Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Nitrogen on November 23, 2007, 06:48:09 PM

Title: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Nitrogen on November 23, 2007, 06:48:09 PM
I was listening to Sirius Left tonight (I am a liberal, but don't hold it against me) and listening to the new show that replaced Stephanie Miller, called Make It Plain.
It's a show about African American issues. The guy strikes me as one of these really nutty "America is still keeping the Black Man down" i.e. a whiny nut.) This was the first I really listened. He was talking to a caller about gun control, and of course, I had to call and remind Mr. Thompson about the racist roots of gun control.

He replied with the most amazing bit of mental gymnastics I've ever heard.
He basically said that while gun control was based in racism, NOW the lack of gun control is racism, because African Americans are killing each other with guns; and easy access to guns is just a Republican plot to make things harder for them.


Yeah, I know. I was DUMBFOUNDED when he laid this one on me. The circuit breaker in my brain protecting me from Dumb tripped audibly.

I just can't believe some people, sometimes.  I was literally knocked speechless, and that doesn't happen often.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Manedwolf on November 23, 2007, 06:53:03 PM
So Republicans are the ones behind people illegally buying illegal guns illegally from illegal dealers in illegal transactions often financed by illegal substances.

Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 23, 2007, 07:05:01 PM
To bad you didn't have time for a followup question. You could have asked him if he believed the theory that the CIA was involved in cocaine trafficking to help keep blacks down.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: wooderson on November 23, 2007, 07:28:30 PM
It's not actually a bizarre statement, if you remove the part where he asserts conscious racism - "A party/interest group/etc. that protects the interests of Group X doesn't care about problems that effect People Y." Isn't that basic self-interest (or, you know, people aligning along class interests...)?

The best way to engage with someone like this gentleman is not to dismiss him out of hand, but to ask him if firearms can be isolated from socio-economic status, proximity to the fallout of the War on Drugs, etc..
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: gunsmith on November 24, 2007, 12:10:14 AM
So....does he want a return of Jim Crow gun laws?

He only wants white people having guns?

heck, I'm Irish and that scares ME!
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Len Budney on November 24, 2007, 03:10:55 AM
So Republicans are the ones behind people illegally buying illegal guns illegally from illegal dealers in illegal transactions often financed by illegal substances.

Brilliant! I don't think you could cram in even one more "illegal."  grin
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Standing Wolf on November 24, 2007, 03:33:35 AM
He basically said that while gun control was based in racism, NOW the lack of gun control is racism, because African Americans are killing each other with guns; and easy access to guns is just a Republican plot to make things harder for them.

Yep. White people have to prevent those poor colored folks from themselves. The white man's burden can never be set down.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Boomhauer on November 24, 2007, 03:54:41 AM
I'll do you one better...

I caught a rerun of Rush Limbaugh on Thursday.

He had a guy name Moe call in and claim that

1) Condeleeza Rice and Dick Cheney bought insurance on the World Trade Center 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days before the Sept. 11 attacks

2) Condeleeza admitted to this during a trial

Rush held him over a break and then once Moe was gone, he started a nice tin-foil hat trick. Saying that it was a bad, bad move to blab about it on the radio and that the gov't had called during the break for the call records laugh

It was funny as hell.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: HankB on November 24, 2007, 06:00:20 AM
NOW the lack of gun control is racism, because African Americans are killing each other with guns; and easy access to guns is just a Republican plot to make things harder for them.
Hey, spread the word . . . all black people have to do in order to undermine whitey's plot is stop killing each other; should be simple, right?  rolleyes

The frightening thing is that some supposedly sane people take asinine gibberish like that seriously . . .
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Fly320s on November 24, 2007, 06:18:02 AM
Does this mean that I have to stop buying 'black' rifles?  Or other black guns?

Or does this mean that I need more black rifles and guns?

Hmmm... I think it's the latter.  grin
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: K Frame on November 24, 2007, 06:43:40 AM
Ah, another advocate of the NRA... Negro Removal Association... as one hard-core leftist public radio columnist once called it.

Maybe the war on drugs is also based on racisim...
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 25, 2007, 05:40:40 PM
I am a liberal, but don't hold it against me
How can you listen to such tripe and remain affiliated with that loony bin? Come join the libertarians, we're like Republicans except we believe in small government, not invading third world countries for fun, and don't like government sanctioned torture. Oh and a real economy with real money wouldn't be bad either.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Manedwolf on November 25, 2007, 05:57:51 PM
I am a liberal, but don't hold it against me
How can you listen to such tripe and remain affiliated with that loony bin? Come join the libertarians, we're like Republicans except we believe in small government, not invading third world countries for fun, and don't like government sanctioned torture. Oh and a real economy with real money wouldn't be bad either.

And black helicopters, and illuminati/skull and bones/zionist plots, controlled demolitions on 9/11 and never getting many people elected to office.

Until the libertarians ditch the loon element, they're not going anywhere but as point-and-laugh characters on network crime dramas.

Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Nitrogen on November 25, 2007, 06:18:46 PM
I am a liberal, but don't hold it against me
How can you listen to such tripe and remain affiliated with that loony bin? Come join the libertarians, we're like Republicans except we believe in small government, not invading third world countries for fun, and don't like government sanctioned torture. Oh and a real economy with real money wouldn't be bad either.

I believe in the core of what the belief used to be about. 
I like some parts of libertarianism, but other parts bother me.  I'd actually call myself a "Liberaltarian".

In postscript, I heard the rebroadcast of the show tonight.  Something I found interesting.  After the host brought up gun control, he had 4 calls before he went to another scripted part of the show, and then it ended.

All four callers, including myself, were against gun control.
This surprised and pleased me, because yes, this guy is a loon, and I assume his show attracts mostly loons.  But this is the Liberal sirius radio channel; and that he got 4 callers in a row against gun control warmed my heart.  Slightly.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 25, 2007, 06:24:34 PM
And black helicopters, and illuminati/skull and bones/zionist plots, controlled demolitions on 9/11
All parties have nutjobs, the Democrats are the only party that cater to them. Ron Paul ditched the Liberty Dollar loonies as soon as they reared their ugly head. The so called "liberals" in this country are not even true to the definition of the word. I think Nitrogen is a real liberal, but the ones in power are fakes. Big government nanny states the want to regulate everything down to the number of buttons on your shirt are not liberal at all.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: El Tejon on November 27, 2007, 02:35:56 AM
Did you ask if Blacks should sign statements promising never to own firearms and subject to random searches to ensure they have no guns?

I have asked Jesse Jackson if he would agree to such treatment for African-Americans.  So far no response.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Art Eatman on November 27, 2007, 09:39:19 AM
Thread Drift:  Many of the more humanitarian goals of Liberals are okay.  Usually, however, the means of achieving those goals is anathema to those who work to earn them, themselves.  That is, when you raise taxes to support a program which is largely inefficacious, and then want to enlarge the program in spite of failures, you ain't playing with a full deck.

And that's largely descriptive of our welfare system and our public education system.  "More money!" does not equate to success.

Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: griz on November 27, 2007, 10:20:31 AM
There was a gun store owner in one of our major cities who used a unique ploy to counter Mr. Jackson's assertion that black violence was the fault of the people marketing guns.  To point out the absurity, he agreed with Jesse, and said he would not sell guns to blacks.  Of course it was to make a point, and he got some publicity out of it.  What ever happened to that guy?
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Nitrogen on November 27, 2007, 10:38:55 AM
To point out the absurity, he agreed with Jesse, and said he would not sell guns to blacks. 

I've got to remember this next time the issue comes up.

Hopefully, I don't meet that many people that use this crazy argument.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 27, 2007, 01:33:34 PM
The last time I went to a gun show, I saw two things.  First, there was the Black fellow purchasing a handgun.  And I wondered if that would properly horrify the tools a few rows over that were selling Klan t-shirts.  (And that was the second thing, I hope you could figure that out.) 

I probably should have said something to the shirt-pimping mouth-breathers, but I was just in the worst possible mood a person could be in, and still be surrounded by yummy weapons.*  I think all gun shows need a policy whereby, if you sell racist garbage, the annoying guy with the stun gun gets to use you for demonstrations.  Repeatedly. 

*Unless you were surrounded by weapons aimed at you.  That would put you in an even worse mood than what I was in.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 27, 2007, 02:48:40 PM
I'm still a fan of the Jews Vs the KKK Jerry Springer beatdown. They knocked the sheet out of them. (pun intended)
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 27, 2007, 03:15:22 PM
I'm still a fan of the Jews Vs the KKK Jerry Springer beatdown. They knocked the sheet out of them. (pun intended)

Ooooh!!  That would be cool.  I guess I missed it.  Probably staged anyhow, I guess. 
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Balog on November 27, 2007, 03:26:45 PM
I've always wondered why the gun show organizers let racist idiots set up booths. Do they not screen them or something?
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 27, 2007, 04:01:46 PM
I looked it up for you Fistful, you should be happy. The episode is described as
"Klanfrontation!" in which hooded members of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) brawled with members of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 27, 2007, 05:20:25 PM
I've always wondered why the gun show organizers let racist idiots set up booths. Do they not screen them or something? 

In this case, it was just one box of t-shirts out of a whole table full of guns and politics-themed shirts.  It was covered with a cardboard sign warning of its offensive nature.   rolleyes  It was the "Original Boys in the Hood" t-shirt, if any of you have seen that one.  Maybe they didn't have any Klan sympathies and just thought it was a funny shirt? 

All the same, it would be nice if the organizers would have a little more sense about these things, if they want gun shows to remain legal.  They should enact that stun-gun rule. 

I looked it up for you Fistful, you should be happy. The episode is described as
"Klanfrontation!" in which hooded members of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) brawled with members of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League

Thanks, homey.  Once I realized it was probably staged, it kinda ruined it for me.   smiley
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: LadySmith on November 27, 2007, 09:17:01 PM
It was the "Original Boys in the Hood" t-shirt, if any of you have seen that one.

I saw a pile of those the last time I went to a gun show. It didn't have a warning cover, though. I was looking through the stacks of more innocent gun-related shirts and then came across those. The proprietor caught me looking and rushed to distract me with her 3-legged dog.

I considered buying one to wear out and about just to watch people's heads explode from the glaring contradiction, but that would've been mean.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 27, 2007, 11:16:47 PM
LadySmith, I'm curious.  Did you think the shirt was racist, or did you just see it as a joke?  I've always seen it as the former, but maybe because I first saw it on a racist website.  And I know a racist who has one.  Or is that a stupid question? 
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Manedwolf on November 28, 2007, 05:07:49 AM
I've always wondered why the gun show organizers let racist idiots set up booths. Do they not screen them or something?

The item at gun shows that always just makes me shake my head is replica Hitler Youth knives made in Communist China.

Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 28, 2007, 07:01:00 AM
I usually go by who is wearing that kind of stuff. I would consider a black person wearing one to have my kind of humor and pointing out the retardedness of society. If it is a scruffy white guy surrounded by other scruffy white guys I'm going to go with the racist factor. 1st amendment makes it legal, nothing makes it good taste.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Manedwolf on November 28, 2007, 08:58:34 AM
I usually go by who is wearing that kind of stuff. I would consider a black person wearing one to have my kind of humor and pointing out the retardedness of society. If it is a scruffy white guy surrounded by other scruffy white guys I'm going to go with the racist factor. 1st amendment makes it legal, nothing makes it good taste.

That sounds rather like Isiah Thomas saying its okay for black men to call black women bitches but that it's offensive for white men to do it.

Gotta love double standards with extra hypocrisy!  rolleyes
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Len Budney on November 28, 2007, 09:03:51 AM
Gotta love double standards with extra hypocrisy!  rolleyes

I'm no fan of double standards in general, but if my wife says "I'm gonna kill you!" and waves a kitchen knife at me, I'm confident she's being rhetorical. If you did the same thing to me, I'd probably draw down.

Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 28, 2007, 09:59:59 AM
I'm going on personal experience. The only black racist I know of is Jesse Jackson. The number of scruffy white racists is exponentially higher.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Firethorn on November 28, 2007, 12:05:14 PM
I'm going on personal experience. The only black racist I know of is Jesse Jackson. The number of scruffy white racists is exponentially higher.

Well, based on population you'd expect about 8 times as many white racists as compared to black racists.

But black racists do exist, and there's more of them than Jesse.  It's just that they don't get news time like Jesse or any white racists found.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: K Frame on November 28, 2007, 12:12:21 PM
There have been some seriously nasty racial incidents between asians and blacks in a number of areas around the nation over the past couple of years.

I was struck that some of the language coming from the black camp was very similar to language that used to come from the actively racist white camps.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 28, 2007, 01:55:44 PM
I'm going on personal experience. The only black racist I know of is Jesse Jackson.   

Then you have an underexposure to Black America. 
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: yesitsloaded on November 28, 2007, 03:36:25 PM
I meant the only black person that I know of that is racist against other blacks. He evidently thinks black people are little children that can't be trusted with weapons or the ability to spend their own money as they see fit.
Title: Re: Best argument for Gun Control I've ever heard. No, really.
Post by: Firethorn on November 30, 2007, 08:30:25 AM
I meant the only black person that I know of that is racist against other blacks. He evidently thinks black people are little children that can't be trusted with weapons or the ability to spend their own money as they see fit.

In which case you need to study some of the police racist profiling reports - even black officers will stop black drivers more often.  Whether that's racist or not, I'll leave up to the reader.