Author Topic: Treats for Troops Needs Your Help Now  (Read 742 times)


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Treats for Troops Needs Your Help Now
« on: February 21, 2009, 10:44:28 PM »

Deborah and I frequent another forum board that is unrelated to guns. She is a terrific woman and I'm heartbroken to find out her labor of love is in danger of going under in large part due to the bad economy.

While it is a small operation I thought possibly some of our veterans might be familiar with her program.

When I started Treats for Troops over five years ago I was determined to do whatever it took to turn my dream of supporting our troops year round into reality.

I gave TFT my all. I invested most of my savings, and took out loans and lines of credit and credit cards. I put together a team of people who share my dream, and care about our mission. Today we’re the most popular provider of care packages for our troops. But my dream is turning into a nightmare that threatens TFT’s survival.

I had my goal of being debt free in sight when the economy went to hell in a hand basket last year. Orders started falling faster than the stock market. I discovered our Web site needed a vital and very expensive security update. And I had to cross my fingers that the holidays would be good, and borrow even more to buy the inventory we needed.

Unfortunately it was the worst holiday season we’ve ever had. And now orders have slowed to just a trickle, and support has fallen nearly 50%. It’s all I can do to pay our regular operating expenses and make minimum payments on our debt, which has ballooned to over $300,000.

If I can’t pay it down, I don’t think TFT will survive. Even though some of my interest rates are very high by today’s standards, my bank won’t give me better terms, because I owe too much money. One line of credit costs us nearly $1,000 a month in interest alone.

Asking for help for Treats for Troops is really tough. But thinking about having to disappoint our soldiers is even tougher.

So I’m not asking you to send a package. I’m asking you to give whatever you can – ten bucks, twenty bucks, even a single dollar. Every cent will be used to keep TFT afloat and pay off our debt.

I’ll keep you posted on how we’re doing. And let you know when we reach our goal. You can be sure every dollar will go toward keeping Treats for Troops in business. With your help Treats for Troops, we can keep the smiles coming.

Your contribution will be used to help reduce our debt and keep Treats for Troops in business. Because TFT is not a charity, your contribution is not tax deductible. We cannot guarantee we’ll raise enough funds to stay in business, but we can guarantee that every dollar will be put to good use. On behalf of Treats for Troops and America’s soldiers around the world, thank you for supporting our mission.
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Treats for Troops Needs Your Help Now
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 12:15:58 AM »
Is this a not-for-profit entity? Also, does she publish the company's numbers? I just have a hard time dropping cash without knowing the details. I learned to stop trusting any company a long time ago. Non-profits included. Hell. Non-profits can pay their CEOs a million a year if they want. And as far as I'm concerned, someone is making a healthy profit. I always thought the term was very misleading.

Sorry if I sound so cynical.