Utah. If you're not Mormon, stay out of SLC.
Whats wrong with Mormons? Every one I have ever met was a decent, law abiding hardworking kind of guy.
That's been my experience so far as well.
Yes, that's correct, but my sister lived in SLC for a while, in Sugar House. She can tell you, if you're not Mormon, there is most certainly tacit discrimination in business there. First question, what ward you were in?
That's the only place it occurs.
whats wrong with "tacit discrimination"? They are merely preferring to do business with people they know are likely to be ethical in their business dealings. Not a whole lot different than doing a credit check first.
Such behavior is very much on a per-person level. I know people here that assume everyone they meet is Mormon, but I think the majority don't do so. Even though I'm actively Mormon, it's been pretty rare that someone has assumed that (asking such a "what ward you go to?" question) without observing behavior or conversation that would lead them to believe so.
I think tacit discrimination is pretty common among most groups, even if it's not conscious. I have no doubt the business discrimination you describe would be working the same, but in reverse, in a heavily Baptist town in the South if a Mormon moved in. Personally though, I'm not much more likely, if at all, to trust a fellow Mormon stranger than a non-Mormon stranger. People are people. Despite what they may
believe is right or their faith of origin, some people are dishonest. Someone that's honest is honest, regardless of their religious faith, or lack thereof. Certainly there are those people (more likely in small, rural Mormon-dominated towns) that automatically distrust those not of our faith. I think those people are silly. I distrust everyone equally.