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Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 09:52:15 AM »
Death toll now reportedly at 12
They're also saying a nine year old girl was killed but knowing Hezbollah we'll never know if they're just making that up or not.

Oh and more on the Iranian ambassador

The injured included Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, who suffered serious head injuries and lost an eye, according to Iranian state-run news outlet al-Mehr.

The Roundtable / Re: LET US PRAY
« Last post by Pb on Today at 09:18:18 AM »
Anything new going on in the legal world?
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by WLJ on Today at 08:56:04 AM »
Given the extent of the injuries in that video, there is no way in hell that that was a battery explosion. I can't see any way that a lithium battery could generate the power to cause injuries like that.

From TDM

A former British Army bomb disposal officer explained that an explosive device has five main components: A container, a battery, a triggering device, a detonator and an explosive charge.

'A pager has three of those already,' explained the ex-officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he now works as a consultant with clients on the Middle East.

'You would only need to add the detonator and the charge.'

By the time of the attack, 'the battery was probably half-explosive and half-actual battery,' said Carlos Perez, director of security intelligence at TrustedSec.
'Looking at the video, the size of the detonation is similar to that caused by an electric detonator alone or one that incorporates an extremely small, high-explosive charge,' said Sean Moorhouse, a former British Army officer and explosive ordinance disposal expert.
The AR-924 pager ordered by Hezbollah, advertised as being 'rugged,' contains a rechargeable lithium battery, according to specifications once advertised on Gold Apollo's website before it was apparently taken down Tuesday after the sabotage attack. It could receive text messages of up to 100 characters.

But they were actually manufactured by BAC Consulting in Hungary.

Elijah J. Magnier, a Brussels-based senior political risk analyst, later said he spoke with Hezbollah members who had examined pagers that failed to explode.

The pagers appeared to receive a coded error message sent to all the devices that caused them to vibrate and beep for some 10 seconds.

When the user pressed the pager's button to cancel the alert, the explosives were detonated - a design that would ensure the pager was being held by the user at the time of the blast to inflict maximum damage.

That would explain many of the hand and face injuries as many were holding it up in front of their face to read the message

If they're got some unexploded pagers that could mean we could be seeing the insides of one soon.
Hezbollah has probably assigned a group of young children* to disassembling some as we speak.

*in case they're booby trapped

Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 08:41:32 AM »
Given the extent of the injuries in that video, there is no way in hell that that was a battery explosion. I can't see any way that a lithium battery could generate the power to cause injuries like that.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by Boomhauer on Today at 07:12:45 AM »
If it outright killed them we wouldn’t get the glorious videos of them screaming and crying with massive injuries to hands, groins, and faces

And you know they will either die a slow painful death or be maimed for life. May they have a LOOOONNNGGGGG lifetime of suffering, struggling to piss through their blown off dicks and not being able to *expletive deleted*ck their favorite goats.

Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 06:59:47 AM »
Everyone seems to be talking about the immediate aftermath of this attack -- lots of wounded (but not enough dead) terrorists.

But there's a very interesting long-play element here that not a lot of people are focusing on.

A few months ago Hezbollah told its people to stop using cell phones for operational purposes because Israel has gotten so good at intercepting those communications.

So they started issuing pagers, and Israel managed to get to those.

In effect, Israel has made it nearly impossible for Hezbollah to communicate as a terrorist group. If you use a cell phone, Israel is going to be listening. If you use a pager, Israel might blow your hand off.

That really puts a monkey wrench into their ability to plan future terrorist operations and coordinate other activities.

Unfortunately it also means that Israel is going to have a harder time doing OPINT on Hezbollah, but I'm sure they're just fine with that.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 06:44:19 AM »
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon also injured by exploding pager:

Iran's diplomatic representative to the government was injured by a device targeting known terrorists?


That means he was either standing in close proximity to a known terrorist whose pager did what it was designed to do...

Or he was issued one of the pagers that was given to known terrorists.

Either way it's not really a good look for the Iranians.

Of course, they're so busy screeching ZIONIST JOOZ! that they're drowning out that elephant in the room.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by K Frame on Today at 06:40:23 AM »
Wow. There are a lot of people missing fingers on their "clean" hands. Imagine having to eat with your left hand (which is very, very UNCLEAN in the Islamic world) forever because your Allah-blessed Pager of Jihad blew your clean hand off.

And yeah, I suspect that you need to be logged in to see that content. There are some pretty graphic images in there. A good demonstrator video when you want to teach people what happens when you FAFO.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by dogmush on Today at 05:28:58 AM »
Already gone.  Tells us to "search".

Still there for me.
Politics / Re: Israel Under Attack
« Last post by JTHunter on September 17, 2024, 11:57:44 PM »
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