Author Topic: The importance of a clean house!  (Read 2210 times)

El Tejon

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The importance of a clean house!
« on: October 18, 2005, 05:08:52 AM »
Last night approximately quarter till ten I arrived in Lafayette from Indy.  Driving into my subdivision when I noticed a police car, hmmmm, police are never in my neighborhood (unless cutting through Hedgewood to get between Union and Greenbush).  Wonder what's wrong?

Hmmm, there's another scout car, he seems to be near my house.  Hmmm.

I turn and then turn again and see two more cars at "the neighbor's."  I pull into my driveway and look up to see MY FRONT DOOR WIDE OPEN!  Screen door and my steel security door wide open to Hayzeus and everyone!  Double yikes.

I hit the garage door open, park in the driveway, grab a pistol and my soft briefcase (cell phone) and open the door of my vehicle.  

A voice in the black from on top of the knoll that my house rests on calls out "is this your house?"  

Uh, yeah it is, what the fudge are you doing here?  

"Lafayette police, we had a call about a break in.  Kirk, is that you?"

Yes, it's Kirk Freeman, I live here.

"Kirk, we got a call about a break in.  Where are all your weapons?"

Umm, in the safes in the basement, but there's a shotgun and a pistol near my bed.  

"Just wait outside, we're not done clearning it."

I wait outside and Heather the Neighbor comes out and tells me that when she got back from shopping, she saw my front door wide open and no lights on.  She called the cops.  I came back into town just as the cops are finished clearing the place.

The cops, who I did not know (but they all knew me), found nothing and let me look around finally.  Nothing touched or out of place.  I was so mad I was spitting nails.  The cops did ask me about my basement gym (what's that?  my wooden man and wall bag) and my armory, but when I said nothing gone they turned on their heel and left.

After clearning the house again, I stormed about for a few minutes (O.K., more like half a hour) and then finally checked my home voice mail which was blinking (usually just my mother or brother as no one calls me at home, usually cell or office).  The general contractor called me at home telling me that the insulation crew was coming Monday (that day) and not Thursday as anticipated.

The insulation crew put down the insulation (at least I have an R factor in the mid 40s now) in my attic and installed some more ventilation.  When they left, they left via the attached garage so they could access the truck and left the front door wide open!  

Oy, veh!  What a night.  I feel like a cigarette and I don't smoke; no, wait, I feel like a bottle of vodka and a cigarette and I quit the hard stuff years ago.  It is only dumb stupid luck and the fact that I live in Leave It to Beaver Land that nothing is gone.

Lessons learned:

1.  Chew out General Contractor;
2.  Yell at Insulation Crew;
3.  Chew out General Contractor;
4.  Next house, build so I don't have to continually remodel;
5.  Have outside lights on timer;
6.  Find out how cops all know me;
7.  Good thing I had cleaned house extra hard on Sunday night--baths, kitchen and rugs were all spotless.  A tidy work environment is so rare for the po-po!
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2005, 05:49:36 AM »
Quote from: El Tejon
The general contractor called me at home telling me that the insulation crew was coming Monday (that day) and not Thursday as anticipated.

The insulation crew put down the insulation (at least I have an R factor in the mid 40s now) in my attic and installed some more ventilation.  When they left, they left via the attached garage so they could access the truck and left the front door wide open!
That stinks, I hate getting "surprises" like that from contractors.  Just curious though, how did they get into your home in the first place if no one was home?

El Tejon

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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 06:14:08 AM »
I gave the general contractor the keys so he could coordinate everyone (he's done this for me before on other projects).

Steel doors and Medeco locks are not much help if the door is left wide open!  *groan*
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 08:11:03 AM »

I am so relieved nothing was missing!  Though relieved, nothing more serious occurred, such as you arriving, folks with guns calling out and such.

One very good point, you have a neighbor that keeps tabs on things. We don't have "neighbors" as we used to, heck many do not know theirs now-a-days.

Like you , I have many questions and I would be seeding answers. NOT real happy your valuables were known and adverstised...that really concerns as to how they knew, and now they know more!

Keep us advised best can without giving anything you need to keep private if you would please.


I can empathize. On houses, I have  been fortunate to have folks I knew, or had friends stick around to make sure when things were done if I really didn't know for sure the workman.

Apartments are a whole nuther story.  Door wide open and no note no nothing.

You mentioned Medco locks.  One thing I did was to have extra locks.  After I had a "come to Jesus meeting" - I changed mine. "We have to have a key to your apt" so said the Mgmt.  So I gave them one - sealed in an envelope - even wax stamped. I made them sign a reciept.  

I made arrangements for Workman, or to have a trusted friend allow workman in, and stay there.

Once that work was done, I changed Medco locks, sealed a new key and waited for the next go around.

I had a few trused friends, we all had extra locks and we could swap out and exchange as need to keep matters more secure.


I was at a friends business, trusted , he went to make food run, and left me with a "key".  Big Truck comes down the alley, and takes out a low phone line...Which in turn sets off a silent alarm, and off course I had no idea any of this had happened, until I see the pretty blue lights flashing.

When Mr. LEO ( with shotgun) hollers thru do as told.  I hollered back, who I was , where the owner was and I had a key.  "Dont' make any sudden moves, but try the key".  Wrong key...this was old key for old lock...

Friend that owns business pulls up, knows the LEO, asks what is going on.  Me...I am doing the face down, hands  behind head, leg spread dealie, admiring the carpet...

"You know that guy?"
"Never seen him before in my life"

Eternity is 3 seconds in said carpet hugging position, pretty lights outside, shotguns in hands of folks outside..."click" and hear I laughter as they enter.  I didn't hear anything funny...

"You can get up now Steve, meet Officers so and so' looked really funny down there..."

We get everything sorted out, get the alarm company , telephone company and such contacted...

Besides the food got cold and he forgot my Blue Cheese Dressing...


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2005, 08:21:05 AM »
He shoulda looked in yer pants for the Blue Cheese Dressing. cheesy
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw

Larry Ashcraft

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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 08:59:46 AM »
Went through (kinda) the same thing a few weeks ago.

Worked a little late on a Friday afternoon getting a big engraving order out.  Customer picked up order and I went home.  I get a call Saturday morning from the PD; "Larry, did you know that the door to your shop is unlocked?  A woman called us and said she walked in and then realized no one was there."

They had cleared the building and wanted to know what to do next (I'm 20 minutes away).  I told them to lock the knob and close the door, I would be there shortly to secure the deadbolt.  As I'm walking out the door I get another call; "Building is secure, officers are clear".

Monday morning, I get a call from the lady who had come in; "I didn't realize you were closed,  I walked in and nobody is in sight.  Not knowing you or how old you may be, I thought the worst and went outside and called the police".  I told her I was glad it was her and not some neighborhood kids messing around.

The she asked me how much an engraved brass plate would cost.

 "For you, no charge."

El Tejon

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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 09:06:40 AM »
sm, yes, I owe Heather a dinner or bottle of wine.  Nothing was missing and my entertainment center (television, dvd player, stereo, et al) is partially visible from the sidewalk/street!  Plus the family hierlooms like my greatgreatgrandfather's shotgun on the wall of my home office.  Not real big secret that El Tejon has guns--Form 4s, License to Carry records, threaten to sue city over CCW application process (before straightened out), at several gun stores where cops present, etc.

But, Steve, nothing can compare to your stories in the jewelry shop!!!  I was angry/embarrassed, not terrified or scared spitless, bringing attention to myself, having the government help me.  I do not look forward to the phone call from my father when he learns of this--off having fun instead of minding the ranch.  At over 70 he can still make me feel 6 years old.

Wrote the officers letters while at lunch thanking them and letting them know what happened.  Good to let cops know what happened.  From my LEO daze I know cops only see part of the story and are left guessing at what happened.  Hopefully I am not on the Dumbass List kept at every police department.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.

...has left the building.

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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 09:34:55 AM »
Holy crap! I'm sure your mook and wall bag got a beating that night. And yes, you owe Heather a dinner!


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 11:01:37 AM »
I was angry/embarrassed, not terrified or scared spitless, bringing attention to myself, having the government help me
One of the most sinking feelings I ever had, was entering the Condo after dinner in Jamacia.  I thought a Tropical Storm had hit.

I am not in the US, I am at the mercy of a Resort Security. American Airlines, came thru, I mean way above and beyond on that whole episode.

I had no weapons, except a small Swiss Army knife. Every thing else was gone, including my better knives.

I went to the maintenance shed and borrowed a machete. I kept that machete handy and a bottle of Red Stripe beer in my back pocket - and I didn't drink even back then.

One Resort Security person went over and beyond his duty, he never said a thing about what I was keeping handy for weapons, just that head nod of understanding folks do b/t them.

Yes - I know all too well that helpless dependent feeling.


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 02:29:21 PM »
Wow, that would have been awful. Glad all your stuff is where you left it.

El Tejon

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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2005, 04:00:35 AM »
Saw the Chief of Police last night.  He said that things like this happen regularly here, wife leaves door open, kids, etc.

He said that a computer store downtown here had its front door wide open for a day and a half two weekends ago as the owner left hurriedly to see a sick parent up north in Michigan City.  The cash register, monitors, printers, mainframes, etc. all untouched.

Just when I think this city cannot get any stranger, I find out just how wierd it is here.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2005, 01:11:26 PM »
I'm glad that everything turned out OK for you, El Tejon. And it's a good thing that you know your neighbors.

We have a family around the corner that stays to themselves. They don't talk to anybody, so nobody talks to them.

One day, a moving van is in front of their house. Not knowing them, I think nothing of it.

Well, they weren't moving. The burglars took everything.

Since then, they've started talking to their neighbors.


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The importance of a clean house!
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2005, 02:41:29 AM »
Next house, build so I don't have to continually remodel.
Nice thought, but flawed logic.  You will never get it right the first time.  Something will have to be changed at some point.  I tried this myself.  Built a house 3 years ago and things are already changing.
And if you ever have one of the young and nubile take up permanent residence, the remodel is ongoing and never ending.

Smoke - experienced