Not a Windows zealot (or any OS zealot, they all suck) here, but I'd be willing to bet money that when MacOS starts running on Intel hardware, it won't be the same hardware that's available to Windows/Linux users. It'll be tailored to fit MacOS needs. It might be made by Intel and be nominally the same (they'll both be pentium processors for example), but you won't be dual booting MacOS and Windows.
The plan is that MacOS will only run on Intel machines built for Apple ... I imagine they will either do this in the bios, or with an extra instruction set on the chip.
I guarantee you there will be ways around it. Other then the "security" there won't be any functional difference between the Windows/Linux Intel machines and the Mac Intel machines ... the processors will still be to the same specs...they will still be x86 (and other stuff like drives, memory, video cards etc are already the exact same in Macs and Windows boxes).
As for dual booting, you will be able to dual boot Windows and/or *nix on the Intel Macs ... but not the other way around (at least not legally ... see my "there will be ways around it" comment)