charby on September 28, 2007, 03:47:44 AM
here is a job for you...  I got this via email so it must be legit  laugh

Dear Student,

We seek honest, self - motivated people with a desire to work in the home typing and data entry field area. The preferred applicants should be at least 18 years old. No experience is needed. You can earn from $1000 to $3000 dollars per month or more.
You will be instructed to process the information by selecting and entering it online. If you are interested in making money using your computer at home or at school just reply to my email!

-Basic computer and typing skills
-Ability to follow instructions
-Computer with Internet access
-Valid email address
-Basic Internet knowledge

Job description:

-Fill simple marketing forms
-PPC Data entry
-Ad submitters
-Web researchers
-Several other entry level positions

Best Regards,

Brad Sommers
Recruitment Deptartment Manager

Brad Sommers []
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: jefnvk on September 28, 2007, 05:00:56 AM
But, something along those lines -buying, importing, middlemanning, then selling might be just the ticket.  That's the way a lot of ebay sellers work, right?  They have no inventory, they just take orders for stuff, buy it from somebody else, mark it up and sell it?

I got two housemates and a friend who do so.  Theyre making upwards of $1000 a month for about an hour or two of work a day.  Figure if they went full time (were all college kids), they'd be making quite a bit more.  Basically, they bought a membership into a buying club, that gets them discounts/dealer pricing from like 200 stores.  They take products from those stores, list them in their eBay store with a markup.  When the person buys the item, they basically go to the retailer, put their information in the BILL TO fields, the buyers info in the SHIP TO field, and make a quick buck off doing pretty much nothing.  They make whatever profit they get off the markup, and usually a percentage (I think around 6%) from the company they made a sale with. is the dropship company they use
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 28, 2007, 07:10:51 AM
Riley, this is the ultimate opportunity for you!
Title: Re: I need some income
Post by: InfidelSerf on September 28, 2007, 08:11:28 AM
For as little as $6K you can get started in futures trading.   
If you were really serious about learning I could give you a couple names of guys I know that are pretty successful at it.
There are some great tax advantages to trading futures over other securities.
Just a thought.