Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Paddy on November 08, 2007, 02:07:11 PM

Title: I predict........
Post by: Paddy on November 08, 2007, 02:07:11 PM
.....this is the 'Prediction Thread'.  The only rules (that I can think of now) is that 1) your prognostication must be no further out than one year.  Anything from tomorrow to one year from now qualifies. 2) You must provide some logical support for your prediction.

I predict gas will go to $4 gal before the end of the year and $5 gal within one year.  I predict there will be massive defaults on big fuel inefficient vehicles within a year.  Here's my reasoning: Many people bought large gas guzzling vehicles within the last 3 or so years, without putting any money down.  They used 'rebates' from the manufacturers as their 'down payment'.  Then, they strung the loans out for 60, 72, and in some cases, 84 months.  That's seven years!  These folks are now 'upside down' (the loan balance is more than the vehicle is worth) in something they can no longer afford to drive.

These loan defaults will hit an already weakened economy, and hit it hard.

What's your prediction?
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Brad Johnson on November 08, 2007, 02:13:32 PM
I predict that something, somewhere, will be fistful's fault.

On a less serious note, I predict Blu-Ray will win the high-def video disc war just in time for someone to bring out an immediately cost-competitive VOD product that makes it obsolete.

Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Paddy on November 08, 2007, 02:15:53 PM
fait accompli. No support needed.  grin
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: grampster on November 08, 2007, 02:21:25 PM
I hope you're right.  I'll be needing to get a replacement 4wd quad cab pickup right about spring time.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 08, 2007, 02:36:00 PM
I see this Christmas bringing lots of money to private US toy makers as China continues to poison our children with lead and date rape drugs.  I can see ammo doubling in price due to a combination of rising transportation cost and a falling dollar. I can see our bonehead in the White house getting us into a shooting war with Iran. I can see so many homes foreclosing that the housing market tanks and people that have already paid off their house will be in a nice position. The dollar will be even with the peso and credit will be almost impossible to get without either being wealthy already or signing yourself into debt slavery.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Bogie on November 08, 2007, 02:56:15 PM
I can see me driving a nice new(ish) tow vehicle...
I see China and India going after Pakistan and the middle east.
I see Iran launching another attack against The Great Satan, and the Ivy League fighter pilot in the white house asking the house and senate what to do, getting a mass of gibberish back, and saying the heck with it and nuking the place after chatting with India, China and telling Putin that he'd better keep his head down.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Tallpine on November 08, 2007, 03:00:10 PM
I predict semi-Global Warming starting about March 1st.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Scout26 on November 08, 2007, 03:02:24 PM
I predict Heller will be granted cert and will rule that the 2A is a Individual Right, but it will be a very narrow ruling with a 7-2 vote.

On the foreign front, OBL will be killed and his body found.  Democrats will call for an immediate withdraw from Afghanistan.

Hillary's campaign will implode, but she'll still be the nominee, Obama will be her running mate.  (Under the theory of keep you friends close and enemies closer.)

Ron Paul supporters will go to Guyana and drink lots of grape Kool-Aid when their guy consistently gets only 2-5% of the vote in every primary.

Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Polishrifleman on November 08, 2007, 03:07:16 PM
I like this.

But mine starts within a year but I want 5yrs on the return.

I precidt the price of wheat will tumble forcing farmers to switch crops producing more crops used for alternative energy creating a catch 22 situation by creating another shortage where wheat will double again and the American farmer will lose out.

This will all happen because Australia's drought will end, the demand for alternative fuels will only increase, and Australia will gain market share on the wheat industry.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Scout26 on November 08, 2007, 03:30:49 PM
Bogie,  which kinda Tow vehicle ??

One like this:

Or like this:

Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: DJJ on November 08, 2007, 03:34:12 PM
I predict Heller will be granted cert and will rule that the 2A is a Individual Right, but it will be a very narrow ruling with a 7-2 vote.

I predict Heller will be granted cert and the SC will rule that the 2A is an individual right, but subject to reasonable restrictions, and the DC ban is reasonable. They won't say what's unreasonable - just that they'll know it when they see it, and DC isn't it.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: charby on November 08, 2007, 04:27:54 PM
one years time?

I'm going to win the biggest powerball ever.  I wish, I guess I better start playing.

I see lots of forclosures nationwide. I see the government bailing the dopes out who took more house/loan that they should.

Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Euclidean on November 08, 2007, 05:48:22 PM
I predict the major media outlets will keep saturating us with up to date accounts of the lives of degenerate movie stars.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: CAnnoneer on November 08, 2007, 05:57:20 PM
I predict most predictions will be wrong, including possibly this one.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: griz on November 09, 2007, 02:20:59 AM
I predict semi-Global Warming starting about March 1st.

Does semi-global mean northern hemisphere?  smiley

I predict that the election next year will be claimed to be "the most important one ever" because the winner will get to pick judges.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Devonai on November 09, 2007, 05:15:09 AM
I predict that a man who looks almost exactly like me will strip naked, smear himself with vaseline, and snipe squirrels with a .22-250 from the bell tower overlooking Copley Place.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: grampster on November 09, 2007, 05:25:22 AM
The next four years:

Hillary will be elected President, but the House and and Senate swing back Republican enough so that RINO's won't make a difference.  That way blessed gridlock will prevail for 4 years.

The Repubs will get enough balls to put forth an energy bill that is veto proof that allows us to exploit our own natural resources.  (oil in the Green River basin, oil in alaska and off the coasts of Kali and Fla.)  Much headway will be made in making it easier to plan and build nuclear power plants.  Construction begins on several as well as headway is made in enlarging several refineries.
Some leaps are made in technology with batteries.  Falling oil prices causes the collapse of several autocratic states.  Oil stabilizes at about $40.00 a barrel.

Two years from now Al Gore will be making a movie that shows Globular Worming is causing a cool down and the next ice age in imminent.

Nuclear power plants will spawn a plan to build high speed electric elevated trains along the major N-S, E-W interstates.  A building boom takes hold.  The world economy expands.

There is a nuclear accident in Iran that causes a revolution and Iran shrugs off Islamic Rule.  Turkey and the new Iran begin to stabilize the Middle East.  Israel is at peace and Palestine becomes protectorate of Israel.

China and India pick over the bones of Pakistan.

The world ends.....
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Stetson on November 09, 2007, 10:34:52 AM
I predict my wife will give birth to our daughter somewhere in March, or real close to it.....

I predict in the 2 weeks following I will lose a lot of sleep.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Werewolf on November 09, 2007, 10:56:32 AM
1. The sun will rise 366 times in the next year. Nuff said (remember 2008 is a leap year)

2. The price of oil will rise to $125 a barrel causing a recession.

3. A darkhorse candidate will win the Democratic Primary (no idea who) - Hillary and Obama are eating each other alive right now, too many negatives for Hillary and when push comes to shove I don't think your average Dem will vote for a black guy when the curtain closes. The rest of the current crop of Dem candidates are just too wierd, too stupid or too ate up with their selves to resonate with voters.

4. The turks and the kurds are going to go at it tooth and nail in Iraq. The US will protest but essentially ignore the situation because it cannot afford to piss off the turks and still retain a viable supply line to its forces in Iraq.

5. Iran will do something stupid like attacking Israel or the US. Being thoroughly involved in Iraq the US will stand around with its thumb up its ass with a stupid look on its face wondering what to do next which will in the end be nothing (maybe launch a few gratuitous cruise missiles).

6. Europe will continue to suck.

7. Africa will remain the brown eye of the world.

8. OJ Simpson will finally get what he deserves and go to jail.

9. Microsoft will keep on issuing the never ending stream of security patches for XP and Vista.

10. APS will continue to be a gathering place for the rational, the nutty, the funny, the wierd and Fistful.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on November 09, 2007, 11:02:39 AM
Stetson, congrats.

As far as my prediction?

Like my Grampa' always said, there are only teo things certain in life.

Death and Taxes.

Therefore, I predict the following:
1.  A few people will die.
2.  Many people will pay taxes.

That said, if someone bumps this thread in a year, I will be the only person 100% correct.....
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Mabs2 on November 09, 2007, 11:06:05 AM
Stetson, congrats.

As far as my prediction?

Like my Grampa' always said, there are only teo things certain in life.

Death and Taxes.

Therefore, I predict the following:
1.  A few people will die.
2.  Many people will pay taxes.

That said, if someone bumps this thread in a year, I will be the only person 100% correct.....
People will also be born over the next year.
That makes me 100% correct.
Which makes you not the only person 100% correct.
Which makes you not 100% correct.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on November 09, 2007, 11:12:06 AM
In part, I completely agree.


Stetson, congrats.

As far as my prediction?

Like my Grampa' always said, there are only teo things certain in life.

Death and Taxes.

Therefore, I predict the following:
1.  A few people will die.
2.  Many people will pay taxes.

That said, if someone bumps this thread in a year, I will be the only person 100% correct.....
People will also be born over the next year.
That makes me 100% correct.
Which makes you not the only person 100% correct.
Which makes you not 100% correct.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: RevDisk on November 09, 2007, 07:34:21 PM

The only "out on a limb" prediction I'll make is that the US will try to start a war with Iran.  More than likely, Iran will pretend nothing happened and try to look the other way.

Aside from that, oil prices, taxes and the general cost of living will go up and the dollar will continue going down.  Politicians will continue to be scum.  In other words, more of the same.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Paddy on November 09, 2007, 07:36:06 PM
In other words, more of the same.

At an accelerated rate that the people will how long ignore?
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: RevDisk on November 09, 2007, 08:47:48 PM
In other words, more of the same.

At an accelerated rate that the people will how long ignore?

As long as possible.  Never underestimate the ability for folks to ignore the elephant in the room.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 09, 2007, 08:51:43 PM
Oh, come on.  There's no elephant here.  You guys are just crazy.   smiley
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Waitone on November 10, 2007, 12:10:11 PM
I predict major turmoil in banking and finance.  Some really big names will go away.  Financial gangsterism will show up in the news.  Some really weird political stuff will appear.  The bloom will fall from Hillary's rose when her power brokers realize she is better positioned to run the senate.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 10, 2007, 12:21:54 PM
APS will grow to two million members, with forums for every conceivable topic.  It will completely replace all other media, and the Constitution will be amended so that the President is elected by a simple online poll. 

Indian food will become a national obsession.

In popular culture, the fifties will make a big come-back.  Music, dress and styles of dance will revert to a fifties sensibility.

Ron Paul will host a hit game show and become very popular in Japan.  Japan will become a libertarian paradise, and the wearing of swords will once again be in vogue.  Ron Paul will become Prime Minister of Japan in 2015.

Soccer will be outlawed in the U.S. and Malaysia, though no one quite knows why. 
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: grampster on November 10, 2007, 06:03:58 PM
Soccer will be banned in America because the first three letters of the word soccer is soc, and that denotes violence and there shall be zero tolerance for violence. police police
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: Twycross on November 10, 2007, 07:39:45 PM
Iran and the US wil continue rattling sabers at each other, but neither one will actually do anything.

Gas prices will continue to rise, but will not go above $4.50/gal.

The Iraq situation will remain more or less the same.

Army deployments will remain as 15-month tours.

Fistful's post count will exceed 10,000.

And I will get a CHL.
Title: Re: I predict........
Post by: RocketMan on November 10, 2007, 07:41:40 PM
I predict that a year from now we will be in the midst of a severe recession, perhaps even a depression.  The highlights: One in ten out of work; oil still over $100 a barrel; the dollar at new lows against the euro; holders of US debt bailing out in a major way; the DJIA looking up at 10,000; the housing market still far from any meaningful recovery; Hillary elected; SCOTUS having ruled the 2nd is a collective right; still embroiled in Iraq; licking wounds from something stupid done in Iran; new AWB legislation without grandfathering introduced in Congress with a good chance of passage; NOLA will still be a pit; major tax increase legislation introduced in Congress with a good chance of passage; etc.

Yeah, I feel real happy-go-lucky right now.