Author Topic: The Incredible Shrinking Russia  (Read 994 times)


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The Incredible Shrinking Russia
« on: April 20, 2009, 10:11:33 AM »
The Incredible Shrinking Russia
by George Will

WASHINGTON -- America's "progressive" president has some peculiarly retro policies. Domestically, his reactionary liberalism is exemplified by his policy of No Auto Company Left Behind, with its intimated hope that depopulated Detroit, where cattle could graze, can somehow return to something like the 1950s. Abroad, he seems to yearn for the 1970s, when the Soviet Union was rampant and coping with it supposedly depended on arms control.

Actually, what was needed was not the chimera of arms control but Ronald Reagan's renewal of the arms race that helped break the Soviet regime. The stately minuet of arms negotiations helped sustain U.S. public support for the parallel weapons spending.

Significant arms agreements are generally impossible until they are unimportant. Significant agreements are those that substantially alter an adversarial dynamic between rival powers. But arms agreements never do. During the Cold War, for example, arms negotiations were another arena of great power competition rather than an amelioration of that competition.

The Soviet Union was a third-world nation with first-world missiles. It had, as Russia still has, an essentially hunter-gatherer economy, based on extraction industries -- oil, gas, minerals, furs. Other than vodka, for what manufactured good would you look to Russia? Caviar? It is extracted from the fish that manufacture it.

Today, in a world bristling with new threats, the president suggests addressing an old one -- Russia's nuclear arsenal. It remains potentially dangerous, particularly if a portion of it falls into nonstate hands. But what is the future of the backward and backsliding kleptocratic thugocracy that is Vladimir Putin's Russia?

Putin -- ignore the human Potemkin village (Dmitry Medvedev) who currently occupies the presidential office -- must be amazed and amused that America's president wants to treat Russia as a great power. Obama should instead study pertinent demographic trends.

Nicholas Eberstadt's essay "Drunken Nation" in the current World Affairs quarterly notes that Russia is experiencing "a relentless, unremitting, and perhaps unstoppable depopulation." Previous episodes of depopulation -- 1917-23, 1933-34, 1941-46 -- were the results of civil war, Stalin's war on the "kulaks" and collectivization of agriculture, and World War II, respectively. But today's depopulation is occurring in normal -- for Russia -- social and political circumstances. Normal conditions include a subreplacement fertility rate, sharply declining enrollment rates for primary school pupils, perhaps more than 7 percent of children abandoned by their parents to orphanages or government care or life as "street children." Furthermore, "mind-numbing, stupefying binge drinking of hard spirits" -- including poisonously impure home brews -- "is an accepted norm in Russia and greatly increases the danger of fatal injury through falls, traffic accidents, violent confrontations, homicide, suicide, and so on." Male life expectancy is lower under Putin than it was a half-century ago under Khrushchev.

Martin Walker of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, writing in The Wilson Quarterly ("The World's New Numbers"), notes that Russia's declining fertility is magnified by "a phenomenon so extreme that it has given rise to an ominous new term -- hypermortality." Because of rampant HIV/AIDS, extreme drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) and alcoholism, and the deteriorating health care system, a U.N. report says "mortality in Russia is three to five times higher for men and twice as high for women" than in other countries at a comparable stage of development. The report, Walker says, "predicts that within little more than a decade the working-age population will be shrinking by up to 1 million people annually." Be that as it may, "Russia is suffering a demographic decline on a scale that is normally associated with the effects of a major war."

According to projections by the United Nations Population Division, Russia's population, which was around 143 million four years ago, might be as high as 136 million or as low as 121 million in 2025, and as low as 115 million in 2030.

Marx envisioned the "withering away" of the state under mature communism. Instead, Eberstadt writes, the world may be witnessing the withering away of Russia, where Marxism was supposed to be the future that works. Russia, he writes, "has pioneered a unique new profile of mass debilitation and foreshortened life previously unknown in all of human history."

"History," he concludes, "offers no examples of a society that has demonstrated sustained material advance in the face of long-term population decline." Demography is not by itself destiny, but it is more real than an arms control "process" that merely expresses the liberal hope of taming the world by wrapping it snugly in parchment.

Now, I am no Russian scholar, but this is an interesting development.

Not only is Western Europe experiencing a massive demographic decline, it seems Russia is even worse off.

The question is, where goes the US?

I’ve always said we just need to look at Europe to see where we are going.

Perhaps we need to look at Russia to see where Europe is going.

The end results of communism (socialism): societal decay, shirking of responsibility (i.e. leaving you children in orphanages or on the street), drug abuse, and decreased life expectancy.

I’m reminded of Rome:

the Roman world brought remarkable levels of sophistication and comfort, and spread them widely in society (and not just to a tiny elite); and that the fall of Rome saw the dismantling of this complexity, and a return to what can reasonably be termed ‘prehistoric’ levels of material comfort. Furthermore, I believe that this change was not just at the level of pots and pans, important though these are, but also affected sophisticated skills like reading and writing. Pompeii, with its ubiquitous inscriptions, painted signs, and graffiti, was a city that revolved around writing – after the fall of the empire, the same cannot be said for any settlement in the West for many centuries to come. (Bryan Ward-Perkins)

When civilization falls even the technology regresses. Worst of all, though, is the lack of human capital. (i.e. skills)

I really need to stop considering such things, it’s making me more pessimistic for the future…
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 10:31:37 AM by makattak »
I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought


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Re: The Incredible Shrinking Russia
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 11:10:54 AM »
The population decline in Russia is why the Russian government is offering cash payments and tax benefits for having children.

Disclaimers: I am not a lawyer, cop, soldier, gunsmith, politician, plumber, electrician, or a professional practitioner of many of the other things I comment on in this forum.


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Re: The Incredible Shrinking Russia
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2009, 11:34:35 AM »
Interestingly enough a speaker at the apologetics conference I volunteered at this weekend was talking about this. Iirc the incentives are: $9k flat payment per child, $140 per month per child, and if the woman leaves her job to be a full time mom they pay her %40 of her old salary, for life. And it's still not enough.

Russia's demographics will destroy her, much like France's demographic trends assure their leaving the West and becoming an Islamic nation in a few generations. France's birth rate for native French is what, 1.4 or so? Replacement birthrate is generally considered 2.2. The Muslim immigrant population's average birthrate is between 4 and 5 iirc, and France embraces birthright citizenship. It'll be a sad day when the frogs join the caliphate, and scary considering the huge number of nuclear reactors they use.
Quote from: French G.
I was always pleasant, friendly and within arm's reach of a gun.

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If government is the answer, it must have been a really, really, really stupid question.

Standing Wolf

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Re: The Incredible Shrinking Russia
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2009, 11:37:47 AM »
The population decline in Russia is why the Russian government is offering cash payments and tax benefits for having children.

That's a well wrought illustration of the method of applying a Band-Aid to an ankle when the patient has suffered a massive heart attack.

The disease is leftist extremism. It's called by a multitude of names. Whatever it's called, it's always fatal.
No tyrant should ever be allowed to die of natural causes.


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Re: The Incredible Shrinking Russia
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2009, 02:13:38 AM »
SW, I don't even think it has anything to do with leftism.  The Reds tried to put Marx's industrial utopia into place where millions of illiterate farm serfs existed.  And it's as if 60 years of enforced civilization had no effect whatsoever--as if racial memory is forcing them back into savagery.  As if democracy is impossible, and some form of totalitarian ruler--be it Tsar or Prime Minister-for-life--is the only possible government.  And if it weren't for the nukes (and biowar labs) no one would really care.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.