Author Topic: War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???  (Read 1491 times)


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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« on: September 25, 2005, 03:26:44 PM »
I'm sorry, I am at least as anti-porn as anyone here, but freedom includes the rights of consenting adults to do horrible things to themselves (as well as allowing me the freedom to do everything I can to convince them that its a bad idea.)

Of course, General Motors Corp. and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. (the two major owners of DirecTV), Time Warner Inc. and the Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott and Hyatt hotel chains are now on my personal do-not-call list. But I'm tired of the government wiping its ass with the Constitution in an effort to keep us all warm and safe and going to Heaven.


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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 04:18:03 PM »
Boy, Preacherman is certainly going to be upset about the "War on Pun".  I fully understand the FBI getting involved in this anti pun business.  That stuff really, really warps your mind.
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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2005, 04:49:23 PM »
...Do what?  And they say there's nothing to be cut from the federal budget?  Riiiight.  Since I'm so disgusted I can't think coherently, the quote below will sum up my feelings on the matter.

"I guess this means we've won the war on terror," said one exasperated FBI agent, speaking on the condition of anonymity because poking fun at headquarters is not regarded as career-enhancing. "We must not need any more resources for espionage."


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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2005, 06:28:49 PM »
Isn't it obvious?  We have won the war on terror and must now win the war on naughty bits in pictoral format (WoNBiPF), pronounced , "wahn-bip-ffff."

I dunno, this Baptist thinks that the eff bee eye might do more good running down & killing* jihadis than running down & cuffing** dirty book sellers.

Alberto Gonzales: what the lefty lunatics accused John Ashcroft of being.

Silly leftists.  They ran Ashcroft off & now won't be able to download their goat-pr0n.

* I mean "investigate and charge with crimes so Alan Dershowitz can get them off because hte Washington DC jury believed the insanity plea."

** Also, they might enjoy a little buffeting & cuffing.  Can't have that.


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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2005, 06:34:53 PM »
Public corruption, officially, is fourth on the FBI's priority list, after protecting the United States from terrorist attack, foreign espionage and cyber-based attacks. Just below those priorities are civil rights, organized crime, white-collar crime and "significant violent crime." The guidance from headquarters does not mention where pornography fits in.
On the proverbial "bright side," you have to admit the F., the B., and the I. did manage to capture Patty Hearst.
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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2005, 06:55:32 PM »
Just a squad? Why don't they add it to BATFE's resume? Sounds like it's the kind of law enforcement that would be right up their alley. rolleyes
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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2005, 06:59:21 PM »
Drugs and porn are not the government's business.  They do this to grow and to constantly increase their power over us and our $$.

The war on terror is something else, although they mis-name that on purpose.  We'll never win that war unless we admit and understand who we're fighting.

It is the job of government to protect the citizens from attack, domestic or foreign.  I don't mean we can give up the 2nd amendment and rely on them for our personal safety.  But rather that they should be working to break up gangs, put away violent offenders and so on.  They do this VERY poorly.

And they should be doing what is necessary to defend us against foreign attack.

In this they are nearly useless.

I read about agency turf battles, hoarding of intelligence and just general incompentence.

The one duty they have to the citizens, they fail at.

I read about government and Business collusion (the companies care only about tapping China's huge markets and they bribe government to go along) to sell our latest and most secret technology to China and it makes my hair stand up.

China's strategy is to develope post-nuclear super weapons that will render us and our weapons as helpless as was Japan against our atomic bomb.  There seems to be a conspiracy of silence about such new weaponry and those who try to speak of this are ridiculed or ostracized into silence.

I am pro-business and for trade, but libertarian theory falls short on handling this kind of thing.

They're pretty good at harassing Martha Stewart, though.

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War on Drugs, War on Terror..War on Porn???
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2005, 07:05:50 PM »
War on "[]" are nothing more than Gumbit Creative Marketing. It is all about CONTROL.

Back in the day before folks had access to the Internet and the Information Age, folks were easily manipulated by the media. Morning  papers were usually one slant, the evening paper another, then the various Radio and TV media sources.

The Digital Divide is narrowing - folks have other sources of news. Truth if you will, with the resources to substaniate  information sources and validity.

Big Brother has a whole new plan:

NSA Patents Anti-Privacy Tech!

Oh sure there is "valid reason" for this need. Do recall each time the door is cracked open a wee bit more, more air and dust bunnies drift into your home as well.

Like I said once upon a time [tm] - don't forget how to use pen, paper and attach a postage stamp.
Maybe looking into Carrier Pigeons ain't a bad idea either...