Author Topic: Putting my dog down tomorrow  (Read 5315 times)

Declaration Day

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« on: January 25, 2006, 11:26:19 AM »
I'm sad to say that I have to put one of my dogs down tomorrow.  I've been keeping her out of pain as she has been steadily going down hill.  She hasn't been able to walk for the past three days, and today she is refusing food.  She is also losing her mind, barking and growling at imaginary things.

She's a 12 year old Chow.

I've never had to do this before, I can't believe how hard it is.  I remember getting her when I was in high school.   She's been around so long, it is going to be strange without her.  Fortunately, I have two other Chows, 1 and 4 years old.  I will not be looking forward to doing this again.  Sad


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 11:36:59 AM »
I'm sorry to hear about your dog.  I had to put one of mine down a couple of years ago.  I was 30 at the time and I cried like a little girl.  It's definitely not something I want to do again.
Oh, Lord, please let me be as sanctimonious and self-righteous as those around me, so that I may fit in.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 12:18:55 PM »
Sorry to hear about your loss.

We had a poodle that we had to put down 7 years ago.  It was my job to take him to the vet that day and as I walked up to the door I fell apart.  Walked back to the car and took him home.  A family friend had to do the deed.

Also, had to put down a Rottie in 2001.  He got cancer and went down fast.  Hardest thing we had to do.  Stayed in the room when they put him down and my wife held his head the whole time.  She was out of it for a week.  Took us 2 years before we got another dog.  

Tough stuff for sure.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2006, 12:45:29 PM »
Fortunately, it's painless and smooth for the dog.

We had to put our beloved friend to sleep last year...I'm still not over it.  I've never been that broken up over a person.  But, it's something that you have to do.  We still have her mate, who is a couple of years younger.  I'm dreading the day that we have to put him down, too.

If you're anything like me, your friend has never missed a meal, never been abused, and always been given lots of attention and affection.  We should have such a happy life!

I feel for ya!

I do believe that animals go to whatever the "afterlife" is, and I can't wait to see some of my best friends again.
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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2006, 01:07:20 PM »
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2006, 01:26:38 PM »
Declaration Day, I feel for you. It's one of the hardest things to do.

I cried harder when we put our first dog down than I did at my father-in-law's funeral.

Keep your other dogs close.

Larry Ashcraft

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 03:31:01 PM »
You have my deepest sympathies, I've had to do it before too.  Still miss my buddies.

I've posted this before, but I'll do it again...


By Beth Norman Harris

Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in the world is more grateful than the loving heart of me.  Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the worlds sweetest music, as you know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.
When it is cold and wet, please take me inside . . . For I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to the bitter elements . . . And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth  . . . Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through the ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land . . . For you are my god . . . And I am your devoted worshiper.
Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I would not reproach you if it were dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.  Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able  to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger.
And, beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health and sight, do not turn me away from you.  Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest . . . And I will leave knowing that with the last breath I drew,
My fate was always safest in your hands


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2006, 06:10:43 PM »
I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it-I've been there too.  It's the hardest part of taking care of them.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.

Silver Bullet

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2006, 06:51:49 PM »
That's a pain I still feel after nearly 20 years.

But it is worth it for all the joy my dog brought while he was living.  He gave so much, and asked so little.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2006, 07:26:24 PM »
I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it...
Same here, though I've not yet had to travel that path.  Someday not to far off though, since one of my cats is getting up their in years (15) and two of the others are no longer young punks (10).
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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2006, 10:04:03 PM »
I'm real close to doing the same thing, my little weiner-spaniel is slipping away from us after 17 years.  She forgets where she is, can't see or hear, and it's obvious her sense of balance is deteriorating.  She has a uterine infection called a pyometra, and the antibiotics just slow it down, they don't eliminate it.  Plus, on some days she spits out the antibiotic from her food, her sense of smell is still good, and therefore refuses her own treatment.  So she sits there and bleeds on the floor every day, a little bit here and there, but we still keep her comfortable and well-fed.  When she decides she's had enough of this world and quits eating and moving about, Papa will bundle her up in her favorite blanket and take her to the vet.  Papa doesn't look forward to that day, but I know it's coming, sooner rather than later.
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

"Never squat with your spurs on!"


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2006, 10:49:29 PM »
I'm sorry. I'll be thinking about you. Sad

Declaration Day

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2006, 05:02:36 AM »
It's done.  

My dad was going to go with me this morning at 10, but I decided to take her in as soon as the vet opened.  I'll spare the details but suffice it to say she was suffering and incoherent.  I should have done it yesterday.

I sat with her in the exam room until the vet came in, but I couldn't stay to watch them euthanize her.

So my dear friend Misha is gone.  Thanks to everyone for the support.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2006, 05:06:57 AM »
Give yourself some time to grieve and then do as we did.  Go to the local Humane society and save another life.  Pick a companion and enjoy many years together.

Declaration Day

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2006, 05:27:52 AM »
Quote from: Lennyjoe
 Go to the local Humane society and save another life.  Pick a companion and enjoy many years together.
This is particularly easy for me, as my dad and stepmom run a dog rescue!


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2006, 01:21:26 AM »
Holding out ok? I still get teary thinking about my old dawg and she was killed..sheesh..8 years ago now, I think.

She was one good old dog.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2006, 05:37:38 AM »
You have my sympathies. I remember every dog I've ever had.

There's a comment that I can only paraphrase.  " When you die, and go to that other place, if your dog isn't there, you're not in Heaven."



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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2006, 09:42:16 AM »
Lost Pet Poem

I stood by your bed last night. I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying. You found it hard to sleep.

I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here"

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.

I was with you at the shops today. Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today. You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you, that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me".

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.

It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away".

You sat very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew&
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is over&I smile and watch you yawning and say
"Goodnight, God Bless, I'll see you in the morning".

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand side by side.

I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out&then come home to be with me.

Author Unknown
Well, if you have the sudden urge to lick your balls you'll know you got the veterinary version... K Frame

Robert Sears

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2006, 09:58:54 AM »
  Know in your heart that you have done the right thing. Our pets look to us for all things. We are their master here on Earth and they give us unconditional love. I have had to do what you have done to my best friend in 2001,July 4th has and never will be the same.



You're giving me a special gift,
so sorrowfully endowed,
and though these last few cherished days,
your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
when your best friend is in pain,
and understanding earthly acts
will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic that will
once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
is why I look to you today,
to do this thing that must be done,
for it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
and chose you as my friend,
and why I've loved you all these years&
my partner till the end.

Please, understand just what this gift
you're giving, means to me,
it gives me back the strength I've lost,
and all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
for that is what friends do.
and know that what you do is right,
for I believe it, too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
and through your hand I feel,
the courage that's within you,
to grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
dear friend, and let me run,
once more strong and steady,
my pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
for I won't be far away,
forever here, within your heart,
and memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
your ever faithful friend,
and in your memories I'll run,
& a young dog once again.


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2006, 10:43:46 PM »
I put my choc lab down 6-23-04.  One of my favorite memories of her was as I was walking her around the vet's lawn waiting for the signal, she took a crap on his lawn.  I broke out in the biggest smile through the tears.  One last "attagirl, f- that guy."  I stayed for the actual injection, it was kind of smooth, as well as could be expected I guess.  I took a long hike back in the woods afterwards, a little fishing trip to clear my head, carved her initials and the date into an ancient sycamore.  I have her collar hanging around the antlers of the first buck I ever killed.  I still get a little twinge every time I see a chocolate lab pup pouncing around somewhere.  It's a rough game, but it's a game that has to be played.



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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2006, 11:51:46 PM »
I'm going to be facing that task before too much longer. My folk's Boxer is about 14 years old and slowly fading. She is the last link to my folks. It will be a long, hard drive to the vet's when that day comes.

You have my most sincere sympathies for your loss.

Declaration Day

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2006, 05:23:13 AM »
Quote from: Fianna Faíl
My folk's Boxer is about 14 years old and slowly fading. She is the last link to my folks.
Thisis what made it so hard to put Misha down.  She was a link to my late mother.

BTW we are going to a shelter today to see if we can save a dog!


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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2006, 08:05:08 AM »
My ex kept the dog when we divorced.  Now I've moved 1500 miles away. It breaks my heart but it was the right decision for him to keep her.  I tried visiting the dog for the first year that we were apart, but it just made everything harder, so I stopped.

Can't wait to buy a house to get another dog.
Experiment with a chemist!

Old Dog

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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2006, 08:03:18 PM »
My condolences.  I had to have my best friend, the original Old Dog, who was a wonderful German Shepherd, 14 years old, hands-down the best dog I've ever had, put down last year -- the day after the Super Bowl.  He'd been sick the few days before the game, but hung on and watched the Super Bowl with me, laying across my feet as he always did ... (he was rootin' for the Patriots, of course).

I know how hard it was.  We have a great vet's office though; they let my wife and I spend a full hour in the room saying goodbye to him before the doc came in with the needle.  He died in our arms while we cried like babies.  The doc sent us a nice card expressing sympathy a couple days later.
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Putting my dog down tomorrow
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2006, 06:49:25 PM »
I'll admit how hard it is - and I am not a dog guy to the extent many of you are.

1973 - we got the fella as a pup - but as he grew he got less than pleasant.  He was IIRC top dog of the litter.

Well - things went downhill and he was still not long an adult dog - but after a second bite at a postman - it was time to do the evil deed - options were over.  

Despite the fact that he was difficult to catch to take to the vet - trying to bite - I took him along and stayed while ''things'' were done.  Dammit - I cracked right up and for a while after.  Worst perhaps was putting down such a young dog - barely started his life.

This is something tho which we all face - maybe 12, 13, 14 years and then we have to do what is right and fair but - done out of love it is right and proper.  Best way is to treasure the times gone - but try and come to terms.  Emphasize. ''try''.
Chris - P95
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