Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Tallpine on December 03, 2007, 11:22:38 AM

Title: War on Toads
Post by: Tallpine on December 03, 2007, 11:22:38 AM,2933,314619,00.html

In October, a Kansas City man was charged with possessing a controlled substance after Clay County authorities determined he possessed a toad with the intent to use its venom to get high.

Clay County Prosecutor Daniel White said possessing the toad is not illegal, but using it to get high off its venom is.

"It is easier to get it, and law enforcement might not immediately know you use it to get high," White said. "It's sort of a New Age way to get high. You convince yourself it is OK because it is something you get naturally from our environment.

"There are a lot of things that are created naturally but they are still not legal," he said.

This is just getting ridiculous  rolleyes

I thought if something was not specifically banned by statute then it was legal...?  Do they just make up new "laws" as they go along?  shocked

I get a sort of "high" from riding my horse (at least I feel better afterwards).

What's next: outlawing horseback riding, mountain climbing, etc Huh?
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Polishrifleman on December 03, 2007, 11:46:18 AM
In October, a Kansas City man was charged with possessing a controlled substance after Clay County authorities determined he possessed a toad with the intent to use its venom to get high.

Is that a frog in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Who thinks of this stuff?  Man am I glad that I have money to support my bad habits, otherwise you might find me wasting away in some dark corner of humanity sniffing poo or chasing frogs. sad

While smoking toad venom might sound extreme, an even more disturbing method to get high possibly includes sniffing fermented human waste.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: HankB on December 03, 2007, 11:50:03 AM
Clay County Prosecutor Daniel White said possessing the toad is not illegal,
If possessing the toad is not illegal . . . then how did they establish intent to get high? If toad licking is explicitly prohibited in the law but possession is not, did law enforcement witness the accused licking said toad? If so, how did they determine that said licking was an attempt at intoxication, rather than a display of affection?

These stories are weirder and weirder every day . . .
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: roo_ster on December 03, 2007, 12:08:33 PM
Would it be legal if the toad-licker claimed it was some sort of odd sexual practice?  Some days, it seems the only thing protected is the "right" to get your freak on.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Sergeant Bob on December 03, 2007, 03:38:23 PM
In October, a Kansas City man was charged with possessing a controlled substance after Clay County authorities determined he possessed a toad with the intent to use its venom to get high.

Is that a frog in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Who thinks of this stuff?  Man am I glad that I have money to support my bad habits, otherwise you might find me wasting away in some dark corner of humanity sniffing poo or chasing frogs. sad

While smoking toad venom might sound extreme, an even more disturbing method to get high possibly includes sniffing fermented human waste.

Wasn't that poo sniffing thing debunked? If so, since when are urban legends news? Yeah, I know, silly question.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: yesitsloaded on December 03, 2007, 04:06:40 PM
I was actually thinking about whipping up a batch of Jenkem just to make the myth true. I wouldn't use it mind you, but I know people that I could probably talk into taking a hit of it "just to see what would happen".
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Balog on December 03, 2007, 04:13:06 PM
Would it be legal if the toad-licker claimed it was some sort of odd sexual practice?  Some days, it seems the only thing protected is the "right" to get your freak on.

That made me laugh exceptionally hard.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: RevDisk on December 04, 2007, 01:52:55 AM
Would it be legal if the toad-licker claimed it was some sort of odd sexual practice?  Some days, it seems the only thing protected is the "right" to get your freak on.

Two points of view.  One is that the People will silently consent to virtually any mass infringement on their civil liberties as long as they have proper creature comforts.  If one has plenty of food and entertainment, they will not revolt.  Try to infringe on people's rights to get their freak on (assuming of legal age and consent), and you'd have a revolution within ten minutes.  I know I'd be one of them.

Second point, according to the number of recent sex scandals, our elected officials have zero personal interest in banning odd sexual behavior on the grounds that their own laws would be used against themselves.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: seeker_two on December 04, 2007, 01:12:36 PM
Somehow, the slow-boiling frog analogy works here....  angry
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: gunsmith on December 04, 2007, 02:50:37 PM
you don't lick the toad, you get the "venom"
and you dry it out and smoke it.
It's venom is a form of DMT, A wonderful (short acting) drug that can cause you to forget you're human and cause you to see aliens and claim spiritual enlightenment.
Don't ask how I know, it's a long story.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Sindawe on December 04, 2007, 04:01:08 PM
I wonder.  Are those who habitually smoke toad venom called Toadies?
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Regolith on December 04, 2007, 09:39:03 PM
Didn't family guy do an episode on this like, four years ago?  undecided
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: seeker_two on December 05, 2007, 01:37:44 AM
I wonder.  Are those who habitually smoke toad venom called Toadies?

How do you keep the toad lit?....  undecided
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Zeke on December 08, 2007, 10:26:22 PM
There's a town in southern Missouri named "Toad Suck Ferry".  Sounds like somebody there knew about this many years ago.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Cromlech on December 09, 2007, 03:45:19 AM
It's venom is a form of DMT, A wonderful (short acting) drug that can cause you to forget you're human and cause you to see aliens and claim spiritual enlightenment.
DMT - The Spirit Molecule is a book Joe Rogan always goes on about. He talked about his DMT experiences too, and how DMT is something that can be produced in the human brain, when dreaming.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: gunsmith on December 09, 2007, 03:06:33 PM
there are many legal varieties of DMT.
One time, about 30 years ago I tried some.
Two goo covered scary looking aliens appeared in front of me...well...they sort of materialized...I guess.
I asked them what they wanted and they told me they were "conducting an epidemiological study of the epidermis of humans, and they needed a sample from me" I was horrified, as at the time, I was still using my epidermis....I had a red shirt on and thought I saw blood and that they had started the removal process.
a couple of minutes later when I came down my friends told me I was yelling "no,I need it" rolleyes

That was the last time I ever considered trying psychedelics.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: grislyatoms on December 09, 2007, 03:12:47 PM
That was the last time I ever considered trying psychedelics.


I saw a guy on a bad trip at a party right at the beginning of my "drinking career". Luckily, it scared me so badly I never had any business with psychedelics.
Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Perd Hapley on December 09, 2007, 07:46:16 PM
Didn't family guy do an episode on this like, four years ago?  undecided

And Homer Simpson licked a frog well before that. 

Title: Re: War on Toads
Post by: Tallpine on December 10, 2007, 06:42:13 AM
Have you all heard my story about the time all my friends were on acid, and I was perfectly sober, but managed to freak myself out just as bad as if I was high? 

No, but I'm sure you will tell us  laugh

Personally, I think one would have to already be pretty freaked out or high on something to even consider injesting toad slime in any form, but hey - it's your own business.  I don't like liver, either - but I don't care if you eat it.