Author Topic: Richardson is out...  (Read 7106 times)

The Rabbi

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Re: Richardson is out...
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2008, 01:25:35 AM »
Look what they did to Lieberman in his last senate election.
In an election defined by Iraq and public opinion of the President, Connecticut Democrats decided to boot the Senator they saw as being overly hawkish and chummy with said President.


Did y'all whine this much when Linc Chafee faced strong primary opposition? Or is it okay for a party to eat its own if they're RINOs - but Stalinism if they're DINOs?
I would like to see any other examples where a popular (he did get re-elected, remember?) sitting politician and former VP candidate lost his party's endorsement to an unknown rival.  Hasn't happened that I can recall.
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