Author Topic: Barak/Biden hire mimes to campaign in their stead  (Read 2848 times)


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Barak/Biden hire mimes to campaign in their stead
« on: March 03, 2005, 10:18:52 PM »
A mime or muzzle might be the only thing that can save them-    shocked

Back in 2005, Congress voted on and passed H.R. 3058 [109th Congress]:

Now, heres where it gets interesting.   One of the Senate amendments, proposed by Tom Coburn (R-OK), S.Amdt. 2165, 
(B) by striking "Planning, design, and construction of a bridge joining the Island of Gravina to the Community of Ketchikan'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana''     is a potion of the text.  It  took money that was, in the original bill, allocated to two Bridge to Nowhere projects in Alaska, the Knik Arm Bridge, and the Gravina Island Bridge, and would put this money toward rebuilding the Twin Spans Bridge that was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.

So, who voted against this amendment?  Thats right.  Barack Obama and Joe Biden voted to keep this money going toward the Bridge to Nowhere instead of spending it to rebuild after Katrina. 

Later, that same day, Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) proposed S.Amdt. 2181: To ensure reconstruction of the Twin Spans Bridge.   Who voted against this amendment?  Thats right, once again,  Barack Obama and Joe Biden. 

So Barack Obama and Joe Biden voted twice against funding to rebuild after Katrina, but didnt vote to stop funding the TWO Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere projects?  And Obama/Biden call Palin a hypocrite?    Obama and Biden were for it, and they were against rebuilding a bridge damaged by Hurricane Katrina. 

The hits just keep on coming.  More tomorrow.