Author Topic: Pros and cons of VP picks...  (Read 1517 times)


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Pros and cons of VP picks...
« on: August 22, 2008, 08:27:10 PM »
Ah, the US vice-presidency! From visiting second-tier foreign dignitaries to waiting for the president to die, this linchpin of the modern democratic nation-state is a role that can't be filled by just anyone. Indeed, this is a job that calls for nothing less than the most highly-cultivated political window-dressing money can buy.

Who has the experience? Who's pretty  but not so pretty they kind of look like a slut? Whose name will fit comfortably on a bumper sticker in a garish red-white-and-blue font?
The Democratic contenders:
Joe Biden

Pros: One of the Senate's oldest and most respected experts in the field of Joe Biden; vast bullshit reserve could be tapped for its methane, powering nation for decades; fondness for partition and ethnic cleansing could be a valuable asset during the Second American Civil War of 2013.

Cons: As a wholly-owned subsidiary of DuPont, may be ineligible to hold office.
Jim Webb

Pros: Tempers Obama's unhinged situational war scepticism with demonstrated love of killing things; broadens party appeal to critical demographic of trigger-happy, bug-eyed Reagan officials.

Cons: Vice-presidency would ultimately distract Webb from important work of wiretapping random people while masturbating his guns.
Evan Bayh

Pros: Youthful energy signals a change from old corrupt politics to new corrupt politics; cynically hawkish, pro-corporate policy stance would be a refreshing counterweight to Obama's freewheeling agenda of simulated empathy.

Cons: Opposition research will inevitably unearth mystically sealed painting of rancidly decrepit Bayh created by powerful credit industry warlocks.
Hillary Clinton

Pros: Over 200 years' experience in treaty negotiation, nation-founding and declaration-writing from that school field trip to Monticello; would promote party unity with dynamic, mutual-loathing-based dream ticket.

Cons: Who will bridge the vast ideological gulf between Clinton's hawkish, corporate-friendly centrism and Obama's hawkish, centrist-friendly corporatism?
Galactus, Eater of Worlds

Pros: Balances out Obama's troublingly semi-dovish past with tough, muscular "eat the world" policy.

Cons: Will eat the world.
The Republican contenders:

While the Democratic veepstakes is being driven largely by a search for qualities like Strength, Experience, and other ways to say Penishood, Republicans this year will be looking for candidates with a kind of energy or vitality, what the French call a certain having-a-pulseness. Once again we ask: who has what it takes? Who can check if the president's still breathing at a state dinner while maintaining an air of dignity and resolve? Who can project the confidence and authority America expects from its leaders while wiping the dribble off the commander-in-chief's chin?
Mitt Romney

Pros: History of rapid flip-flops will neatly counterbalance McCain's record of stunning policy reversals to achieve perfect pandering equilibrium; ability to suck opponents into the inky void of his soul should prove useful in veep debate; sweats liquid money.

Cons: Eccentric space-god religion could appear unacceptably bizarre to pious nation of devout 2000-year-old Jewish zombie worshipers.
Joe Lieberman

Pros: Sure to spice up campaign with torpid, hectoring schoolmarm charm; could unite America with moderate, bipartisan blow-up-the-world ticket.

Cons: Combined stench of death might might overwhelm unsuspecting Club For Growth members.
Bobby Jindal

Pros: Least likely to die over the next four to eight years; zeal for castration and exorcism meshes nicely with party's innovative 12th century social policy.

Cons: Will inevitably be kidnapped and rendered to a secret CIA torture camp upon his first attempt to board Air Force One, missing tie-breaking vote on critical appropriations bill.
Tim Pawlenty

Pros: Voters may be unaware that he is actually Republican

Cons: Voters may be unaware that he actually exists
The Cryptkeeper

Pros: balances out McCain ticket with touch of youth and vigour; winning sense of humour sure to charm media and independents alike; foreign policy expertise ensured by unquenchable thirst for death.

Cons: May be just a pre-makeup Joe Biden
Dick Cheney

Pros: Would make an excellent "Cheney figure"; provides for a smooth transition between Cheney administrations; only way to stop him from activating America's secret self-destruct sequence from within his hidden lair in the tip of the Washington Monument.

Cons: None. None whatsoever.


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Re: Pros and cons of VP picks...
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 12:15:58 PM »
2000-year-old Jewish zombie worshipers.

That's the funniest thing I seen in long time.

 shocked angel
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

Bring me my Broadsword and a clear understanding.
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing.
Take women and children and bed them down.
Bless with a hard heart those that stand with me.
Bless the women and children who firm our hands.
Put our backs to the north wind.
Hold fast by the river.
Sweet memories to drive us on,
for the motherland.


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Re: Pros and cons of VP picks...
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 02:57:25 PM »
I'm kinda leaning toward Galactus.....
Impressed yet befogged, they grasped at his vivid leading phrases, seeing only their surface meaning, and missing the deeper current of his thought.