Author Topic: Obama and Fascism  (Read 1089 times)


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Obama and Fascism
« on: October 02, 2008, 02:00:51 AM »
One of the things that really creeps me out about the whole Obamanation thing is his seal.  When I first saw it, I was reminded of a made for TV movie (made by Norman Lear

We where shown the film at school in the 9th grade by our Civics teacher and the movie left quite an impression on me. Does anybody else remember seeing this?  (BTW I was in the 9th grade in 1981)

The whole Obama thing just continue to reek of fascism with public officials  coming out and trying to suppress free speech.  See here:

After watching the debate last week I'm convinced not only are his followers "drinking the koolaid" but in may ways, he is also.  His response about Him "reserving the right to talk to whomever"  was a clear window into the mind of someone who already thinks he "is the man." 

I don't know that this post is supposed to make a certain point/or not..... just some thoughts that have been floating around in my head...