Author Topic: Liberals and animals: Maunderings  (Read 4191 times)


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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2006, 08:49:29 AM »
Tallpine - Never saw the movie. Around our place, we've got three dogs and two cats. The only mice we have are either (a) indescribably stupid or (b) genetically perfected uber-rodents. The "catch and release (for a few seconds) doesn't work for us, since I only use the snap-traps.

Now, as for a mice stories...

I grew up in a very old ex-farmhouse which had a basement and foundation which was more porous than the US-Mexican border. My mom also possesses a completely irational and debilitating fear of small rodents. At times, hilarity ensued.

When I was in Jr High and High school, about once a year I'd walk through the back door and hear mom screaming. She'd be up on the kitchen counter, while one or both cats were playing with a live mouse. Personally, I think the cats just liked messing with her. The best part was her incredible indecision. She'd want the mouse dead... or released into the yard... but no, it might come back in... yes, definitely dead... wait, how are you going to kill it... no, you can't do that... just get rid of it... Eeeeeeeek!

I'd just roll my eyes, laugh inside, draw the thing out a bit and then kill the mouse and throw it in the trash. She'd climb down and then blather on about how she knew the mouse was harmless, but it still scared the crud out of her.

The funny thing is that she grew up in a small, mostly rural town (and she's a staunch conservative to boot). She talks about when she was a kid,  they'd have to walk past a chicken creamery on the way home from school, and the kids would go out back and throw heads at each other... for fun. But a live mouse will make her go nuts.

Go figure.


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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2006, 02:38:49 AM »
LOL...good one. Once, a long time ago, I lived in a hangar at the local airport. We had nailed together a few boards and called it our little living area and used the rest for auto storage and DYI mechanic types who would rent space from us. Anyhoo, I had noticed a mouse here and there bu tI never gave them much thought. Untill I found droppings in the back of our fairly expensive TV that is. So I went to the hardware store and bought a package of 5 snap traps, went home and set them all with peanut butter as bait. IIRC before I had the 5th set the first had gone off! They went off one after the other like clockwork for a good hour and a half and I was catching all kinds of mice of every shape and size, including the teeniest mouse I had ever seen. Total captured and "exterminated" in an hour and a half? 36!!
I had absolutely NO idea there were THAT many mice roaming around the place. shocked

Then another time I was hearing this heavy footed shuffling around up above the suspended ceiling in my room there. At first I thought it had to be a squirrel it sounded so big. So one day I puts a little decon up there and lo and behold I come out of my room the next morning and right there on the floor is a nice big fat, shiny coated healthy looking dead RAT! My brother, who also lived there and is QUITE the sqeamish one, came out of his room about the same time and I said,"Tommy, LOOK!" He got this total look of revulsion on his face as he backpedaled away from it practically screaming like a girl. Talk about priceless!! LMAO...

then... rolleyes

I worked at a chicken processing plant for a while in HS. My job was head chicken gutter. We used to wear these rubber aprons and there was this big blob of warm gooey fat found on the chickens that had to be removed. One day we discovered that the warm gooey fat stuck quite nicely to the rubber aprons when thrown. Hence were born the episodes that came to be known as "The Chicken Fat Wars". Need I say more?

(brings a smile to my face just thinking about it again!)

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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2006, 03:45:20 AM »
I think it's sad when WE attach ideas of compassion and conscience only to the left.  The neocons have been in charge too long. angry

Think on the difference between Enviromentalist and Conservationist.  (HINT:  One of them has no "mental" issues Smiley  )
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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2006, 04:03:14 AM »
280PLus - I honestly think my mom might have a case PTRD (post traumatic rat disorder). Early on in my foilks marriage (probaby around '51 or so), they'd come back from a party and decided to have one more drink before going to bed. As they settled in on the couch to enjoy the nightcap, a very substantial rat came out of the fireplace. Dad (who was a WWII infantry vet) grabbed the fireplace poker and entered into mortal combat with said rodent.

Now, perhaps his own reflexes were dulled by the effects of the evening's libations. Perhaps this particular critter was just extremely determined to live. I don't know. However, I do know that both of my folks described the next five minutes as a battle for the ages. The rat sustained injuries almost too numerous to count, but kept up the fight until the very end, when it tried to exit the room the same way it came in. It finally ended up like some sort of macabre shish-ka-bob on the poker, while dad was dripping with sweat and covered with splashes of rat juice. Mom suffered no physical injuries, but apparently lost her mind.


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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2006, 07:48:39 AM »

Sounds a bit like "Willard"... shocked

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Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2006, 09:45:57 AM »
I have no problem with killing them.  My problem would be more like tossing them into water, where I know they won't die right away.
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2009, 08:53:31 PM »
Bump!  Resurrection of a very old thread.

Woo hoooo.  I got a double today.  Another mole deigned to invade grampster's keep in the last few days.  The frost is going out of the ground and I noticed the telltale hump in the grass.  Mole invasion!  I digress....

About the double.  Well, I set my loop trap in the mole run.  A couple hours later, I noticed it was sprung.  I pulled it up out of the ground and I had a dead mole.  A rather large dead mole at that.  Then I noticed something else.  In the other loop, in front of the loop the mole was in was a large juicy green grub!  The grub had been running from the mole and when the mole sprung the trap, the grub got caught up in the other loop and equally crushed.


PS:  Re reading this thread I noticed a lot of folks who don't contribute any more.  Too bad.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2009, 10:21:00 PM by grampster »
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2009, 10:15:03 PM »
I have good news Grampster, you're not a liberal.

You are a human being, with life in one hand and death in the other.  Some would say created in the image of the Almighty.

You decided the fate of a lesser being.

You decided the fate of another lesser being.

You inflicted a plague on a lesser being. 

Keep going like this and you may become the center of a new religion.
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2009, 10:46:40 PM »
Keep going like this and you may become the center of a new religion.
Zardoz speaks to you!


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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2009, 10:42:24 AM »
Zardoz speaks to you!

I heard that anyone who mentions that movie from now on has to post a pic of himself in that notorious outfit. :P

PS:  Re reading this thread I noticed a lot of folks who don't contribute any more.  Too bad.

And we all know who's fault that is.  :lol:
Rogue AI searching for amusement and/or Ellie Mae imitator searching for critters.
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2009, 11:37:57 AM »
I'm a hunter or fowl and fur, I fish catch and release and also for food.

I like to eat rabbit and squirrel but as future Mrs Charby told me the other day when I was picking up 25lbs of bird feed and 25lbs of squirrel mix that I feed the neighborhood. I like to wake up and see the birds, rabbits and squirrels in my backyard out the kitchen window.

Squirrels can be entertaining, and you can enjoy the birds at the same time. They make a bird feeder that spins if anything weighing as much as a long tailed rat tries to grab a snack. Watching those suckers spin while holding on for dear life is a hoot. :laugh:

K Frame

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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2009, 11:56:35 AM »
"I was reading the other thread about how some folks (liberals) will eat meat and otherwise take advantage of animal products but are revolted by the notion of personaly causing that meat or product becoming useful in ways other than breathing."

My ex-wife in a nutshell.

I generally will not kill animals. I've stopped hunting, and really don't see myself hunting ever again, although I am still very open to it. It just doesn't fit in with where I am in my life right now.

I will certainly kill pest animals, but I will only do so in a way that kills them as quickly as possible. Drowning and poisoning are, as far as I'm concerned, out of the question.

Insects? No problems with poisoning them, especially if they're on my roses.


Jesus spiders creep me out. I don't want them in my home at all. I know they're beneficial, but I just can't abide them.
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2009, 12:31:47 PM »
Bah, I'm an animal-loving vegetarian and I would have take a shovel to the mole if it was somewhere where it could do damage to a garden/landscaping.  Tossing it in the water to drown is bad times, but a quick swipe with a shovel ain't too bad.

I do find it funny that the liberals at my work hassle a guy for hunting.  These are the people that regularly bring in mcdonalds and white castle.  I don't get it myself.  Hunting an animal is substantially less cruel than raising them on factory farms.

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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2009, 12:42:07 PM »
I heard that anyone who mentions that movie from now on has to post a pic of himself in that notorious outfit. :P
I didn't get that memo.  :lol:

I do find it funny that the liberals at my work hassle a guy for hunting.  These are the people that regularly bring in mcdonalds and white castle.
Do they object to hunting on the "you're killing Bambi" principle, or on the "hunters are psychopaths who get a kick out of killing" notion?

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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2009, 12:45:35 PM »
What was worse...

Not having a .22 pistol on you with which to dispatch critters. =D
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Re: Liberals and animals: Maunderings
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2009, 02:11:48 PM »
"These are the people that regularly bring in mcdonalds and white castle."

I don't see the problem.

No meat in those products at all.  :laugh:

What was it that Krusty the Klown said about Krustyburger protestors?

"I don't understand it, Kent. We provide them with a meat-like burger and an allegedly non-poisonous drink and they get change back from their $20."
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.